package com.mindprod.htmlmacros;

 * Expands HTML boilerplate refresher macros
 * that simply include from another file e.g.
 * <!-- macro Include dogs.txt -->
 * <!-- generated by macro Include -->
 * <img src="images/animals/dog.jpg" height="410" width="511" alt="dog">
 * <!-- /generated by macro Include -->
 * It is not this classes's duty to create the generated and /generated
 * comment tags, just the material between them.
public class Include implements Macro

   * Generate macro expansion for Include macro
   * @param parms parsed params for the macro,
   * usually alternating field name and value,
   * in this case just "filename".
   * @return expanded text
   public String expand ( String[] parms )
      if ( parms.length != 1 )
         throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "macrosyntaxerror:try<!--macroIncludefile.txt-->" );
      String fromFile = parms[0];
         return HunkIO.readEntireFile ( fromFile ) ;
      catch ( IOException e )
         return "error:unabletofindfile" + fromFile + "toinclude.";
   // end expand
// end Include