<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- -remove- = remove this item or section -->
<!-- -keep- = keep this value from the old PAD, or if none create an empty field -->
<!-- -clear- = make this field empty -->
<!-- -copy fieldnameWithoutAngleBrackets- = copy from field in old pad -->
<!-- some value = override the value in the old PAD, or if none, set to this value -->
<!-- leave empty = same as -clear- -->
<!-- leave out entirely = same as -remove- -->
    <MASTER_PAD_INFO>Portable Application Description, or PAD(TM) 2004 Association of Software Professionals (ASP)http://www.asp-shareware.org/pad is a data set standard and specification that is commercialsoftware publishers to disseminate certified information about their software application. The PAD format is copyright of the ASP and cannot be used without the formal licensing and permission of both the Association of Software Professionals and its agent AppVisor.com.</MASTER_PAD_INFO>
    <!-- used for push-style automated submission -->
    <Search_String>-copy Program_Name-</Search_String>
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    <Search_Engine_Search_String>-copy Program_Name-</Search_Engine_Search_String>
    <Web_Directories_Search_String>-copy Program_Name-</Web_Directories_Search_String>
    <Company_Description>Canadian Mind Products</Company_Description>

    <Company_Name>Canadian Mind Products</Company_Name>
    <Zip_Postal_Code>V8T 4G8</Zip_Postal_Code>
    <Address_1>#101 - 2536 Wark Street</Address_1>
    <Address_2>Quadra Village</Address_2>
      <Sales_Phone>(250) 361-9093</Sales_Phone>
      <Support_Phone>(250) 361-9093</Support_Phone>
      <General_Phone>(250) 361-9093</General_Phone>
      <Char_Desc_80>Safely converts ampersands to !amp; entities</Char_Desc_80>
  <!-- only needed if you you use companies to collect money for you. -->
    <!-- only needed if you publish an RSS feed, common to all PADs -->
    <NewsFeed_DESCRIPTION>Describes a newsfeed corresponding to a PAD.</NewsFeed_DESCRIPTION>
    <NewsFeed_Type>RSS 2.0</NewsFeed_Type>
    <NewsFeed_Title>Canadian Mind Products | Java Glossary</NewsFeed_Title>
    <NewsFeed_Description_70>Glossary of Java terms, sample Java code, Java and Internet lore.</NewsFeed_Description_70>
    <NewsFeed_Description_250>Glossary of Java terms, sample Java code, and general Java and Internet lore.
For non-military use only.
News about updates of free software with full source written in Java, C, C++ and ASM.
Also coding example programs and coding snippets.</NewsFeed_Description_250>
    <NewsFeed_Site_Name>Canadian Mind Products</NewsFeed_Site_Name>
    <!-- describes site as a whole, common to all PADs -->
    <Site_DESCRIPTION>This PAD extension allows you to add your site info into your PAD file.
This info can be used by site submission software or by web directories themselves.</Site_DESCRIPTION>
    <Site_Site_Title>Canadian Mind Products</Site_Site_Title>
    <Site_Keywords>Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products, Java Glossary, Computer Buyers' Glossary, Gay Glossary, Java, glossary, gay, roedy, CMP, Consolidated Moose Pasture, terminology</Site_Keywords>
    <Site_Description_100>CMP's purpose is to stand up for the rights of plants and animals.  Java, Computer Buyer glossaries.</Site_Description_100>
    <Site_Description_250>CMP's purpose is to stand up for the rights of plants and animals. Animals also includes cetacea, humans, gay people, atheists, war victims and invertebrates. CMP attempts to inculcate planetary consciousness - concern for the planet as a whole.</Site_Description_250>
    <Site_Description_450>CMP's purpose is to stand up for the rights of plants and animals. Animals also includes cetacea, humans, gay people, atheists, war victims and invertebrates. CMP attempts to inculcate planetary consciousness - concern for the planet as a whole. A subgoal is to teach people to use computers effectively, particularly with the Java computer language.</Site_Description_450>

   <!-- only needed if you have a press release -->
  <!-- dynamic pad means customising the PAD for each PADSite with PHP script -->