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Menu and Keystroke Configurator


This essay does not describe an existing computer program, just one that should exist. This essay is about a suggested student project in Java programming. This essay gives a rough overview of how it might work. I have no source, object, specifications, file layouts or anything else useful to implementing this project. Everything I have prepared to help you is right here.

This project outline is not like the artificial, tidy little problems you are spoon-fed in school, when all the facts you need are included, nothing extraneous is mentioned, the answer is fully specified, along with hints to nudge you toward a single expected canonical solution. This project is much more like the real world of messy problems where it is up to you to fully the define the end point, or a series of ever more difficult versions of this project and research the information yourself to solve them.

Everything I have to say to help you with this project is written below. I am not prepared to help you implement it; or give you any additional materials. I have too many other projects of my own.

Though I am a programmer by profession, I don’t do people’s homework for them. That just robs them of an education.

You have my full permission to implement this project in any way you please and to keep all the profits from your endeavour.

Please do not email me about this project without reading the disclaimer above.


The big advance of Windows over DOS (Disk Operating System) was not the GUI (Graphic User Interface) or the mouse, but CUA (Common User Access), the Common User Interface. To a very large extent, all Windows programs work the same way. This makes learning easier and switching from app to app easier. However, in Windows, though the mouse actions were standardised, the keystrokes were left in chaos. In Java and KDE (K Desktop Environment) there is even greater chaos.

I propose imposing a standard on them too and implementing it first as part of Java, or as part of Linux KDE to leapfrog past Windows in ease of use. The beauty of my idea is it does not impose any particular menu or keystroke assignment structure on anyone, not even the end user. I propose both greater order and greater freedom to easily configure things just the way you want, either globablly or on a per app basis using a standard set of tools.

I want menus globally configurable so the layout is almost the same in every program, so that FIND is on the same position in every program and accessible with the same accelerator keystroke. I don’t want to have to configure every program separately. I want to configure how I like my menus and accelerators once and for all and be done with it.

Here is how it works.


What sorts of file would you need to manage a global keystroke and menu reconfiguring scheme? These are not necessarily flat files. The menu management must be able to get at them easily. Perhaps they could be stored used the Configuration api.


Global list of possible functions that may be supported in any program, either by keystroke or menu. There is only one such file per user. It would have, at a minimum, a list of all possible functions that can be globally configured for all applications. The list need not be complete, e. g.
Save All
Close All
Search Back
Replace Back
Go To
Upper Case
Lower Case
Book Title Case
Tile Vertical
Tile Horizontal
Horizontal Split
Vertical Split
This list could come from three possible sources:


List of standard functions plus additional functions actually supported by a given app. There would be one such file per app, e. g.
Quiet Toggle
Not every function need be listed, however, if it is not listed, it can be reconfigured. Ideally you want every function to be configurable as to possition and whether it even appears at all.


List of function key associations globally applicable unless overridden. There is only one such file per user.
F3=Search,Whazmotron ; Whazmotron search technique


List of function key associations for a particular application. They override the global defaults if a keystroke appears in both lists. There is only one such file per application.
Alt-F9=Go To
Ctrl-Q=Quiet Toggle


Your globally specified preferred default menu structure, describes menu structure, Alt-style keystroke accelerators and tooltip (bubble/hover) help. There is only one such file per user.

File/&Open=Open a file
File/&Save=Save the current file

app is a magic keyword that tells where you want the app specific menu commands to squeeze in. Similarly app/ shows where you want the app specific stuff to squeeze in on the menu bar.

This will be merged with the list of supported app functions and the MenuAssociation overrides for the apps to create the actual menu. It is thus not an error to specify function that the app does not support.

The symbols =, & and / are permitted in the tooltip help. & has reserved meaning in the menu to specify the accelerator key.

The app itself still has the ability to hide and reveal menu items, using only their function names. It would not usually dynamically build a menu.


Provided by the writer of the application. This is the default menu layout he suggests. If you provide no global or specific overrides, this is what you will get. Items appearing in the global menu will be moved to new places. Non-standard columns will fit in the /app section of the menu. The suggested default may use menu headers from the global pattern such as File and Help.


Your overrides for a specific app to describe the menu structure, Alt-style keystroke accelerators and tooltip (bubble/hover) help. It is merged with information from the global .MenuAssociations and the apps .PossibleFunctions file to create the actual menu structure. It is thus not an error to specify function that the app does not support. Further, you don’t have to put every function the app supports on the menu. However, if you don’t specify a given supported function, that function won’t be accessible, e. g.
Document/&Tabs=tab settings
Document/Margin=margins around the document


This scheme I have described does not handle languages other than English. You want the application programmer to have to deal only with English (or her native language), with the ability to add arbitrary languages simply by manipulating these configuration files.

Let us assume we want to support French, as well. The .MenuAssociations file and .KeystrokeAssociations files would be written entirely in French. The .PossibleFunctions files would be extended like this:



The actual files would be case-sensitive, though the tools to manipulate them might be case-insensitive.

The tools to manipulate these files would be fully generic. The end user thus has only one configuring tool to learn, not one per app. You could also manipulate them with a text editor very easily.

The tools to modify the .PossibleFunctions files would not normally be employed by end users.

Tools would have a way of restoring you to a default factory default.

Because the file formats are so simple, it would a trivial matter to write a set of tools, with any degree of whiz-bang you wanted.

The tools warn you of conflicts between global and local settings and help you resolve them. They also detect accelerator conflicts. They would remove ordering errors, collecting together duplicate entries for the same menu column. They would warn you when you had inaccessible functions, or a keystroke or menu item associated with more than one function.

Note that the scheme can also specify 3 or even 4 level menus. These may be implemented as multiple toolbars for very large menus. The run-time engine itself would be quite robust. It would carry on no matter what a mess the configuration files were in.

Using the Scheme From Java

Here is how you might use the global keystroke and menu configuration files in a Java application or Applet:

This is considerably simpler than building the menus item by item programmatically, and, of course, much more flexible.

Security Issues

You would want this scheme to work with Applets as well. You would want users to be able to configure Applets, just like Applications. This means somehow getting the default definition files onto the local hard disk, ideally without a signed Applet. They would be like cookies, an exception to the no-write rule.

There are a ton of little files to manage, one set for each user for each app. You want to be able to borrow configuration files with read-only access from other users. I have not tackled the issue of how you would name all these files to track them. You also need master factory default files and master default files for various languages. A user might even want to maintain some alternates for a given app, e.g. a stripped down version where it is easier to find stuff and a full version.

Loose Ends

The accelerator keystrokes must be filtered out so that the KeyListeners never see them. They must be app wide, no matter which Component currently has focus. This requires hooking into the AWT (Advanced Windowing Toolkit).

It may be difficult to remap keys like Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V and Ctrl-X which may be handled specially.

I have not described how pluggable search/replace algorithms could work that would be sufficiently general to work in a spreadsheet, database or word processing program. It would not directly touch data. It would be more of a state machine that did its work via methods of a delegate object passed to it.

I have not described how you would configure the pluggable scrolling algorithm, or define the various mouse and keystroke options to control it. This might be a class with a few replacement components for some of the scrollable AWT/Swing components, such as TextArea.

An app may regenerate the menu from scratch during its lifetime. This would allow it to have more than one menu structure, e.g. for different phases of the app. It would also allow the app to manipulate the configuring text files directly, usually to select from one of a set of canned configurations, e.g. Brief vs Epsilon vs CUA emulation.

Should there be so many separate files, or should they be combined into fewer? The advantage of separate files are:

  1. Simpler tools (which might encourage an earlier implementation).
  2. Fine control of read/write access using the file system.
  3. More robust if people start manually editing it since the format is simpler and damage to a file is confined to one file.
  4. It is easier to add new languages, just add new files. There is no need to merge the data.
  5. RAM (Random Access Memory) usage is slightly more efficient since you never load data, for other languages, you don’t currently use.
The advantages of combined files are:
  1. greater speed
  2. fewer files to manage manually.
  3. Less confusion trying to guess which files are the ones you manually want to configure or view.
The decision which way to go should probably go to the first implementor. Tools should optionally remove entries from the app configs that duplicate the global settings. That way changes to the global settings will be automatically reflected in the apps.

How should it come pre-configured out the box? I would hope there would develop some named schools of thought on that and you could try the entire configuration suite with a single tool menu change to get a reasonably pleasing starting point before you did your fine tuning.

I find I cannot type without visual feedback. Secret passwords you type blind drive me nuts. As soon as the feedback disappears I go numb and just cannot type worth a bean. So, I would like the hiddenness of passwords to be configurable. I want them visible when I type. The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) has no interest in me. I have heard there are ways of doing them so that snoops have great difficultly picking up the monitor radiation, but they are still visible.

Key bindings really needs to happen globally, including non-Java apps, so perhaps it makes no sense to try for a Java-only implementation, other than as a proof of concept. The application programmer’s interface should allow for the possibility this scheme will later be implemented at the OS (Operating System) rather than the Java level. It should work through methods, rather than playing with configuration files directly.

There also needs to be mechanisms for particular applications to request that they get no translation of keystrokes (or a particular one) and to query what those translations currently are.

Whatever mechanism is used, it must live in the privileged sphere, requiring user ok. Remapping the spacebar to Undo would drive many people round the bend!

What Is Important?

Don’t take any of the implementation details too seriously. You will soon know far more about this project than I when you get into implementing it. The four things I consider most important are:
  1. The user should have an easy way to move a menu item to a consistent place on every app.
  2. The user should have an easy way to change the accelerators in all programs so they are consistent.
  3. The user should have a way to override my general menu/accelerator scheme for a particular app, including the menu items that occur only in it and nowhere else.
  4. Apps should work whether the user configures all the menu items or not. The user should just have to configure the menu items he finds irksome, not the whole thing. Individual Apps should provide a default menu structure. There should be default general menu structure.


I have been bitching about this issue since DOS days. I have a history of building what I think are better mousetraps then finding that almost no one is willing to even investigate them.

I think acceptance would be much greater if this if implementing this were more of a team effort.

Happily, Sun (Hans.Muller@Eng.Sun.COM and Scott.Violet@Eng.Sun.COM) has already started some

Learning More

Oracle’s Technetwork work

in this direction. After an ice age, evolution can again progress.

David Alex Lamb of Queen’s Univerity in Kingston Ontario Canada has been doing some work on the problem. he suggests a scheme of search path of files and resources to find the menu and keystroke accelerator configuration information…

The KDE people are working on an implementation for Linux. Perhaps other OS es will follow their pattern and eventually Java will have a platform-independent hook for this in-future-common OS feature.

MS Vista Function Key suggestions

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