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Bible Quotes

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Quotations are selected from this pool (and other quotation pools) in a pseudorandom way every hour and inserted at the top and bottom of some of the major pages on this website. Feel free to copy any of these quotes and paste them for whatever purpose you please, including on your own website, blog, social media page or forum debate posts.

Alternate Name For the Bible

The Goat-herder’s Guide to the Universe

~ Seth Andrews (1968-04-12 age:50)

Improving the Bible

How much better the world would be if the first four words of the bible were once upon a time.

~ J.T. Eberdard

Love In The Bible

I read every page of the bible. I did not find enough love to fill a salt shaker.

~ Ruth Hurmence Green (1915-01-12 1981-07-07 age:66) Author of The Born Again Skeptic’s Guide To The Bible

Unmasking the Bible

All that is necessary, as it seems to me, to convince any reasonable person that the Bible is simply and purely of human invention — of barbarian invention — is to read it. Read it as you would any other book; think of it as you would of any other; get the bandage of reverence from your eyes; drive from your heart the phantom of fear; push from the throne of your brain the cowled form of superstition — then read the Holy Bible, and you will be amazed that you ever, for one moment, supposed a being of infinite wisdom, goodness and purity, to be the author of such ignorance and of such atrocity.

~ Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-08-11 1899-07-21 age:65)

Read the Damn Bible

Take some time and put the bible on your summer reading list. Try and stick with it cover to cover. Not because it teaches history; we’ve shown you it doesn’t. Read it because you’ll see for yourself what the bible is all about. It sure isn’t great literature. If it were published as fiction, no reviewer would give it a passing grade. There are some vivid scenes and some quotable phrases, but there’s no plot, no structure, there’s a tremendous amount of filler, and the characters are painfully one-dimensional. Whatever you do, don’t read the bible for a moral code: it advocates prejudice, cruelty, superstition, and murder. Read it because: we need more atheists — and nothin’ will get you there faster than readin’ the damn bible.

~ Penn Jillette (1955-03-05 age:63)


Any kindergarten student could have come up with a better version of the creation of the animals in Genesis than its author did.

~ PZ Meyers (1957-03-09 age:61)

The Bible is Wrong

Even if God is real, the bible is still wrong.

~ Aron Ra (pronounced R.N. Raw) (née L. Aron Nelson) (1962-10-15 age:55)

Reliability of the Bible

The bible is absolutely wrong about absolutely everything.

~ Aron Ra (pronounced R.N. Raw) (née L. Aron Nelson) (1962-10-15 age:55)

Abandoning Christianity

If you read the bible cover to cover, (which surely everyone should do if they think there is the remotest chance it was written by the creator of the universe), if you read about bible scholarship and archaeology, it becomes clear the bible is a work of fiction, perhaps intended all along as merely an allegory. Yet there are still over a billion Christians in the world. Why?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Absurd Creator

Let’s say there were a creator. Why such an absurd creator, an old man, a peeping Tom in the clouds, someone fanatically partial to Jews, someone insanely vain and jealous? Come on. Get serious! A creator would not be so petty, sadistic and totally ignorant of how the universe works. He would have far more on his mind that just planet earth and one species. If he wanted us to behave in a special way, he would have given us something 1000 times the quality of the bible, something clearly his genuine handiwork and he would have showed up for questions periodically.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Absurd Gullibility

Christians are such infuriating people. They claim to believe such BS. It feels like they must be lying just to annoy sane people. They refuse to even acknowledge that what they believe is absurd.

Christians may claim the bible is evidence. It is the third-hand accounts of written almost a century later by people who did not even observe the alleged events. That is not evidence. Hearsay is not evidence. This is like trusting third-hand accounts of alien abduction. It is crazy!

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Absurd Religion

It is utterly absurd that Christianity lives on to the modern day. It was the local religion of a tiny tribe of primitive Israelites. The religion has been kept alive by endless lies, deliberate ignoring and bluster. If modern day Christians read the bible cover to cover, they would feel ashamed they ever claimed to be Christian.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Absurd Yahweh Faith

When Christians ask Do you believe in god? what they really mean is Do you believe the bible is true? The god of the Christians, to my way of thinking is less probable than Bugs Bunny as creator of the universe. Yahweh is just too silly for words. Christians could not possibly have read their own bible from cover to cover, or this would be obvious to them too.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Abused Children

Christians, like abused children, tell themselves lies about their parents. They wish their parents were kind and caring, so they pretend they are. If Christians read the bible cover to cover, they discover Yahweh commits torture and genocide. He is capricious, merciless and sadistic, but Christians pretend Yahweh is infinitely merciful and kind, even though he ignores every one of their desperate prayers, despite his promises to answer them. Further, when they read the bible cover to cover, they discover it is full of thousands of contradictions. Clearly the bible is not the work of a single author, much less god, but they pretend not to notice. Lying to yourself is the core feature of Christianity.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Adam and Eve

St. Augustine said that Adam and Eve was just a myth.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Addicted to Crazy Notions

Christians are addicted to certain ideas being true. They feel pain when presented with evidence they are untrue. The late Ken Keyes developed a general technology for getting rid of addictions. One technique is called partitioning. You break an addiction into its component parts and work on each piece separately. I suggest splitting the overarching addiction into the following pieces:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Christians have a strange habit of using one set of criteria for evaluating the reliability of the bible and a totally different set for evaluating any other book. They are ga-ga naïve about believing the bible without any evidence at all. They just want it so badly to be true, they ignore the mountain of evidence it is not, and ignore the complete lack of evidence it is.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

AI (Artificial Intelligence) on the Bible

At some point neural nets will study all the ancient documents related to the bible. If all goes well they might produce:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Almost Nobody Goes to Heaven

Christians have so many picky rules that almost nobody would go to heaven. They even say in Revelation 7:3-4 that only 144,000 male virgins will go. That leaves almost everyone out. You would think that the natural human propensity for wishful thinking alone would lead Christians to discard this extortionist religion.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Amazing Bible

To the Christian, all that in known, all that is important, all that is beautiful is contained within the pages of the bible. To the scientist, all that is known, all that is important, all that is beautiful cannot begin to be contained within all the libraries in all the cities of the world. It spills over onto the computers on the Internet. A torrent of new information pours in every day. It should be obvious what a paltry view of the universe the bible offers.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

America Was Founded By Atheists

During the revolutionary war and the years following, upwards of 90% of Americans did not belong to a church.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) sources: Anti-Intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter and The Vineyard of Liberty by James MacGregor Burns. Modern day bible thumpers dishonestly claim this generation were all church-going Christians.


Besides the many errors and inconsistencies in the bible, there are also many anachronisms. These are not obvious to the lay reader. One, for example, is the term rabbi did not come into use until a century after Jesus died, so nobody would have been addressing Jesus as rabbi. The Case Against The Case Against For Christ click to watch

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Animal Sacrifice

The bible goes on for pages and pages about human and animal sacrifice and Yahweh punishing people for failing to do it properly. The central ceremony in Christianity is human sacrifice and ritual cannibalism. Clinging to this ancient barbaric religion makes as much sense as worshiping Moloch or following the rituals of the cult of the cave bear.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Ann Landers God

Many Christians have told me, with a straight face, that god (Yahweh or Jesus), takes many minutes out of his busy schedule each day and directs his attention to give them some Ann Landers style advice on life decisions usually delivering his wisdom in the form of a disembodied voice or a voice in their head.

I am highly skeptical. Why?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Anti-Counterfeit Measures

Governments put anti-counterfeit measures in the currency. You’d think Yahweh, would have inserted a few anti-counterfeit measure to establish the authenticity of his bible. But there are none. The bible could easily be counterfeited even with technology 4000 years old. Yahweh surely understood checksums and digital signatures. He could have written his bible in the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) of everyone for later confirmation. He could at least have engraved it on tablets of a metal yet to be discovered and seen to their preservation. He could have made it possible to detect if text had been added, changed or removed, perhaps not by shepherds, but certainly by today’s scientists. You think he could have added some texts that would mean nothing to shepherds, but would make sense to later people’s to help establish the book’s, but he didn’t. To me, the most logical explanation is the book is a forgery. It was written by ordinary humans putting words a the mouth of a deity. There is nothing about it that suggests it was composed by anyone other than people of 4000 years ago.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Anti-Feminist Bible Verses

The strongly anti-feminist verses of the bible were introduced in about 200 to 300 AD. Bart D. Ehrman click to watch

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Antique Car Club

Imagine there were a club that collected automotive blueprints and owners’ manuals from the 1800s. Because these documents were so old, they believed they were truer than any such documents written today, even for repairing modern cars. There were experts who interpreted these documents to explain how they predicted, in complete detail, computer-controlled ignition and regenerative braking. They remind me of bible scholars.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Why is the bible so pro-Roman and so anti-Semitic? At the time the Jewish rebellions were being brutally squashed by the Romans. You would think early Christians would be fiercely anti-Roman.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Apologists are biblical lawyers paid to defend the errors and inconsistencies in the bible claiming the bible has no flaws of any kind. Their arguments do not have to be persuasive to atheists or other non-bible believers. They are aimed at believers having doubts, looking for a life ring to cling to. They want desperately to believe. Therefore the arguments can be filled with logical fallacies and other flaws. They can be extremely far fetched. Like O.J.’s lawyers, they are permitted to lie and speculate wildly. The believers are generally poorly educated, with no grasp of logical reasoning, without skepticism so the most pathetic arguments will do.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Apostles did not Write the Bible

Because of the similarity in gospel names to disciple names, most Christians think the new testament was written by eye-witness disciples. In actuality they were written 50 years to a century later by anonymous people. Much later, editors named the gospels after the apostles, who were long dead. The gospels were not even written in Aramaic, Jesus’ language.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Appeal of the Absurd

Atheists vainly try to convince Christians to drop their religion by pointing out how absurd, illogical and impossible it is. What they forget is the impossible, absurd, illogical miracles claimed in the bible were the key features in selling it to them in the first place. Without the claim of miracles in the deep past, Christianity would be just a rather boring club. Christians, unlike mathematicians find absurdity charming not fatal.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Appeal Of Christianity

If you are a Christian, you can dip into your bible and find Yahweh commanding every crime imaginable, including killing and raping children. You can absolve yourself of responsibility and pretend something you cherry picked from this accursed book commanded you to do indulge your dark side. If you can’t find your desire listed, sin away, then confess and ask for forgiveness and the crime will be magically undone. Of course this is nonsense. It does not help the victim one iota.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Arguments for God

All the arguments I have heard for the existence of god apply equally well to Allah, Ganesh, Zeus, Manjushri … Yet Christians are 110% sure Yahweh exists and 110% sure none of the other gods do. They never present any arguments to support that or talk about how they came to that conclusion. From where I stand, I looks as though Christians believe in Yahweh, and unquestioningly disbelieve in the other gods simply because their parents did. It is similar to the way people align themselves with the home town hockey team. To me, it seems strange they can be so certain without reading either the bible or the other holy books, cover to cover.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Assuming the Superiority of the Bible

Christians quote the bible and claim that settles any argument. But if someone quotes another holy book in rebuttal, they dismiss that argument. They just assume their book is inerrant and everyone else’s is dead wrong without any evidence to support such a conceited contention.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Atheists Know the Bible Best

Pew Research tested people on religious facts. They discovered atheists and agnostics scored best and Catholics worst. Why is that? The main reason is studying religion and reading the bible causes atheism. You can’t help but notice what trash the bible is when you read it cover to cover. It becomes clear it could not possibly be the work of a deity incapable of error. The other reason is Catholics are taught it is wicked to learn anything about any other religion.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Atheists Know More

When people are tested about their knowledge of science and religion, it turns out atheists know more about science and also about religion than any religious group. This may seem an anomaly. However, atheists commonly say that they became atheist after studying the bible. Christians rarely read it. Christians treat the bible like one of those online software agreements. They scroll to the bottom and click I agree without any idea of what they just signed on to. In addition, Christians studiously avoid learning anything about any other religions, even Christianity’ sister religions, Judaism, Islam and Mormonism that also worship Yahweh.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Atheists Read the Bible

I have never met an atheist who criticised Christianity without first reading the bible and studying Christian beliefs, customs and history. Yet most Christians will arrogantly dismiss physics, chemistry, biology, evolution, geology, climatology and cosmology with less understanding than a child in elementary school.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Attributes of a Real Bible

If the bible were genuinely the work of a deity you would expect:

Yet we don’t have any of this. The most logical explanation in that the bible was written by ordinary humans, just like all the other holy books of other religions, and fobbed off as the work of a deity. It has all the hallmarks of being written by rather incompetent, ignorant humans. It has not the least odour of the supernatural. In short, it is a blatant counterfeit. That is obvious to anyone who is not desperately wishing it were genuine.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Author of the Bible

How could you have no doubt that the bible was written by god, when nobody has ever offered any evidence that it was?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Authors Of The Bible

If you grit your teeth and read the bible cover to cover, you will discover it is the most boring book you have ever read. It is crawling with errors and inconsistencies. The quality is appalling, even by human standards. God is depicted as far sicker than Hitler. How could it possibly have been written by Yahweh? To claim this dreck was the creator’s work is a smack in the face to the creator of the universe.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Authors of the Bible

There is nothing about the bible that suggests it was written by other than a group of ordinary humans. If someone were to present an ancient document and claim it was a lost part of the bible, we would dismiss it not because the words were insufficiently supernatural, but because it did not carbon date to the right time.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Babies in Hell

The bible is quite clear, babies are born sinners. If they die before they are old enough to accept and understand Jesus, they are doomed to hell for eternity. Ditto if their parents are not Christian. What kind of pervert supports a religion with such a sick teaching?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) Dr. David Silverman: babies in hell click to watch

Bad God

The bible describes an incredibly evil god. Let’s say an omnibenevolent god exists. He would not permit lies to be written about him. But the bible exists. So this benevolent god could not exist.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Banning Oysters

If a religious person finds something personally disgusting, he believes he has the right to ban it for everyone, even if according to logic it is harmless, or even if he is never personally exposed to it. I am surprised there are not more Christians championing a ban on eating raw oysters, especially since their bible forbids it on pain of death and because many people find them gross.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bearing False Witness

It is really thick when Christians accuse all the scientists of the world of giant conspiracy theories involving discrediting the bible (which scientists have little interest in) or climate change all without a spec of evidence or plausibility. It is really thick Christians accusing others of lies when their own BS, even Jesus and his fabrications about ultimate truth, are pure speculation.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

To Believe All, You Must Read All

All the time Christians profess I believe every word of the bible. Yet how could they do that when they have not even read it once cover to cover?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Believing the Entire Bible

When Christians claim they believe everything in the bible, they have not even read it. They are casually ticking the box as they do software terms and conditions. They don’t really believe they are obligated to kill their children for lack of respect, surely. They don’t plot to stone Richard Simmons to death, surely. He was on Oprah!

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Believing Everything

There are some gullible people who believe absolutely everything they read on the Internet. There are some gullible people who believe absolutely everything they read in the bible. Who are the bigger fools? Consider that archaeologists, historians and scientists have gone over the bible and its claims with a fine tooth comb. They discovered that nearly all of it is false and there is almost no evidence that any of it is literally true. On the other hand, nobody has checked out everything on the Internet, but you can still find a ton of reliable information out there if you are careful. Most of the time what you read on the Internet is true. Most of the time what you read in the bible is false.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

A Better List of Commandments

Any ten year old could come up with a better list of ten commandments than exist in the bible. He would simply be incorporating the consensus of his contemporary society, not a society of goat herders in the iron age. You don’t need a god to provide law or moral values. Further, god-provided laws are actually liar-provided laws. The liars conned people into accepting the laws with divine threats. Christians believe this is true about every religion but their own. I see no reason to treat Christianity as the sole exception.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


If you want to learn about a drug, where would you get more unbiased information? from a doctor or a user? If you wanted to learn about a cult, where would you get more unbiased information? from a cult researcher or a cult member? If you wanted to learn about the history behind the bible, where would you get more unbiased information? from a historian or a Christian who drank the cool aid who asserts the bible is inerrant despite any evidence past or future?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible = Obsolete Science

The bible contains the science and thinking of 3000 years ago. It contains nothing that was not known or believed at the time. Christians try to tell me the bible is the literal word of god. In other words, they are trying get me to buy the idea that god was ignorant of everything that humans learned in the past 3000 years and god made all the same errors people living 3000 years ago did, e.g. thinking the world was flat and the center of the universe. It seems ever so much more likely that ordinary humans wrote the bible then tried to fob it off as god’s handiwork, consoling themselves that the crime was all for a good cause — attempting to terrify people into behaving well.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Authors Never Met Jesus

Christians refer to Matthew, Luke, John and Mark as eye-witnesses to the life of Jesus, but they never even met him! The apostles did not write the gospels.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Banned

Originally it was a capital offence to read the bible. The church was afraid that if people saw what was in there they would abandon Christianity. Later they discovered that there was no need for this proscription because nobody read other than a few highlights anyway except a few atheists.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Batshit

The bible is not only wrong, it is batshit crazy. Christians claim it was written by god. That means they must think god is addled and batshit crazy. That means they must think the universe makes no sense either. The bible was written by bungling humans who were atrociously sloppy writers. This is so obvious if you but read it. How could Christians think otherwise?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Blasphemy

The bible is so badly written, so ambiguous, so meandering, so full of error, so full of inconsistency, so obviously a forgery, that claiming Yahweh the god wrote it should be considered a blasphemy.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Is A Clutter

Christians falsely present their religion as a monolith. It was written by many different people, most effectively anonymous, over a long period of time. Parts of it were discarded and destroyed to hide them from future scholars, by a committee. There is no evidence any god had anything to do with writing any of it. The only evidence is authors making that claim. Anyone making that claim today would be dismissed as mentally ill or a fraud. The bible chapters have wildly differing degrees of preposterousness. Christians might be more amenable to an attack starting with some very small truly loopy feature of the bible, offering them the safety of continuing to believe the rest. Further, the bible itself portrays Yahweh in a very bad light. Surely it cannot be true that he behaved worse than Saddam. That might be another wedge to use.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Bible is a Con Man’s Tool

The bible is a tool to help con men to rip people off — everyone, even the very poor. It is a con polished over the generations. Each generation of victim trains the next to be gullible. The con men have almost nothing to do but shovel in the money. They don’t have to do any selling/conning. The kids come pre-conned. That is what the bible is.

It is ridiculous to argue might also be a ham sandwich or the doodlings of a deity. You damn well know what it was created for. Pretending the bible is the work of the creator of the universe is like coming across a set of safe cracking tools and wondering if perhaps they also have religious function.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Bible is Crap

Very few Christians have read the bible cover to cover. Those that have, discovered the bible is mostly crap and left the faith. Some of the problems are:

Imagine dying and facing Yahweh. He says to you I have a bone to pick with you. How dare you have repeatedly insulted me by claiming I wrote that piece of crap, the bible. You did not even read it cover to cover, and yet you felt confident enough to spit on my name by claiming that counterfeit was my work. Surely that was obvious from even the cherry-picking you did. It was obviously the work of doddering elderly humans not a perfect divine being. What is your excuse? Brain damage? Peer pressure?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Cue

Every time the bible is shown in a video or movie there is special bible music to give you a clue you are supposed to feel awe. It is much like the violin music they use to clue you to feel sad, or the tuba music to take things lightly. I wonder how far the bible would have got without this sound effect to unconsciously suck people into treating its pompous silliness seriously.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Errata

Bible scholars now admit the thousand or so early bibles have hundreds of thousands of errors and inconsistencies. Many of some of the most famous stories about Jesus are in some of these copies but not others. It looks as though scribes felt free the embellish the texts. This means these scholars are giving up the claim that the bible in without error or contradiction. That means the bible is just a fallible, ordinary man-written text. It could not have been composed by Yahweh. Therefore they are tacitly giving up claim of the bible’s divine authority.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Evil

Not only did the bible mandate slavery of peoples from other countries, it still does. Oddly, modern day Christians are brave enough to tell god to get stuffed. If they could only get some backbone over the other evils the bible mandates.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible is Fiction

I am just as sure the bible is fiction as I am that Peter Pan is. I am no more afraid of Yahweh than I am of Captain Hook. I have a huge advantage over Christians. Nobody traumatised me as a child, lying to me that Yahweh (or Captain Hook) was real and would torture me for eternity. Disney’s Hook was far more scary as a fictitious villain than Yahweh. Yahweh was just pretentious and silly. Yahweh is as believable as the sea witch in The Little Mermaid or the great Oz in The Wizard of Oz. He is just so ridiculous and so cartoonish, I find it hard to believe that anyone ever takes it seriously. As deities go, Allah is much scarier and more believable, but Christians pay no attention to him. If Christians first encountered the bible later in life, it would have no hold over them. They would see it for the incompetent forgery it actually is.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Filler

When you read the bible cover to cover, you discover most of it is irrelevant filler. Why would a deity pad his work like a schoolboy who needs to write 1000 words?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Forgery

The bible is a counterfeit. It claims to be the world of god. If you doubt me, get a pair of highlighters. Read the bible cover to cover, marking text that seems likely would have been written by a god in one colour and marking text likely written by a liar posing as god in the other. Leave unmarked text where the classification is not obvious.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Inerrancy

Christians argue from the point of view that the bible trumps everything. It is inerrant. They forget that originally this was only an assumption, a guess. They forgot they acquired this belief this despite mountains of evidence to the contrary that they ignored. They probably acquired it from Mom, when they were too young to be able to evaluate or realise that Mom could be wrong.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Manuscript Differences

In 1707, John Mill (no relation to John Stuart Mill) studied 100 manuscripts of the new testament. He discovered 30,000 significant difference between them. Modern scholars have many more manuscripts to work with. They estimate 400,000 differences. Bart D. Ehrman click to watch

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible as Melodrama

If the Bible were literally true, reality would play out much like the screenplay for an episode of Relic Hunter.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Ninnies

I encounter Christians all the time who assure me the bible contains things it does not or that it does not contain things it does. It is pretty clear they have never read it cover to cover. They are just repeating what others told them. Sometimes they will lie that they have read it. Here is a little quiz to give them to see if they are telling the truth.

  1. What do Yahweh’s farts sound like?
  2. What was the name of the man who killed his daughter as a human sacrifice to Yahweh?
  3. According to the bible, what is the value of π?
  4. Under what conditions may you keep sex slaves?
  5. What are the rules for beating your slaves?
  6. Name three instances of genocide ordered by Yahweh.
  7. What is the penalty for swearing?
  8. What is the bible’s policy on abortion when there is suspected infidelity?
  9. In the bible, who was Barack?
  10. How do you cure leprosy?
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible is No Authority

The bible is not an authority. Why do I say that?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Bible is No Comfort

The bible is far from a comfort. Read it cover to cover. Yahweh is a literal sadist. Read the stories of Job, Abraham and Jephthah. There is no comfort in worrying about being roasted for eternity for insufficient faith or some thought crime. It can only be comforting if the reading is controlled by a third party to limit exposure only the greatest hits.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Bible Is Not Evidence for God

The bible is no more evidence for the existence of god than The Tales of Paul Bunyan is for the reality Paul Bunyan and his blue ox Babe. Everything in it smells of fallible humans.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Bible Is Nuts

The bible is so utterly weird. It makes no sense. It is the ramblings of a lunatic, but Christians somehow pretend not to notice all the whacko parts.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Bible Is Obsolete

Modern day Christians have for all practical purposes declared most of the bible obsolete. Even the most rabid fundamentalists no longer believe or condone the following:

However, they refuse to acknowledge their abandonment or even to create a list of the parts they still keep.

All science in the bible has been shown to be wrong:

We have known about these errors in the bible for centuries. Why are creationists still making such a fuss over evolution and cosmology?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Pans God

I can easily see why Christians are angry at God. The bible depicts him as a sadistic, capricious, uncaring tyrant. He promises everything and delivers nothing. However, there is no reason for atheists to be angry at god. It would be as silly as being angry at the Easter bunny. However, atheists are furious at Christians for abusing children, for lying about science and for blocking action on climate change.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Provenance

Christians trust the anonymous guys who wrote the bible, whom they know nothing about, who wrote fifth hand hearsay, because it would be so nice if what they said were true. They also trust scribes who endlessly recopied the documents not to meddle, even though we know they did.

Would you trust any modern documents created with such ridiculous provenance? That is utterly absurd. You do realise the judge would charge you will contempt of court if you presented such incompetent documents in court.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Racism

The racism of the bible inspired North Americans to butcher the indigenous people as Canaanites and inspired the Boers to butcher he Zulus as Canaanites.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Records

The Christian bible is the best selling book in the world. It is also the book most often given but not wanted. It is also the book most often purchased but never read.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Bible is Repulsive

For the last two thousands years, Christianity has flourished because Christians almost never read the bible cover to cover. The clergy just spooned out tiny parts of it and kept the repulsive remainder under wraps. Using the Internet, atheists are forcing Christians to confront the garbage in the bible that Christians blindly claim to endorse. The Top 10 Reasons Why the Bible is Repulsive click to watch

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Scholars

Christians like to point out that bible scholars believe Jesus was real and that his miracles actually happened. But who are bible scholars? They are rabid Christians who wanted to dedicate their lives to studying Jesus at schools taught by even more rabid Christians. It is rare anyone who has not already firmly made up his mind about Jesus and the bible decides to become a bible scholar.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Science

I have been unable to find even a single sentence in the bible about science that is true. Because it is so consistently wrong, the bible is completely useless for all scientific purposes such as determining the age of the earth or how the variety of animals and plants arose. Here is a sampling of some of the absurdly wrong statements it makes:

We have known about these errors in the bible for centuries. Why are creationists still making such a fuss over evolution and cosmology?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Science

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
~ Matthew 7:16

How many inventions or medicines work based on biblical theory/science? Zero! How many are based on science? millions.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible As The Source of Moral Codes

When Christians claim the bible is their personal moral code or the code of everyone in the country they are telling a whopper. Most of their so-called God-given morality is nowhere mentioned in the bible, such as equality, freedom of religion, avoiding rape, incest, avoiding sex with children and business ethics. Nearly all of the moral instruction in the bible they ignore such as:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Stories For Children

Have you ever made up a story for children? Besides being entertaining, you hope to influence the behaviour of the children. The bible is the same way. People made up its stories hoping to convince people to behave in certain ways. They are just stories. They do not deserve the microscopic analysis we give them.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Bible Is Such Crap

I read the bible cover to cover. It is such crap, even considered as children’s literature. I am absolutely baffled that anyone could mistake it for the work of the creator of the universe. It is so ineptly written, so full of error, so full of ignorance… Christians must imagine the creator of the universe is an incompetent buffoon like Jerry Lewis or Dumb and Dumber. In way they are right. Evolution has an IQ (Intelligence Quotient) of only 1, but nobody claims it penned the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Teachings

If someone reads the bible and believes it, it really messes with their heads. It teaches them that sadism, murder, genocide, child abuse and rape are good. It teaches that eating shrimp and working on Sunday deserve death. If you believe this you became insane — you literally cannot tell right from wrong.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible Trumps All

Every once in while you will run into a smartass academic Christian who claims they found their reality on the rock of the bible, not experience. This is nonsense for five reasons:

  1. All knowledge of the bible comes via ordinary experience. If ordinary experience couldn’t be trusted, then how could knowledge so gleaned about the bible be trusted?
  2. The bible commands hundreds of evil deeds no modern Christian would dream of committing. The smartass ignores those commands too. Obviously, even for him, ordinary experience and ordinary morality is trumping the bible.
  3. The bible was written 3000 years ago. It gives no guidance on how to deal with how the world has changed since then. The best you can do is try to argue by analogy from what was wise 3000 years ago. If our smartass truly ignored experience he would be like a time traveler completely at sea in the modern day. He obviously is not crippled that way. He uses modern electronics just like the rest of us, so he must be acknowledging experience just like the rest of us.
  4. Reality is quite a good foundation, even filtered through our senses. It behaves in a consistent way. Its behaviour is rational. We have even discovered how much of it runs by relatively simple mathematical rules. It is what most other people are using.
  5. Mathematicians will tell you that if there is even the tiniest inconsistency in the foundation postulates, it generates nonsense, where you can prove that any assertion is true. That is the problem with Christianity. The bible is crawling with inconsistencies. It not suitable as a foundation.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Bible Is a Type Of Fairy Tale

If you read fairy tales, you discover they have many common themes and borrow plot elements from each other. They are teaching stories, not literally true. If you study many religions, not just Christianity and Judaism, you will find their stories are constructed the same way. The same plot elements such as virgin birth, resurrection from the dead, being set adrift as an infant on a river… recur many times. This suggests these too are teaching stories, not literally true. Further, since they all claim a mutually exclusive hold on the truth, they can’t be literally true.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible vs The Constitution

Which takes priority, the constitution or the bible in how people should behave? If you say the bible, you don’t believe in democracy or separation of church and state. You are a subversive who believes in theocracy. You are a traitor to your country, even if you refuse to admit it. You just don’t get it that your religion guides what you should do, not what you can demand of others. Just as you got to choose your religion, everyone else gets to chose theirs too.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible vs Qur’an

I read both the bible and the Qur’an cover to cover. The Qur’an is mainly threats of what will happen to you after you are dead if you don’t accept Islam interspersed with hymns to the wonderfulness of Allah. The Old Testament is mainly stories about how Yahweh did dreadful things to people who refused to worship him, or how he set his followers to doing dreadful things. Contrary to popular assumption, the Old Testament is far more blood-thirsty and bat-shit crazy than the Qur’an. What matters most is how adherents cherry pick their holy books for excuses for egregious behaviour.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible vs Qur’an

If I have read both the bible and the Qur’an cover to cover. The bible is 100 times crazier and more violent. Most of the Qur’an is quite reasonable. Thankfully Christians ignore nearly all of the bible, where unfortunately Muslims believe all the Qur’an, even the crazy bits.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible vs Qur’an

Muslims are strongly encouraged to read and memorise their Qur’an, cover to cover. Historically, Christians were not permitted to read the bible at all; only the clergy had the privilege. The church tortured people to death who dared even to publish copies in English. Today, Christians are discouraged from reading the bible cover to cover, presumably because when you do that, you discover the document is absurd, inconsistent and downright evil. Very few Christians have ever read the bible in its entirety. They have only been exposed to a relatively small number of selected readings. This suggests the Muslims have quite a bit more confidence in their holy book than the Christians do.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible vs Qur’an

The Qur’an purports to be an update of the bible, dictated by god. Muslims tell me the text itself is miraculous since the Arabic poetry is better than any other human has ever composed. It has far fewer errors and inconsistencies than the bible. The provenance is much better. In other words, Qur’an can make a better case for being the word of god than the bible can. If you are a Christian, on what grounds do you reject this book without even reading it? We atheists reject your book, the bible, after reading it. You expect far more of us than you do of yourself.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible ≠ God

Most of the trouble Christians have comes from confusing the 3000 year old desert-dwelling savages who wrote the bible with the creator of the universe. The two are so different I am baffled, utterly baffled, how they could possibly confuse the two.

The savages thought the world was flat, that π was 3, that dove blood was the best cure for leprosy, that stars were holes in a crystal canopy. They knew nothing of germs, cells, immune systems, atoms, quarks, Higgs fields, electricity, mathematics, neurons, blood flow… They had a barbaric moral code. They were fiercely chauvinistic. They had no concept of how to write well. They just strung together oral stories and histories higgledy piggledy without any regard for relevance.

In contrast, the creator of the universe would have a complete knowledge of how the universe works. They could do quantum theory, relativity and celestial mechanics in their sleep. They would know science far beyond what we do today. You would never describe them as bungling, petty, vain or partial. Their domain is the entire universe, not some paltry bit of real estate on planet earth.

So it is completely obvious to me that savages wrote the bible, not the creator of the universe. The bible is a forgery.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bible-Writing Scum

The kinds of people who wrote the bible were far from admirable. They believed in human sacrifice. They would bury children in post holes as a sacrifice so that their blood-thirsty god would not knock down the buildings — not that different from the Aztecs. They raped women and killed children in aggressive (first strike) wars. They made war simply for the joy of it or for plunder. They tormented animals. They kept slaves and concubines. They thought the earth was flat, you could fall off and the earth was the center of the universe. They beat children black and blue, often until they died. They believed it was possible to collect, pack and feed 4 million animals from all continents into a boat. Yet a majority of modern day Americans imagine these ignorant barbarians are the latest word in ethical behaviour. They could not possibly have actually read the writings of these thugs.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Bible’s Flaw

The bible has a flaw so overwhelming that it outweighs its every virtue — it purports to be true, but it is not.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biblical Giants

The bible claims that giant humans 10.97 metres (12 yards) tall roamed the earth in recent times. That is simply a lie. There are no bones or fossils of such creatures. Even a humans 9 feet tall have all kinds of health problems. If you increase the height sixfold, the weight goes up 216 times. Such a giant would collapse under its own weight. Further, there is no sign of their tools or homes.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biblical Historical Accuracy

The bible is flat out wrong when it comes to history. According to archaeologists, geologists, astrophysicists…

  1. The bible reports the universe and the earth are 6000 years old. The earth is 4.543 billion years old. The universe is 13.82 billion years old.
  2. The bible reports a global flood and a collapse of all species to two individuals. It could not and did not happen.
  3. There was no Saul or King David. There is no trace of their mighty empires.
  4. There was no captivity in Egypt.
  5. There was no Moses.
  6. There was no exodus. The journey allegedly took 40 years. The journey takes only 3 days by horseback. Not a single shard of pottery, not a single scrap of garbage, not a single goat bone, not a single piece of dried poop could be found from 2 million people allegedly wandering around for 40 years.
  7. The details of when Jesus was born (involving Herod and Cyrenius) conflict.
  8. There was no census at Jesus’ birth.
  9. There was no town of Nazareth for Jesus to grow up in. It was not founded until later.
  10. The Sea of Galilee is a lake. Presumably the person who wrote about it had never been there, just seen it on a map.
  11. None of the 121 historians of Jesus’ time wrote a word about him. Apparently, even his zombie saints miracle, global eclipse and rising from the dead did not impress anyone, even though the historians wrote about other faith healers. The most logical explanation is that Jesus did not exist. The life of Jesus, a fictional account, was composed a century after his alleged death.
  12. The bible is clearly a book of myths similar to the Greek stories about Zeus.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biblical Historical Accuracy

Let’s have a look at the bible’s historical accuracy.

The Egyptians kept scrupulous records in stone, particularly about matters involving the royal family. There is no record of Moses or the two million enslaved Israelites. There is no archaeological evidence of their labour.

Moses reputedly lead two million people around in the desert for 40 years. After two hundred years of searching, archaeologists found not a trace of them. Think how much garbage a city of two million produces each day, much less over 40 years. The journey takes only 3 days by horseback. It is a tall tale.

Though King Saul and King David reputedly reigned over vast empires, there is not even a trace of their kingdoms.

There were 121 historians contemporary with Jesus. Not a one of them ever mentioned Jesus, even in passing. How could it possibly be God coming to earth and performing astounding miracles was too insignificant to note? That is like claiming nobody noticed when David Copperfield made the statue of Liberty disappear.

Every single Christian either never knew or forgot where Jesus’s tomb was. Could you imagine the Communists forgetting where Lenin’s tomb was? The simplest explanation is there never was a tomb.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biblical Inconsistencies

If you assume the bible was written by a number of people and compiled without an editor, all the thousands of inconsistencies can be excused as honest mistakes. The errors are simple ignorance. But the claim is it was all written by a single perfect deity and every word is inerrant. For that, we expect a much much higher standard of accuracy. Claiming that the incoherent mess in the bible is Yahweh’s handiwork is insulting to Yahweh.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biblical Inconsistencies

Why do Christians blow off inconsistencies in the bible with the lamest excuses? Because their parents traumatised them as infants. The parents repeatedly beat and threatened their kids with eternal torture especially being burned alive. Young children are hard-wired to believe their parents, without question, for their entire lives. The only way for the child (or adult child) to make the fear stop is to spout orthodoxy. It does not matter that the orthodoxy is gibberish. Spouting it is the only way to avoid torture. Orthodoxy is merely magic nonsense phrases like Rumpelstiltskin.

To deprogram a Christian, you must first reassure him nobody is going to torture him. Only then can he calmly look at how nuts Christian doctrine is. You know I am right because when Christians try to sell Christianity, the first thing they try is threatening hellfire, not extolling its truth or beauty. They try to sell you with the same idiotic threats that sold them as a toddler, and which still seem real to them.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biblical Law

There are people who claim they wish the law of the land were the bible. They cannot possibly have read the bible and still want that.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biblical Literalism

Even those who claim the bible is literal inerrant work of god, ignore most of its commandments, e.g. death penalty for adultery, killing your kids if they sass you or the death penalty for Sunday shopping.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biblical Polygamy

If monogamy is absolutely required, why did so many major heroes of the bible avoid it?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biblical Prophecy

There are 4 types of biblical prophecy:

  1. Failed prophecy

    Famous examples include Matthew 24:34 where Jesus promised to return within a generation then did not show. Ezekiel 26:1-14 predicts Tyre would disappear, even the rock on which it stood. Nebuchadnezzar was scheduled to level it. It is still there.
  2. Nostradamus-style prophecies

    These are written in vague, allegorical language so they can be fitted to many quite different situations. There are no dates. In mathematics, there is a theorem that anything even remotely plausible will happen infinitely often, if you wait long enough (usually longer than the age of the universe.) If the bible predicts a war, a famine or a plague, if you wait long enough, it is mathematically guaranteed to happen.
  3. Forced Fulfillment prophecies

    Zechariah 9:9 predicted the messiah would ride a donkey. In order to fulfill this prophesy, Jesus rode a donkey in John 12:12-16. Since Jesus knew the prophesy, and since anyone can ride a donkey, this fulfillment is nothing special.
  4. Pending Prophecies

    Prophecies that have neither failed nor come true. The outcome is still undecided. Two more Jewish temples are predicted to be rebuilt and will resume animal sacrifice. The Tribulation Temple: II Thessalonians 2:4 Ezekiel/Millennial Temple: Ezekiel 40:1.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biblical Racism

There are two racist themes running through the bible. One is that black people are cursed and hence deserve foul treatment and slavery. These miserable verses greatly delayed the abolition of slavery and equal civil rights in the USA. The other is that Jews are the master race (aka God’s chosen people). As such, they have the right to confiscate other people’s land and commit genocide on whomever they please. These obscene verses are the root of the conflict between Jews and Palestinians in Israel.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biblical Reproduction

Moses and the authors of the bible, had a rather peculiar notion of how reproduction worked. The had no concept of egg and sperm cells, but they did know about semen. They imagined that semen was like sowing wheat into a woman’s womb. The woman was effectively just soil for seeds to grow in. They failed to notice the children looked just as much like their mothers as their fathers. So it is quite ridiculous to claim a document written in the iron age, has anything at all to say about the use of progesterone and estrogen for birth control, or preventing microscopic egg cells from implanting. The ancients did not think life began until quickening, the time you could first feel the baby kicking. The ancients believed every sperm is sacred and felt masturbation a terrible waste of potential life. Had they been educated about sexual plumbing, they would likely have also considered female periods similar to male masturbation since they too represent a lost opportunity for reproduction, with an egg, the female seed, spilled upon the ground. The authors of the bible did not have an overpopulation problem like we do. Their concern was being wiped out by natural disasters, plagues, wars, famine etc. It is quite silly of us to pretend we are in the same boat when we have the exact opposite problem.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biblical Sadism

The soldiers in the Congo routinely rape women and then use guns and sticks to destroy the walls between their uteruses, rectums and vaginas leaving them in pain and incontinent for life. They justify this behaviour because the bible says man must command woman.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biblical Scrambling

One of the most important things to understand is how scrambled the gospels were on their way to us. The gospels were not written down until decades after Jesus’ death.

Delay Writing the Gospels
Gospel Delay in years
Mark 40
Matthew 60
Luke 70
John 80

During these delays, the stories were passed orally and anonymously from person to person, embellished like a game of telephone (aka Chinese whispers). After they were finally written down, they were translated. Then they were copied, and the copies copied over and over. We have none of the originals. The copying process alone introduced tens of thousands of significant errors. Back then scribes felt free to add, embellish, correct, delete and edit. Most famously, the last chapter of Mark was added by a scribe as was the cast the first stone story of the woman caught in adultery. (We know because we found early copies without them.) The bible we use today is a reconstruction based on many different variants.

We cannot very well say the bible is the inerrant word of god because we don’t even have a definitive text. The Sketchy Story of Jesus click to watch

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biblical Times

The bible was written in a highly immoral time by people with a very primitive notion of morality. Their book reflects that.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Big Bad Yahweh

Christians claim Yahweh wrote every word of the bible. However, if you read it cover to cover, it describes Yahweh as cruel, capricious and sadistic. Apparently, Yahweh wants people to believe he is the biggest bastard in the universe. I spend a lot of time pointing out to Christians what a monster Yahweh is, according to his own resume. In theory, Yahweh should smile upon my work.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Biggest Lie Ever

Prayer is the polite excuse for doing nothing.

In many places, the bible tells the biggest lie/empty promise ever. Namely it claims god will grant every single prayer, no exceptions, no conditions. In reality, as we learned from double blind studies and general observation, prayer is 100% ineffective. Nothing ever happens that would not have happened naturally.

However, the bible’s promise is not that prayer sometimes works, but that it always does, 100%. Every little girl who has ever prayed for a pony knows that is a lie. Every mother whose child died of cancer knows that is a cruel, empty promise.

If prayer worked, the outcomes of seriously ill Christians in hospital would be substantially better than everyone else’s. They would get lower health insurance rates. This simply does not happen. Hurricanes would not hit Christian homes. Christian homes would not flood. Christian homes would never catch fire. No such thing happens. Christians don’t even get a small discount on home insurance to account for a prayer effect.

The biblical promise to grant all prayers, no exceptions, makes no sense:

Apologists say god classifies prayers as:

Whatever God’s decision on any particular prayer, he does not inform the petitioner. This behaviour is indistinguishable from god ignoring all prayers or from god not existing at all. So the promise then is vacuous. Further, the apologists just made this all up. There is nothing to confirm their story in the bible.

To excuse the lie, Christian apologists claim there is no promise in the bible to grant all prayers.

Matthew 7:7-8
Matthew 17:20
Matthew 18:19-20
Matthew 21:22
Mark 11:24
John 14:14
John 16:23

These promises cannot even in theory be true.

Let’s have a look to see what it actually says:

Verse Text Notes
John 14:13-14 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. No weaseling there. No exceptions.
John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. You might define abide as 100% obedience to weasel.
John 16:23 Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. No weaseling there.
Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. That is a very strong weasel. Everyone harbours some doubt the laws of the universe will be set aside for them. Even if they do not doubt, it is easy to accuse them of unconscious doubt. This basically says no praying for miracles, only things likely to happen anyway.
Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. No weaseling there.
Matthew 18:19-20 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. Requires a seconder, but that is easy to comply with if your prayer is virtuous.
Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. That is a very strong weasel. Everyone harbours some doubt the laws of the universe will be set aside for them. Even if they do not doubt, it is easy to accuse them of unconscious doubt. This basically says no praying for miracles, only things likely to happen anyway.

That god grants all prayer is the most pernicious lie ever told. It targets the most desperate and vulnerable. It tricks the bereaved into feeling guilty for their prayers failing. I have the most extreme contempt for anyone who perpetuates the lie. Promoting it should be a serious crime.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


What kind of god would write an entire bible without even one sentence condemning bigotry.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Birth of Jesus

The bible says Jesus was born before Herod died (in 4 BC). It also says he was born after Cyrenius became governor (in 6 AD). Both cannot be true, yet Christians insist the bible is without any error of any kind. That is a lie. Therefore the bible could not possibly be the inerrant word of god. It cannot be trusted as infallible. This is only one of thousands of such errors. Christians are such dishonest con men the way they pretend not to notice.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Birth Year

Despite centuries of effort, scholars still don’t know when Jesus was born. The bible contradicts itself. Consider Matthew’s pageant of the nativity, with a magic star, three wisemen and Herod’s slaughter of all firstborn in an attempt to kill Jesus. How could anyone forget that year? ditto for his death.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Black Christians

I watched the PBS (Public Broadcasting System) documentary about the history of black people in America. Whites went out of their way to exploit blacks and to be cruel and unfair. I would imagine if I were a black person I would shit on the white people’s bible they had tried to impose on us to make us meek. I would laugh at the notion there was a god who looked out for us. We blacks got nothing but shit and betrayal. Yet for some reason black people cling to Christianity like a life raft..

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Black Masochism

It seems so odd that black people would cling to Christianity. It was forced on them by slavemasters. The Christian god treats them with contempt in the bible. Many Christians treat them with contempt. Yahweh is pretty stingy with his gifts. For them, it is a choice of receiving almost nothing and nothing. They don’t want to give up that thin sliver of benefit they imagine comes from Yahweh.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Blasphemous Bible

If fundamentalists ever read the bible cover to cover, they would discover it is blasphemous. It accuses the creator of the universe of hundreds of extremely serious and extremely reprehensible crimes.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Blathering Bible

If the bible were written by a deity, as advertised, you would expect it have quality considerably better than a human-authored book. It should be exceptionally accurate. It should be exceptionally consistent. It should not wander or blather; the writing should excel that of the best human essayists and novelists. However, it doesn’t and neither does the Qur’an.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Blood Transfusions

The prime directive for JWs (Jehovah’s Witnesses) is you must let your child die rather than save her life with a blood transfusion. If you violate the rule, the child is disfellowshipped and is denied contact even with her parents ever after. Given that transfusions are a relatively recent invention, you might wonder how the bible could have anything to say on the matter. The JWs found some obscure verses Genesis 9:4, Leviticus 17:10, Deuteronomy 12:23, Leviticus 17:10 and Acts 15:28-25:29 that says you must not eat blood, as in blood pudding. Oddly, they interpret this to mean no transfusions. It is like they dug for an excuse and twisted scripture to create misery.

JWs demand a get-out-of-jail-free card when they murder their kids this way. They believe religious superstition, for which there is no evidence, trumps the law. Sometimes they demand expensive alternate procedures that give some of the benefits of a transfusion without using blood. They demand the taxpayer foot the bill for this silliness. I don’t think the government should humour these loons in the least. If they want to commit suicide, that is their business, but they must not be permitted to harm their kids.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bloodthirsty Christians vs. Muslims

Which is a more violent religion, Islam or Christianity? If you the Qur’an and the bible, you will see the bible is hundreds of times more bloodthirsty. Christians in the USA have killed millions of Muslims in the middle east. Muslims killed 3500 in the USA on 2001-09-11. Muslims had civil wars in the Sudan, Libya, Egypt, Syria… where they brutally butchered civilians. Religions make people sure they are right, regardless of evidence. Pretty well any religion will do.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Bottom Line

Do Christians behave as if they had discovered something marvelous or as con men trying to sell you something? Why do Christians want you to accept the bible as the inerrant word of the creator of the universe, when it is clear they have read only a few pages of it? They obviously do not value it. If I thought something were a message from the creator of the universe, I would try to memorise it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Broken Promise

In Mark 11:24, Matthew 7:7, Matthew 18:19-20, Matthew 21:22, Luke 11:13, John 14:13-14, John 15:7, John 16:23 and I John 5:14-15 Jesus promises to answer every single prayer, the only condition is that two people be gathered together. However, Jesus never answers prayers, at least no more frequently than chance.

How do you know? Christians are no more healthy or wealthy that anyone else. They die just as often in car accidents. They die just as often in avalanches. There is no insurance discount for Christians on home or accident policies.

Further, consider the children whose parents died of AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) or Ebola. Where was Jesus? Consider the Holocaust victims. Jesus lifted not a finger. Ditto Katrina, the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, Mount St. Helens. Not a peep. Boko Haram, The ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) beheadings, the levelling of Fallujah. Not even a cosmic cut that out.

Jiminy Cricket, in the movie Pinocchio, sang When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true. No they don’t. That is a lie, the same as the Jesus-answers-all-prayer lie. It is obviously a lie — if you but test it out. Christians childishly cling to the lie because they desperately want it to be true despite the evidence it is not.

How can Christians possibly worship such an extreme bullshitter?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Buddhists have no Fear of Yahweh

Buddhists don’t find the threats of the god Yahweh, Leviticus or Deuteronomy in the bible in the least disturbing. Why do Christians? The only difference is the Christians were terrified by these stories as children before they had the ability to reason and the Buddhists were not. A child of Christian parents raised by Buddhists would have no fear and a child of Buddhist parents raised by Christians would not be able to shake the hard-wired fear, resistant even to irrefutable adult logic.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bulgarian Phrase Book

Monty Python did a skit about a fellow who published a bogus Bulgarian ⇒ English phrase book. A phrase in Bulgarian, like where is the train station? became Let me see your bottom. in English. The Christians have done much the same thing with their literature promoting bogus Creation science, bogus Bible history, bogus crypto-zoology and general balls-up falsehood.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Water can dig a canyon about a 30.48 cm (12 in) deeper every 7,000 years. If the bible were correct and the earth were only 6,000 years old, then all canyons on earth would be less than 30.48 cm (12 in) deep. They are not, so the bible must be wrong.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

A Case Against The Resurrection

The core story that supports Christianity is the resurrection. If it just a myth, Christianity crumbles.

Here are a few of the reasons I think the story of the resurrection is untrue:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Cast the First Stone

One of the best lines in the bible, Let he who is free from sin cast the first stone was added to John 380 years after Jesus’ assumed death.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Casual Murder

Kristians happily commit murder simply because someone told them the bible excused it or commanded it. They forget that there is zero evidence that any god had anything to do with writing the bible. That the one and only god is the author of the bible is merely a traditional unexamined presumption.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Cat Fight

In the bible, James and Paul have a cat fight over which matters: faith or works. How can it be possible that both are correct on every particular when they are disagreeing violently and calling each other fools? That is carrying the notion of inerrancy beyond silliness.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Cause Of Misery

Let’s say you talk to a group of people about the misery in Africa including hunger and disease (malaria, AIDS, Ebola…). You ask people what is the cause of this misery and what could be done about it. The Christians in the group will tell you something like this: This is God’s will. It is not clear to us, but this suffering is for the greater good. Jesus suffered on the cross for our sins. (What the crucifixion has to do with the price of eggs baffles me.)

The Atheists will tell you something like this: This is a legacy of colonialism. Government corruption is stealing any money to work on these problems.

You ask what should we do about it. The Christians respond We must pray. We have to make sure every African owns a bible and is baptised. There is no point opposing God’s will directly. We have to fight sin so the Africans will no longer deserve this suffering. Atheists might say something like I think Bill Gates is on the right track. You need a vertically-integrated approach. Anything requiring government co-operation will be hijacked by corruption.

The problem clearly then is Christians are in charge of the world, and they insist on taking no practical action.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Chatty Jesus

I frequently meet Christians on the Internet who assure me Jesus or Yahweh visits them every day for a chat. This is how they came to be infinitely wiser than me. There is no point is passing on to me what Jesus said because I am unwashed and unanointed. I would not be able to understand. I have be one of the chosen ones like her. These people have never read the bible cover to cover or they would have encountered John 5:37, I John 4:12 and I Timothy 6:16 which would tell them in no uncertain terms they are flattering themselves and that they are seriously deluded.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Childish Bragging

A little boy says My Daddy is so strong, he can lift the whole world. We don’t try to explain to the boy why this claim is logically impossible. We take it as generic praise for his Dad. Similarly, Christians use vague words like omnipresent and omniscient as words of praise for their god, rather than specific lists of capabilities. The definition of god is very slippery. He is deliberately defined to be impossible/supernatural/ineffable and impossible to conceptualise, so there is little wonder such a topic is difficult to debate.

The bible is quite a different matter. It is finite and definite. Once you pick a version, there is no debate on the literal wording. The bible makes all kinds of specific claims about the actions of historical people in specific places at specific times in addition to its scientific and metaphysical claims. In many cases, those claims are falsifiable, either because the bible contradicts itself or because it contradicts science, archaeology or history.

Oddly Christians use term word of god for the bible, without ever considering the possibility that their god may exist, but the bible is a forgery. They are even more attached to the bible being inerrant than they are to god being its author or even god existing. Another oddity, is that Christians either cannot or pretend not to be able to see the obvious errors and contradictions in the bible. That is how strongly they are attached to it being inerrant.

Often they announce in advance, that if they should inadvertently view a discrepancy, under no circumstances will that weaken their belief that the bible is inerrant. I find that claim to stupidity difficult to believe. I think they are just trying to discourage others from bringing up biblical inconsistencies. This willful blindness also enables them to ignore any verses they do not like without further explanation. This strange vision also lets them see verses in the bible that are not there, but that should be, in their opinion.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Bloody Liars

Christians concede that humans wrote the bible. However, they do not know who they were or any details about their lives. This does not stop them from asserting these men never made any mistakes and knew everything because they took dictation from the god Yahweh. Even discovering hundreds of errors and inconsistencies in the bible does not shake this belief. The bloody liars just pretend not to notice.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Cheek

Christian have such cheek. They try to impose primitive ideas from a book written in the iron age on others. To make matters even worse:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Cheek

Christians have such cheek. They claim to have exclusively invented love and to have exclusive access to the source of all love, Yahweh. If you have ever been to a non-Christian country, you will find this is simply not so. Likely they will treat each other better and you even better than people did back home. Further, if you read the bible cover to cover, is it mostly about Yahweh and his killing large numbers of people and in various ways making their lives as miserable as possible. Rarely does Yahweh exhibit anything like unconditional love.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Child Abusers

Throughout history, malicious old Christian bats have encouraged parents to abuse their children. Beat the devil out of him.. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Proverbs 13:24 He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Choices

Christians cling desperately to the belief that god wrote the bible. They think they have two choices.

  1. Pretend to love god and if all goes well, spend eternity screwing virgins or the taking some holy drug that feels even better.
  2. Spit in Yahweh’s eye, chew him out for being such a bastard and roast for eternity.

The actual choices are:

  1. Give up your self respect by kowtowing in fear to a disgraceful religion that leads you to commit evil deeds.
  2. Refuse to be taken in by the con. The bible is a counterfeit. It was written by ignorant, incompetent humans. God does not exist. You are simply refusing to believe lies. There is no danger. God is just a rather silly bogeyman under the bed used to scare and control you, in particular to take your money. When you start basing your behaviour on common sense instead of the bible, you will behave much better. If there were a god of the universe, he would behave hundreds of times better than Yahweh. Any god of the universe would not be a petty sadist. He would communicate to you in ways that left no doubt of his existence and authorship, rather than precisely mimicking a counterfeit by unwashed clods.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Claims

Christians make two basic claims:

  1. Their own bible is 100% accurate or as they put it inerrant and that it was penned by a deity as it claims.
  2. Every other holy book for the 60,000 other religions is utterly false.

I have seen no evidence for either claim. I have not even seen any indication that Christians have even looked at any holy books besides their own. They argue by repeated assertion. From by own point of view, the Qur’an is much higher quality than the bible. I don’t think it was divinely written either, but its claim is much more plausible. Christians are so smug about their religion without even checking out anything else.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Conceit

I despise Christians, not because they believe bizarre things. After all, I believe in quantum mechanics and relativity which are far queerer than any Christian myths. I despise them because they presume their nonsense is 100% true, and everyone else’s is 100% false without even a cursory look at anything else and without even reading their own bible cover to cover to see what it is they profess to believe.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Desperation

Why are Christians so desperate to believe in god? Why will they make up the most bizarre rationalisations rather than admit their god is imaginary? Why won’t they admit the bible is full of errors, even when you point them out? The reason is, when they were toddlers, mom told them that a terrible bogey man would torture them forever if they did not do as he demanded. It is like a traumatic fear of spiders. No amount of reason will make the fear go away. They feel, no matter how ridiculous their beliefs are, they just can’t take the chance of being tortured in fire forever. You know this because Christians always use the threat of hell as their primary selling tool for their religion. That must be their primary motivation for accepting it too. That suggests the key to deprogramming a Christian is not to convince him that god is imaginary, but that he need not fear hell.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Disbelief

If I truly believed that god wrote the bible, I would read it over and over from cover to cover. Yet it is very rare to meet a Christian who has read it even once. In contrast, many Muslims have memorised the whole Qur’an.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Evangelist Motivation

Why is it so important to Christians that atheists believe the bible is inerrant, that god wrote the bible, that Jesus actually existed and that Jesus actually performed miracles, even though they cannot give a single reason to believe any of it? Once you believe that stuff, then you pretty well have to worship the bible and do whatever it says, on pain of torture, including giving money to the church. It is just an elaborate con. Usually, cons work with false promises of benefits. Christianity works with both false promises of benefits and false promises of torture. Skeptical? Check out the income of the churches and preachers who most thump their bibles, threaten and promise. Look at how that money is spent. Look at the mansions of the biggest TV evangelists. These people certainly do not believe the bible. They just want to trick you into it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Exaggeration

The Sea of Galilee is actually a lake 22.53 × 11.27 km (14 × 7 miles). It takes 2 hours to cross by canoe. According to the bible, it takes 9 hours to cross, and has terrible storms. It doesn’t.

Even people living in the second century complained about this goofiness.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian House of Cards

The Christian edifice is based on the existence of the god Yahweh. The offered proof of his existence is a book he wrote called the bible, which lays out his commands for humanity. The offered proof this book was indeed written by a deity is its perfection. It is inerrant. It contains no contradictions. So, if it turns out the bible is not inerrant after all, or was not written by a deity, the foundations of Christianity collapse.

If you read the bible, even at random, it soon becomes obvious it was written by some rather incompetent, mean-spirited, ignorant humans. Christians desperately pretend not to notice. The bible’s reputation for quality was created by people who never read it, except for a few cherry-picked verses.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Inconsistency

What is it with Christians? They happily gave up bronze age medicine, sanitation, transportation, heating, construction, bridges, calculation, space exploration, child sacrifice… without a fuss, but got fanatically hung up on bronze age biology, geology and morality with a bit of trouble with astronomy. It cannot be simply explained by science contradicting the bible. All modern science impudently contradicts the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Liars

Most Christians claim they have no doubts whatsoever about the existence of their god. Given all the evidence there is no god and the complete lack of evidence for any god existing, much less the Christian one and given the thousands of errors and inconsistencies in the bible, I conclude these people are lying through their teeth. They are giving what they consider to be the socially acceptable answer.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Lies

There are two kinds of lies Christians like to tell you:

  1. Lies you can prove are definitely not true, e.g. that praying for something is more likely to make it happen.
  2. Lies for which the Christians can provide no evidence, e.g. if you join their church, after you die you will be resurrected and be provided with a house with all the surfaces made of easy-to-clean gold or if you can’t find some way to stop liking boys more than girls, you will be tortured by fire for eternity after you die.

If they try to con you by passing off a bible verse as evidence, point out that you can find anything you want if you look in the right book. There is nothing special about the bible. There is no evidence of any kind that it is of supernatural origin, and tons of evidence that it could not possibly be. It is just another holy book and there are tens of thousands of them, all disagreeing with each other.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Logic

Christians assume something must be absolutely true, if there is even the remotest possibility it could be true, at least when discussing the bible. In ordinary life they are much more sensible. However, they are much less charitable with talking with atheists. They demand that atheists not only show that something could be true, but that there is overwhelming evidence. And even that is not good enough. They demand mathematical proof, even when such proof is theoretically impossible. Heads I win, tails you lose. It is hard not to hate Christians.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Logic

Nearly all Christians assume that saying I believe in God means exactly the same thing as I believe God wrote the bible and nobody’s tampered with it since.. They cannot conceive of any alternatives:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Logic

When I ask Christians for evidence the bible is true, they quote the bible. This is an insane circular argument. It is like a bank robber calling himself as a character witness on his truthfulness. Are the Christians brain damaged, or do they think I am that I would swallow such legerdemain?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Morality

Christians claim to get their morals from the bible. If they are telling the truth, they have the morals of the most vicious criminals. If they don’t understand what that is so, they should read their bible cover to cover to learn what revolting morality it teaches.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Proud of Evil

The bible paints Yahweh and the prophets is a very bad light. I am surprised Christians did not censor out those stories. It is as though they are proud their leadership are cruel bad boys.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Reject Bible

All the time Christians profess I believe every word of the bible. If quote them some revolting scripture and ask Do you believe that too? they look at you horrified and accuse you of hating god, being league with the Devil or being a child molester. It is your bible, Christians. I did not write that stuff. The Devil did not write that stuff. You Christians did (or if you insist, Yahweh wrote that about himself). I am just reminding you of what you publicly professed to believe. I just could not believe you were serious.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Shame

I read the bible cover to cover. I can’t believe that anyone would publicly admit to being a Christian if they had done similarly. I can only conclude no Christians have ever read the bible cover to cover. They are unaware of the incredible wickedness that comprises the bulk of it. They also unaware of how grossly incompetent the writing is. Ascribing it to God is a gross insult to the Almighty.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Shari’a

The big difference between Christianity and Islam is Christians ignore a much greater percentage of the crazy bits in the bible than Muslims ignore in the Qur’an. There are Christian Reconstructionists who want the bible made the literal law of the land. That would be like Christian Shari’a.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Slavery

The bible not only condones slavery, it demands it.

At the time of the American Civil War, slave owners justified slavery using those verses. Abolitionists rejected the bible and rejected slavery on compassionate grounds. Modern Christians, like William Lane Craig, deny the bible supports slavery and insist it was instrumental in abolition. It is a good thing they have come to see the bible as wrong on this issue, but must they be such weaseling liars about it?

If Yahweh allegedly intended the bible to apply for all time, should there not have been some hint slavery was not to last forever? By commanding slavery, Yahweh has for all time forfeited his claim to moral authority. It is morally wrong to follow him, whether he exists or not.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Strategy

One of the dishonest strategies Christians often use is to argue that there is the tiniest sliver of a possibility a creative principle could exist, or that a deity wrote the bible etc. If you agree and even if you don’t, they pretend you have just conceded that the crazy is assertion is true without doubt and further that this god is named Yahweh and had a son named Jesus who walked on water.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Truth

Modern day Christians are so frustrating because they have no respect for truth. They have no compunction about lying to defend the Christian story. Surely ancient Christians who were in charge of writing the bible were no different.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Truth

One of the reasons I hold Christians is such low regard is because they are so careless about truth. Over and over Christians assure me of various facts. When I press for the source, I find out they just know. They have no evidence. In Christian vocabulary know is the same thing as speculate. If it seems plausible it should be true, it is true. Why are they such liars? Think of the effect of swallowing so many improbable events in the bible all without any evidence, and that is considered the highest gospel truth. It has to erode normal standards of truthfulness.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Virtue

The most important Christian virtue is to close one’s eyes and pretend not to notice.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian vs Atheist

Christians like to portray atheists as heartless, uncaring and selfish, but in my experience, usually the opposite is true. The atheist says I see a problem. I am the one concerned about it. Therefore I am the one responsible for fixing it. The Christian says I see a problem. I must be stupid to see it as a problem. God wants it that way for reasons I cannot fathom.

I am an atheist. I reacted to the Ethiopian famine by selling everything I owned, including my fully paid for 4-bedroom house to help out. My Mom was an atheist. She started the first food bank in North America. Bill Gates is an atheist. He reacted to the suffering in the third world by spending half his stupendous fortune on development projects. The bible commands Christians to care for the poor, but, in the USA, Christians are first to demand lower government spending on foreign aid, public health care, welfare, food stamps and public housing.

Christians do good to avoid punishment in their imaginary hell. Atheists do good because it makes our world a better place. Which is the more moral worldview? I have nothing but contempt for Christians who use the brutish morality of cattle avoiding prods.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

A Christian Wedge

I have only tried this tepidly, but I wonder if a wedge proposition might work to pry Christians lose of their delusions. By that I mean convincing the Christians that the bible is blasphemy and insults god. Obviously, it does. It portrays god as petty, cruel, capricious and downright nuts. Surely the real god is better behaved than that. For example, nearly everybody survives a tornado, except those too dense to come in out of the wind. Whoever wrote the bible really had it in for god and seems very keen on excusing cruelty. I don’t think you can safely put absolute trust in such people. People’s beliefs about god tend to be highly nebulous and hence relatively harmless. It is belief in the perfect accuracy of the bible that causes most of the trouble.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christianity Makes People Behave Badly

If you read the teachings of Jesus, you would expect Christianity to have a salutary effect on the behaviour of Christians. But the very opposite is true. Why?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christianity Requires Ignorance

The key way clergy hold onto the minds of their flock it to keep them in ignorance. If we can get Christians to read the bible for themselves, learn about other religions or learn about science they will naturally and gradually discard their obsolete beliefs, like a lobster discarding a too-tight carapace.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christians Are Morally Inferior

Christians claim their religion makes them behave more morally than lesser people. I don’t think so, Why?

Christians lie to themselves and others. They do it imagining the lies will convince other people to behave better. The bumbling idiots have created a religion that does just the opposite. Even when they saw the mess they made, they tried to fix it by making up even more lies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christians Consult Scientists and Architect to Build Churches

When Kristians want to build a church, they consult engineers and scientists to make sure it will not fall down. They would never dream of trusting the engineering ruses in their bible, e.g. that π is 3. Yet when it comes to telling others how to run their lives and what should be taught to children, they ignore the engineers and scientists and demand others follow the goofy advice in their ancient texts.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christians do Not Read the Bible

Christians almost never read the bible cover to cover. Those that do, soon become atheists. They just sit in church and have the selected hits read to them. They have utterly no idea what a dark, satanic book it is. They are only familiar with a tiny fraction of it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christians Do Not Speak For God

The problem is Christians think they are speaking for god, but they aren’t. They are speaking for some sadistic, primitive, unscrupulous, ignorant, human-sacrificing people who lived 3000 years ago who wrote a very poor quality book full of error and inconsistency and just plain bad writing and tried to fob it off as the work of god. The bible is an obvious forgery. If you disagree, please read it cover to cover. I think you will change your mind.

Think. If god created the universe, he should know some basic facts about how it works. E.g. value of π, that the earth is a sphere, that the sky is not a crystal dome, that the universe is 13 billion years old, that stars are not holes, that there was no global flood… The authors of the bible knew none of those things. So the author of the bible could not possibly be god. In other words, the bible is a forgery.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christians Give Bible a Pass

Christians make the most extreme excuses for the lies in the bible. They would never dream of being so gullible in real life or in evaluating any other religion.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christians Have Difficulty With Science

Christian are disturbed when science and the bible contradict each other. However, I know of no Christians who refuse to travel on airliners or cruise ships because they navigate using a spherical earth model which contradicts the bible’s flat-earth model. They appear to trust science and excuse the biblical error as speaking metaphorically. Neither do Christians refuse to take medications developed using evolutionary theory, even though they adamantly claim evolution is plot designed to harm Yahweh. Why the discrepancy? Perhaps Christians understand a spherical earth, but have been successfully kept ignorant of evolutionary theory with straw man depictions. It is much easier to reject something you know nothing about.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christians Ignore The Bible Yet Claim Moral Superiority

Christians like to look down their noses at atheists like me claiming moral superiority. Yet how many Christians do you know who did what their bible commanded and sold all they had to help the poor? In 1985, I did, including by fully paid for four-bedroom house. I was motivated by a desire to help the famine victims in Ethiopia. If a Christian did the same thing, they would be motivated by a false promise of a gold house after they died. That is not ethical behaviour. That is gullibility.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christians Insult God

When I attack the bible, I am not attacking the creator of the universe, I am attacking dishonest men who are trying to pass off an inferior counterfeit document, the bible, as his work. If forgers tried to pass off the work of William McGonagall as a new Shakespear play and I called them rude names, I am not insulting Shakespear. They are insulting Shakespear by claiming his work is the same low quality as McGonagall’s. I am surprised that people who claim to believe in a god would dare insult their god this way asserting some crap they wrote was his.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christians Misinformed on Church Position on Bible

Most Christian are under the delusions each of the disciples wrote a book about Jesus, finishing it shortly after his death. Not even the Vatican claims that. They were written by anonymous authors who could never have even met Jesus, long after his death. Christians erroneously treat the gospels as if they were dictation.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christians Rarely Read the Whole Bible

It quite cheeky to claim you are or are not a Christian without reading the bible cover to cover first.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christians Refuse To Excise the Crap From the Bible

The bible is mostly nonsense, hate speech, racism, irrelevancy and falsehood. If the Christians don’t mean the nutty verses any more, they should formally remove them and produce and abridged document. They refuse to do this, so they should be held responsible for all the idiotic crap they claim in the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christians vs. Atheists

Christians typically have a knowledge of just a few pages of the bible — the cherry picked greatest hits. You never find one who has read it cover to cover (except for professional con men). That does not stop them from asserting the perfect truth of every word and that they believe every word.

In contrast, Atheists pretty much, have read the whole thing. They have also exposed themselves to all sorts of scholarship about the various manuscripts and the biblical archaeology.

The only way the bible holds up is if you don’t look at it too closely.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Church Fathers

The church fathers behaved more like criminal godfathers. St. Augustine called for non-believers to be tortured. St. Thomas Aquinas called for non-believers to be killed. St. Thomas More ordered tortured people who read the bible in English. Martin Luther wrote On the Jews and Their Lies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Church Traditions

It is quite amazing how many church traditions do not come from the bible. They were made up by clerics who came much later. For example, the notion of having a pope, excluding women from the clergy and fish Fridays is not in the bible.

  1. In the 3rd century Tertulian came up with the holy ghost and the trinity.
  2. In the 4th century, they came up with celibate priests.
  3. In the 12th century, they came up with confession.
  4. In 1870, they came up with papal infallibility.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Circular Logic

Here is one way Christian circular logic works.
Christian: Absolutely guaranteed I will never die.
me: How horrible! How do you know?
Christian: It says so in the bible.
me: How do you know the bible is right?
Christian: God wrote it.
me: How do you know that?
Christian: It says so in the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christians claim they worship a deity, but they actually worship a book. They make silly claims for this book that are patently not true, e.g. it contains no errors or inconsistencies, yet Christians themselves write bookshelves of apologia to patch up the flaws. They claim it was written by a deity even though the quality of writing is appalling.

A Claim is not Evidence

It is quite ridiculous to assert the bible must be the word of a god just because it claims to be. Read the Qur’an. It makes the same claim. Yet I don’t know of a single Christian who accepts the argument for that case.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Claims to Believe Every Word of the Bible

The only way a Christian can claim to believe every word of the bible is by either lying or by avoiding reading it. How else does a Christian reconcile the bible’s claim the earth is flat with satellites and photos of earth from space?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Clueless Creator

The alleged creator of the universe described in the bible demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of physics, biology, astronomy, geography… It is a bit like some friends presenting you an old guy in a wheelchair and claiming he is Stephen Hawking, only you soon discover, he cannot do arithmetic fundamentals and is unaware of what a quark is. Your friends make up ridiculous excuses for his lapses.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Cognitive Impairment

If Christians were not so common, Christianity would be labeled a cognitive impairment. Christians are unable to notice obvious inconsistencies. Here are some examples of the way Christians deny inconsistency:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Commanding Evil

In the bible, Yahweh commands people to murder, steal, rape, enslave and abuse children hundreds of times more often than he asks them to abstain. He does not just give his chosen people permission to kill, he punishes them if they leave even a goat or a child alive.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Comparing Christianity and Islam

Before you can pontificate on whether Christianity or Islam is the better religion, you really should read both the bible and the Qur’an from cover to cover.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Composed by God

Let’s say you read there was a new rock opera. There was tremendous buzz about it. It had been written by an 11-year old deaf boy. He said that god had sign languaged it to him by waving his bed sheets. The audience were electric with excitement. Some of the women even peed themselves when the boy made an appearance at the start. However, the music was atrocious, just what you would expect from an 11-year old deaf boy.

This is the same problem the bible has. It has such a reputation among people who have never read it. When I read it cover to cover I discovered it was repetitive, rambling, boring, irrelevant, erroneous and contradictory. There was absolutely nothing about it to suggest a divine author. It may well have been the worst book I ever read. If it were not the bible, I would have put it down after a few chapters as not worth bothering with.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Con Man Patter

Christians have a strange street-con-man style way of arguing that the bible is inerrant. They will ask a question, often one that even in principle does not have an answer, e.g. what in the square root of π to perfect accuracy? or how did bacteria spontaneously arise on earth? You don’t know, ha! That proves god exists and therefore the bible is inerrant. Do they realise that sentence contains two non-sequiturs? or it is just a patter: heads I win; tails you lose intended to bamboozle the non-believer?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Concession Speech

Dr. Craig Evans is a conservative biblical scholar. In debate he admitted the bible is full of error and inconsistency, but these errors do not interfere with the main gist of the message. So apparently, he is giving up the claim the bible is was authored by Yahweh.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


There are about 60,000 gods, not counting all the variants within Christianity. Christians assure me that 59,999 are completely bogus. You don’t even have to give them a passing glance. (Of course, people who worship those gods assure me you can dismiss the Christian god as bogus too, without a passing glance.) Christians tell me that their bible is inerrant. It is 100% true and perfect. I have some problems with this.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Contradicting God

One of the slimiest tricks of the religious con man is to say How dare you contradict God! How could God possibly be wrong? and then make a completely unsubstantiated claim about what God said, usually a voice in his head or something some anonymous ancient author penned in the bible or something he just made up on the spot.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

A Conundrum for Christians

According to bible, Noah’s flood killed everyone but Noah’s family. Where then did all the Chinese, blacks, Australian aborigines and native Americans come from after the flood? Evolution? No. Evolution is so slow that even in 6000 years, the changes would be undetectable, except for skin tone.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


There is not a single artifact, not a single reference in the historical record, not a single quoting of the bible until at least 200 AD. The only evidence is the bible itself, which contradicts itself thousands of times. That is like finding a copy of Harry Potter or the tales of Paul Bunyan and deciding that is all the evidence you need to know it is ultimate truth.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Council of Nicea

At the councils of Nicea, Constantine and the bishops selected 27 books to include in the New Testament. They selected 40 books to be burnt as heretical. Most of the books burnt were gnostic — claiming you could communicate directly with god without going through bishops. Some claimed Jesus was a spiritual being who never had a physical body. Some of these banned works survived to the present day.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Council of Nicea

When the bible was compiled there were many gospels to choose from. The council of Nicea decided to exclude all gospels where it was clear Jesus was a character of fiction (similar to Nasrudin for the Sufis). These later came to be known as the Gnostic Gospels. The Empty Cross click to watch

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Counterfeit Bible

Accepting the bible as the work of a deity is as stupid as accepting a box of dog poo and imagining it is French truffles because you have never seen real French truffles.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Counterfeit Bible

The bible is a forgery. Therefore anything it says is not sufficient reason for doing it blindly. If Christians want to convince others to be like them, they will have to come up with some other sort reason than quoting the bible. Christians claim the bible is inerrant yet it is crawling with great huge running sores of errors. It can’t be the word of god. The quality is appalling, even for human authors. Further, its moral code is insane. Therefore we don’t need to do what it says. In fact you would be crazy to do so, e.g. kill your child for sassing you, or stone your daughter to death because someone raped her, or stab your son to death because a voice in your head told you to.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Counterfeit Bible

Let’s say you decided to buy a birthday present for your intelligent young niece. She showed an early interest in the animal world, so you went to a bookstore and asked for a suitable title. The proprietor recommended one by Richard Dawkins — The Magic of Reality: How We Know What’s Really True.

When you got it home, you thumbed through it and came across a sentence that said, If you paint chicken eggs with blue dye, they will hatch into ducklings. Richard Dawkins could not possibly have written this book. It is a counterfeit. He could not possibly have made a mistake that glaring.

You took the book back. The proprietor said, Dr. Dawkins is the ultimate authority on such matters. If he says painting eggs makes ducklings, then it must be so. You tried to explain that Dr. Dawkins said no such thing, that the book must be a counterfeit.

However, the very notion of a counterfeit book was completely inconceivable to the proprietor. He shouted at you How dare you contradict Dr. Dawkins. He is the greatest biologist living today. You shouted back You nincompoop! I am not contradicting Dr. Dawkins. I am saying this book is a counterfeit! Dr. Dawkins had nothing to with writing it! He shouted at you Millions of people have bought this book and nearly all of them think Dr. Dawkins wrote it, just as it says on the cover. A counterfeit book! What an insane notion!

In like manner, Christians all over the world accept the bible as the work of Yahweh even though it contains hundreds of ridiculous errors Yahweh, as creator of the universe, could not possibly have made. They refuse to even consider the possibility the bible could be a counterfeit written by ordinary humans and fobbed off as his handiwork.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Cover to Cover

If Christians would only read the bible cover to cover they would be so embarrassed at the buffoon they have been promoting.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Cover to Cover

If you read the bible cover to cover thinking it was the holy book of some other religion, you would consider it was one of the most disgusting books you had ever read, a work of pure evil. People don’t notice how revolting it is because they never read it cover to cover.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Cover To Cover

Perhaps the easiest way to debunk Christianity would be to challenge Christians to read the bible cover to cover, then study some books of what we have discovered about biblical times using archaeology and civic records. Christianity is built on smoke and lies. It does not even remotely agree with itself.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Cover To Cover!

Until you have read the bible cover to cover, you are lying if you claim to believe everything in it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Crazy Like Abraham

Anyone who claims the bible is the literal word of god and they would kill their child, like Abraham or Jeptha if god commanded it are honour bound to murder their child if they sass them. The bible commands it. How can people subscribe to such a barbaric religion? How can they publicly proclaim they intended to become serial murderers?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Creator God

Let’s say someone could prove some supernatural being was necessary to jump-start the universe. This would be almost irrelevant to Christians. What is important to them:

All those questions would still be open. Con men like William Laine Craig use sleight of hand to make you think if it could be shown there is a creator god, then necessarily Jesus rose from the dead. It is a non-sequitur.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Creator ⇏ Jesus

Even if you were utterly convinced the universe were designed by some sort of intelligence, it does not necessarily follow that Jesus existed, was born of a virgin, walked on water, rose from the dead or answers your prayers. That you have to believe separately based on pure faith or trust in the authors of the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Cretinous Christians

When Christians and atheists debate, atheists give reasons why the bible is not inerrant and why Christian beliefs are absurd while Christians give attestations they are 120% certain based on faith or warm fuzzy feelings. The humour is the Christians are fully aware their beliefs are absurd and revel in it. The more absurd a belief, the more virtuous the faith in it. The word cretin has the same root as Christian. Though Christians claim the bible is inerrant, it is more lavish praise than a literal claim. Further, they have such low self esteem that they blame every error and inconsistency on their faulty understanding or assume the person who pointed it out is driven by malice so it does not count. Their general belief in Christianity does not depend on the bible being inerrant. It does not depend on the bible being the literal word of god, despite their frequent use of the claim to justify arguments. Whereas atheists place no value on personal certainty. Each group is preaching to the choir.

So oddly, atheists might do better simply asserting they are very certain there are no gods, not even Yahweh, there is no afterlife, there is no eternal punishment, that prayer has no effect and that they feel wonderful thinking that, giving no reasons.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


According to the new testament, Jesus was crucified on a stauros (Greek word pole or cross). The bible nowhere specifies which. Romans used both and other instruments of torture.

In Roman times, crucified people were left hanging for their bodies to rot, and for scavengers to eat their bodies. Desecration of the corpse was considered part of the punishment. So it is highly unlikely Jesus would have been cut down while his corpse was still fresh. This suggests the account of Jesus being put in a tomb is highly unlikely, especially when you consider what a hardass Pontius Pilate was.

Jesus’ Crucifixion click to watch
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Cruel Idiocy of Christians

A vitamin A capsule, costing $0.02, will overnight cure a child in the third world of blindness. Another, every six months, will keep it at bay and also give substantial protection against other diseases. Even the poorest Christian could single-handedly afford to bring sight to more people than Jesus reputedly healed, but instead they choose to send these blind children bibles they can’t even see, much less read.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Cruel Yahweh

If you read the old testament cover to cover, you will discover Yahweh is depicted as cruel, sadistic and insane. He spends most of his time ordering genocides and sacrifices. You actually have to read the bible to learn this. Having the greatest hits read to you in church will not suffice. It is not me condemning Yahweh, it is the words of the bible. Why is Yahweh depicted as primarily evil?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Crumbling Christianity

When Christians look back and wonder how their edifice crumbled, there will be two main factors:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Cuddly Yahweh

If people read the bible, cover to cover, it would be obvious that a universe without Yahweh is an infinitely more pleasant place than with him. The bible describes him as evil, cruel, capricious, unjust and sadistic. I find it so puzzling that people find this abusive bastard warm and cuddly. I have to assume it is because they have only read a few cherry picked bits of the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Darkness

The bible claims the whole world went dark for three hours at the time of Jesus’ death.

This was just dramatic embellishment which is the polite way of saying the whole story was a lie.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

David and Goliath

On 2001-09-11 a tiny band of terrorists armed only with box cutters outwitted and overpowered the entire US military. If this were a bible story, surely divine or satanic intervention would be invoked to account for such an improbable outcome. Yet no American ever mentions a deity when describing this miracle. I wonder why. Hmm, I guess You’d have to invoke Allah rather than the god Yahweh, even though they are supposed to just be two different names for the same deity.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls show us that the bible we read today is quite different from the version people read long ago. Books and passages have been removed. Books and passages have been added. How do we know which was the version God intended? Perhaps we should be studying both to see which one makes more sense.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Debating with JWs

The most civilised religious debates I have had were with a pleasant older JW (Jehovah’s Witness) couple who used to invite me each Friday to a delicious dinner and fire. At the time I lived without heat in a little cabin on a diet of pancakes, so I was very grateful to them. They referred to people like me as rice Christians.

I would pose religious questions I had prepared during the week and they would give answers they had memorised from thousands of canned little arguments prepared by their church for such occasions. I would try to explain why the responses were straw men, simply untrue etc. But, but when I pressed, they would cop out We are just ignorant people. The people who run the JW church are highly educated. They must be correct. No matter how it looks, they would not mislead us. They are morally superior people. There must be some explanation for this apparent anomaly. God couldn’t possibly make a mistake, now could he?

I would confront them with blatant inconsistency and error in the bible and they would steadfastly insist there was no inconsistency, even if they could think of no possible way of resolving it. The last ditch response was that it must be a translation error. The bible could not possibly be untrue because JWs postulated the bible was the literal word of god and that god cannot make an error or lie or deceive (except of course faking the fossils and sediments, but that does not count as deception). Only humans can make mistakes, so that is where the error must lie. In their view, if they could provide a canned explanation of any kind on tap, no matter how lame, they had won that round hands down. They were so sweet about it. In their eyes, I was a dear foolish boy they were gradually educating.

The JW mathematical postulates describe a theoretical make-believe universe, not the one I live in. Their postulates contradict themselves and fail in every way to model real life experience.

I don’t I think can ever recall any Christian every posing a rational argument they originated themselves in verbal debate with me. They invariably parrot 19th century thoroughly discredited straw man arguments, without even understanding them. Richard Dawkins talks about some of these in the JW pamphlets people love to send him to straighten out his addled thinking.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Debunking Christianity

It not anywhere near enough to construct a logical argument why Christianity is a fraud because the Christians we are trying to convince have sworn off logic and evidence. They are delusional. Many are batshit crazy.

We need overwhelming evidence, appeal to emotion and idiotic slogans.

Everything they claim God did, we must show them how it could happen naturally. Further, we must show them God could not have done it because his alleged handiwork is so incompetent. We must convince them their belief the universe is perfect is a delusion.

Before they will accept Yahweh as a character of fiction, they may need to accept he is an utter bastard, a mass murderer, who hates them, who taunts and hurts them, who does not deserve worship. Darwin himself clung to Christianity until his daughter died.

We need to get them to read the bible, cover to cover.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Deferring To Authority

Republican Christians ignore evidence of holes in the official 2001-09-11 story. They ignore holes in the bible story. They vote to preserve the privilege of the elites. Why? They have been trained since birth to defer to authority even when authority is apparently incorrect?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Defining God

Trying to define god is like trying to pin Jello to a wall. The notion of a general ill-defined god is a debating trick to make Yahweh, Allah… harder to discount. It is an irrelevant philosophical honey pot to entrap intellectuals. Christians don’t care about the existence of god in general. Whether Shiva exists or not is of no interest. In that matter, they are atheist. They only care about Yahweh and then Yahweh only as described in the King James bible. Yahweh is a much softer target than a generic god. Yahweh is ludicrous, wicked, callous, cruel. There is nothing in the least subtle about him. He is a primitive, standard-issue, iron age tyrant god, without a single redeeming virtue. He could play the rôle of devil without a single change to his character.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Defining God

When a Christian says There is a god, they mean Yahweh as described in the bible and that the bible is an accurate history of earth. This is clearly not so. It is a much easier target than disposing of the idea of some sort of intelligent creator force.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Definition of God’s Truth

When someone claims they are speaking God’s truth I recall that nearly everything in the bible is untrue and everything claimed to be god’s word is a fiction. Those words are thus a confession of perjury, not what the speaker intended.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Definition of Relinquishing Faith

When you ask someone to drop their faith in the literal truth in the bible, what you are really asking is:

We atheists can’t believe that Christians seriously believe such childish promises. But even if someone thought there were a 1% chance of them being true, they would still have extraordinary emotional pull.

Keep in mind the people that Bernie Madoff conned figured out he was conning them, then continued to give him hundreds of thousand of dollars because they had already invested so much and it would be so wonderful if by some chance his promises were true.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Deity Without the Bible

Even if a deity existed, that is not of much consequence unless he was also the author of the bible. Without that we have no idea what he expects of us.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Deliberate Obsolescence

The bible contains no information that was unknown 2000 years ago. The bible claims to be valid for eternity. It is already badly out of date. It has nothing to say about the Internet, automobiles, pollution, telephones, nuclear war, stem cells, euthanasia, your responsibility to people in other countries… Just think how out of touch it will be in another 10,000 years. There needs to be some mechanism to update it. Leaving out some such mechanism was quite short sighted of the authors.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Consider a man whose wife repeatedly cheats on him. His family and friends give him the details of when, where and with whom. But he has faith in his wife. Wants desperately for his wife to be faithful. So he convinces himself she is. This man is like a Christian, who despite all evidence to the contrary, convinces himself that god exists and wrote the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Denying Slavery

One of the slimiest things nearly all Christians do is deny that the bible endorses slavery and cruelty to slaves. They also sometimes deny that Christians used the bible to justify slavery in the days of the Civil War. Let me remind you of a few of the places the bible endorses slavery to this day!

And Christians still claim the bible is the only moral code. Get stuffed!

For some reason, the authorities refuse to remove these offensive verses altogether, or put them on a list of deprecated verses. Maybe they still approve of slavery in the form it is practiced today.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Atheists, being logical sorts, have tended to focus on disproving the existence of any god when trying to cure the god delusion. I think a multi-pronged approach might be more successful:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Did A Historical Jesus Exist?

Unless you are a mathematician or a lawyer, you will never have the luxury of proof, just a preponderance of evidence.

In the various gospels excluded from the bible, Jesus was presented as a fictitious superhero, like an intelligent Nasrudin. He had all kinds of wise sayings, but was not intended to be taken as a historical character. One of the documents was called The Sayings Of Jesus. Over time, stories of various events of his life were added, some long after his death. See Anglican theologian Tom Harpur’s book The Pagan Christ: recovering the lost light for details.

Jesus allegedly did some pretty spectacular things, especially coming back from the dead and resurrecting various people. There was not a peep about it until 60 years later and then only by cult followers. None of the 121; contemporary historians of Jesus said a word, though they did write about other messiahs. Something that big should have had everybody talking.

Jesus allegedly grew up in the town of Nazareth. But Nazareth did not even exist at that time. That sounds like an error someone writing historical fiction would make. There are many other errors of this form. It is as if the authors of the bible chose the place names for the various events by looking in at atlas composed long after Jesus died.

There are so many inconsistencies in the bible about the details of Jesus’ life. Read a biography about Abraham Lincoln, a person we are quite sure did exist. We don’t have similar disagreements about the details of his life.

Biblical scholar Bart Ehrman has done many YouTube videos. He talks about how even Jesus’ dialog is lifted from earlier scripture used by other religions. Either Jesus himself plagiarised, or he is a work of fiction.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Did Jesus Die?

It usually takes 2 to 3 days to die by crucifixion. Jesus died in 6 hours. He died shortly after his friends gave him some medication on a sponge. Consider the possibility Jesus did not die on the cross. That is how he was able to revive and leave the tomb on his own steam. Consider that Pontius Pilate doubted that Jesus was aleady dead. Consider that people in the Philippines reenacting the crucifixion suffer no permanent damage even after an hour.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Did Yahweh Write the Bible?

I read the bible cover to cover. It was one of the worst written books I have ever read. I saw not the tiniest spark of the divine. It is a really really bad counterfeit. The Qur’an is a much better counterfeit. On top of that, the bible is full of error and inconsistencies. I would think a deity could do 1000 times better than that. It should be perfect as advertised.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Difference Between Christian Science and Real Science

Some Christians claim that science is a belief just like Christianity and hence should not be taught in schools. The big difference is there libraries full of evidence for science. There are experiments you can perform to test the theories. All of modern technology such as cellphones, automobiles, washing machines… depend on science being correct. If science were wrong, they would not work. For Christianity, you have the bible, period. It inconsistent with itself. It is inconsistent with the civil record. If explains nothing.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Dinesh D’Souza BS

Dinesh D’Souza praised the bible for its deep quantum mechanical understanding that heaven exists outside space and time. The bible said no such thing and further there is no evidence that heaven even exists. When apologists must resort to lies to defend Christianity, it suggests they have little true to offer.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Discarded Scrolls

You can’t very well understand early Christianity without looking outside the bible to the scrolls discarded at the Council of Nicea, other ancient scrolls, civil documents, archaeology and other religions of the time. Archaeology, for example, points out there is no sign of Moses, his trek in the desert or King David even though there an almost complete record of the Egyptian pharaohs.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Discovering the Truth of the Bible

If Christians would but read the bible cover to cover, never again would they recommend others base their lives on it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Dismissing Religions

Christians have absolutely no problem when they or others dismiss other religions without even a cursory glance, but go apoplectic when people reject Christianity as absurd after reading the bible cover to cover and spending months examining the evidence for and against it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Ditzy Bible Authors

If a book is ostensibly written by god, I expect it to be at least a teensy bit more impressive than the people trying to sell me a copy. God of the old testament is exactly as clueless about astronomy as were the desert dwellers in the bronze age who wrote it. Did he forget how he pulled of his creation? If god is the ultimate magic, should not his book be at least a little bit magic, e.g. able to cure warts or baldness. Should it not be able to self-correct errors as it was alleged to have done in olden times.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Dropping Myths

Think of how many myths and wrong-headed ideas mankind has successfully abandoned over the millennia. Yet two of them hang on with ferocious intensity — the bible and the Qur’an.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Dumb Christian

The dumb Christian had a tattoo on his upper arm Leviticus 19:28.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Early Bible

The oldest fragment of the bible is known as P52, assumed to be written about 125 AD, is from the gospel according to St. John. Oddly, it has not been carbon dated to verify this estimate. The next oldest pieces come from about 200 AD. All we have are translations and a copies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Early Gospels

Emperor Constantine ordered burned all copies of 16 gospels that preceded the ones he used to form the official bible. Archaeologists have found pieces of these banned gospels. They all give a quite different picture of Christianity than Constantine collected. Modern day Christians avoid reading these more fundamental documents. You would think they would be fascinated since they were written closer to the time of Jesus than the familiar gospels.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Effectiveness of Prayer

Christians assure me that prayer is reliable. Some even claim it is 100% reliable. Some even claim it is more effective than taking action. The bible itself says you should pray alone in a closet, but if you want guaranteed results, you must pray in pairs. Yet nobody ever has a story from their live experience about prayer answered that plausibly would not have happened naturally anyway. Pretty much every prayer goes unanswered. Why then do Christians think:

Very simple because so many other people lie to them about the effectiveness of prayer in their own lives. Wishful thinking, saving face and gaining prestige are all motives for continuing the pretences.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The most important fact about the bible is the stories of Jesus were passed along as anonymous rumours for over a century before they were written down. People naturally embellish stories when they retell them. After a century of churning, the bible and what originally happened necessarily bear little resemblance. Christians insist this biblical game of telephone was magically without any distortion, though they have no evidence that is what happened.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Encouraging Christians to Read the Bible

If we could but get Christians to read the bible from cover to cover, they would be so ashamed of and disgusted by the psychotic behaviour of their god, they would have to drop the religion.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

End Times

The bible says, at end times the stars (which are tiny little things) will fall out of the sky. This is impossible. Therefore, there is no need to worry about end times ever happening Even if the stars literally did this, they are limited by the speed of light. They could not get here until you were long dead.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

End Times

I don’t know why anyone takes the end-times notion seriously.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

End Times Cons

The end times people claimed with 110% certainty the world would end on 2011-05-21. It didn’t. Neither did it on 1000-01-01, 2000-01-01 or any of other hundreds of bible-certain predictions either. This is a con aimed at idiots. What is really funny is trusting churches promoting the scam, soliciting funds that in theory they will never get to spend.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Evaluating The Bible

If you are interested in investigating whether the bible is true or not, don’t waste time with arguments based on whether you like or dislike it. Your personal tastes are irrelevant. What counts is evidence to corroborate or refute it. What counts are arguments for plausibility or implausibility. Every religious books makes claims of perfect truth. Clearly the presence alone of such claims means nothing. They must be corroborated.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Evaluating Christianity

If you wanted to know about a best seller, you would read reviews by people who had read it, or consult friends who had read it. If you want to know about the bible, you either need to read the bible cover to cover yourself, or find some people who have. Unfortunately, these people are hard to find, especially Christians. You will probably have to ask some atheists. The reason Christian bible-readers are so rare is reading the bible cover is the most potent force for atheism ever discovered. The bible is not at all what people expect. When atheists report what they find, Christians are incredulous.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Evangelical Education

Pity the poor evangelical. He must home school his brood to ensure they never encounter any fact that would endanger the delicate tissue of lies he had brow beat into them as their religion. He can’t send them to Harvard. They don’t have the grades and surely there they would be exposed to people whose beliefs were not identical to his. So they have to go to a second rate bible college like Liberty University, where followers of the late Jerry Falwell pretend to educate them while shielding them from anything that might make them question the dogma of their denomination. Without a proper education, the kids are doomed to dead end jobs and repeating the cycle of ignorance.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Ever Stronger Evidence Against God

Today the evidence there is no god is a thousand times stronger than it was when I was a child. There are so many places we should have seen signs of this god and we do not. The universe looks just the way it should if there were no god. The archaeological evidence the bible is BS is also orders of magnitude stronger. Pretending god is an open question is as silly as pretending whether there are leprechauns is an open question. Affecting a neutral position is lying about what we know.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Everchanging Story

Liars keep changing their story, just like the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


If there were a court case involving the veracity of the bible, there is nothing in the bible for which we have supporting evidence that would be accepted as valid in court.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Evidence Against

We have no evidence that would stand up in court for anything in the bible. All we have is third hand hearsay from anonymous sources. The four gospels each tell a totally different story. The authors do not even claim to be eye witnesses. Further we have archaeological evidence that much of the bible cannot be true: everything about Moses, Exodus, King David is fiction. Nazareth did not exist at the time of Jesus. None of Jesus’ miracles were recorded by any of the 121 local historians of the time, not even the zombie saints or the 3-hour global solar eclipse. The deeds of other prophets of the time were recorded. We have all kinds of scientific evidence that Genesis including Noah is completely wrong. This god that allegedly performed miracles daily has not done a single thing for the last 200 years. God is not supposed to change. Sounds like somebody is fibbing.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Evidence Christians Are Con Men

If I believed in a deity, (which I don’t ) I would never dream of trying to pass off my writings as the work of a god. It would surely get me in serious trouble. If I wanted to speculate about what the gods wanted, I would not dream of making claims I was actually quoting a god. But, nearly all Christian writers claim to speak for god. They even claim to be taking direct dictation, especially the authors of the bible. I have to conclude that none of them could truly believe he exists. They are all con men with a variety of motivations.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Evidence for God

I have been watching debates on YouTube on the existence of god. I noticed that every time the pro-god side are asked for evidence for god, they will say things like this:

These are reasons why they would prefer it if there were a god, or for pretending there is a god, not for why there actually is a god. These people are often professional Christians with impressive credentials.

What is going on?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Evidence For Miracles

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Evidence-Free Movies

If you watch a movie about scientists, they split their time telling you about what they found out and how they know it is true. If you watch a movie about Christians, they tell you what is so, but never why they think it is true, other than to quote a bible verse, which just begs the question. They remind me of a criminal gang constantly rehearsing their story for the police.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Evil Bible

The Bible is such as evil book, it should be kept under lock and key in special collections in university libraries for research into human evil and delusion.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Evil Bible Attributes to Yahweh

No god worth worshiping would have commanded all the evil attributed to Yahweh in the old testament. The bible is a fake. It had nothing to do with any deity.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Evil Yahweh

If you think it even remotely possible that Yahweh is a model of moral behaviour, I invite you to read the bible cover to cover. It will shock you, and change your mind. It did for Winston Churchill and myself.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Excuses Excuses

Think about how much Christian energy has gone into making excuses:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Excuses For God

People will make the craziest extreme excuses for god, they would never dream of using for real people. If you read the bible cover to cover, you discover god is a crazy cruel bastard. He does not give a fuck about anyone. He is monumentally vain. He enjoys suffering and human/animal sacrifice. So there is no need to come up with an excuse for the existence of starving children. He never answers prayers because he does not give a flying fuck. Read the bible cover to cover if you doubt. The bible was written to explain evil in the world. The bible’s answer is that god is sadistic. The alternative, even more plausible scientific explanation, is that Yahweh is imaginary. Yahweh started out as the god of war. It is little wonder he is depicted as such a bad ass.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Excusing Abraham

Atheists are revolted that Christians revere Abraham, an apocryphal man who attempted human sacrifice of his son Isaac, but was stopped at the last instant by a vision of an angel. Christians tell me, that in Abraham’s position, they would have killed their son. Why? because God commanded it. There is no such god. A disembodied voice in their head told them to, just as such voices bully schizophrenics every day. That voice is just an disowned fragment of their own personality. For reasons we are never told, Abraham wanted to murder his son. Christians have no way of knowing that voice is the creator of the universe. Further John 5:37 says that Yahweh does not talk to people. These people are puffed with conceit to imagine the creator of the universe chats with them.

Imagine you read in the newspaper that police burst in on a man about to stab his infant son to death. He babbled that god had commanded him to do it. Would you honour that man? Would support him going to jail or perhaps being send to a mental hospital? Presumably you would treat him as criminally insane. How is he any different from Abraham?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Existence of Sasquatches

Imagine a debate with a Christian about the existence of sasquatches. They would start by insisting I prove sasquatches could not even in theory exist. They would argue that sasquatches were warm and fuzzy and they could not bear to live in world without them. They would insist that sasquatches are the only possible explanation for missing children in Washington State. They would argue that if there were not real sasquatches, how could anyone have made the movie Harry and the Hendersons. A real sasquatch must have inspired that. Humans are clearly incapable of inventing such a story. When I challenged, Why no sasquatch bones, fossils, hair, corpses, as we find from other animals? they would respond, Sasquatches have no bones. Their hair vaporises instantly on death. Sasquatches eat their dead.. I would ask, How could you possibly know that, given you have never even seen a sasquatch? They would respond, Everyone knows that. It is in the sasquatch bible, a book revealed to Trapper Dan one winter by the Indian spirit Gormagon when Dan was trapped in his cabin for six months, having to survive on nothing but apricot brandy.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Christians insist that the story of Exodus is literally true, namely that Moses lead 2 million people around in a desert for 40 years. Yahweh was a thoroughly incompetent navigator. The journey takes 3 days by horseback. Imagine how much garbage a city of 2 million people generates each day. Imagine how much over 40 years. There would be human and animal bones, broken pots, fire pits… Christian and secular archaeologists have scoured the desert for two centuries. They have not been able to find even a single artifact. The Egyptians kept meticulous records carved in stone. There is no record any Hebrew slaves, Moses or the exodus. Scholars have concluded that exodus is a myth. It echoes the exodus from Babylon which was real.

Even though there is no evidence to support the exodus, and considerable evidence against it, Christians persist in claiming it is true, simply because they want it to be. What dishonest people!

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Expectations of God’s Writing Skill

If a god had penned the bible, it would be as beautiful as a sunset. It is nowhere close.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Expectations of Yahweh

Yahweh may have some expectations on me, but I have some expectations on him, if he claims to be the creator of the universe. Here are some things I would need to check out to be sure we had the real god, the real creator of the universe, not some third rate supernatural being.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Explaining Everything

The Christian says, Science can’t explain everything, so I will go with god. But science certainly explains a lot and it is practical stuff. The knowledge can be used to create computers, medicine, transportation, psychiatry, navigation, animal husbandry, telecommunications, metallurgy… In contrast the bible tells you nothing! just a few bum steers about astronomy and astrophysics and bunch silly dietary rules that make no sense. Almost nothing in the bible is factually correct and the facts that are correct have no practical use. It is not even a decent moral guide. It has nothing going for it other than your mummy mindlessly recommended it without even reading it and your grandmother mindlessly recommended it to your mummy.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Extraordinary Claims

Christians make three extraordinary claims.

  1. A god wrote the bible.
  2. The bible is inerrant.
  3. The seemingly impossible things the bible describes actually happened.

It not like a history of the Punic wars, when the only problem is the bias of the writer. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

I focus on (2). The bible is clearly not inerrant. It is crawling contradictions and factual error even an elementary school child could see. (2) is the the only evidence for (1). So in other words, there is no evidence at all that a deity had anything to do with the bible. It is just an ordinary book with no more weight than How to Win Friends and Influence People. So, without that authority of a god’s authorship, there is no reason to believe (3).

Christianity comes crashing down like a house of cards.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Eyewitness Accounts

Christians like to claim the gospels were eye-witness accounts. We know that is not so because:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Facing Death

I have noticed something peculiar. Christians are in general very reluctant to die. They demand heroic medical efforts to keep them alive just weeks longer. They oppose suicide, euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide. You would think they would eager to head off to heaven. Atheists are generally much more comfortable with death. If there is fear, it is of the suffering prior to dying, not dying itself or being dead. Perhaps the Christians are trying to procrastinate being roasted alive.

If you are an atheist, death itself is not particularly scary. It is like going under anaesthesia and not waking. You may feel regret for not having accomplished more. You feel sadness at parting with loved ones. You feel nostalgia knowing you have already done many things for the last time. You may wish you had altered the priorities of your life to have taken better advantage of the short time you had.

You would ask yourself at least once, What if I am wrong and there is an afterlife? You might tell yourself I was kind as any Christian or Hindu. I refrained many times from taking revenge on my enemies. If the one true deity punishes people for not being born into homes that teach the worship of him, then that deity does not deserve worship.

If you are a Christian, death is a stressful time. You believe you are about to be harshly judged. If you come up wanting, you will be tortured eternally. You may obsess on shameful things you have done that others do not know about, so their reassurances are not that reassuring. If you read the bible, it points out thousands of reasons why you will certainly be condemned, not the least that heaven has room for only 144,000 male virgins (some heaven, unless you are a paedophile). You may tell yourself over and over you will be fine, but, like a nervous airplane passenger, that is not much consolation.

Finally, you may notice that there is no evidence for your belief in the afterlife. It just a group of people frantically reassuring each other they believe firmly it is so. It is like the ineffectual rituals people do to win sports contests or lotteries. That is no foundation. You may have wasted your entire life preparing for an exam that will never happen. Oddly, Christians don’t worry if they picked the correct god to worship and neither do Hindus or Muslims, even though the odds are at best in 1 in 60,000 they did.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Fading Religion

Religion is fading. The Baptist church estimates only 4% of its children will grow up to be bible-believing adults.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Fairy Tales

When Christians hear stories of magic say in The Arabian Nights, Grimm’s fairy tales, the Qur’an or the Book of Mormon they have no problem as identifying them a fiction. The presence of impossible events gives them away. But when they read the bible, they swallow the tall tales whole, convinced they are absolute truth, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Why do they treat the bible so differently? Why do only Christians do this? ~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


There are two main kinds of faith:

  1. Blind faith in the bible because you tell yourself the creator of the universe wrote the bible, despite the ample evidence it is not nearly good enough quality.
  2. Stuff you just make up that sounds plausible you use to bamboozle others. You kid yourself your material came direct into your mind from the creator of the universe.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Faith in God the Protector

When a Christian says I have faith that God will attend to global warming what does he mean? He means I am such a lazy, selfish twit that I refuse to even attend to my own survival or the survival of my children. I prefer to indulge in completely unrealistic, wishful fantasies instead. It is the same self-indulgent, self-destructive attitude that you find in drug-takers. Surely they have seen God allow and even encourage evil over and over, even in the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Faith or Works?

How do you get into heaven? The bible contradicts itself.

Works alone matter. Jesus will refuse to acknowledge you without them according to: Isaiah 64:6, John 5:28-29, Luke 13:25, Matthew 16:27, Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 25:46, Romans 2:6-8.

However, belief in Jesus is all you need according to: I John 5:13, John 3:16, John 3:36, John 5:24, John 6:40, John 10:9.

But then it is also a free gift without conditions according to: Romans 6:23.

But it also depends on partaking in cannibalism according to John 6:55-59.

But it also depends on the crucifixion. Your sins don’t matter. Jesus picked up the tab according to I John 2:2.

But according to James 2:26, you need both faith and works.

Supposedly God wrote this. If he did, he must have been drunk. Much more likely, warring clans wrote it hoping repetition would overwhelm the position of the opposition.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Faith vs. Works

Matthew 7:21 says faith and prayers do not matter. What counts is how you behave. Modern Christians ignore this verse. Lazy buggers are happy to be passively born again but don’t want to put themselves out helping others.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Faking Miracles

Let’s say you were a Christian and you wanted to make a low-budget Youtube video about Jesus’ miracles. You don’t have the budget for CGI (Computer Graphics Imaging), so you will have to fake all the miracles with ordinary stage magic. You could not afford a consultant like Criss Angel or that guy who make turkeys appear out of nowhere. You would have to make do with the magician you can hire for your kids’ birthday. Do you think he would have trouble staging the loaves and fishes, water into wine, healing the blind, walking on water, filling the net?

What if you told your hired magician that nobody has to actually see the miracles. All you need is a rumour to be written down in the next century, like the reported rumours in the bible by people who never saw them. Do you think even you could pull it off without any magical training at all?

Why is it Christians prefer to believe in impossible events without evidence of any kind rather than ordinary deception? Why not believe a sky fairy is about to wipe out the national debt? That would be nice too.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

False Benefit For Christianity

I think most Christians think like this, the important thing is not whether god literally exists, or the bible is literally true, but rather that people behave better when they believe our creed. Hmm. paedophilic priests and the televangelists don’t behave better. If people imagine that god will catch them if they fall, they take foolish risks. Con men can more easily take advantage of a mark if the mark believes something that is not true.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

False Claims To Believe the Bible

If you claim to believe every single word in the bible, how could you honestly do that without first reading it cover to cover? I dare you to do that. I strongly suspect when you are done, you will not longer claim to believe every word Some of it is just too evil or too crazy. Further, you will no longer believe it is the word of god. It is just too lame and full of error. If you don’t read it, I presume you know I am right and don’t want your tidy little world rocked. This is the bible I am daring you to read, not some scholarly commentary, not some work by Richard Dawkins.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The False Core of Christianity

Christianity hangs on a single very questionable assumption — that the creator of the universe wrote the bible. That is clearly not so. How do we know?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

False Credit

It is really thick of the churches taking credit for the abolishment of slavery and civil rights when:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Familiarity Breeds Acceptance of Nonsense

Christians are so familiar with the outlandish tales in the bible, that the tales no longer sound improbable. Christians no longer feel the need for evidence to support them, in the same way atheists trust that familiar outlandish creatures like elephants exist, even though they may have never touched one.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Fear of Roasting

If you are a Christian, the most important fact of your existence is your fear that Yahweh is probably going to torture you for eternity. Revelation says only 144,000 male virgins get into heaven. The odds are pretty bad even if you are a male virgin. (Apparently, god and Jesus want only male company.) So, if you believe Yahweh the god exists, why don’t you believe some or all of the other 60,000 gods exist? What made you single out Yahweh? What is so special about Christianity? You don’t know the first thing about any of those other religions, so how can you dismiss them so easily? Other people find them more valid than Christianity. For example, I read the Qur’an. Its holy book is much higher quality than the bible, allegedly substantially better Arabic poetry than any ever written by a human. Its hell is far worse than the Christian one. So why aren’t you even more concerned about Allah torturing you than Yahweh? I gather you simply avoided ever thinking about the problem.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Feigning Incompetence

What author deliberately peppers a work he wants people to take seriously with thousands of errors and inconsistencies to make it look like a clumsy counterfeit to somehow test his readers. That is what Christians would have us believe of god and his bible. They are grasping at straws to explain the atrocious quality of the bible, supposedly divinely written and inerrant. That is purely a test for stupidity and gullibility. Does god really want people too stupid to recognise his handiwork?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


When people read fiction, especially fantasy or science fiction, they invoke a willing suspension of disbelief. Christians treat the bible as if it were fiction. They apply this same willing suspension of disbelief.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Fiction vs Non-Fiction

Pick up any biography. It will have a photograph of the subject. Failing that a painting or drawing. Failing that a detailed word description. Compare that with a work of fiction. It will tell you very little about any character’s physical appearance. That way you can use your imagination to fill in the details for yourself. Now consider the bible. It has no physical descriptions of any of the characters. The images we have of Moses is actually the image of Charlton Heston from his appearance in The Ten Commandments. The blue-eyed image of Jesus we have is an artist’s fancy since we know Jesus would had to have been a dark-skinned Palestinian.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Fictitious Moses

How do we know that Moses was a character of fiction? First he is reputed to have lived to 125 in an age when the average life expectancy was 25. That is a bit of a tall tale. Consider the meticulous stone records the Egyptians kept of the royal family and everyone important to them. No sign of Moses. Also there is no record of the alleged 430 years of Israelite slavery. Further, Moses allegedly lead a million plus people for 40 years in the Sinai desert feeding them on manna presumably some sort of fungus (funguses do not grow in deserts). The bible says many people died of snake bites. But despite over a century of looking, archaeologists have found not one skeleton, not one shard of pottery, not one goat bone… dated to the period. Archaeologists say so many people would have to leave substantial garbage behind. Since there is none, Exodus must be a myth.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Filing the Bible

In the library should the Christian bible be filed under history non-fiction, or English literature? If it were filed under non-fiction, it would subject to the scrutiny that all non-fiction is, fact checking, provenance checking, checking for absurd claims… To survive the scrutiny, it would need evidence to support all its claims. It would need references. It cannot do that. It has no evidence at all to support its claims. All it can do is lamely say have faith. No science, history, archaeology, biology can get away with sloppy fact checking like that. So the bible does not belong in the non-fiction category.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Fine Tuning Argument

The best argument Christians have for the existence of god is the fine tuning argument. The idea is Yahweh precisely tweaked the values of various cosmological constants to generate a more interesting universe. But if you read the bible, you learn that Yahweh has understanding of science easily eclipsed by the average second grader. There is no way he had the understanding to go tweaking any constants. Fine tuning might be an argument for a more intelligent deity, but I know of none that has demonstrated anywhere near the requisite knowledge. The most common rebuttal is that we live in a multiverse. There are universes with every conceivable range of cosmological constants. By the cosmological principle, we humans necessarily have to live in one with values compatible to supporting life. Stephen Hawking speculated there may be mathematical reasons why the values have to be the way they are. They are not arbitrary.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) The Fallacy of Fine-Tuning: Why the Universe Is Not Designed for Us

The First Commandment

Judaism was originally polytheistic. Yahweh was the war god. Later he became the jealous god. The first commandment admits there are many gods, but you had better worship only the jealous one.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Forcing Religion on Others

Christians love forcing their religion on others. Maybe they would enjoy forcing something on themselves. How about a law forcing every Christian to read both the old testaments, cover to cover, within a year, with a quiz at the end. Randomly chosen biblical penalty for failure. Cliffsnotes will be popular as will The Bible For Dummies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

FOX Makes National Geographic Lie

I wondered why the National Geographic TV channel was putting out so many bogus science shows on the Bible, which lie through their teeth about the scientific support for biblical infallibility. Why would National Geographic destroy its reputation in such an obvious and shoddy way? I went to their website to let my disgust be known. Mystery solved. I discovered they are now part of FOX Networks, the people who sued in the Florida supreme court for the right to treat the news as entertaining fiction. FOX will tell the most implausible lies with a straight face so long as it will increase ratings.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Freedom To Read the Bible

The church does not want you reading the bible. Originally to discourage people, they burned alive anyone who translated it from Latin to spoken languages. They would burn you alive if they caught you making copies or reading it. Almost nobody reads it today, out of laziness, unlike the way nearly all Muslims read the Qur’an cover to cover, over and over. Today, you have the freedom the read the bible cover to cover without punishment, so long as you do not discuss your discoveries. I strongly suspect if you do it, you will no longer claim to believe every word. Some of it is just too evil or too crazy.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Freedom of Religion is a Truce

Freedom of religion is at best a temporary truce. Holy books call for killing or harming all non-believers. If you read the Bible and the Qur’an, you will discover Christianity technically is even worse than Islam in this regard. Jewish people imagine they are they are their god’s chosen people, superior to all others and as such privileged to ignore secular land titles and just abscond with others’ territory. That reminds me of a German cult and its master race nonsense.

You can’t have a peaceful society when people define good as such wicked practices.

When I point these immoral verses out to Christians, some say, It does not really mean that. or Some other verse negates that. I then say, If you don’t mean it, why don’t you take it out so there won’t be any confusion?o; Surely the pope has the authority. A council decided what to include in the bible in the first place. They look at me as if I had just demanded they slit the throat of their first born son. The point is they do mean it; they just don’t like to acknowledge it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


It is amazing how many ignorant Christians think the US constitution was derived from the bible. Consider how many freedoms you find in the constitution that are missing from the bible:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Fundamentalist weaseling

Fundamentalist Christians assert that every word is the bible is literally true. Yet as soon as you point out some contradiction or error, they weasel and say you need to interpret it in some strange way.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


In Mark and Matthew are Jesus’ genealogies. However, they quite different. How can Christians claim the bible is the inerrant word of God with this glaring error? Even if Christians claim each list is deliberately incomplete, that is still admitting the lists are imperfect.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Genesis of Genesis

I can think of three ways Genesis could conceivably have come into being:

  1. As the Christians claim. A deity creator of the universe planted ideas in the brains of random people who then felt compelled to relate them to others. They eventually got written down.
  2. Various ancient peoples with schizophrenia heard voices, and interpreted them as the voice of god. They felt compelled to relate them to others. Others treated them as shamans/god-possessed. Their statements eventually got written down.
  3. Literate men of ancient times were distressed that people were not behaving as they thought they should. So they made up stories about a deity and put into his mouth their various peeves, including ghastly threats for rejecting their list of taboos. They also had god command the marks to give them (the priestly class) money and goods. One of the ancient Greek philosophers suggested constructing such a set of myths. If the myths were taught to the young as true, in a few generations they would be taken as unassailable.

What would you expect if each of these scenarios were true?

  1. For (1) you would expect scientific accuracy. After all, the creator of the universe should know better than anyone how it all worked. You would expect very good consistency between the various parts of the bible since everything came from one author. We don’t find that.
  2. For (2) you would expect a lot of gibberish and crazy talk. You would not find any consistency between the various authors. Revelation fits this dream-like pattern, but the rest of the bible is too coherent.
  3. For (3) you would expect some consistency, since writers would have read some parts already written, but not perfect consistency since there were so many authors with so many different agendas. You would expect no sign of science discovered in the last 1900 years since it did not exist at the time. This is exactly the pattern we find. That is why I think (3) is the most likely explanation for the genesis of Genesis.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


In the bible, over and over again, Yahweh commands his followers to kill off some rival tribe, including women and children and livestock. Sometimes he calls for slavetaking or rape. This does not sound like the creator of the universe talking. The creator of the entire universe would not be so insanely partial to one tribe. He would not be so cruel to painstakingly constructed babes.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

God Commands Evil

You would hope to read in the bible how god lead people to live exemplary lives. But instead you read of him demanding, rape, genocide, slavery and all manner of depravity. He demands devastation that even requires butchering all the livestock. You read of him torturing Job and Abraham for his amusement. I don’t just mean there are descriptions of rape and genocide, but Yahweh commanding them. It claims the gentle Jesus and the tyrant Yahweh are one in the same. The book is completely schizophrenic. It is guide for living only for the insane.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Is a God Necessary For Absolute Morality?

Human societies got along for millions of years before Yahweh was invented, ditto bonobo societies. Religion borrowed from that morality, not the reverse.

Civil law is fine-tuned over time so it stays relevant, introducing new rules and dropping old ones. Religious law has no way of changing. It becomes progressively sillier and more irrelevant. In contrast, civil law changes and grows to accommodate the moral standards of the current mix of the population. It is certainly imperfect, but it rarely gets as out-of-sync with reality as a religion does. It is absolute in that judges impose it in a more or less uniform way. With religion, 99.9% of the rules are ignored and the remainder are interpreted by individual believers in a way that excuses their own bad behaviour and magnifies the bad behaviour of others.

The Christian religion adds all manner of nonsense to basic morality which actually discourages moral behaviour: e.g. from Deuteronomy 5:7

Religion is mostly just irrelevant superstition, nothing whatsoever to do with morality.

Usually religions give lip service to non-violence, honest and generosity, but when you read the fine print, they command genocide, theft of land and spreading the lies of the religion.

Believing that the only reason to behave is an ogre will torture you after you die is building your morality on sand. When you eventually lose your fear of the imaginary bogey man, you will become a monster yourself, morally broken by a life in corrupt service to an imaginary ogre.

For how to develop a rational morality, see the work of Lawrence Kohlberg.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

God Poof ⇒ Bible

Clergy pull off the most amazing sleight of hand. They talk about god, as the creator of the universe, then talk about what god said and slip its place, the bible, a book they wrote and fobbed off as the creator’s handiwork. It is the most outrageously incompetent forgery.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

God Talks To Me Every Day

If you think god is talking to you, there is no way you can be truly sure. I find it astounding so many Christians think god talks them but says only lame Hallmark greeting card messages, or that they should kill (violating the prime commandment). John 5:37 says god never talks to people, but all manner of goofuses think he does, including characters in the bible. The real truth is, if you hear a voice is your head, it is just a part of you, not god. If it is convincingly telling you to commit crimes, see a shrink.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

A God vs Yahweh The God

In debates, Christians invariably conflated the odds for the existence of a god with the existence of their god Yahweh and the literal truth of the bible. Archaeologists have discovered some 60,000 gods. Presuming a creator god exists, the odds of that the creator god being Yahweh are not that good. Further, it seems to me a creator god would likely be nothing like any of the human depictions of god. The best way to describe its (It is hopelessly anthropomorphic to assign the creator of the universe a human gender. It is god of the universe, not just humans.) activities would be mathematical. So even if there is a god, I would expect that all religions completely missed the mark in describing it.

The question remains Is this confusion a sign of stupidity or treachery? Given that Christians persist in the conflating the two, even when the error is pointed out again and again, I would say it has to be a deliberate attempt at deception trying to fob off arguments for a creator as arguments for the holy trinity.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

God Is Wicked, Satan Not So Bad

I have never heard a Christian explain why the god Yahweh is considered infinitely good and Satan infinitely wicked, when, in the bible, the god Yahweh does nearly all the cruel and irrational acts.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

God ≠ Bible

When Christians say Do you believe in god? what they really mean is Do you believe in the bible?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

God’s Body

The bible Genesis 1:27 says man was created in the image of god. This tells a number of things about god.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

God’s Broken Promise

Christians assert that God cannot lie. Assuming god wrote the bible, god is the author of various promises to answer every prayer without exception. Yet prayers are rarely answered. The only ones that are answered are those that would have been answered in the natural course of events. Therefore god made a promise and did not keep it. Therefore god is a liar. But this is a logical contradiction. This absurdity leads us to assume either god did not write the bible, god does lie or god does not exist. Every Christian is fully aware of this, but pretends not to notice, a form of self-deception.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

God’s Lack Of Love For Christians

If god loves Christians best, how is it that the bible belt has the highest rates of HIV (Human Immuno-deficiency Virus), hypertension, cardiac disease, obesity and divorce? Obviously, trusting a non-existing deity to look out for your health is not nearly as effective as taking responsibility for it yourself.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

God’s True Book

If god wrote a holy book, it would be perfect. It would contain no conflicts with reality. It would be clear and without contradiction. It would contain wisdom well beyond man’s. This would convince everyone and all the existing fallible religions would pass away. But this does not happen. The quality of the bible is low even for human authorship. There is nothing superhuman or supernatural about it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Going All Gooey

Some people go all gooey inside when they hear readings from the bible. Some go gooey on hearing the strains of their national anthem. I go all gooey when someone talks about preserving our planet.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gold Plated Feces

The more you study Christianity and the bible, the more disgusting it becomes. It is gilded shit. It is nothing but a pack of the most putrid, evil, sadistic lies. Yet nearly everyone pretends not to notice. The bible is as good a moral guide as Charles Manson’s diary.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Good Without God

Christians assert that you cannot be good without god. I assert the opposite. You cannot be good while holding Christian delusions. How do I know?

Nearly every human culture, including ones without gods, has a common core morality. No killing, rape, theft, false witness… It comes from our common sense and common humanity. Religion later adopts it. Do you seriously think it was news that murder was wrong when Moses displayed his tablets?

Consider the murder, rape, teen pregnancy, repeat teen pregnancy, divorce, abortion etc. rates in the Christian USA vs the atheist Sweden. Sweden is dramatically better on every measure. In the USA only a minute fraction of atheists are in jail compared with Christians. It is almost negligible. Why would that be?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Great Flood was Not a Tsunami

Christians are so desperate for confirmation of their myths, they claim an ancient tsunami was Noah’ flood. But a tsunami is a marine event that lasts a few minutes. The bible says the flood was clearly caused by rain lasting 40 days.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


If today we discovered an empty tomb, anyone who suggested the corpse flew up in the sky would be treated with anti-psychotics. The obvious explanation is that parties unknown stole the corpse. Why do Christians lose their common sense as soon as a bible story is involved and refuse to consider the most plausible explanation?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gullible Christians

If a Christian read that some lady was still living in the Ural Mountains of Russia at 150 years old, they would insist it must be an April Fools prank. But they swallow the bible claiming people living to 900 and having children past the age of 500, without batting an eye. Why the double standard?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Happy Christians

Christians claim their belief in Jesus makes their lives happier. That could not be true.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Hate Literature

The bible is clearly hate literature, but the Christian lobby is so powerful nobody dares prosecute.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Hating Yahweh

Accusing someone of hating Yahweh makes about as much sense as accusing them of hating Papa Bear in Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Christians are so frustrating because they insist on murdering people because of what a fictitious character said. The bible itself portrays Yahweh as more evil than Hitler. There is no other source of information about him. Why would Christians get so huffy when non-believers echo the same picture of Yahweh as the Christian holy book itself portrays? I gather the problem is Christians have never actually read their bible cover to cover and are thus completely ignorant of what an unflattering portrait it paints of Yahweh (ex Yahweh tribal god of war).

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


We used to play a party game called Telephone where you passed information from person to person.

The bible was written by people who never met Jesus. At best, the story was passed from person to person to person before it was finally written down about a century later (People back then only lived about 25 years). If you believe in the perfect accuracy of the New Testament, you are not trusting Jesus, you are trusting hearsay. None of these people in the chain were under oath. Why wouldn’t they embellish the story?

Consider how his best fish story gets better and better every time your uncle tells it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Hearsay Bible

Very few Christians understand that the gospels were written from hearsay 40 to 60 years after Jesus’ death. The authors were not the disciples, but anonymous people who never met Jesus. Jesus spoke Aramaic, but the authors wrote the gospels in Greek. How can you possibly expect an accurate account from several levels of hearsay?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


I find it odd that Christians claim they want to live in heaven for eternity. It beats roasting alive, but it does not sound very pleasant.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Given how important fear of hell is to supporting the Christian belief in Yahweh, it comes as quite a shock to Christians to discover there is no mention of heaven or hell in the old testament. Further, there are only a few sentences in the new testament. 99% of what Christians believe about heaven and hell was made up hundreds of years after the bible was written. It mostly comes from art work. It has no biblical support.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Hidden Bible

92% of the King James translation of the bible was taken from William Tyndale’s earlier translation. For his trouble, he was burned at the stake since the clergy did not want lay people reading for themselves what the bible said.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Historical Accuracy

Here are the rules historians use to judge historical accuracy of information. How does the bible rate?

Bible Historical Accuracy
Are records acknowledged as fallible? fail
Are records first-hand accounts? fail
Are records contemporary with claimed events? fail
Are events independently corroborated? fail
Are events plausible under the laws of physics? fail
Are events verified by concrete relics? fail
Have records been reliably preserved? fail
Are records preserved in their native language? fail
Are authors socially and politically unbiased? fail

It is amusing that Christians are happy to use these criteria when studying Alexander the Great, but when it comes to Jesus, they throw them all out and become as gullible as three year olds. They so desperately want to believe. It is so pathetic. In the Christian mind, believing will make it so, the way children at a reading of Peter Pan make Tinkerbell come back to life by clapping to attest their belief in fairies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) The Unreliability of the New Testament click to watch

Hitler vs Yahweh

It shocks us that so many Germans were so enthusiastic about Hitler. Yet the same thing happens on a much larger scale with Yahweh. People claim to worship him even though he tortured, committed genocide and behaved in a capricious psychotic way just like Hitler. Further, Yahweh is just as indifferent to human suffering. If you doubt, read your bible cover to cover.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Hitler Worship

In Numbers 31:15-18 Moses commanded the slaughter of all the civilian Midianites, except for the virgin females who were to be raped. This is Christian morality. Where do Christian get off claiming it is superior to secular morality? It is utter barbarity. It does not even deserve the term morality. This is the sort of thing Hitler might have pulled off. Christians are worshiping a war criminal, Moses.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Holy Book Attributes

If a deity had written the bible or the Qur’an, there would be absolutely no doubt of its authorship. Its quality would be supernaturally good. It would speak to the ages, not just to its time. It would be perfectly clear. It would not ramble. Every syllable would be relevant. It would be free of error and inconsistency. The bible and the Qur’an come nowhere near this standard. They are forgeries.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Holy Excuses

It is quite amusing listening to a fundamentalist explain why blatant errors and inconsistencies in the bible do not count. They insist the bible is still inerrant. What he is doing is like making preposterous excuses for his severely retarded brother. This is quite insulting to god, the alleged author. Imagine the fundamentalist handing in similar screwball excuses to his workplace to explain away his own incompetence. Surely he would not have the chutzpah to try that.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Holy Rape

Yahweh did not ask permission from Mary for the impregnation. That makes it as rape.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Home Schooled Yahweh

The bible is one of the worst-written books of all time. It contradicts itself and it is crawling with gross errors. It was never properly edited to remove redundancy and to make it stylistically consistent. There are professional apologists who make excuses for all the flaws. These apologies are tortured and silly. Christians have decided the bible must be perfect so will jump through any imaginable hoops to view it that way and ignore all problem areas. The apologists remind me of the mother of a retarded home-schooled child. She makes up the silliest stories to maintain the fiction her son is a genius. If the bible were truly the work of god, it would not need all this propping up.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Home Schooling

The original intent of home schooling was to allow people who lived in remote areas to school their children themselves. It could also be used for children with special needs that the formal school system could not handle well. But it way it is nearly always used is to ensure there are large holes in education, particularly science that the parents dislike for religious reasons. In BC for example, there is no required core curriculum. Parents are free to teach nothing at all or nothing but bible studies if they so choose. In my view, such kids are crippled, unable to function in society. Parents should not have a right to deprive them that way. It is almost as bad as depriving them of food or medical care.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How Atheist Am I?

I have been unimpressed by the arguments for the existence of a deity. I find the arguments for Yahweh pathetic and laughable, more confirming his absence than presence. He is a stupid, vain, clown, not a creator of worlds. I can’t believe that anyone who has read the bible cover to cover would take him seriously or admit publicly to worshiping such an evil bastard. Anyone who worships him is ignorant of what the bible has to say about him. I would be far more astonished if Yahweh turned out to exist that if sunrise failed.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How the Bible Depicts Yahweh

If you read the bible cover to cover, it portrays Yahweh as a sadistic psychopath, paranoid, pathologically vain, petty, capricious… I am astounded a people would describe their deity in such negative terms. Perhaps they were looking for something to be responsible for all that is unpleasant. Yahweh started out as a bad ass pitiless war god and never shed that basic personality.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How Could You Know?

If someone said to you At the center of the earth is a diamond monkey, about 10 cm (3.94 in) tall , ask yourself How could anyone possibly know that?. If someone said to you In the bible it says there was a solar eclipse over all the earth, ask yourself How could anyone possibly know that? People did not have satellite communications in those days.

It is a lie to claim things are true, even when they are, if you have no means of knowing they are true.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How do Christians Justify Rejecting Other Religions?

Perhaps just as astounding as Christians are sure their bible is 100% accurate despite mountains of evidence that is not so, is why they dismiss all the other 60,000 religions without so much as a cursory glance. They are utterly convinced they are completely false. How could they possibly know?

To me Christianity and Islam are two peas in a pod. There is nothing that different about either one to make you completely accept one and completely reject the other. Granted if you judged purely on errors and inconsistencies in the holy book, Islam would win hands down. If you judged on the number of miracle/silly stories, Christianity would win hands down.

People nearly always choose the religion of their parents, not by comparison shopping. They accept their religion because they never examine it. This non-examining is encouraged.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How Do Christians Know?

Of all the 60,000 religions, Christians claim their bible and only their bible was written by god. They assert this without even looking at any other religion. If you have a look at the Muslim’s Qur’an, you will discover it has far fewer errors and inconsistencies than the bible. Further, it is consistent, unlike the bible which is clearly written by many different people. It makes more sense. It has much better provenance. It does not have a problem with thousands of variants. Further, Arabic speakers tell me the poetry is better than any other poetry in the language, which can be considered evidence of its divine origin. Christians claim validity of the bible because they are absolutely sure in their hearts it is correct. Muslims are even more than way. So it appears even the Qur’an has a much better claim to have divine intervention in the creation of its holy book than Christianity.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How Do You Know that Creationism Is Correct?

Every atheist has had this conversation with a Christian.
Despite the scientific evidence, the universe was created by god in seven days and the earth is 6000 years old.
How do you know that?
It says so in the bible and the bible is infallible.
I will leave how you know the bible is infallible aside for a moment, but how did the people who wrote the bible know how god created the universe?
God told them.
How do you know that god told them? And how did they know it was the creator of the universe, rather than some delusion, or evil demon, maybe even Satan? How do you know the anonymous authors of the bible could be trusted to take good dictation and not just make stuff up?
It says so in the bible.
We are going around in circles. This is just circular reasoning.
It does not make sense unless you have faith. Your problem is you are too logical. You will never understand unless you abandon rationality.
So you have to be crazy to swallow Christian BS. I gathered as much.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How Do You Know That A God Wrote the Bible?

Christians, particularly creationists tell you all sorts of weird things, e.g. a man lived several days in the stomach of a fish or a donkey talked. You ask them How do you know?. Sometimes they just make up their stories, but often the answer is The bible says so, (or implies so). They never give reasons in the sense scientists or lawyers would. So everything they say depends on the authority of the bible. You ask How do you know the bible is correct?They answer Because god wrote it. You ask, How do you know god wrote it? They stare at you as if you had just questioned which way was up. They have blind, unquestioning faith that he did. They have no reason to believe this, and they make a virtue out of having no reason.

It is not just that there is a lack of evidence that Yahweh wrote the bible, there is a ton evidence he could not possibly have been the author. Creationists cover their eyes and plug their ears when confronted with this evidence. If they did not, everything they believed would come tumbling down. Everything they believe depends on god being the author of the bible. They have only one source of information — the bible.

How do we know for absolutely sure that the creator of the universe did not write the bible?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How Likely Is It The Bible Is True?

It is considerably more likely the moon is made of green cheese than that the bible is literally true.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How Many Universes

Modern string theory says there are 10500 multiverses (1 followed by 500 zeroes). Yahweh of the bible claims to have created only one.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How Shed Christianity

I suggest you read the bible cover to cover. Even if it does not make you an atheist, it will at least make you deeply ashamed to be a Christian.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

There was once a death penalty for translating the bible from Latin to English. The clerics were afraid if anyone read the entire bible they would reject Christianity. Then they learned, that even when the bible was available in English, almost nobody read it. The clerics could still spoon feed the congregation cherry picked passages.

How Yahweh Could Have Signed His Bible

If Yahweh wanted to impress us with the validity of the bible, all he would have had to do is insert a few tidbits of knowledge that were not known at the time, perhaps suitably disguised so as not to give the game away. There is nothing of the sort. Instead there is a ton of bogus science, including such nonsense as goats viewing white poles while copulating will conceive striped offspring. Surely all that false information is evidence a deity could not have written it, either that or the deity was addled or a trickster. Genesis 30:37-39

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How You Know The Bible is False

One underappreciated reason to discard the bible as myth is that nearly every story in it was borrowed and adapted from some earlier religion. If you don’t accept the validity of the myths of these earlier religions, you can’t very well believe the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How You Know the Bible is a Forgery

The authors of the bible were anonymous. They recorded hearsay. Supposedly a god told them what to write. If that were true, surely the quality would be top notch. There would be no errors or inconsistencies. The writing would be supernaturally clear and beautiful. But it isn’t, nowhere near. The quality is appalling even for human authorship. There is no evidence at all that a deity had anything whatsoever to do with writing the bible. The claim Yahweh is the author is repeated so often that people forget there is nothing backing it. The bible is counterfeit. It is a forgery. It pretends to be a divinely authored book. It is essentially one gigantic lie.

I don’t know if the authors were themselves in on this con, or if they simply wrote holy fiction and others tacked on the lie that Yahweh was its author and it was literal truth. I suspect they were in on it. The early church fathers often explained that lying for the sake of promoting the religion was acceptable.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How you Know The Bible is a Forgery?

Who knew more about the universe, the authors of the bible or Carl Sagan? The authors of the bible thought stars and planets were holes, and they did not know about the spherical earth, how eclipses work, galaxies, filaments, black holes, dark matter, gravity, quasars, super novae… Surely the creator of the universe knows exactly what is in it, far more than either the authors of the bible or Carl Sagan. In other words God had nothing whatsoever to do with writing the bible. It is a forgery.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How You Know the Creator of the Universe Did Not Write the Bible

The only reason Christians believe the creator of the universe wrote the bible is their peers said it was so. Those peers in turn had no reason to think that other than their peers told them. It is a belief based on sand.

What matters far more than does god exist is did he write the bible. If he existed but did not write the bible, Christians are all chumps, taken in by a forgery. Christians bet the farm that the creator of the universe wrote the bible. If that is not so, then Christianity is blithering nonsense. It is rather distressing for Christians, but you can easily show the creator of the universe could not possibly have been the author of the bible. If they wish to remain Christians, their only strategy is to refuse to look.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How You Know God Does Not Exist

It is hard to demonstrate something does not exist, but consider we have never once seen god (or anything else) tweak a physical law in centuries we have had the capability to record such a miracle. God may exist, but he appears to have left the building. According to the bible, miracles that violate physical law should happen every day.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How You Know Yahweh Did Not Write the Bible

Job 9:6 says that the earth rests on pillars. Surely Yahweh knows that is not so, however, the author of the bible thinks it does. Therefore Yahweh is not the author the bible. A similar argument applies to almost every place in the bible it pontificates on science and gets it 100% wrong.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How You Know Yahweh Did Not Write the Bible

Since there is no evidence that the god Yahweh had anything to do with writing the bible and since there is so much evidence ordinary bungling humans did and since there are so many errors and inconsistencies in the bible, how can people possibly claim with absolute certainty the bible is the inerrant word of god? It is obviously not true. All you have to do is read the bible. The only way you could believe that it to take somebody’s word for it and never look for yourself.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

I am So Glad I am Not A Christian

Imagine being a little boy born into a Christian family. You have barely learned to speak and your whole family, parents, grand parents, aunts, uncles… all conspire in a lifelong lie to convince you there truly is a monster under the bed and everywhere else. This monster is far worse than any bogeyman, paedophile or werewolf. This monster can read your mind. If you ever think an unloving thought about it, it will torture you for eternity by burning your flesh off, then putting it back on only to burn it off again. This monster is omnipotent. Not even superman can protect you from his sadism. Further, this monster demands you believe all the nonsense and self-contradictory shit in the bible. You must not only pretend to love this monster, you must control your thoughts too to pretend to believe the bible. This monster decides when people die. This monster has infinite power, but never uses it for good. He lets wars, famines and plagues wage unabated. This deliberate traumatisation scars you for life. You can’t let go of the fear no matter how irrational therapists convince you it is. You are worse off than if you had been gang raped by priests. What a revolting thing to do to children just to con them when they grow up into donating money.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

If the Creator of the Universe Had Written a Bible

We know for sure the creator of the universe did not write the Christian bible, but what if he had written a bible? What would it be like?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

If Prayer Worked

If prayer worked as promised in the bible, with every prayer granted, life would be totally different than it is.

Matthew 7:7-8
Matthew 17:20
Matthew 18:19-20
Matthew 21:22
Mark 11:24
John 14:14
John 16:23

These promises cannot even in theory be true.

The bible claims, every Christian prayer will be granted and no Hindu prayers will ever be. Yet, they are all equally ignored. Christians explain this by Satan interfering with the prayer experiments. Yet anyone who has ever tried praying can attest, it does not work any better than if you did not bother. Nearly always you do not get what you want unless it was something you would get anyway like the sunrise. Even perfectly worthy prayers, like the recovery of someone else’s baby are ignored. Does Satan interfere with all prayer?

Yahweh is supposedly more powerful that Satan, so Yahweh cannot use Satan as an excuse for failing to grant prayers as promised.

If prayer worked, hurricanes and floods would bypass Christian homes. If Christians got sick, they would instantly heal. The rich people would all be Christian and the poor all atheists. Dogs, bears and snakes would never bite Christians. Christian houses would never catch fire. Christians would never have car accidents. The insurance companies would notice this and give Christians a discount. None of this happens. Therefore prayer is just wishful thinking.

What is really going on? There is no Yahweh. Con men wrote the bible and lied that a deity would grant all prayer. They used this absurd benefit to get gullible people to sign up and tithe. They lied without end to explain why no prayers were answered.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

If Science Spoke Directly

Scientists come across like defence lawyers for OJ (Orenthal James Simpson), the way the refuse to answer what to the lay person sound like simple questions, always using extremely evasive language.

I would like to see them say, I am not speaking for science, but just as someone who has had a lot of exposure to science. We discover more and more each day how the universe runs itself and even creates itself. The way this happens is mind boggling, but the evidence is under our noses and we can’t escape it much as it makes our heads hurt. It is obvious that the people who wrote the bible had no special knowledge. They were wrong in almost every detail. They were just speculating, and we have learned an immense amount about how the universe works since then. God was just one of their hair-brained ideas to explain thunder.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

If You Believe

The bible claims that the stars will fall to earth like little sugar cookies. If you believe that you have not the foggiest clue what a star is, or you are lying to yourself.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Il Milione

Il Milione about the travels of Marco Polo to this day is mistaken for a true tale despite many fantastic elements, such as a race of people with their mouths in the middle of their stomachs. The Bible is a similar book. It has no more evidence for it than the exploits of Marco Polo, namely a single book of unknown authorship.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Immoral Bible

In the bible, god punishes people all the time for the crimes of others. And Christians have the nerve to claim the bible is the only source of morality in existence and it is perfect.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Imposing the Ten Commandments

American Christians are so fond of their Ten Commandments they think they should ignore the constitution and force them on lesser peoples, especially atheists. Christians think to themselves How can anyone have any concept of morality without the Ten Commandments forced on them? Christians almost never read the bible, not even the Ten Commandments.
They forgot the bible commands the death penalty for people who worship anything but Yahweh, even Mammon/money.
They forgot that the penalty for failing to honour your mother and father is death.
They forgot that the penalty for cutting your grass on Sunday is death.
They forgot that the forbidden graven images includes magazines and TV.
They forgot the penalty for being raped is death.
They forgot about the penalty for being an non-virgin bride is death.
If Christians are going to blatantly ignore the Ten Commandments, where do they get off thinking non-Christians should accept them? Biblical morality is vastly inferior to secular morality. Nobody seriously observes it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Impossible Arc

According to Google, the longest wooden ship ever built was the Wyoming at 137 metres (149.83 yards). The ark was reputedly 155 metres (169.51 yards). Even though the largest wooden ships were held together with iron, they tended to fall apart. This means the ark could not have been constructed. One more of the thousands of lies surrounding the ark.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Improper Credit

The last six commandments are common to almost all cultures, including ones that predated Judaism by thousands of years. This means Yahweh falsely took credit for work he plagiarised. Evolution built them into our bones.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Improper Discrepancies

Christians excuse the discrepancies in the bible because different people saw things differently. However, they claim the bible is the word of god, not the fallible word of men. There should not be such discrepancies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

In the Bible Evidence?

Christians have only one piece of evidence for their beliefs, the bible. They have no evidence it is anything special, much less the word of a deity. They have plenty of evidence it is full of error and inconsistency which they pretend not to notice. The bible conflicts with the secular and archaeological record. It is clear it is not even mostly correct, much less the word of a god. They even admit it was written by dozens of nameless human authors about whom they know nothing. The faith they pretend to have in it, that trumps even their own two eyes, makes no logical sense. It points to hypnosis, brainwashing or Stockholm syndrome. It is a goofier than claiming the Cat In The Hat is the one and only document penned by the almighty. The bible contains more error.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


In the story of Adam and Eve, Eve has two sons Cain and Abel. Then suddenly the bible starts talking about Cain’s wife. Where did she come from?

Genesis slyly tries to gloss over this point.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Incompetent Bible

The bible is so incompetent I refuse to believe any deity or even genius human had anything to do with its composition. For example, the bible has four different versions of the ten commandments, all wildly different, all supposedly equally valid.

There are four variants of the ten commandments in the bible: Exodus 20:3-17 (the most popular), Exodus 34, Deuteronomy 5:7, Deuteronomy 10:4 (the only place the phrase ten commandments is used, but it does not list them), Deuteronomy 27.

Imagine if there were four completely different constitutions of the USA all completely different all equally valid. What a fuck up!

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Incompetent God

If you read the bible, cover-to-cover, you discovered Yahweh has no grasp of science, whatsoever.

How could this grossly ignorant god have possibly been the creator of the universe?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Inconsistent Beliefs

How is it that Christians claim every word in the bible is true, (including Jesus casting out demons), but if you asked them if it were possible their child could ever be demonically possessed, they would ask you what you had been smoking?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Incredible Bible

The bible is crammed full of incredible stories in the sense of not-believable. Normally a book that wants to be believed avoids padding with absurd, improbable stories. However, in biblical times, people were exceedingly gullible. It is written was a way of saying this must be true, or no one would have spared the expense to write it down. So books were larded with fabulous tales to increase readership without fear of being disbelieved.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The bible is crawling with errors and inconsistencies. Even a five year old can find them. Fundamentalists have the most bizarre excuses for why these errors do not count as errors. Yet if the bible were really written by a deity, it would be perfect. I would not need all these tortured excuses.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The bible has a dreadful track record for scientific accuracy, yet people persist on claiming it is inerrant. It must take incredible concentration to avoid noticing all its errors and to trust it anyway.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Christians tell me that God used magic to ensure the words of the bible were exactly as he intended. How could they possibly know that? How could they even know God had anything at all to do with the composition? And if that were so, why did he take no pains at all to preserve the original documents, or at least accurate copies of them? We don’t even have documents in the original languages.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The New Testament has been translated into 1442 languages. Are all these translations supposed to be inerrant?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


What sort of idiot would claim the bible is inerrant when it says the earth is flat mounted on four pillars?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Inerrancy ⇒ No Need for Apologetics

Christians claim the bible is inerrant, but have written hundreds of books to excuse the errors in the bible. Why would they write all those books if they did not acknowledge the errors?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Inerrant Bible

If God through some magic carefully kept the bible’s inerrant meaning intact, why did he put no effort into keeping accurate the various translations as well? Why did he do nothing to prevent the thousands of copying errors that crept in over the centuries? Why does he do nothing today to prevent tampering with electronic copies? On what grounds then should we presume he did anything in the early stages, including transcription from revelation? Why is the Qur’an so much freer from transcription errors and so much more self-consistent when it was composed and preserved without any divine assistance?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Inerrant Bible

Without giving any reasons, Christians assert that the bible is inerrant, namely it contains no errors of any kind. Yet the bible is crawling with errors and inconsistencies. Several obvious errors include:

Therefore the bible is not inerrant. Therefore you can no longer legitimately claim the bible is inerrant. Therefore you can no longer say one ought to follow the rules and advice of the bible, because the bible is inerrant.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Inerrant BS

Christians claim the bible has no errors of any kind. That is a lie. Leviticus 14:1-8 claims that sacrificing a dove and smearing the blood an a leper will cure him. That is not so. I Kings 7:23 says that π is 3. That is not so. There are thousands of other errors and inconsistencies, but all it takes is one to disprove that the bible is inerrant.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Inerrant Translation?

If god worked so hard to create an inerrant bible, why did he let so many errors creep in during the translation and copying process?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Infallibility logically should be a very fragile claim. All it would take in one inconsistency or one error to shatter it. Yet despite thousands of errors and inconsistencies in the bible, its army of con men, bald-facedly lie it is infallible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Infinite Pain

In Revelation 7:3-4, Yahweh promised to punish all but 144,000 male virgins with infinite pain for all of eternity. Not even Hitler was that cruel. What sort of sicko worships such a god? Not anyone I would want to have anything to do with. I can’t see anyone having even a speck of respect for such a sycophant, especially when their god was a creation of their imagination.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Inquisition

The inquisition is still 100% in concert with today’s bible. The inquisition did not end because of religion, but because of rationalists. Browse youtube and you can find thousands of fundamentalists calling for the vigilante murders of someone group or other. They have not changed. They have just been corralled a bit by the saner folk.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Insanely Partial Yahweh

Few football coaches would resort to killing the families of the opposing team, but if you actually read the bible, you will discover Yahweh is reputed to be far more partial than that. How could the creator of the entire universe be that petty and that partial to one infinitesimal slice of the creation (an obscure middle eastern tribe). That is even more daft than god becoming besotted with a microscopic flap of loose skin between his toes.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Inspired By God

How would anyone know if what they were writing was inspired by god?

If you were an unscrupulous person, what might motivate you to claim to be inspired by god?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Invisible Jesus

The bible reports that Jesus was quite willing to appear to hundreds of people both before and after the resurrection. He wanted to prove to people that he really had risen. However, today he never appears, except to the mentally ill. What gives? The simplest explanation is that the bible is a work of fiction.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

iPad Bible App

How about an iPad app that incorporates the bible? You just ask it what to do next, what to eat in a restaurant etc. and it makes all your decisions for you. It tells you whom to court, all based on the bible. Where the bible gives conflicting advice it flips a digital coin to decide.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

It Could Not Have Been An Apple

The bible never specifies what species the tree at the centre of the garden of Eden was. Protestants presumed it was the apple, since that was the main fruit that grew in Northern Europe. But apples don’t grow in the Euphrates fertile crescent, where some claim the garden of Eden was situated. It is too hot. Some scholars think it might have been a pomegranate. Sane scholars are quite sure the question is meaningless since the whole story is just a myth.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Its a Parable, Dummy

Over and over the bible talks about Jesus speaking in parables. Yet Christians insist on taking every word of it literally. How dumb can people get!

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Jesus Contradicts Himself

Luke 14:27 says If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother, and wife and children and brethren and sisters, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. whereas Matthew 5:43-44 says Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. Jesus has it rigged that nobody can be his disciples, yet he claims to have 12 of them. It makes no sense. Yet Christians pretend it does, like the townspeople admiring the invisible robe on the naked emperor.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Jesus Fails

Four times in the bible, Jesus promises to answer every single prayer. ( Matthew 7:7-8, Matthew 18:19-20, Mark 11:24, John 16:23 ) Yet prayers are never answered. The best that happens is you get your prayer answered if you prayed for something you would have got naturally anyway. Yet that fact does nothing to shake the belief of Christians that the bible is inerrant. This is a monstrous lie! How can Christians be so stupid and blind?

Further, it is effectively saying to the deity, Your divine plan sucks. Here, use mine, hardly the required groveling.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Jesus the Hypocrite

Jesus says love your enemies, but how does he treat his own enemies? He threatens anyone who disagrees with him, who does not instantly bend their knee and worship him with eternal torture. He calls them snakes and vipers. That is the behaviour of a Caligula, not a moral teacher. People are so familiar with the Hollywood image of gentle Jesus, they blot out how he actually behaved according to the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Jesus Said

Many people are aware the Old Testament is utterly bonkers, but they assume Jesus himself is reasonable. Here are a few of the strange things he said:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Jesus Was A Bastard Too

Many people will admit that Yahweh was a sadistic tyrant, but insist that Jesus was infinitely sweet. Read your bible:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Jesus Was Swedish

Jesus was allegedly born of a Palestinian woman in Palestine. You would expect him to look Palestinian. Oddly though, Christians usually depict him as a Swede. Perhaps they are alluding to his albinism, which is nowhere mentioned in the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


If you raise your kid to believe the bible literally and to reject science, you are condemning them to a harder and harder time finding a job as decades pass. They will end up on food stamps. If you raise your kid to be curious about science, interesting jobs will be open to them their entire career. Do you have the right to condemn your kids to an empty lifetime on welfare?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Joyce Meyer, Con Artist

Joyce Meyer is a televangelist who is fabulously wealthy. She collects money for god then lavishes it on herself, including a Lexus SC sports car, a Lexus sedan, a Mercedes-Benz S55 AMG sedan, a Canadair CL-600 Challenger jet (with two full-time pilots), five mansions, a $10,000 bathroom for one of the pool houses, two vacation houses, servants… The other lie she tells the rubes is any money they give to her will come back to them multiplied. It never does, but they keep hoping.

Matthew 6:18 says Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. Obviously she does not believe this verse and many other biblical verses, such as Mark 10:25. She is primarily a con artist. She does not believe in god. She has no fear of being punished after death for stealing from god. She is a cynical atheist who has decided to exploit gullible Christians.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Judging Yahweh

In the bible, Yahweh threatens people if they do not commit mass murder and punishes them for showing the slightest compassion. I Samuel 15:2-3 (Reminiscent of Charles Manson). He commands people both to love him and to fear him under threat of eternal torture. What if you read in the newspaper about some cult patriarch who did these exact same things. Would you consider him a moral authority? Would you respect him? Would you think he belonged in jail?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Kindly Kristians

Abbotsford is the bible belt of BC. One of the ways you can tell is the citizens voted to dump chicken manure on camping homeless people, then drove by and threw cups of urine on them.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Kindness Kristians

There a small Bolivian sect called the Kindness Kristians. They believe there is quite enough violence, rape, extortion etc. in the real world, so there is no need to focus on it further by reading the bible. They think they should only focus on the love and kindness in the bible, so they have printed their own digest. It is considerably shorter than the traditional King James bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

King David, Phony

There are two references to King David in archaeology. There has been nothing found built by King David himself. One is in a footnote on pillar that announced that the Pharaoh had also defeated King David. If King David ruled all the territory between Egypt and Babylon as the bible claimed, would not the Pharaoh do a bit more bragging as was his custom? The other is a small stone that says something to the effect I wiped out the House of David. Surely wiping out the ruler of most of the middle east would deserve more than a rock to commemorate it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

KJV (King James Version) language

When the KJV bible was written, they deliberately used language that was a century out of date. They thought the thee and thous would make the text sound archaic and hence more holy.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Know It Alls

Christians love to accuse scientists of pretending to know everything. Yet, scientists are very careful not to claim to know more than they do. Christians have no shame about claiming the bible contains all knowledge. It is also funny watching Christians asking deep questions of scientists and when scientists say they don’t know yet, Christians claim that is evidence for the existence of god and the inerrancy of the Christian bible. Huh?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Lack of Evidence

The only evidence for Christianity is the bible. That is like having no information about a potential hiree except his own resume. If he provides no references, what’s to stop him from saying any BS he wants? You need independent sources of information about him.

There were 121 historians living at the time of Jesus in the area. Not one of them even mentioned Jesus or his amazing miracles. They did mention a dozen other messiah wannabes. That is not just a lack of evidence. That is evidence that by all rights that damn well should have been there. Zombies Matthew 27:51-53 are front page news!

How do you explain that? Either there was no historical Jesus or his miracles were too lame to report.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Lactantius (250 AD 325 AD age:75) was the Christian tutor of Constantine. He was the Ken Ham of his day. He argued the earth cannot be a sphere because the antipodes would fall down. (i.e. that the Australians would fall off). It least he did not argue that bible said it was flat.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Last Minute Thought

The beautiful cast the first stone story in John was not added to the bible until about 1000 AD. It was not in any of the earlier manuscripts. Yet Christian assure us the bible is the precise unaltered words of Yahweh the god.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Leaping To Conclusions

Christians do not acknowledge there is any difference between evidence for some supernatural creative process and evidence that the bible’s depiction of the god Yahweh as a grumpy old patriarch is a 100% accurate description of whatever created the universe. To them, it is as though no other description is conceivable.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Legal and Moral Codes

You have heard of the Napoleonic code. Napoléon arranged that law in France would be codified (unlike law based on case precedent) attempting in the process to rationalise it and make the punishments fit the crime. This, of course, did not just pop out of thin air. It was based on the law of the time, which could be traced back to Roman times.

That is how the moral codes in the bible came about. They recorded the thinking of the time, polishing it. It is not as though suddenly people said, Guess what. Yahweh says we should not longer slit each others’ throats. Who’d have thought? We are seeing in the bible the moral thinking of 3000 years ago. It is exactly what you would expect. If it were truly provided by a deity, it would have been much more rational and forward looking, much tidier, much more sensible, not so petty, not so narrowly chauvinistic and different from the moral code they were already using. It is just too incompetent to be the work of a deity. It is atrocious even by human standards. A deity going to the trouble of providing a moral code presumably wanted to improve behaviour, not just tell people to carry on as they were.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Lending False Authority

Even atheists lend false authority to Christian superstition by referring to stories in the bible as if they were actual events. We should instead always preface like this: In Christian myth, Moses lead his people into the desert.. Or if that feels too confrontational try In the Christian bible Jesus walked on water.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Lies the Bible Told Me

The bible is full of false claims that science and archaeology have debunked. Here are a few of them:

  1. Adam, Eve, Moses, David and Solomon are real people.
  2. Moses had a confrontation with the Egyptian pharaoh and smote him with plagues.
  3. Moses parted the Red Sea.
  4. Moses led two million Israelites out of bondage in Egypt to wander about a desert for 40 years.
  5. David slew Goliath.
  6. Jesus lived his boyhood in Nazareth.
  7. Yahweh grants all prayers, no exceptions.
  8. There was a global three-hour solar eclipse when Jesus died.

In addition, the bible tells the following falsehoods about science.

We have known about these errors in the bible for centuries. Why are creationists still making such a fuss over evolution and cosmology?

Clearly the bible is not inerrant. If those familiar stories are just tall tales, it is logical to presume the rest of the magical tales are also just fables.

~ Roedy(1948-02-04 age:70)

Life in Biblical Times

Read the bible cover to cover. Life in biblical times was more horrible than anything you have seen in any movie. Mad Max was a Mary Poppins movie by comparison. It is insane to take your morality from such utterly barbaric, sadistic, irrational people. Thankfully, we ignore nearly all of the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Life in the Dark Ages

Christians have an overly romantic view of what life was like when religion ruled the roost. What we need is a movie or bible camp that accurately shows what life in the dark ages was like, the filth, the lice, the disease, the results of primitive medical care, the pain, the stink, the superstition. It should become clear how religion was holding all this suffering in place, through superstition, deliberate worship of pain and suffering and through callous exploitation. It would show the problems of having state religions and the abuse of power. It would show the insane violence between sects. It would show the murderous intolerance for even the tiniest deviation in belief. It would show people making religion up on the fly in private power trips. It would show how the church hid the bible from the people and how that was abused.

Christians have a romantic view of the dark ages, the life of Jesus and the life of Moses. Everyone wanders around in cleanly laundered towels and eats massive bunches of grapes off huge trays. Everyone has neatly shampooed and combed hair. Everyone lived in giant villas. Nobody ever had a toothache. Maybe time travel where you can look but not touch would disabuse them of this desire to bring back those terrible rat-infested days.

Think of all you would give up:

Christians have no idea what they are yearning for. They long for a Disneyfied version shown at Ken Ham’s $30.00 USD creation museum.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Limited Entry

In Revelation 7:3-4, it says that long ago, Yahweh decided that only 144,000 of his favourite male virgins will go to heaven. They will accompany him throughout eternity. It does not say if these are priests, paedophiles or boys. If you are a woman, a family man or horny teen, you get to go to hell for eternity. So much for family values! Why is anyone playing this game when they are promised to lose?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Loser Christians

Loser Christians like to claim Yahweh chats with them every day. I point out that the bible says Yahweh does not do that. They must be mistaken. I ask What have you done to ensure this voice is truly Yahweh? Invariably, it will be nothing. They very much like the prestige of a holy visit. They are not about to spoil the game. I ask What has this voice ever said to you that only Yahweh would know? Has this voice ever lead you astray, or said something that was not correct? What chit chat has this voice indulged in that was not befitting the creator of the universe? The voice has nothing profound to say. The Christian is just talking to himself, pretending to be God. He is a pompous, conceited little prick.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Lovers of Lies

If you believe the bible is the word of God, there is no way you could have read it cover to cover. It is an atrocious, erroneous, contradictory and silly document, nowhere near the quality God would compose. Churches discourage people from reading the bible cover to cover because they know that will shatter their faith in it. I urge you to read the bible cover to cover. There is no faster way to expose it as a counterfeit. If you refuse, you are tacitly admitting I am probably right. You love a comfortable lie. You don’t want to discover the truth. You hate the truth, hardly the attitude of a true seeker of god.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Loving Hell

I saw a video about a extremely successful black preacher. He decided to start preaching his new understanding of the bible that there was no hell. Nearly all his congregation abandoned him. His congregation were highly attached to everyone not in their church screaming in agony for eternity.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) dropping hell click to watch

Lying Christians

How do you know Christians are full of shit?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Lying For Their Own Good

People scold the author of Angel At the Fence for presenting his tale of concentration camp hope as fact. The same complaint also holds for those who attempt to pass off the Bible as fact. Where do people get off thinking they have the right to mislead other adults for their own good?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Lying about Inerrancy

Christians are such stubborn, stupid liars they insist their bible is inerrant even though it claims the earth came into being before the sun and that the value of π is 3.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Made Up Stuff

Many things the Catholic Church teaches did not come from Jesus and are nowhere in the bible. They just made them up. For example:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Making It Up

The Catholic church made up many of the rules people take for granted as part of Christianity. None of the following stuff is in the bible:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Making It Up As You Go

Do you ever notice how Christians just must up their crazy beliefs as they go? For example, there is nothing in the bible to support the claim that dead parents and grandparents watch over their orphaned children hiding in the clouds.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Many Extinction Events

Noah’s flood was not the only time Yahweh allegedly wiped out nearly all life on earth in a mass extinction event. There was the time he covered the earth in ice, the Permian extinction, the Siberian eruptions and global warming, the KT extinction when he smashed a rock the size of Mount Everest into it… How come the bible never mentions them? The most probably explanation is desert dwellers living the be bronze age had never heard of them.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


All the early versions of the bible are missing Mark 9-20. This is the part about the resurrection, and the magical ability to handle poisonous snakes. Mark is the earliest of the gospels from which the others extensively copied, often word for word. So this implies somebody composed the addendum and inserted it 400 years or so later. Is this the word of god too? or is it a forgery? How can you be sure? It is officially part of the KJV.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Masochistic Christians

One of the odd things about Christians is the more their lord has let them down, the more likely they are to recite the lord is my shepherd to thank him for his excellent care. It is a bit like applauding the pilot after a fiery crash. Or perhaps it is like saying good doggy attempting to mollify a vicious dog.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Math and the Bible

Mathematicians work by first composing a small set of postulates aka axioms. These are carefully worded in mathematical language. It appears they are obviously true. Then they start using logic to combine the postulates to demonstrate a theorem, a more complex statement. Then they combine more postulates and theorems to build a huge edifice of inferences. If at any point they discover a false statement, or a contradiction, this implies the original postulates may be wrong or inconsistent. The whole edifice must be discarded until the problem is fixed.

Christians do something similar. They treat the entire bible as a set of postulates. They are presumed true. To discover whether some statement is true, they make inferences from what they find in the bible. The process falls on its nose immediately for three reasons:

  1. Most of the bible is not historically or scientifically true.
  2. The bible contains tens of thousands of inconsistencies.
  3. The bible is not written in precise logical language. It is too ambiguous to make clean universally-accepted inferences.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Messiah

The Messiah was prophesied to be an immortal, but otherwise ordinary man — a great warrior king who would free Israel from Roman rule. This is clearly not Jesus.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Miracle of the Darkness

The bible claims that when Jesus died, darkness covered the earth for three hours. Christians tell me this was an unscheduled solar eclipse. From what I know of astronomy (I once wrote a computer program to predict the positions of the sun, the planets and the moon) this explanation does not fit for dozens of reasons.

Let’s assume you observed this miracle with your own eyes in the present day. First, that is impossible. You can only observe what is happening where you are, not all over the earth.

If nobody else saw it, you would assume it was a dream, a hallucination. Perhaps you had been wearing very dark welding glasses and forgot you were wearing them. Let’s assume though you heard news reports from every country on earth that everyone was experiencing the darkness. Then, no matter how strange this seemed, how impossible, you would have to admit it happened.

What if you read a book called Ripping Yarns full of all kinds of untrue and unbelievably spectacular deeds. It described such a darkness happening in the year 1400 throughout all of Europe. Would you believe it? Probably not. Why not? Because the book has a well-deserved reputation for asserting untrue things. Because none of the tales it describes are mentioned in history or other serious documents. Further, nobody, in any country, recorded this amazing event.

The bible, every time it steps out and talks about science, gets it dead wrong. It claims you can cure leprosy with dove blood. It claims the earth is flat. It claims you can persuade a goat to give birth to a striped kid by showing her a striped board. It claims there is a crystal clear ocean hovering above us in the sky. It claims π is 3. The Noah story, though widely believed by Americans, cannot be true for tens of thousands of reasons. The bible is crawling with inconsistencies with itself, with history, with geology, with geography and with common sense (e.g. Moses taking 40 years for a journey you can make in three days on horseback.). In other words the bible has a reputation for saying things that are patently untrue, aside from any miracle claims.

Further, nobody saw the miracle of the darkness. The anonymous writers of the bible did not even claim to be present. They merely allege they got the story from some anonymous person who may or may not have observed it directly himself. None of the 121 historians of the region reported it. Nobody in China saw it. The Chinese were meticulous recorders of astronomical events. Astoundingly, there is no evidence for the miracle at all, not even a single person who claims to have seen it. All Christians have is a book making the claim whose title in Hebrew that effectively translates to Ripping Yarns.

Imagine modern day Christians falling for a 10 second 4.54 kg (10 lbs) weight loss program that nobody even claimed to have seen work, not even those trying to sell it to you. That is what nitwits Christians are asserting when they claim to believe in the miracle of darkness.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Miracle Gullibility

If any of the miracles in the bible appeared in the daily paper complete a photo and testimony of ten eyewitnesses, modern day Christians would reject them outright. They only believe in miracles that happened long ago without witnesses.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Missing From the Bible

Here are a few things I would have expected to find the bible if it were indeed written by a kindly creator of the universe:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Missing Moses

atheist: I have been reading a book The Pagan Christ: recovering the lost light by a Anglican theologian, Tom Harpur. He says that despite over century of looking, there is no sign of Moses and his million followers wandering for 40 years in the Sinai desert — not even a single shard of pottery. Archaeologists say the Exodus can’t be true. There is no way that many people would not leave substantial garbage behind. How do you explain that? Further, there is no sign of Moses or David anywhere. They are characters of fiction.
Christian: If a story is in the bible, it has to be true. Either you are lying, Mr. Harpur is lying or the archaeologists were lying.
atheist: Wow! When did they find the artifacts? Where are they now? Do you know where I can see them online or in a book?
Christian: Well nobody’s found them. But you know perfectly well, if you contradict god, that is by definition a lie. Everybody knows that everything in the bible is true.
atheist: I did not contradict god, I pointed out research that contradicts the bible, a book. You are claiming without evidence that the creator of the universe is its author, a preposterous and blasphemous claim given the bible’s appalling quality. But how do you know that everything in the bible is true? The bible is just a book written by anonymous people. How could those people have perfect knowledge?
Christian: Because god dictated the bible to them. God can’t be wrong.
atheist: How do you know he did that?
Christian: Because the bible says it is perfect and how else could it be perfect and still written by ordinary humans if god did not dictate it and correct errors as he went?
atheist: So you claim the bible must be inerrant simply because it claims to be. That’s a bit circular isn’t it? We know the bible is not strictly inerrant. Two examples: Dove blood does not cure leprosy as it claims in Leviticus 14:1-8. You don’t get multicolour goats by showing white poles to copulating single colour goats as the bible claims in Genesis 30:37-39. The bible is clearly not 100% inerrant.
Christian: Yes it is. Your examples do not count. You are deliberately misinterpreting those verses.
atheist: How do you interpret them then?
Christian: I am not a biblical scholar. You are just trying to trick me.
atheist: What about the thousands of other documented contradictions and errors?
Christian: They do not count. Only the true believers can see the truth. Your vision is clouded by Satan. You can’t see the truth because you hate god.
atheist: How can I hate something that does not exist? I don’t believe Star Trek’s Q exists either. That does not mean I hate him. How come you can understand this for Q but not for Yahweh?
Christian: You just want to rape children. That is why you reject god’s word. That is what motivates you to see error and contradiction that is not there to the true believer. God puts silver scales over the eyes of the anointed, so only they can see the truth.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Moral Rats

Christians make the silly claim that their bible is the only source of morality in the universe. They forget that for rats, rescuing a trapped companion is the top priority and if they find food they will always share it. They forget that non-Christian societies behave even better than they do.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Christians claim morality does not exist except in their bible and enforced with the threat of eternal hellfire. Then how is it the three countries on earth with the lowest corruption, murder rates and abortions are all atheist — Denmark, Sweden and Norway?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Morality Before Yahweh

Humans lived for hundreds of thousands of years before they created Yahweh. Christians try to tell us that there was no morality before that point, even though we have plenty of evidence our ancestors cared for each other. Today humans are abandoning this iron age god. Christians similarly tell us that today there can be no morality without this belief. This is clearly not true. The bible does not even mention most of the moral issues of our day and commands behaviours even Christians discard as irrelevant, obsolete or silly. Atheists as a whole behave better than Christians. Further, we have discovered that other primates exhibit moral behaviour. Surely this is not mediated by a belief in Yahweh.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Moses Is Fictitious

How do we know Moses never actually existed? There are three reasons:

  1. Moses allegedly lead one million people for forty years through the Sinai Desert eating nothing but mysterious manna. Archaeologists for over a century have searched for signs of that trek. They found nothing, not even so much as a shard of pottery. Think how much garbage a city of a million produces over 40 years. It is utterly impossible for there to be absolutely no trace of them. The traces are not buried in sand dunes. It is the Sahara desert that has the shifting dunes, not the Sinai.
  2. Moses was allegedly taken into the Egyptian royal family. The Egyptians kept meticulous stone records of the activities of the royal family including architects, priests etc. Moses is never mentioned.
  3. The Israelites were allegedly taken into slavery in Egypt. Yet there is no record of this. Pharaohs bragged about such things and recorded even minor conquests in stone. Moses was the alleged leader of the Israelites. If there were no Israelites in Egypt, there could not very well have been a leader either.

If there were no Moses, there was no Red Sea parting; there was no Ten Commandments on tablets; there was no burning bush; there was no reed basket in the river; there was no golden calf. Moses was the alleged author of the first five books of the bible. It must have been someone else. This also means that a good hunk of the bible must be fiction. That blows the claim of inerrancy of the entire bible out the water, doesn’t it?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Moses Never Lived

How do we know Moses never lived?

Christian scholars all know this, but modern day lay Christians pretend not to notice. They put their faith in wishful thinking instead.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Moses Plagiarism

Moses was abandoned in a reed basket in a river. A princess found him and raised him as part of the royal family. However, this legend in all details was plagiarised from the earlier legend of Sargon. I suppose the authors of the bible saw nothing wrong with plagiarism. They were just composing an ripping yarn. It was just gullible Christians who took the story literally. That would explain why there is no mention of Moses in the Egyptian records.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Moving Mountains. No you Can’t

Jesus lied in Matthew 17:20 when he said you can cause mountains to move into the sea just by telling them to and being utterly convinced the impossible will happen. Faith, in the sense of persistence, might move mountains, but simply commanding the universe to obey is pointless. Not even Jesus was able to move so much as a shovel full of dirt. Nobody else has ever done so either.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Muslim Attack

On 2015-11-17 anonymous Muslims warned that they would attack because my website was not sufficiently pro-Muslim. They are trying to bully me into lying about my opinion of Islam. Let there be no compulsion in religion. Al Baqarah, 256. My coerced opinion would have no value at all. Such extortion also destroys the credibility of all pro-Muslim sites in the world. Perhaps they too are merely coerced.

I am about the last westerner they should be attacking. I have defended Islam hundreds of times against ignorant and bigoted defamation.

I don’t believe in miracles, Christian or Islamic. Everyone refuses to offer any evidence for them. Everyone refuses to offer any evidence a deity wrote the bible or the Qur’an. My skepticism should not be construed as making war on Islam. It is a commentary on the incompetent way Christians and Muslims have tried to persuade me. I do think the world would be better off without any religion at all, but I have no intention of forcing anyone to give it up.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Naming the Gospels

The original versions of the New Testament gospels were anonymous. They were later assigned names like Matthew, Mark and Luke after the apostles just to help keep them sorted out.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) Historical Evidence for the bible click to watch

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Prosletysing

In 1968 the crew of the Apollo 8 mission read Genesis to the world from orbit around the moon. If anyone would be more aware of the scientific errors in the bible, it would be them. They could see with their own eyes the earth was not flat and had no pillars.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Luke and Matthew tell a totally different story of the birth of Jesus. Mark and John don’t even mention it. How can Christians claim the bible is inerrant if the two stories of the birth of Jesus bear almost no resemblance and the Matthew version makes impossible claims about historical leaders of the time.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Nazareth Problem

Almost none of the cities and towns mentioned in the new testament existed at the time of Jesus, most notably Nazareth. Some were founded long after his death. Most never existed. Of course, today, tourist traps have sprung up to match the names. How could that happen?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Need for Apologetics

If the bible were truly inerrant, why would it need apologetics to twist its words and make excuses for its lapses? The very need for apologetics demonstrates the bible is less the perfect. A perfect bible would be clear without help from apologists. The need for apologetics demonstrates the author of the bible was less than perfectly skilled and hence not the divine authority.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Nice Christians

Nice Christians tell me they have reformed. They don’t beat up or kill gays any more, they just shun them and try to get them fired from their jobs, and refuse to sell them cakes. If they no longer mean the bible’s command to kill all gays with illegal vigilante action why not remove the offending passages or in some way officially deprecate them? Lot’s of sadistic people are just looking for an excuse to go bash someone with a 2×4. The bible, as it is, eggs them on to do it. Christians are responsible for what that book says, just as a Nazi group is responsible for its hate literature. Christians should be prosecuted for distributing that book in its current, evil, hateful form.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


There are nincompoops, who have had the benefit of a western education, who claim that hurricanes, tornados, earth quakes, tsunamis, volcanos and droughts are caused by angry gods trying to influence human behaviour. I am not sure if they are just posturing to lobby for some religio/politico agenda or they really are as ignorant as stone age cave dwellers. Such loons include: Glenn Beck, Pat Buchanan, Jack Chick, Louis Farrakhan, Fred Phelps, Pope Francis, Shannon Grove, John Hagee, Maurice Mills, Ray Nagin, Sarah Palin, Pat Robertson, Gerhard Maria Wagner and Ovadia Yosef. They pretend to know nothing of tectonic plates, the relationship of heat to humidity, climate change, El Nino, low pressure regions…

Did you ever notice?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

No Evidence At All

Christians fail to notice there is no evidence at all, zilch, to support the outlandish claims made in the bible. There is plenty of evidence the claims are false. Why then do Christians cling so desperately to these tall tales?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

No Historical Jesus

There is not a single mention of Jesus in the historical record until 80 years after his death. Given all the spectacular things he allegedly did (including all the graves opening on his death), he should have been extremely famous. Further, there are no eye-witness accounts in the bible to anything Jesus did.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Noah and the Fish

The writers of the bible did not care much about fish. I have always had an affinity for them, so I had a look at the Noah myth from the point of view of fish.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Noah and the Plants

I have always found the Noah myth disturbing when it came to plants:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Nobody But A Few Bible Writers Claim To Have Seen a Star

Christians claim three wisemen/kings from the orient saw a star that shone both day and night hovering over Bethlehem. There are no secular records of it, though the Chinese record other such celestial events.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Non-biblical DNA

Christians like to seize on DNA in their religious arguments even though their bible has absolutely nothing to say about it. DNA is astounding in how well it can so compactly encode the life plan of an organism, however, DNA is not perfect as it should be if Christians were right. Its imperfections are just the sort of thing you would expect from evolution. Further it is not universal. Various creatures use variants of it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Non-Christian Founding Fathers

Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Adams and Alexander Hamilton were not Christians. They called themselves Deists. Modern day bible thumpers dishonestly claim the country was founded entirely by Christians.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Non-evidence for Yahweh

The sole evidence Christians propose that their god Yahweh is the only non-bogus god is that the bible is inerrant, a consequence of it being penned by a deity. But the fact of the matter is the bible is far from inerrant. It is hard to find a single assertion in it that is true. It is almost never consistent when it tells a story twice. So there is nothing at all to support their claim.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Non-Existence of Yahweh

It is impossible to demonstrate the non-existence of all gods because there is no clear, commonly accepted definition of what a god is. However, it is fairly easy to demonstrate the non-existence of Yahweh. Yahweh has many official attributes, habits and deeds. All you have to show is there is no sign of such a being, or that the attributes are mutually contradictory. This process shows that Yahweh as described in the bible does not exist, though there might be a god similar to the officially described one.

Here is a broad outline of the attack.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Not the Creator

How could the god of the bible possibly be the creator of the universe when he was so wrong and so ignorant of how the universe actually works? He even thought the earth was flat, the stars were holes in a water-filled dome and π was 3.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Not the Good Book

The people who naïvely refer to the bible as the good book have never read it cover to cover. It depicts, condones and advocates nearly every crime and cruelty known to man.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Not Only False, Criminal

When Christians tell me about god and the infallibility of the bible, it not just that what they are claiming is false, it is a criminal scam.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Nothing Special About the Bible

When Christians debate atheists, they often say the bible says…. This has no more weight that if they had said but the Qur’an says… or the Bhagavad Gita says…. If they want to persuade atheists, they must give evidence about the behaviour of the real world. If they want to use these books as inerrant and authored by deities, they must first establish that, again with evidence about the real world. Further, they must defend against all counter evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Christians just presume these magical properties even though they can’t muster even a single piece of evidence to support the contention and they just ignore the mountains of evidence to the contrary. If we atheists were to allow quotes from ordinary books of fiction to be valid arguments, then we would also have to allow quotes from Harry Potter.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Nuclear War

Christians often claim that Yahweh would not permit a thermonuclear war. Where did they get that idea from?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Obsolete Bible

Think how much has changed since the bible was written:

But the bible gives no guidance on any of this, and the churches say it never will. To me, this sounds derelict on Yahweh’s part. Consider the changes coming in the next 1000 years. Again there will be no guidance whatsoever coming from Yahweh:

The ancients who wrote the bible were so conceited to think their work would apply forever without revision. Surely an omniscient god would not be that stupid.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Occam’s Razor

Occam’s razor states that among competing hypotheses that predict equally well, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. If you can explain the universe without god and with god, Occam’s razor says you should do it the simple way without god. If you assume a god, you have to explain:

If you assume no god, you have to explain:

Scientists might say, we have only provisional answers to those questions. We will probably have definitive answers within a century.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Odds of Heaven

Most Christians I have talked to tell me they are sure they will go to heaven. However, from my reading of the bible, the odds are terrible.

Revelation 7:3-4 says only 144,000 Jewish male virgins get into heaven. That leaves out all Christians. For some reason nobody has been able to explain to me, all Christians ignore this verse.

Mark 3:28-30 says that blaspheming against the holy spirit is an unforgivable sin. That’s an archaic way of saying swearing. Everyone has done that at least once. That is all it takes to keep you out of heaven.

Mark 7:21-23 says those that work iniquity go to hell. It is not enough to follow the rules.

Luke 14:26 Jesus insists you must hate all the members of your extended family.

Mark 16:27 says you won’t get to heaven unless you have done good works. Jesus wants you to be able to show what you did for the poor and homeless. This disqualifies anyone who voted Conservative or Republican.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Old = Obsolete

Christians claim the bible must be true simply because it is old and has survived the test of time. What a strange idea, that ancient texts are superior to modern ones and with sufficient time become infallible. That is like saying a textbook on physics written in 1899 is necessarily superior to one written in 2013. Knowledge advances. All else being equal, you should expect the more modern text to be more accurate.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Christians assure me that Yahweh is omnipotent, but according to the bible his first attempt at creating a world was so unsuccessful, that he destroyed it in a fit of pique. An omnipotent god would get it right the first time.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

On The Poor Quality of the Bible as Literature

If the bible is the work of a god, it is the work of a failed god who can’t even write at a university level.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

One Strike and you are Out

If somebody lies to me, that blows their credibility. I tend to be skeptical of anything else they tell me ever after. The bible is so full of utter BS, of inconsistency, of impossibility, that for me, I do not trust a single sentence of it. It is a crudely done counterfeit, one so badly done that even a five year old can detect the deception. It requires wishful thinking in the extreme to overlook the obvious fraud.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


If Yahweh were truly omniscient, he would have started with Noah, not Adam.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Orders of Improbability

Just as mathematicians postulate orders of infinity, there orders of improbability in religion. That the bible is literally true, strikes me as impossible. There is absolutely no evidence to support it and a ton of evidence to refute it. The bible contradicts itself, so there is no possible way it could all be true, though parts of it could be. That after you die St. Peter does a review of your life and sends you to heaven or hell, strikes me as utterly silly, but not nearly as silly as the bible as a whole. There is almost no evidence to support after death judgment but then there is no evidence to refute it. The Buddhists describe an after-death experience and reincarnation that sounds downright plausible. It is impersonal, the way the rest of nature works. It handles all species, not just man. It has some evidence to support it, namely children who mysteriously have an intimate knowledge of the lives of dead strangers. These phenomena need to be properly studied scientifically. I hope the Buddhists are wrong since I have no desire to be a bullied child again, but I believe there is a slim possibility they could be right.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Origen (184 AD 254 AD age:70) was an early church father. He noticed that the gospels were written on two levels, literal and allegorical. The literal level was intended for the uneducated. The allegorical level for the educated. The gospel stories were a retelling of various old testament stories with the names changed, not literal history. In Mark 4:11, Mark lets the cat out of the bag that his whole gospel in one great allegory. As as allegory, the bible makes much more sense than as literal history. Uneducated people of Mark’s day were extremely gullible compared with people today. They would happily swallow the silliest stories as literal truth, and absorb some of the allegorical meaning as a side effect.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) Did Jesus Exist? Dr. Robert M Price, Dr. Richard Carrier, David Fitzgerald click to watch

Other Holy Books

Proving the truth of the bible also entails proving it is superior to every other holy book since it claims an exclusive handle on the truth. This must be extremely difficult for Christians since most have never read any other holy book. They must take somebody else’s word for it all other books are inferior.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Our Morality Does Not Come From the Bible

Christians claim morality comes from Yahweh. I say it comes from the Golden Rule. Nearly all sensible morality can be derived from it. Crazy morality come from the Old Testament. It if truly became form the bible, we would behave as badly as its authors did.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Out of Context

Christians have a knee jerk reaction. Any time you quote something embarrassing from the bible they say You took that out of context. They don’t even know what that means. To counter, all you have to do is quote the context, the verses before and after the quote. Christians love to select part of a quote to make famous scientists say the exact opposite of what they actually said. So perhaps that is why they imagine everyone else resorts to this dirty trick too.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Outdated Bible

The bible was written 3000 years ago. A lot has changed since then. We have learned a lot since then. The bible itself has barely changed at all. How could it possibly be correct?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Atheist wish for long life.

Paedophile Heaven

If I had the power, I don’t think I would condemn anyone to eternal torment — perhaps some particularly nasty politicians or soldiers to a day or two, but not eternally. Christians tell me, however, that god condemns nearly everyone to eternal torment. The bible itself condemns everyone but 144,000 male testosterone-free virgins and it claims the god Yahweh decided which ones before the universe was even created. This notion of paedophile heaven mirrors the Islamic multiple female virgins Islamic heaven. The Christians tell me their god is infinitely good and I am infinitely wicked. I just don’t buy it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Parable

And he sat down upon the ground crossing his legs and told them this parable: Once there was a small town called Waterloo Iowa. It was hot there in the summer and the people liked to eat ice cream. There was only one tiny shop, run by an elderly Christian lady who tried to run her life and everyone else’s by biblical principles. She had read Isaiah 60:16 which she interpreted to require adults to drink human milk, especially that of gentiles (and kings when available). Obviously that included ice cream, she reasoned.

The very idea of eating her human breast milk ice cream nauseated some people, so they went without. One day a young man opened a rival ice cream shop, that sold conventional dairy ice cream in vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and mocha java. The old lady who knew everyone on city council, used her influence and knowledge of their skeletons to get it made illegal to sell any ice cream but vanilla, made with human milk. Eating anything else was clearly wicked. She was an expert on the matter as a lifelong Christian and bible study leader.

The young man argued that some people did not like vanilla human milk ice cream and it was just spite to deny them a flavour they did like. Further, what business has an elderly protestant Christian lady dictating morality for Buddhists, Catholics, atheists etc? What has ice cream got to do with morality? Nothing! The old lady countered: If we allow this, the next thing that will happen is some giant ice cream chain will move in offering 31 decadent flavours like blueberry and mango, yuck. It will be the end of the world as we know it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Partisan God

According to the bible, the creator of the universe is a fanatically partisan fan of the Jews, rigging battles so they could wipe out their neighbours and take their lands. It is simply not credible that a universal god could be so petty and partial. This is obviously a tall tale made up by conceited Jews to flatter themselves. It is as silly as claiming Yahweh rigged the 2013 Stanley cup, causing injuries to the Boston Bruins team because he was an obsessive Chicago Blackhawks fan.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Pathetic Con Man

Fundamentalist Christians claim the bible is the ultimate authority on everything. There are surely aware of Matthew 24:42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. Jesus himself predicted incorrectly he would return within a generation. That does not stop con men like Harold Camping (1921-07-19 2013-12-15 age:92) from pretending to know the precise time of the end of the world and milking a fortune out of the gullible. Further, it does not stop lay people from asserting with absolute conviction it will occur within their lifetimes. So much for biblical authority.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Paul was a terrible liar. He claimed to be one of Jesus’ apostles even though he never met him. Paul claimed Jesus had freed people from having to obey Jewish law, such as circumcision and dietary laws. Jesus said the exact opposite Matthew 5:18.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Peer Pressure

Christianity requires peer pressure to prevail. It prevailed so long because it was able to ruthlessly stamp out any opposition. Christians work very hard to ensure their children hear of no other possible world view. Parents even discourage children from reading the bible for themselves least they discover its errors and inconsistencies. Christians may rule TV, but they do not rule the Internet. Cloistering is getting harder and harder by the day. Christianity is a house of cards. I am glad I was born at this time in history so that I could watch its collapse at least in Canada and to have had a small rôle in its demise.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Peer Pressure Christians

How does a fundamentalist know that the bible is the literal word of god? The evidence suggests the contrary. Surely god would not have made so many errors and inconsistencies. The bible is bad literature even by human standards. Surely the writing should be supernaturally good quality. The fundamentalist has no evidence, yet he is extremely certain. Why? Because everyone he associates with claims the bible is the word of god. To maintain social status, members of his social group must not only pretend to believe, but must also pretend to be utterly convinced without any doubt. This collective lie is convincing to the weak minded who make a habit of believing what everyone else appears to believe.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Perfect ESP (Extra Sensory Perception)

Many Christians have told me that Yahweh dictated or communicated the text of the bible using some sort of ESP to the human authors. They told me as such as much be without any error. I have yet to stumble on the bible verses that make this claim.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Phony Happiness

Christians claim their faith makes them infinitely happier than atheists. How could you not be depressed as a believer? You are supposed to just wish for things, but for you, they never happen. The creator of the universe is singling you out for ignoring. Further, the bible says god is going to roast perhaps 10 billion people for eternity and bore to death in heaven 144,000 male virgins. The odds are extremely strong that you will be roasted. And heaven does not look much fun either. Atheists don’t harbour either delusion. How could believers possibly be happier than atheists?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) Your odds of getting to heaven click to watch

Picking on Jesus

The traditional Christian view is that the whole world, including Romans and Jews, turned on Jesus. But if you read the bible, you get a quite different story. Jesus deliberately broke Roman law because he felt it was his destiny, part of a prophesy. At his trial, he refused to show remorse or defend himself. As a matter of course, he was crucified. There was nothing personal. He broke the law and received the standard punishment. Nobody, much less all Jews, murdered Jesus.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Plagiarised Moses

The story of Moses is plagiarised from earlier myths:

If you were familiar with these earlier myths, you would have no doubt the bible was myth too, the same way when you see the Roman myths copied from Greek ones.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Polished Con man’s Tool

The bible is a tool without parallel in the hands of the con man, especially the seller of fake miracles. This is because that is what it was created for and polished for over the millennia.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) source

Polytheistic Roots

The early Israelites where not monotheists. They worshiped a female fertility goddess, wife of Yahweh and Baal the Canaanite bull god. They pledged primary allegiance to Yahweh, but that did not stop them from believing in the existence of other gods or even worshiping them. That is why its says Exodus 20:3 thou shalt have no other gods before me. It is a matter of primacy. It was only after the destruction of the temple did the Jews look around and try to figure out how to placate Yahweh. They invented circumcision and monotheism.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Pontificating on Unread Bibles

Nobody is so ridiculous as a Christian in debate pontificating on the bible — a book he has never read. Most Christians have only heard the greatest hits.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Poor Quality of the Bible

The bible has no intrinsic validity. As science or as a history book it is on par with Paul Bunyan. As literature, it is dreck. All its value comes from the fact so many people like to pretend, without any evidence, the creator of the universe wrote it. To me, it is painfully obvious that it is a forgery. God could not possibly produce such poor quality work. If there is a god, I would imagine He would feel insulted, or perhaps amused, at having that piece of racist humbug ascribed to Him, the creator of sunsets, mountains and quantum physics.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Population Bottleneck

Think about what you know about endangered species. You know perfectly well any species that gets down to two individuals is as good as extinct. It can’t recover because it has no genetic diversity. The bible claims all species including man went through just such a population collapse. It is bloody nonsense and you know it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Possibility of God

There are some atheists who will say they cannot rule out every conceivable and inconceivable god. However, they can rule out the possibility that the creator of the universe wrote the bible. They can rule out the possibility that Yahweh created the universe. They can rule out the possibility that Yahweh is real.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Postulate-Based Thinking

Christians and mathematicians have something in common, they base their thinking on postulates, statements you just assume are true without proof, but which seem plausible. The Christians postulate that the bible is inerrant. The mathematicians postulate for every integer there is a corresponding negative integer, zero excepted. The difference comes if they discover a contradiction. The mathematician looks for a flaw in his logic or an inconsistency in the founding postulates. The Christian, even if the inconsistency is so glaring a 5-year old child can see it, simply pretends it is not there, or that there must exist some resolution, even though one seems quite impossible and no one can find it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


If prayer worked, Christians would have their houses destroyed by floods, tornadoes and hurricanes less often than other people. Christians would get a discount on their home-owner insurance. If prayer worked, Christians would spend much less on health care. They would get a discount on health insurance. If prayer worked, Christians would get in car accidents rarely. They would get a discount on car insurance. If prayer worked, Christians would be richer than others. None of this happens.

Further, in many places in the bible, Jesus promises to answer every single prayer. As far as we can tell, prayer is never answered. Praying does not increase your odds in the slightest. It certainly is not always answered. In other words, Jesus/the bible lied.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


In Matthew 18:19-20 the bible promises that every single prayer will be answered so long as you have two or more people praying. Yet Christians seem to think if it comes true 1% of the time that counts as prayer working. The way I see it, that verse is a lie that proves the bible is not inerrant.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Preferring a Lie

Christians sometimes argue, that the truth does not matter. It gives them comfort to believe in god and to trust in an afterlife. Do Christians feel that way about maps? Do they like pretty lakes added and steep hills removed? That does not change reality, just causes confusion. Believing in a rescuing god that is not there will just get them in trouble. Believing they cannot die will make them careless about their safety. False information is deceptive, useless, confusing and harmful. Truthful information is useful. It is never the reverse. Even the bible extols the value of truth over error.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Creationists are having a terrible time defending the bible. Every time the bible tackles a scientific subject, it is completely wrong. It promotes science 4000 years out of date. On other matters, for almost every verse, you can find another contradicting it.

Creationists have given up trying to defend the inerrancy of the bible. They say you must presuppose the bible is inerrant and have faith that it is and ignore all evidence that it is not. All such evidence is trickery composed by the devil to lure you away from god. I presume this includes sorcery such as believing the planet is a sphere, the earth revolves around the sun, Noah’s flood and voyage were impossible and insects can evolve immunity to pesticides.

Creationists resorted to this desperate ploy because there book could no longer hold water. Most of it was wrong. They are thus fully aware of how flawed their bible is. If they believed it were true, they would be happy to put it to the test.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Pretending the Bible Is Inerrant

Fundamentalists are fundamentally dishonest. They are willing to sweep all the errors and inconsistencies in the bible under the rug and pretend it is error free. That is so childish, to cling to a known lie.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Pretending God Wrote the Bible

If people treated the bible as a work of fiction, or even a flawed historical document, I would have no problem with it. The problem is they pretend god wrote it, despite all evidence to the contrary. This makes stupid people take it far too seriously and far too frightened to correct and update it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Proof Of God

The big bang remains a mystery, even though we have a pretty good idea what happened a minute fraction of a second thereafter. Bob Dutko claims this unsolved mystery means the Christian god must have created the universe and Jesus, the virgin birth etc thus have to be true. The Christian God explains nothing about how the big bang happened, it just gives a name to the mystery. All the rest emanating from Christians is pure speculation. At best, Dutko is arguing for something else outside the universe to create the universe. But this is logical nonsense since by definition the universe includes all that is, including that something else. His argument offers zip to say about the properties of that something else. There are many other mysteries, dark matter and dark energy for example. Science is comfortable calling them mysteries until we figure them out. It is odd that Christians have not declared those too solved from digging in a book written by ancient sheep herders. Digging in the bible is about as accurate as staring at sheep entrails.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The new testament was not written until many decades after the events it describes. This made it pretty easy for the authors to insert successful prophesies into the mouths of its characters, such as Jesus predicting the destruction of the Jewish Temple, which had already occurred by the time the gospels were written.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Proving the Non-Existence of Yahweh

Here is proof the Christian god does not exist . This does not work for other gods. In the bible, the alleged word of god, in many places it says god answers every single prayer. Try praying for something that would not likely happen naturally. Note that the prayer is not answered. So either:

In any case, the god as described by Christianity does not exist. People must surely have noticed this since day 1, but Christians have always pretended to ignore the flaw.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Prying Christianity Loose

You might pry Christianity lose in stages:

  1. Admit that ordinary men did most of the work writing the bible.
  2. Admit that one of the other deities may exist as well as the god Yahweh, or that Yahweh may prefer being called Al-lah (the god). The people of biblical times certainly thought so.
  3. Admit that the god Yahweh might be a fictitious character.
  4. Admit that the god Yahweh is probably a fictitious character.
  5. Admit that the god Yahweh is a fictitious character. There is no need to pretend to believe in him to be safe.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Purpose of Noah

What is the Noah story really about? It is part of a con, a shakedown. The cleric threatens his flock with this story to threaten them into giving him money. He also has his threat of hellfire. With Noah, he has a more believable threat that god has already gone into a snit and killed everyone for disobedience right here on earth. The story has to be spectacular to be sufficiently frightening. To modern day people, it obviously can’t be true for many reasons. But to the uneducated it is very dramatic, one of the most commonly depicted bible stories.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Quandary

If God were fully supernatural, he might as well not exist. He would have no means to move or shape matter. On the other hand, if God were natural, he would have left some trace. He would have moved some molecules off their natural trajectories. However, we have never detected any such thing. We have never detected matter violating the laws of nature. Either way, the god of the bible cannot logically exist other than as a character of fiction. Christians often claim that God routinely intervenes and overrides the laws of the universe. There are two common explanations:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Quantum Christians

Christians have a terrible trouble getting their heads around the big bang and evolution. Yet that science is a piece of cake to understand compared with relativity or quantum mechanics. Even though relativity and quantum mechanics do extreme violence to intuition, Christians seem less troubled by them since the bible’s authors left them out entirely. It seems odd that Yahweh would not make even a veiled reference to these two building blocks of the universe.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Questioning God

A Christian scolds How dare you question god! What they really mean his How dare you question me! or How dare you question my church! or How dare you question my bible!.

They refuse to admit there are 59,999 other religions all claiming to speak for god. There is nothing special about Christianity to set it apart, so there is no reason to think Christianity is true and all the rest blithering nonsense. They are all variants on the same theme. None have any evidence to support them. People believe them only because they falsely imagine it would be nice if they were true.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Questions for Believers

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Questions for Yahweh

If Yahweh exists, I would like him to answer the following questions:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Quick Conversion

I can’t remember where I read this story about a Christian man on an ocean voyage in the 19th century. He had a conversation with the captain about navigation. The captain explained that navigation completely depended on presuming the earth was a sphere. It simply would not work if you assumed the earth was flat. At that the man decided the bible was not inerrant. It could thus not have been written by god and he became an atheist on the spot.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Quoting The Bible to Prove the Bible

Paul Bunyan was a real person. How do you know for certain? On page 1 of Paul Bunyan and the Blue Ox it states that Paul owned a blue ox. How could he own a blue ox if he were not a real person? This logic is just as silly as quoting the bible to prove that the events described in the bible actually happened.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Quoting the Bible to Prove the Bible

Quoting the bible to prove the bible is what Christians do when they lack the privacy to masturbate.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Rapture Certainty

In Matthew 25:13, Jesus makes it clear no one knows the time of his return. Christians like Scott Butcher at raptureletters.comthink Jesus was lying and they know the time, which will be in the next 50 years.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Read the Bible

The main thing I want to say to Christians is Read the bible, cover to cover. I am pretty sure once you see in detail what you are subscribing to, you will be revolted and you will work hard to give it up, just as you would any other filthy habit like smoking or getting drunk.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Read the Bible

People who claim to love the bible and the god of the bible, and who claim it is inerrant, just and good could not possibly have ever read it. Perhaps Christianity will disappear once ardent Christians manage to make reading the bible cover to cover mandatory in schools.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Read the Bible!

As an atheist, I dare you to read the bible cover to cover. You won’t believe what is in there.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Reading the Bible

I find it highly unlikely that anyone could read the bible cover to cover and remain a Christian. Yahweh is such a revolting god with such idiotic rules, no one could by trapped by his cult. Baylor University in 2006 polled Christians:

If people had the faintest notion of what is in the bible they would never dream of imposing its insanity on others.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Reading Scripture

If you read the Bible and the Qur’an from cover to cover, you will discover:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Christians are terrified of saying anything against the bible because they believe a lie that it is the literal word of the god Yahweh. If they but read it cover to cover, or read about the early history of the church, it would become obvious, it was written by quite fallible scoundrels. It was a collective work of fiction. Jesus never even existed. We have records of the various sects debating whether to pretend he actually existed. When you speak against the bible, you are speaking against an ancient con game, an ancient fraud, not any deity. The bible has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with any god. It is a forgery.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Recruiting Tactics

Compare the tactics used by Christians and those of atheists to win converts:

Christian Atheists
  • extravagant false promises
  • unsubstantiated claims
  • extravagant empty threats
  • hypnotism
  • pointing out inconsistencies and errors in the bible.
  • explanations of how you can understand the universe without the cop out of saying god did it which explains or predicts nothing.
  • getting people to examine why they think they know what they know.

In other words, Christians shamelessly cheat and still they are hemorrhaging support.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Redefining Truth

Watch a Christian squirm when you corner him and prove the bible is wrong. They escape in a cloud of ink, redefining truth to mean something that strikes an emotional chord.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Refusal to Correct Error

If we discover an error in a text book, or a paragraph that confuses student, we rewrite it. If we discover an error in the bible, or a paragraph that confuses people, we leave it place to confound everyone to come after reading the bible. Christians deprecate science because scientists correct the texts.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Refusing Reality

A Christian will tell me the bible is inerrant, without the tiniest error. I point out the bible gives two totally different lineages for Jesus Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38. At least one of them has to be wrong. Therefore the bible cannot be inerrant. They will continue to insist it is inerrant as if they had never heard me. They trust understanding of flawed folk tradition more than their own eyes.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The new testament is a rehash of the story elements of the old testament. Here some ways of looking at that:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Relative Sin

Islamic fanatics execute people for watching a football match, having music at their wedding, women showing their faces, reading the bible, women going to school, men studying a western curriculum… Even if you accept these behaviours are sinful, surely killing people is millions of times more serious a sin.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Religion as Pretend Mathematics

When I was a preschooler, I once copied a circuit diagram of a telephone and left it on my father’s desk. He was blown away. For a short while, he was deluded into thinking he had sired a young Einstein who had just designed his first electric circuit, thereby reinventing the telephone. To me, my drawing was just a design of circles, lines and wiggly lines. I was just pretending to be an electrical engineer like my Dad.

I then decided I was going to teach myself to write. I filled up reams of paper with wavy lines. This time, my father was not amused.

This is roughly what Christians have done. They admired the ancient Greek mathematicians and logicians and tried to mirror their rigour in a bogus system of postulates and reasoning, with their pseudo-mathematical proofs of the existence of a god (which they confuse with proofs of existence of Yahweh and the inerrancy of the bible). Mathematicians create imaginary worlds where parallel lines never meet and others where they always meet. Mathematicians make up crazy rules for imaginary worlds, then they explore the logical consequences to make sure the postulates are consistent. Christians leave out that part. Before applying the discoveries from that imaginary world, mathematicians have to check that the real world too obeys those postulates. Christians leave out that part too. They are just pretending to be logical. GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out).

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Religion Thrives on Ignorance

Religion thrives on ignorance. That is why religion discourages its members from studying any other religion or socialising with people of other religions or studying science or even from using modern communication devices. At one point is was capital crime to read the bible in English. Even today almost no Christian has ever read the bible cover to cover. Believers are still encouraged to experience the bible indirectly filtered and interpreted via a member of the clergy.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Religious Questions

There are two major religious questions:

  1. Did a deity create the universe?
  2. If so, which one of the 60,000 proposed gods, if any?

Yahweh is one of the least likely candidates. why:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Religious Truth

Religious people read their religious texts, then they look for arguments to support them. They will use arguments they would be embarrassed to use for supporting any other proposition. They are incapable of examining the evidence with the same objectivity they would for a secular matter. They are obscenely biased.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Repulsive Bible

Given that the bible says things more repulsive than Hitler ever wrote, I am surprised Christians still acknowledge it. The Church fathers burned people to death who dared translate it into languages other that Latin. They worried people would be repulsed by what they read. They need not have worried. No Christians ever read it. They just have selected hits read to them. It is just a stage prop. The bible is repulsive click to watch

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Resolved: The Bible is a Forgery

The real debate we should see between Christians and atheists is Is the bible a forgery? What is the evidence for and against the bible being written by a deity? This is more practical than Is there a god? (even if he never does anything). Consider the possibility that a creator deity exists, but ordinary men wrote the bible and tried to fob it off as Yahweh’s work, all with the best of intentions. Would your loyalty be to the deity or to the bible? Yet, without the bible, how would you know what the deity wanted?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Responsibilities of Belief

If you claim you believe every word in the bible, you can’t very well ignore the ugly parts, the immoral parts, the parts where the bible describes Yahweh as evil. You also have to read the bible cover to cover to find out what it is you claim to believe.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Resurrection

The bible describes the resurrection in detail five times. The various accounts don’t agree on a single detail.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Resurrection

The bible in Mark describes Jesus missing from the tomb, (which could have actually happened on day 1 through 3). They don’t mention the resurrection. That could happen most easily by Jesus not being totally dead, or his dead body stolen.

In the resurrection stories, his followers don’t recognise Jesus. Logically he is probably someone else.

The gospels start out plain in Mark and get more and more ridiculously embellished. You can’t believe anything not common to all accounts.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Resurrection

Christians claim to believe the story of the resurrection in the bible. But that is impossible. Each gospel tells a totally different story. You have four liars wildly embellishing the story. They could not get their act together on just which lies to tell. There is no story to believe.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Revenge Fantasies

The big problem with religions is they were founded by deeply unhappy people who fantasised what they would do with unlimited power to get even with those who had wronged them. Then they put those twisted thoughts into the newly constructed deity’s mouth in the holy books. Even in imagination, absolute power corrupts absolutely. If I personally were to construct such a vengeful god, He would go after people who poisoned lakes, destroyed trees, polluted the air, attempted to drive a species to extinction, made a lot of noise, indulged in conspicuous consumption, consumed more than his fair share of the planet’s resources, deliberately tormented animals, knocked on the door to sell religions, sold merkles on TV, filled boxes of breakfast cereal only half full, sang country or rap music… I would tell myths about how in the mist shrouded past my deity had caused weapons of war to blow up in the faces of all who tried to use them. Because the founding myths are personal fantasies only, they are necessarily silly. Read Leviticus to see what I mean.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Risen Jesus Unrecognisable

Jesus supposedly rose from the dead, yet even the bible points out even his friends did not recognise him. It seems infinitely more probable this risen Jesus was an imposter.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Roedy’s Wager

Christians teach that this life is but a vale of tears. It is but a short test for the eternity in heaven to come. Morality is not based on common sense, but on the literal reading of the bible.

Atheists teach that this life is all there is, or at least all you can count on. You had best make the best of it. Don’t waste time because there is precious little of it.

Imagine that on your death bed, the secret of who was right were revealed to you. If you had chosen incorrectly, which would you prefer, to have lived as a Christian or lived as an atheist?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Rude Richard Dawkins

Christians are quite huffy about what Richard Dawkins has to say about Yahweh. The irony is Dawkins is just letting Christians know about what the bible has to say about Yahweh. It is not very flattering. Christians would know that if they had ever read the bible cover to cover for themselves.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Satan’s Rôle

In the bible, Satan is billed as Yahweh’s enforcer. In the Church lady’s view, he is his adversary. In the movie Bedazzled, he is playing a game with Yahweh to see who can collect the most souls. In Milton, he is a fallen angel who refuses to kiss ass. Dante says he is a giant demon stuck in the ice in the center of hell. Artists show him with a red costume, horns and a pitchfork running hell for Yahweh. Will the real Satan please stand up.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Saving The Animals

According to the bible, Yahweh killed off all the animals of earth. However, he called a sampling of all the animals of the earth to be saved with an ark ride. However, if you examine the fossil record, less than 1% of all the species that once lived on earth are still alive today. If Yahweh exists, he told the mother of all lies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Science Can Prove Bible Wrong

Even if science cannot tell you with 100% certainty how the universe began or how life began, they can prove the explanation in the bible is complete nonsense. It could not possibly be correct.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee is actually a lake. If the bible can’t even get a simple fact like that correct:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Selective Gullibility

The stories in the bible are outrageous, incredible, unbelievable, astounding! They are told anonymously, They are not eye-witness accounts. They are third-hand or more, not written down until about 60 years after Jesus’ death. The secular accounts contradict or ignore the stories in the bible.

For example, not one of the 121 historians of the time (nor Mark, Luke or John) saw fit to mention all the graves opening, perhaps Jesus’ most spectacular miracle. The bible says Moses lead a million people around in a desert for 40 years. The desert is not that big. You can cross it in 3 days by horseback. Archaeologists have scoured the desert for decades and found not a bit of garbage, not a shard of pottery, not a dried goat turd, nothing. There is no archaeological evidence of any kind that Moses, Saul or David ever existed.

Let’s say you found a book in the library with similar incredible stories, and similar properties to the bible, perhaps the holy book of some other religion. What are the odds you would believe it? Almost zero. For some reason Christians totally turn off their critical faculties only when reading the bible. They become drooling gullible infants. They have decided they must believe it, so matter how silly or improbable it is simply because of the remote possibility the threats could be true, yet they ignore similar threats from other religions. Islamic hell is nastier than Christian hell.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Sensibly Ignoring the Bible

In the bible, Yahweh repeatedly commands believers to stone children to death if they are disrespectful. Oddly, not even the strictest fundamentalists Jew, Christian or Mormon obeys this commandment. Sometimes reason trumps the bible. Why can’t believers be similarly reasonable for other nutty biblical commandments?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Separation of Church and State is an Ancient Notion

The notion of separation of church and state long predates the founding fathers of the USA. Matthew 22:21 Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Shall We Try the Experiment?

I suggest to Christians, You think prayer is effective, why not check to see if it really is. Try praying and try not praying and see if it makes any difference. They tell me that is forbidden. The bible tells them they are not allowed to test god. He is allowed to test them, but not the reverse. I wonder why that is? Presumably the church does not want anyone finding out that prayer is like a rocking chair in that it will give you something to do but it won’t get you anywhere.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Shop Around

If you read the old testament you will discover that Yahweh is cruel, sadistic, bloodthirsty, murderous and crazy as a coot. Why do so many people settle on worshiping such an imperfect god without first checking out any of the 60,000 alternative gods?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Size of the Universe

Our universe is huge. Our galaxy alone, the Milky Way is 100,000 light years across. We can see stars on the other side of it. Light from them took 100,000 years to get here. That means the light left 100,000 years ago. That means the stars must have existed 100,000 years ago. The bible says the stars were not even created until 6,000 years ago. That means the bible is seriously in error.

But the universe is even bigger and older than that. The most distant objects are 13.82 billion light years away. The universe is 13.82 billion years old. The bible is nowhere close at 6,000.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The church promoted slavery longer than anyone else. Then Christians decided they were wrong all along. What happened?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Slavery Anaesthesia

The Bible anaesthetists Christian slavers to the evil they were committing. They looked upon slaves as conveniences, as we might look on microwave ovens.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Snake Handling

Mark 16:17-18 says that true Christians should be able to handle poisonous snakes without getting bitten. American sects handle snakes. People are frequently bitten and die. The verse does not appear in the original copies of Mark. It was added later. It should be considered a forgery. Instead of admitting they are not of this exalted state, they keep handling snakes and dying. I Corinthians 10:9 says that you should not test god, which is what snake handling is.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Some of the Craziest Stuff In the Bible

Most Christians have only read a few pages of the entire bible. Here is a list of some of the stranger things I found. Perhaps this will encourage Christians to read the bible cover to cover before endorsing every single word.

  1. Genesis 13:13: Yahweh demands everyone sacrifice their first born to Yahweh simply to horrify them and instill fear of him.
  2. Numbers 31:17-18: Yahweh commands paedophilia.
  3. Deuteronomy 21:18-21: If a child talks back to its parents, you must stone the child to death.
  4. Judges 19:29: Punishment for being raped, is being cut in 12 pieces.
  5. Deuteronomy 13:13-17: If you come upon a village containing even one non-Christian, you must kill everyone in the village.
  6. Leviticus 11:6: If someone eats a hare, you must kill them. There are hundreds of forbidden animals and birds.
  7. Exodus 21:20-21: It is ok to have sex with your slaves, and to beat them so long as they do not die immediately.
  8. Numbers 5:21-31: If you suspect your wife of infidelity, it is ok to force her to have an abortion performed by a priest.
  9. Leviticus 14:2-11: You can cure leprosy with dove blood.
  10. Genesis 7:23: Yahweh pointlessly killed all the animals on earth in his flood.
  11. Isaiah 34:7: Yahweh has pet unicorns.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


In the bible, the various authors do not claim to be eye-witnesses to that which they testify. They never give their sources. So how did they know what they claim?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Source of Infallible Information

Let me get this straight. According to Christians, the way you get 100% infallible information is to find a guy who need know nothing about the particular topic at hand who hears disembodied voices. He interprets one or more of them as the creator of the universe taking time out from his busy schedule to pass on interesting information. Ideally, you age the information by passing it verbally from generation to generation before writing it down. Then you collect all this material together and host a conference of bishops who censor the material to remove some of the more glaring inconsistencies. Whatever is left must be true, even if it conflicts with common sense, science, written history or direct observation.

Then why eschew other sources besides the bible of this valuable revelation? There are no shortage of people living today to whom Yahweh speaks to in this manner, even ex-president George W. Bush. Yahweh personally told him many infallible facts about the conduct of the Iraq war. It did not turn out as well as he hoped. Perhaps he did not give the information sufficient time to age or maybe he scrimped on bishops, for security reasons.

Then there is all that information we fail to capture from angels, who appear to us in the form of extraordinarily handsome young male wrestlers.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Source of Morality

People seem to think they need a god to tell them what is right and wrong, what will lead them to prosper and what to perish. Even if you are a fundamentalist Christian, 99% of that information comes from your fellow humans, not from reading a bible (which contains only the thinking of a few illiterate desert dwellers).

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Special Dispensation to Bully

Christians are so infuriating because they don’t believe me when I tell them I don’t recognise that their bible has any validity and their god is a figment of their imaginations. Their bible is just a book of rules, like the rules for playing cricket. It would only have authority over me only if I wanted to play Christianity, a game I find nauseating. Freedom of religion also grants me freedom from any religion. Christians are happy that Muslims are not permitted to force their religion down throats, but imagine Christianity should receive special dispensation to bully.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Spying on God

> Did you ever notice that the bible is full of stories about what Yahweh thought, said or did? But how could anyone have witnessed that? especially Genesis when people did not exist yet. This can’t be a historical account. It has to be mere speculation.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Staged Withdrawal

Christians need to abandon Christianity in two stages:

  1. The first stage is to lose faith that Yahweh is the real god. Assert that the real god is much better. Yahweh is far too much of a shit head to be the real god. The real god writes truly inerrant bibles, not the like the crappy quality of the King James bible. He performs miracles for you when you truly need them. He understands how the universe works and does not lie to you about it. He does not ever command you to kill anyone, much less a child. He answers prayer — even if just to say That would be unwise. The bible makes so many extreme promises, e.g. every prayer will be answered. You know that is not true. Neither is the bogeyman.
  2. Not being able to find any sign of this new improved god, even after mathematically proving to themselves his existence, Christians would give up their wishful thinking and become atheists.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Subversive Gifts

When I was a child, my aunt Edith send me curiosities from Egypt and a book on evolution. Other people’s Aunt Ediths sent them bibles which they never read.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Super Elders

According to the bible, in Noah’s day, people lived to 1000 years old. How is it that we have never found a skeleton of one of these old timers? By what mechanism did humans lose this ability?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The most infuriating thing about Christians are:

Christians have no right to impose their crazy beliefs on others, especially when they do not even impose them on themselves. Since non-Christians have no right to impose their religion on Christians, Christians have no right to impose their religion on non-Christians.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Swallow this Malarkey

Here is what Christians want me to believe:

There are 60,000 religions. Every one has holy books that were ostensibly written by a deity. Yet in every case they were written by ordinary humans who tried to fob these forgeries off as the word of god. There is only one exception to the overall pattern — Christianity. It too was written by ordinary humans, but those humans were presumed to have been influenced by Yahweh the god using ESP to write a perfect, error-free, contradiction-free book called the bible. It contains records of many events that are impossible, events that conflict with history or archaeology, that conflict with modern science and that conflict between various parts of the bible, so it is not really inerrant, however, we are supposed to pretend not to notice or notice that Yahweh is an atrocious writer.

The odds of there being any true religion and that it happened to be the dominant one where I was born strikes me as ridiculously improbable. Christianity is barely different from dozens of other religions, particularly the worship of Mithras, Osiris, Dionysus and Apollonius of Tyana. Even Christians agree religions in general are false. They firmly believe this without even taking a cursory look at the alternatives. What is so special about Christianity?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Swallowing Talking Snakes

Fundamentalists claim to believe in talking snakes even though they can see for themselves snakes have neither large brains nor vocal chords, both needed for speech. They believe it because the bible says it is true. Adam and Eve were the only alleged witnesses to this odd event. Yet the bible was written much later. How did the authors know this story was literally true? How did they know it was not just a tall tale or an allegory? How do they explain that snakes no longer talk? Did they lose the ability through evolution?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Sweating the Small Stuff

The big problem with the bible is it sweats the small stuff and ignores the important stuff.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Talking With God

I don’t think anyone doubts you can pretend to talk with god. The catch is that voice in your head has none of the characteristics of the alleged creator of the universe. It does not know anything you don’t. It is not even as smart as a college professor, nowhere near omniscient. Its advice is no better than you could give yourself. It is no more profound than you are. If you doubt, ask god to translate a sentence into a language you don’t know, or teach you some calculus you do not already know.

Finally, John 5:37 says that voice in your head is not god. You are kidding yourself that the creator of the universe would take time out for some drooling stupid small talk with you each day. You have been deceived by your monumental conceit.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Tall Tales

The bible is crammed with tall tales. How ironic people must put their hands on it to swear to tell the truth.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Tautological Prophesies

When the bible prophesies wars, rumours of wars, famines and earthquakes, that is pretty darn lame. Was there ever a time without war, rumours of war, famines or earthquakes? That is like predicting rain sometime in the future.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Teacher’s Pet

The bible claims the ancient Israelites were Yahweh’s chosen people. He ordered them to kill all their neighbours and steal their lands. Yahweh is alleged to be the creator of the entire universe. Why would he be so partial to one tiny tribe on one tiny planet? I think it far more likely the Israelite priests lied. They gave their warriors holy permission to commit genocide because it helped anaesthetise their consciences and gave them confidence of victory. There was never any god; there was never and holy commandment to genocide, just a sick, sadistic lie.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Why are Christians so frightened of science? Basically science keeps exposing the fraud of the bible. Without the authority of the bible, Christians can’t very well bully others into accepting its moral commandments even when they are irrational. Christians will have to decide for themselves the best path and persuade others to follow, based on reasons. That terrifies them. They imagine they will make bizarre choices or at least choices differing from what the bible commands.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


What if the Christians succeed. They make Christian indoctrination mandatory is schools. They make it legal to discriminate against non-Christians. They give huge government grants to Christian schools and Christian-owned businesses. They gradually introduce the bible to become the law of the land. You might as well have been living in medieval France or modern day Iran.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Theological Vandalism

At the council of Nicea, in 325 AD, gathered clerics decided which of the 80 gospels at the time to include in the bible. Most of the others were destroyed. They did not want us second guessing them.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

There Are No Bible Followers

There are no end of people who claim the bible in inerrant. However, only a tiny fraction of them have ever read it cover to cover to check if that is indeed plausible. There are no people who behave as if the bible were true, or even who follow its commandments. If they did, they would be quickly incarcerated.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

There Is Nothing Special About The Bible

A favourite quotation from Christians is: John 14:7 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. How do you know this is true? Because the recruiting manual for Christianity (the bible) says so. But the recruiting manual for every religion says the equivalent thing. This is nothing special about Christianity. The only thing special about Christianity is it is the predominant religion in the country where you were born. That is not true is most of the world. If you were born somewhere else, guaranteed you would be pushing a different religion. You don’t even know the first thing about any other religion. How can you possibly claim with a straight face that you know Christianity is the best?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Thomas More

Thomas More is a Catholic saint, made the patron saint of politicians in 2000. He is most noted for torturing and burning to death people who dared to own a bible written in English. What sort of perverse institution selects control-freak sadists like him as its heroes?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Toward a Saner Noah

Why would god go to all the effort of killing every plant and every animal on earth, then leave all the plants to look after their own resurrection, but go to all the fuss of the ark to preserve the animals. Why not just kill all the naughty humans with a heart attack? The ark was pretty risky. Every death aboard the ark meant the extinction of an entire species. The animals did nothing to deserve mass drowning. The seeds of only a very few plants, such as coconuts, can survive soaking in an ocean for a year, then sprout in salt-encrusted soils. But the bible makes no mention of any preservation of any plant species. Either the authors forgot these details, or, more likely, the story is a crock.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Tower Of Babel

The bible claims everyone on earth spoke the same language at the time of the Tower of Babel. Yet we know dozens of languages were well-established long before that.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Translation of the King James Bible

Richard Bancroft (1544 1610-11-02 age:66) Archbishop of Canterbury, supervised the translation of the King James Bible into English. The work was done by a team of about 50 scholars over four years. Bancroft edited 14 verses in the final work.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Trickster God

If god faked ancient light from far-away galaxies, he was trying to make you think the universe was 4.543 billion years old.

This is just one of thousands of things god did to fake the universe being 4.543 billion years old. We know these were all done by god. We know the bible was written by men (allegedly coached by god). It seems to me the stuff god did directly is more reliable. So perhaps he didn’t fake it. Maybe someone writing the bible just could not believe such a big number 14 billion in Roman Numerals.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

True or Con?

The big question, is Christianity true or a con? Just once, consider the possibility it is a con and see if that fit with the facts is more plausible than that the bible is literally true that none of the thousands of obvious contradictions in the bible are not really contradictions.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

True Source Of Morality

The Christian bible condemns murder but condones drunkenness and presumably by extension drunk driving. Most people avoid drunk driving because it is foolish, wrong, antisocial and dangerous to one’s self and others. It does not matter whether the god Yahweh approved or not. If it were universally accepted that the god Yahweh is a myth, people would still avoid both murder and drunk driving because they know they are wrong, frowned on and severely punished. People who think the god Yahweh is a crock are no more likely to commit crimes than believers. I suspect it is the reverse, since Catholics erroneously believe all it takes is a confession and some boring prayers to erase the effects of any wrongdoing. Christians often argue for the existence of the god Yahweh by claiming everyone would run amok if belief ceased. That is an argument for lying, not for the god Yahweh’s existence. Because atheists, in general, behave more ethically that Christians, the argument is invalid for either purpose.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


If even Joseph did not believe Yahweh had knocked up Mary, why should you?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Trusting The Bible

I often run across Christians who claim the bible is the inerrant word of god. They claim if there were any contradiction between what science said, or what their own eyes saw, or what their mind said was possible, they would trust the bible. [If they did not trust their own eyes, how could they trust their reading of the bible?] These people cannot possibly have read the entire bible. It says too many crazy things that they could not possibly actually believe, like the flat earth. Why do they hold the bible in such high esteem? Because they have been told over and over and over that it is the inerrant word of god. That fact becomes one of the features of the universe they never question. It is just something everybody knows. If they think about it, there no evidence of any kind god had anything to do with writing the bible, and dozens of reasons why that is highly unlikely. Granted, the Bible claims divine authorship, but so does every other holy book. I have written elsewhere how you can know for sure the creator of the universe did not write the bible. It is a human forgery. The quality is no where near good enough.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Trusting the Bible

Paul never met Jesus. All his material came from hallucinations of Jesus long after Jesus died. The gospels were written even later by anonymous people who never even met Jesus, after any possible eye witnesses had died. How could an accurate account of the alleged earthly life of Jesus possibly come from such indirection? The accounts don’t even agree with each other. How dare Christians claim the whole mess is 100% accurate. That is a bald lie.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Trusting Faith

Christians argue that the atheist need for evidence for what they believe is cold and limited. For a full life, they say you must instead use faith, and believe without evidence. What are your choices?

It seems to me you are just spinning your wheels if you take the second option. There is no extra probability at all it is true. You are deliberately choosing to believe what is most likely incorrect. It would be a huge coincidence if something you just cooked up out of your imagination without any reference to observation or evidence were actually true. Not even mathematicians do that. The famous example is Russell’s orbiting teapot. It it could exist, but because it was concocted without any evidence, the odds it does are vanishingly small.

All of us blindly believe what others tell us. We have not time to fact check everything. Normally, though we check out our sources, to see where they get their information, how frequently they lie, etc. We may then decide for example to ignore news stories on FOX news unless they are echoed elsewhere. We should do the same with the bible to check it out so you can to estimate its overall reliability. We should also ask ourselves, where did the people who wrote the bible get their information? Did they have evidence, did they just make it up or did they just write down what somebody else told them?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Trusting Humans Talking About God ≠ Trusting God

Christians are utterly confused between trusting fellow humans who tell them about god and trusting god. Even the bible is just fellow humans telling them stories about god. Logically, there is no more reason to trust these tales any more than you would anything else fellow humans tell you without evidence.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Truth or God

If you are a Christian, you will at some point have to decide which is more important to you truth or god. The more you learn about the bible and the Christian religion, the more you are going to have to deceive yourself to maintain your faith. To avoid having to make the choice, you must stay deliberately ignorant.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Two False Claims

Christians make two obviously false claims.

  1. Without religion, there would be no way to tell right from wrong.
  2. Without belief (perhaps an erroneous but necessary belief) in a god who punishes and rewards after death, people would have no motive at all to refrain from indulging in bad behaviour. Therefore it is necessary to trick people into such a belief whether it is true or not.

These claims are silly. Nobody pays any attention to 99% of the sins punishable by death in the bible. Only 10% of Christians claim they use the bible to resolve moral questions. The bible offers no guidance at all on situations in modern life. Such situations never arose 4000 years ago. Today people use common sense, law, consensus and pundits to work out what is appropriate behaviour

Believers are far more likely to kill someone over their beliefs than an atheist. Christians are far more likely than atheists to harbour a deep desire to kill Muslims, so they enlist, go to Afghanistan or Iraq where they murder and often rape children. Their religion spurs them to this evil behaviour. It does not inhibit them in the least. Motivated by this same religious blood lust, knights slaughtered every living being of any religion in Jerusalem during the Crusades, claiming the even the Christians were impure from contact with Muslims. In contrast to this mindless mayhem, atheists think through their ethical behaviour. Believers do not. No wonder atheists behave better and more rationally.

What Christians are telling us is they believe themselves to be moral degenerates whose deepest desire is to rape, plunder, murder, molest children, steal… and the only thing that holds them in check is fear of an eternal roasting? Get serious! Even Christians are far more certain it is wrong to rape a child and that society and the law strongly condemn it than they are of the existence of an afterlife where they would be punished for it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Two Kinds of Christians

There are two kinds of Christians:

  1. Stupid, ignorant people. They have never read the bible, and certainly not cover to cover. Everything they know that got from their pastor. They have never read a single book about what anthropology or study of ancient texts tells us about the history of Christianity.
  2. Professional con men. People who earn a living deceiving people about the validity of Christianity. Their victims are the poor, the not-very-bright. They are among the most contemptible of criminals. They happily resort to any conceivable lie.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Two Problems With The Bible

There are two main problems with the bible:

  1. Its morality was taken not from a deity but from uneducated, sadistic desert dwellers living 3000 years ago, who believed in human and animal sacrifice.
  2. Most of it is not true.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Two Questions for Christians

  1. If you read the bible cover to cover, you soon discover that Yahweh is a capricious, sadistic, bigoted cruel monster who enjoys disembowelling babies and women, who indulges in genocide, who demands sacrifice of the first born, who enjoys exacting cruel punishments for minor transgressions. Yet you pretend to love this fiend and pretend he is loving and merciful. How can you live with the guilt of your lie? What motivates you to tell it? Is your only excuse that you have never actually read the whole bible?
  2. If you read the bible cover to cover, you will discover thousands of inconsistencies. Clearly the bible could not be the work of an infallible god. Yet you pretend it is. Further you pretend to believe the promises to answer every prayer despite ample personal evidence they are empty. How do you live with the shame of these humongous lies? What motivates you to tell them?
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Tyrant Virtue

When we read about god commanding clearly evil behaviour in the bible, e.g. genocide or torture or child rape, Christians such as Dr. Lane Craig, excuse this behaviour by saying that if god does it, then it is good by definition. This sounds like the thinking of some North Korean sycophant.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Ultimate Blasphemy

The bible is the ultimate blasphemy. It claims to speak for God, yet it was written by men.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Ultimate Blasphemy

I think the ultimate blasphemy are Christians who claim to know the thoughts of god. The Christians who commit this sin are usually school dropouts, with atrocious grammar and pronunciation. They assert god drops by every day for some small talk. God never tells them anything that a fellow drop-out could not have said. I have some questions:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Ultimate Christianity

American Christianity is the ultimate hypocrisy. The bible says to turn the other cheek. American Christians fund trillions to kill people whose only crime is sitting on natural resources that the Americans covet. The bible says to care for the poor and needy. Americans are the stingiest of all the developed nations in foreign aid. They even deny their own citizens food, shelter and medical care. Americans claim they believe earth is god’s creation then treat it like a toilet bowl. The bible warns people against the love of money yet chasing wealth is the #1 American Christian pastime. Even the pulpits preach phony get rich quick schemes.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Unanswered Prayer

Jesus lied in Mark 11:24, Matthew 7:7, Matthew 18:19-20, Matthew 21:22, Luke 11:13, John 14:13-14, John 15:7, John 16:23 and I John 5:14-15 when he promised to answer every single prayer — not just the altruistic ones, not just the ones from virtuous people, not just the ones already in alignment with god’s plan… No prayer of any kind has ever been answered that would not have been answered naturally anyway. This is the biggest lie in the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Unauthorised Biography of God

If there were a supernatural creator of the universe, he would look on the bible as an authorised biography. He would not like it the way the bible (read cover to cover) depicts him as insane, sadistic, capricious, genocidal, stupid, vain… How dare these people make up all this crap, pulling it completely out of their asses with not a single fact. How dare it command so much silliness and cruelty in his name. However, it was just one of 60,000 unauthorised biographies on planet earth alone. That is just the way humans are, though mind you, the bible was one of the more outrageous calumnies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Universe Revolves Around Christians

Christians love their own stink. To them, the entire universe revolves around them. Their creation myth has them playing the lead, the whole point of the creation. This is so disgustingly conceited. If Christians but hung I Chronicles 16:30 out with whales, bonobos, dolphins or elephants they might develop some humility. This planet does not belong to Christians. Their creation myth is a monstrous lie designed to flatter the egos of Christians. They are so glued by ego to this lie, they will ignore all evidence, historical, archaeological, or scientific to the contrary and try to convince themselves this is a virtue.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Universe Without God

The case that no god exists is simple. How would the universe look if there were no god/gods? How would the universe look if there were a god/gods? Which view best describes reality? It is no contest. The universe looks and behaves exactly as if there were no god/gods, without exception and nothing at all like it should if there were. And in particular, almost everything in the bible could not possibly be true, even the mundane details like the name of Jesus’ birthplace which did not exist at that time.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Unjust Hell

According to Christians, the most serious sin is worshiping some god other than Yahweh, or believing Yahweh does not exist. Behaviour is secondary. Any crime can be erased with a church indulgence/confession. Nearly everyone worships the god of their parents. If you are born in India, everyone worships the Hindu gods. It does not occur to them to worship Jesus any more than it occurs to an American to worship Ganesh. Yahweh’s system is rigged to send most Indians to hell through no fault of their own. Why would the creator of the universe have such a petty prejudice against Indians? This, instead, represents the bigotry of the Christians who wrote the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Unnatural Bible

There is nothing in the visible universe that works anything like the bible. The bible is so unnatural. The bible reads like a children’s story, not like an extension of natural history. It is just so hokey, so petty, so partisan, so juvenile. It is completely lacking the grandeur of the universe it purports to explain.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Unread Bible

Most Christians have read less than 1% of the bible. To help them become more familiar with the whole bible, ask your pastor to preach a sermon on the following texts:

Christians claim to believe in this crap, but they have never read it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Unread Bible

The reputation of the bible rests on the staunch opinions of millions of people who have read at most a few pages. The primary tactic of atheists should be to persuade Christians to read it cover to cover.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Unreported Miracle

Matthew 27:51-53 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake and the rocks rent;
And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
And came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared unto many.
describes a rather remarkable event. But oddly the secular history makes no mention of it. Surely if such a thing actually happened, it would have blown people’s socks off.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

USA = Turkey

The USA is second only to Turkey in the percentage of the population of developed countries who reject evolution. That is as weird as if the majority of Americans rejected the germ theory of disease and refused to believe in sanitation. The germ theory is established to roughly the same degree in science as evolution. I can see Christians chanting Its only a theory! You can’t prove demons don’t cause disease as the bible says in Matthew 17:14-21 among many other places.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

A Valid Reason to Hate Christians

The bible celebrates people who chose to die rather than bow down to false gods. Yet Christians routinely force non-Christians to bow down to their false gods, by praying to them, honouring them in courts, teaching their edicts in schools, honouring their ridiculous rules…

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Validating the Bible

Attempting to prove the truth of the bible by quoting it as an authority is as nonsensical as trying to prove the literal truth of the Harry Potter books by quoting from them as an authority.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Venerating the Bible

Christians lie the bible is inerrant even though they know of hundreds of inconsistencies and errors. They are fully aware of how utterly wrong it is:

We have known about these errors in the bible for centuries. Why are creationists still making such a fuss over evolution and cosmology?

Why do Christians persist is pretending the bible is more accurate than modern understanding gleaned from 2000

years more study? They are not totally crazy. Most of them use modern plumbing, medicine, antibiotics, sanitation, anaesthesia, construction and animal husbandry.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Village Names

One of the problems with the bible is most of the village names it mentions never existed. Christian scholars deal with the problem by looking for similar village names and assume the writers of the bible were just careless. Another explanation is the new testament was made up by people who had never been to Galilee, who just made the names up to sound plausible. The catch is, the alleged writer of the bible is Yahweh, and allegedly he made no errors whatsoever. Clearly, whoever did write the bible made a great many errors. You might not consider them serious errors, but they are errors nonetheless. To be honest then, Christians must stop claiming that god wrote the bible and that it is inerrant. They have to admit it was written by fallible humans.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Visiting Sites of Fiction

Japanese tourists go to Prince Edward Island in Canada to see sites mentioned in Anne Of Green Gables, a work of fiction by Lucy Maud Montgomery. American tourists go to Bethlehem in the occupied territories to see sites mentioned in The New Testament, a work of fiction by authors we know almost nothing about.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Want Evidence? Have Some Faith Instead

When I ask a Christian What evidence is there for the Christian claims about god and the bible? They will never quote any evidence, or give a reason. Instead they say, You must have faith first for any of this to make sense to you. I think to myself, This must mean even they don’t know of even a single reason to believe the twaddle they do. They just won’t explicitly admit it.

What are they asking of me? They want me to somehow close my eyes, pretend to believe that which is obviously untrue and offer myself to be taken by their con. Why would I be such an idiot? Why would anyone be such an idiot?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

War Between Science and Religion

In the days of Galileo, the war between science and the church was mainly constrained to astronomy. The church has since given up that fight. Because of all the focus on evolution, you might think evolution is the only area where science debunks religion. Every single discovery of modern astronomy and cosmology also completely conflicts with the bible. Black holes, pulsars, quasars, galaxies, supernovae… could not exist in a 4000 year old universe. If the bible were right, Einstein would have to be wrong. But if Einstein were wrong, GPS (Global Positioning System) would be impossible. We also tend to forget the bible asserts the earth is flat and square, the center of the universe, surrounded by an aerial ocean and that the stars are holes is a solid firmament canopy. You can sail off the edge. The bible is just as wrong today as it was in Galileo’s time. It is even more absurd than ever to claim it is inerrant.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Washed In the Blood of the Lamb

The god Yahweh reputedly sent a killer fog that bypassed homes marked with the blood of the lamb. If this store is true, then surely there should be a repeat performance to eradicate the earth of Republicans. These people are not just stupid and misguided, they are cruel and malicious, motivated by an overweaning greed. Surely, Republican are the dirt bags that Ezekiel 16:49 refers to.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Ways to View the Bible

To a Christian, the bible is a message direct from the creator of the universe himself. To an atheist, or an adherent of any other religion, they are like Rudyard Kipling’s Just-so stories.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

We Are Star Stuff

People are made from the elements from the center of stars, in the same proportion. How come the bible never mentioned that? Obviously god knew. It is just humans living 3000 years ago who did not.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Weak Excuses For Murder

Christians happily commit murder simply because someone told them the bible excused it or commanded it. They forget that there is zero evidence that any god had anything to do with writing the bible. That the one and only god is the author of the bible is merely a traditional unexamined presumption.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Wedging Christian Distrust

Christians are trained from birth to totally trust Yahweh, despite the fact the bible depicts him as worse than Hitler and there is not a stick of evidence for his existence. He is completely undetectable. There is almost nothing that would convince a Christian to question the existence of Yahweh or his wonderfulness. However, Christians might be open to considering the possibility that TV evangelists are con artists, faith healers are phony, the people who told them the bible was unquestionably inerrant and was the literal word of god might have not been totally forthcoming with the truth.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

What Atheists Say

Atheists do not claim that there is no god. They say that:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

What the Creator Ought to Know

If a deity created the universe, here are a few things he ought to know:

The catch is whoever wrote the bible knew none of these things. They held patently false views. So how could a deity who created the universe have gotten the bible so badly wrong? The obvious answer is that ordinary bronze age desert dwellers penned the bible then tried to fob it off as the work of a deity. The bible is a forgery. As such, it does not deserve the extreme respect people give to it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

What Did the Ten Commandments Leave Out?

The Ten Commandments contains a number of quite minor sins, such as cutting your lawn on Sunday. What did they leave out? Much more serious sins such as rape, genocide, child abuse, slavery, domestic abuse… Moreover, in other parts of the bible, Yahweh actually commands these sins. Where do Christians get off thinking they have a superior moral code and a morally superior deity?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

What Is In the Parts of the Bible Nobody Reads?

The bible not only describes the behaviour of some extremely evil people, it describes some very evil behaviour of the god Yahweh. Further, more often than not, Yahweh commands his people to commit evil deeds. Christians are not aware of this because they only expose themselves to the bible through selected quotations.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

What Is Missing From The Bible?

If the creator of the universe actually wrote the bible, why would he not have told us about sanitation? Why did he command so many unsanitary actions like mouth-sucking-penis-blood circumcision? Why did he not include a few obscure verses that would provide evidence to future generation that the bible is genuine, e.g. hints about atoms, quantum theory, relativity, the Internet? Why did he not include the true geometry of the solar system? Why did he not explain anything about how the body works or how to care for it? Why did he not explain the rudiments of animal husbandry and plant breeding? Why is the bible chock full of stories irrelevant to daily life yet missing any practical guidance? Why is everything in the bible aimed at people living thousands of years ago? If it were a book for all time, surely it should have some material aimed at our age. It is obvious to me the authors of the bible had no knowledge of the future or of accurate science. In other words, they were fallible humans not a deity.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

When Were the Gospels Written?

The gospels were not written until decades after Jesus’s death. Unfortunately, the bible had a long period of oral/hearsay transmission before someone thought to write it down.

Gospel Earliest Latest
Mark 65AD 70AD
Luke 75AD 85AD
Matthew 75AD 85AD
John 90AD 95AD
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Where are the Miracles?

If god did it, then there was a miracle. Physical laws were broken. If nature did it, then there must be no physical laws broken. Nobody has ever observed physical laws being broken. If there were a god, we have never detected him doing anything. Miracles are not required by the math, even to account for the beginning of the universe, no matter how much violence that does to the intuition of an unschooled human. It is said that if you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don’t. Quantum mechanics boggle the intuition. The only evidence for miracles are hearsay in the bible which has proven to have thousands of errors and inconsistencies. The bible is not sufficiently good evidence to be admissible for events no living person has ever observed.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) Quantum Leap: how matter behaves at the atomic level click to watch

Where Was Jesus Born?

Where was Jesus born? You would think this would be a straight forward question and the bible would have a clear answer, but the writers of the gospels, composed many years after Jesus’ death, had no idea. So like typical Christians, they just made it up and in the process contradicted each other. Micah 5:2 prophesies the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem. John’s gospel says, it was a surprise Jesus was not born in Bethlehem. Matthew has Joseph and Mary living in Bethlehem all along and later moving to Nazareth. Luke says that Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth, but traveled to Bethlehem for the census. Yet this census took place in 6 AD, after Herod’s death, so how could Herod have threatened Jesus by killing all the first born if Jesus was not even born yet? Imagine what a judge would do with testimony like this. He certainly would not decree the matter was completely settled and that all three were perfect witnesses the way Christians do. Add to this the discovery there was no town of Nazareth in the time of Jesus.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) The God Delusion

Which Bible

Christians tell me the bible is the inerrant word of Yahweh. But there are dozens of bibles. They each include different books and are based on different ancient documents. Which bible do you mean?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Which Deity?

If I said to a Christian, for argument sake, let’s presume a deity created the universe. There are 60,000 known deities and god knows how many unknown ones.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Which God Created the Universe?

Christians don’t understand the difference between an argument that something supernatural created the universe and an argument that Yahweh created it. If indeed something supernatural created the universe what might it be besides Yahweh?

  1. Something that can only be approached with mathematics. It would seem to be impossible to human intuition.
  2. Something completely outside our knowledge and that completely boggles us when we try to get a handle on it.
  3. Something so present, so obvious we have overlooked it. Perhaps we have been looking for bearded man when we should have been looking for something much more abstract.
  4. A kid in another dimension with his first universe construction kit.
  5. Allah, Wotan, Zeus, Ganesh or one of the 60,000 other human-created gods.

The creator of the universe could not be Yahweh because Yahweh of the bible is dead wrong every time he talks about how the universe works. Yahweh simply does not know what he is talking about. The true creator of the universe would have intimate, accurate knowledge of all conceivable science. Therefore Yahweh could not be the creator of the universe. His incredible degree of cluelessness indicates he did not even help. Yahweh started out as a petty war god. He is nowhere near up to the job of ruler of the universe.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Who Are the Believers?

Some people believe Yahweh exists and that he wrote a book called the bible. What make some people believe and others not? If parents repeatedly threaten their children that Yahweh will torture them, they grow up to be believers. If they do not, they don’t. It is a form of brainwashing. It should be illegal, treated like sexual abuse.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Who Gets Into Heaven?

The bible is inconsistent on who gets into heaven.

  1. In some places such as Isaiah 64:6, John 5:28-29, Luke 13:25, Matthew 16:27 and Matthew 7:21-23 it says works are the criterion.
  2. In some places such as John 3:16, John 3:36, John 5:24 and John 6:40 it says faith is the criterion.
  3. Revelation 7:3-4 says you must be a young Jewish male virgin one of the 144,000 elect to get in.

Each Christian sect ignores two of the three rules. But it is all bullshit. It is all made up. Nobody has any way of knowing what an afterlife would be like. They are just speculating. These are lies composed by con men to sell Christianity to gullible boobs. Physicists like Sean M. Caroll say an afterlife is impossible because there is no mechanism to record your soul information after you rot.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Who Wrote the Bible

We know it could not have been the creator of the universe because none of the science in the bible works, e.g. breeding striped animals by showing them painted stripes when they copulate, curing leprosy with dove blood, construction presuming π=3, driving out demons to cure mental illness… The bible assumed a flat 6,000 year old earth. It postulates a global flood. Further it contains no hints about advanced mathematics, atoms, black holes, DNA, elements, evolution, exoplanets, expansion of the universe, galaxies, gamma rays, germ theory, gravity, ions, metallurgy, Newton’s laws of motion, paleontology, plate tectonics, quantum mechanics, quarks, radioactivity, relativity, spectroscopy, speed of light, stars, String theory, thermonuclear reactions, X-rays… The creator of the universe had to know all those things. The authors of the bible knew nothing.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Whom Do You Trust?

I read the bible cover to cover. I decided it was full of error and inconsistency. I decided it was badly written, boring and padded. I decided it was a satanic moral guide. In short, I reject it as having anything to do with the divine. The Christians who disagree with me have read only a few greatest hits from the bible. It would be unwise to ignore my own experience and adopt the ignorant experience of the Christians.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Whom to Trust

Whom should you trust, Christians or scientists, about matters concerning the physical universe? e.g.

Thousands of pairs of eyes check and recheck everything in science. In science, everything has to fit with everything else. A lack of coherence with some obscure established fact is enough to ring the alarm bells and send a idea back to the drawing board.

In contrast, what sort of checking did the bible get? For each part of the bible, just one guy had a sort of dream when he thought god was talking to him. He might have taken a hallucinogen. He might have been on a 40 day fast. He might have been drunk. He might have been crazy. We know absolutely nothing about him, not even his name. He never double checked what he wrote down. If Yahweh were interested in his dictation being taken accurately, surely he could have sent it twice to two different people.

Without evidence, he assumed the voice in his head was Yahweh. Christians are so vain. Any voice in their head and they automatically assume it could not be anyone but the creator of the universe himself. They claim to believe in saints, angels, devils, ghosts, ETs…, but, of course, the voice could never be something so déclassé.

Claiming the creator of the universe came to visit is crazier than claiming the pope dropped in unannounced. The bible John 5:37, I John 4:12, and I Timothy 6:16 concurs with me. Luke 20:25 Render therefore unto Caesar.

In addition, the bible is stuck in time 2000 years ago. It has little to say relevant to modern day. You can’t take advice from it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why am I an atheist?

Why am I an atheist? Basically, it is because Christians lied to me. They told me the bible had been written by god. I read it cover to cover. The quality was so atrocious it was bad even by human standards much less divinely perfect ones.

Christians told me god was extremely important to them, but could not be specific or define their god. I don’t think they had the first clue. Christians told me their spokespeople could do magic tricks, therefore everything they said was true. But I knew perfectly well magicians lie all the time. It is part of their job. I saw how Peter Popoff and Ernest Angley faked their healings. There is too much suffering in the world. If there were a superhero capable of helping, surely they would.

I studied chemistry, physics, biology and learned the math of how the universe unfolds all on its own. It does not need divine prodding. Further, there is no sign of any prodding, ever. The big bang is now understood to the tiniest sliver of time from the start of the universe. Stephen Hawking thinks he may have figured it out right down to zero, and in a strange quantum mechanical way does not have a beginning. It was much much smaller than an atom. Its creation was not nearly the big deal people make it out to be. If it needs something special to handle it, that special thing is highly unlikely to be a guy with a beard and white robe named Yahweh sitting on clouds checking out who is masturbating.

I watched people being conned out of their money with false promises of eternal bliss and empty threats of eternal torture. I saw criminals popping a contribution into the box, confessing, saying a few mindless prayers and imagining all negative consequences of their crimes were erased and they were divinely forgiven to boot, all ready to reoffend.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why Be Good?

The odds of a god existing are extremely remote. The odds of a god existing that cares if you follow the silly rules in some holy book such as the Qur’an or the bible are even more remote. Be good because being good makes everyone’s lives work better, not because you fear some invisible bogeyman.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why Believe?

The bible is absurd, improbable and inconsistent. It claims an allegedly loving God committed thousands of sadistic atrocities. Why would anyone believe these silly stories?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why the Bible Was Not Written By God

The bible is not evidence for the existence of the god Yahweh. Christians claim the bible is the literal words of the god Yahweh, but it cannot possibly be because the bible is full of error and inconsistency. Gods by definition are not bungling idiots. They know perfectly well how they did their creating and how their creation works. The authors of the bible had no clue.

There is no corroboration in the historical or archaeological record for the parts of the bible that potentially might be true, even the really spectacular stuff like the graves opening that would certainly have been recorded. Christians don’t even claim the God Yahweh engraved the words himself, but merely that some human biblical authors believed their writings were inspired by the god Yahweh. How could they possibly be sure? How do we know they were not just conceited lunatics?

The claim that the bible is the word of the god Yahweh has nothing to back it but repeated assertion and threats against those who point out there is no evidence. I have met dozens of Christians who claim the god Yahweh speaks directly to them. Nobody takes these flakes as definitive on the thoughts of Yahweh so why should you absolutely trust the word of people who lived long ago, whom you cannot interrogate, whom you know nothing about? Christians refuse to notice the difference between trusting god and trusting what some anonymous human had to say about a god.

Further, why trust a hateful fruitcake like Leviticus and distrust a reasonably sane man like Mohammed about whether he is speaking for the god Yahweh?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why a Christian?

Christians are not believers because they examined the evidence for biblical claims and decided they were most likely true. They were Christians for the following reasons:

  1. Mom and Dad were Christians. They just naturally fell into Christianity without any conscious decision.
  2. Many people are utterly convinced there is some chance being Christian would help them avoid eternal torture.
  3. Their friends are Christian. Their social life revolves around the church.
  4. They want to be socially prominent, e.g. politicians, heads of organisations. Being Christian is expected of such people. It is needed to appear respectable.
  5. If you are a paedophile, the priesthood gives you maximal access to children of both sexes, with almost no chance of being prosecuted.

So, for the most part, what the bible says, what the Pope says, even what the pastor says, is irrelevant. Members will believe what they feel like. They don’t even feel obligated to read the bible cover-to-cover, even once, much less believe everything in it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why Christianity is Insane

The legal definition of insane is not knowing right from wrong. The everyday definition is deluded. Christianity is insane on both counts. The bible counsels murdering people all manner of irrational and trivial reasons. If anybody but a Christian claimed:

Even Christians would agree they were utterly bonkers, perhaps dangerous.

We can’t similarly treat all Christians for such delusions because there are so many and the loons are so well organised to spread their madness.

Remember Geneviève Bujold and Alan Bates in King of Hearts? The inmates have taken over the asylum.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why Christianity is Obnoxious

Christianity was invented by a number of ancient, uneducated, control freak, dishonest, psychologically disturbed individuals. Christians insist in believing that it was invented by the supernatural creator of the universe despite ample evidence that could not possibly be so. A corollary is that is that they believe it is impossible to update or correct anything about Christianity or the bible, no matter how wicked, silly or wrong. Even though Christians no longer support slavery, officially they do. They imagine they are not permitted to remove or deprecate the offending verses. Christians feel impotent to correct even something as uncontroversial as the value of π. Because of this, they also feel obligated to defend utter absurdities in the bible, including clerical errors as good, sensible and true. Doing so rots their brains and makes public fools of them.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why Christians Abandon Christianity

I suspect Christians do not drop Christianity simply because they come to the conclusion it is untrue. They drop it because:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why Did the Bible Authors Lie?

Almost everything the bible authors wrote was a lie. Why motivated them to do it?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why Did Christians Sell the Bible to their Slaves?

Why did Christians impose the bible on their slaves?

The problem is Christianity continues to this day to put down blacks and make them meek and eager to accept exploitation.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why A God Could Not Have Written the Bible

The only evidence for Christianity is a book called the bible Christians claim was written by the creator of the universe. That claim is not only incorrect, it is a lie. It is a work of mostly fiction, written by ordinary mortals. How do you know?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why I Think there is No God

The Christian view of the universe is pretty much the same as a caveman’s. God decides the when and where of earthquakes, thunderstorms, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, lightning, storms, rain etc. His primary activity is to punish people for violating his laws. He has very little interest in species other than humans. They are toys he gave to humans. God is like an artist. He crafted the originals of each species and they took it from there, always breeding true, not evolving. The bible is inerrant and without contradiction. It was written by a god. Therefore, the quality is superhuman.

Science says the universe is indifferent to us. It runs by consistent relatively simple mathematical rules. Animals and plants evolved to their present state by an imperceptibly slow drift in how offspring differ from their parents, selected by the environment to kill off the worst adapted and give the best adapted a tiny edge in reproducing.

If there were a god, what would I expect to see? I would expect lightning and other natural disasters to primarily strike the wicked. I don’t see this. I would expect natural phenomenon, such as the tides, to be capricious, since they are controlled by a volatile intelligence mind. I don’t see this. In fact nobody has ever seen a natural law violated. The universe runs itself, without any sign of divine tinkering. I would expect prayers to be answered, perhaps not every one, but at least far more than chance. I don’t see this.

I would expect the clarity and writing quality of the bible to be dazzling, far better than Shakespear. I don’t see this. I would expect no contradictions in the bible. I don’t see this; I see thousands. There is a whole industry of apologetics to try to explain them away. I would expect no historical or scientific errors. I don’t see this. Just in my own reading, I found hundreds of errors. I would expect the author of the bible to be clearly also the creator of the universe, not some petty, vicious local god. I encountered a despicable buffoon, clearly incapable of creating the universe.

I would expect each animal to have a body plan perfectly suited to its environment. Instead, I see barely good-enough kludges most of the time, based on some previous animal. I would expect no patterns uniting all animals, other than an artist’s blue period. I would expect to see all animals at all depths in the fossil bed equally distributed. Instead I see a gradual evolutionary pattern both in the fossil beds and in the DNA family tree. If a god did this, he faked it perfectly to look evolved. I have seen HIV viruses evolving immunity to drug after drug in my own body, so I know viruses evolve. I have seen the DNA sequencing tracing the changes in my own body. I have read scientific texts about how evolution, including speciation, is routinely observed in the lab and in the wild.

Christians demand I believe many tall tales that even they admit are impossible violations of physical laws.

When I look, what I see far better fits science’s description of how the universe works than Christianity’s. So it seems to me there is almost no chance the Christians are right.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why the Lack of Shame?

The only reason I can come up with that Jews and Christians do not have overwhelming sense of shame for worshiping the god Yahweh, is that they have not yet read the Bible which describes his atrocities. If they had read the bible, the only possible reason to worship the god Yahweh is fear and overwhelming cowardice, similar to way a sheepish Nazi would have kowtowed to Hitler out of fear.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why Not The Religions of Egypt?

The bible accrues its authority because its age. The ancient Egyptians asserted the earth was formed when a black pyramid arose from a turbulent ocean. The Egyptian religion goes back thousands of years further that Christianity or Judaism. Surely then, by the age criteria, (and the provenance criteria) the Egyptians writings and engravings trump the bible.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why People Believe the Bible is True

The bible is just a book, mostly about people who behave abominably and yet another evil deity. There is nothing that justifies believing it contains extraordinary knowledge about the creator of the universe, not even one sentence. Why then do people believe with unshakable faith that it does? Because their parents forced that belief into them by whipping or terrifying them when they questioned and pounding the belief into their infant heads. Beliefs brainwashed that violently and that young become hard-wired. Reason has nothing to do with it.

Even though I was raised atheists, various Christians tried to terrify me as a child with hellfire into believing their crap.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why the Surveillance?

Christians claim their god monitors every sparrow’s fall. Matthew 10:26-33, yet he is completely undetectable. If he never intervenes, why all this surveillance?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why There Is No Hell

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Wild Unsubstantiated Claims

Christians point to the bible as if it were incontrovertible proof. It is merely a book of wild unsubstantiated claims most of which are in conflict with other evidence. Biblical scholars even tell us most of it was written hundreds of years after the alleged authors died. There is not a scintilla of evidence a supernatural being had anything whatsoever with writing even one of its sentences. It is just another holy book.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Will Religion Make You A Better Person?

Religion is billed as something that will make you a better person. But if you study deeply, you discover Christianity is built of lie upon lie upon lie. It makes people insufferable. These are not subtle lies, but great howlers that are blindingly obvious, e.g. Jesus promises to answer every single prayer of two or more people, no exceptions. Normally you just gloss over things because they are so familiar, but if you think carefully what each sentence in the bible is claiming, it all falls apart.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Open the bible at random and read a verse. Ask yourself, who was the author and how could they possibly know these details? The bible is written like a work of fiction with an omniscient author.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Word of God

Both the bible and the Qur’an claim to be the literal word of god. But if you read them cover to cover, you discover they contain many errors and inconsistencies so neither plausibly is the word of god. However, the bible is much worse. That may explain the net conversion away from Christianity to Islam. Or it could be Islam has a much nastier hell and many more explicit threats of torture. Or it could be Muslims feel strongly pressured to sell Islam.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Words Of Jesus

It is ridiculous to say the bible contains the words of Jesus. Why?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Worst Book Ever Written

The bible is by far the worst book I have ever read. It is unbelievably boring. It goes out of its way to be boring. It is filled with utterly irrelevant trivia. Before you judge, you too must read it cover to cover. It is supposed to be what God wants to tell every human. If that is so, God has Alzheimer’s. This is so badly written, so disorganised, so repetitious, so self-contradictory, so irrelevant. The thought that a deity wrote it is too ludicrous for words. Any professional writer could have done better. What can a Christian do when he notices this?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Written By a Mass Murderer

If you were to translate some random paragraphs of Hitler’s Mein Kampf and the bible into modern English and show them to someone unfamiliar with either text and tell them one was written by an insane mass murderer, I think the reader would presume those were the bible passages. The bible has a good reputation it does not deserve based solely on the fact almost no one but atheists have read it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Wrong or Lying

When someone with a snake phobia assures you that garter snakes are dangerous, they are wrong, but not lying. When a Christian tells you the Noah’s ark story in the bible is literally true to the last detail, without any possible doubt, he is not only wrong, he is lying.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Yahweh = Lucifer?

II Corinthians 11:13-14 warns that the devil has the ability to take on a pleasing shape. Given that the god Yahweh behaves worse than the demented Roman emperor Caligula, why are Christians so sure he is not Lucifer in mild disguise?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Yahweh Behaves Like a Devil

I maintain a bible study guide. Much of it points to verses about the actions of Yahweh. Yahweh behaves far, far worse than Allah, Shiva, Krishna, Zeus, Apollo, Athena, Ares, Buddha, Genghis Khan… In fact, he behaves much more like a devil than a god. Even he existed, he would not deserve to be called a god. It would be as wicked to worship him as to worship Lucifer.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Yahweh Commanding Murder

When schizophrenics interpret voices in their head telling them to decapitate people as the voice of the god Yahweh, that is, according to our Christian culture, the most plausible interpretation. The bible is full of stories of the god Yahweh demanding people commit murder or genocide. Christians hold up as heroes the people who murder based on such instruction. The fundamental myth common to Judaism, Christianity and Islam is Abraham stopped at the last second from slitting his son Isaac’s throat. If Abraham pulled that stunt today, the medical establishment would insist he be permanently incarcerated in an institution for the criminally insane.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Yahweh the Criminal

If you read the bible, you cannot escape the fact that is accuses the god Yahweh of hundreds of heinous crimes. It describes his behaviour as psychotic, capricious and sadistic, reminding me a bit of emperor Caligula. worshiping such a being is morally equivalent to Satanic worship. Some might argue, he is so powerful, he can get away with whatever behaviour he feels like. That comment applied equally well to Hitler, but it does not excuse worship.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Yahweh is Evil

Yahweh is one of the most evil villains in all literature. The notion he is perfect, perfectly moral, perfectly just and perfectly kind is absurd. If you have the slightest doubt that is true, I dare you to read the bible cover to cover.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Yahweh Is More Wicked Than Satan

If you read the bible cover to cover counting how many times the god Yahweh counsels merciless genocide, murder, rape, theft, slave taking… not even counting times he takes sadistic pleasure hurting the innocent directly vs how many times he advocates mercy or kindness, you will discover he is far more wicked than the way the bible portrays even Satan. Don’t take my word for it. Look for yourself. I’ts your bible that says this, not mine. With such a vile god, who demands his subjects pretend to approve and love him just the same, the myth creates hypocrisy and cruelty in believers. No wonder Christian behave so badly and are such hypocrites. It not me saying the god Yahweh is vile, the bible is. Christians in general don’t know this because they have read only a few selected verses of the bible. Yahweh is just a character in fiction. He does not have a true character or a record of deeds any more the Hercule Poirot does.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) source

Is Yahweh Omnipotent

I don’t recall in the bible Yahweh ever boasting to be omnipotent, except for the reference to Handel’s Messiah in Revelation 19:6. I think Christians who came much later honoured him with this property, perhaps presuming if he could allegedly create a universe, even logically impossible things were no problem either, like making 2+2 = 5. Omnipotent is a ridiculously vague term. I don’t think it should be used. People should be specific about what superpower they are referring to.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Yahweh the Volcano God

Like Pélé, the god Yahweh started out as a local volcano god. Consider his lust for human and animal sacrifice, creating a geological formation, a pillar of salt Genesis 19:26, brimstone and devastation Deuteronomy 29:23. The god Yahweh appears in the form of a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Exodus 13:21. Yahweh likes to drop molten rock on people. He is petulant and angry all the time. He hurts people without reason.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Yahweh vs Clarus

To me, the god Yahweh is even more preposterous a god than Clarus the dogcow. That is because I have read the bible cover to cover, but have not yet read the holy books of Clarus.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Yahweh Went Silent

According to the bible, the god Yahweh is like a meddlesome mother who micromanages man’s activities. But there has not been a peep out of him for at least 2000 years and plenty of dire need of intervention (e.g. the bubonic plague, Hitler, Bush’s torture dungeons, Darfur…). It appears that he has left or has completely lost interest in mankind. Yet god is supposed to be absolutely unchanging. How do the fundamentalists explain this to themselves? To me it is obvious. Nothing has changed. God never did interfere. The bible is a work of fiction. It is an adult version of a boy’s fantasy big brother to help beat up his enemies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Yahweh Worse Than Satan

In the bible, Yahweh behaves far worse than Satan. It is a wonder that atheists have anything to do with Christians. Very few people would socialise with devil worshipers. Christians are even worse. How can one tolerate a friend worshiping a sadistic god?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Yahweh ⇔ Satan?

Yahweh has killed millions more people than Satan according to the bible. How do Christians know they have not been bamboozled by the evil one?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Yahweh, God Of Slavery

Christians worship a god who encourages slavery. They had to violate their bible to eradicate it. How is that different from worshiping any of the other iron age gods who had similar filthy habits?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Yahweh’s Big Fat Lie

Let’s say you were visiting San Francisco and went to have a look at the Golden Gate Bridge. There was a panhandler there about 25 years old. He approached you for money and said I’m the one who built this bridge. You replied I don’t believe you. Construction was started 1933-01-05. You were not even born then. He said, I’m a lot older than I look. I am infinitely old. You asked What are those suspension wires made of? He replied, Spider silk. You would dismiss his claim both for telling tall tales and for not knowing the first thing about bridge construction.

The alleged author of the bible claims to have created the universe in six days. However, he does not know the first thing about universe creation. He knows nothing of atoms, nuclear fusion, quantum mechanics, relativity, black holes, galaxies, stars or genetics. He thinks the world is flat surrounded by a celestial ocean. He thinks the sky is a metal dome with holes for the stars. He thinks π is 3.

Thus, if Yahweh truly authored the bible, his claim to have created the universe is a big fat lie. Much more likely, the bible is a forgery, written by ordinary men, who also told a big fat lie.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Your Morality Came From God??

Biblical morality is so insane and so out of date, even the most fanatical Christians ignore it, while giving it lip service. e.g.

That’s not morality. That is obsessive-compulsive disorder. None of those commandments make any sense except avoiding shellfish in a world without refrigeration, but there is no need to kill anyone.

But you don’t behave like a barbarian even though you ignore the bible. So you must have some other primary source of morality namely what your culture considers acceptable behaviour and what your legal system says is acceptable. You can’t be serious proposing biblical morality to be enforced with law. You need to read the bible cover to cover before making such a preposterous assertion.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

You’ve Got To Be Kidding

There is almost nothing in the bible but descriptions of Yahweh committing genocide, Yahweh using magic to help serial killers torture and kill large numbers of people, including babies and Yahweh commanding people to murder. This is a primitive, revolting religion something you would expect cannibals to adopt. Yet millions of people claim to be devotees of it. Have they never cracked the bible and read a page at random? If they have, what mental illness attracts them to a god of sadism?

Some apologists claim all those murdered had committed some terrible crime. Babies committed a terrible crime? The crime was farming on land that some biblical serial killer coveted.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

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