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Gun Quotes

Quotations are selected from this pool (and other quotation pools) in a pseudorandom way every hour and inserted at the top and bottom of some of the major pages on this website. Feel free to copy any of these quotes and paste them for whatever purpose you please, including on your own website, blog, social media page or forum debate posts.

Second Amendment

The Gun Lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American people by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime. The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies — the militia — would be maintained for the defense of the state. The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to give every citizen and unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires. The Second Amendment doesn’t guarantee the right to have firearms at all.

~ Warren E. Burger (1907-09-17 1995-06-25 age:87) chief justice of the supreme court appointed by Richard Nixon source:Parade 1990-01-14

At the time the second amendment was written, the only kind of arms that existed were muskets and cannons. Cannons were clearly excluded because you cannot bear them on your back. The founding fathers could not very well rule on weapons completely unlike anything even imagined, e.g. nuclear bombs, C4, automatic weapons, anti-tank rockets. Nobody would claim their intention was to enable terrorism.

Interpreting the Second Amendment

If I were writing the Bill of Rights now there wouldn’t be any such thing as the Second Amendment… this has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American public by special interest groups (the NRA (National Rifle Association)) that I have ever seen in my lifetime.

~ Warren Burger (1907-09-17 1995-06-25 age:87) (former supreme court judge)

NRA Position

Look, you damn’d liberals. Americans want their guns and if children have to die for that, so be it.

~ Wayne LaPierre(1949-11-08 age:68) Head of the NRA Gun lobbyist paid almost a million dollars a year.

I don’t think LaPierre has any children of his own. If he did, perhaps he would understand that nearly everyone but him loves their kids more than their guns.

Hunting With an Assault Rifle

Who needs a bullet piercing, armor piercing bullet to go hunting? Who needs an assault rifle to go hunting? You can’t even use the prey that you kill with an assault rifle if you indeed do it.

~ Don Lemon(1966-03-01 age:52)

The Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

~ James Madison (1751-03-16 1836-06-28 age:85)

What does that mean to a common-sense reader? Given that people need guns to serve in the state militia, the federal government shall not stop people from owning and carrying muskets, the only arms that existed at the time. Gradually, at the encourage of the gun manufacturing lobby, the supreme court has interpreted this to include the right of criminals, mentally ill people, criminals, suspected terrorists… to bear arms. They have broadened it to permit carrying concealed weapons. The state can make whatever rules it wants. They have also broadened it to include a wide range of weapons, including assault rifles, weapons capable of shooting thousands of rounds a second, bazookas, tanks, flame throwers, armour-piercing bullets… Thankfully, they have excluded some weapons such as nukes, chemical weapons, bioweapons, car bombs, radioactive materials…

I think Americans could greatly ameliorate their mass shooting problem simply reclassifying all weapons that have no legitimate civilian use in the same category as bombs and banning concealed weapons. The current system asks far too much of the police.

Ad Hoc Executions

Executing someone on the spot without trial for trespassing or attempted theft is excessive punishment. Non-lethal weapons should be used, perhaps even just uploading cameras.

Almost never does a gun protect someone from attack. Almost always it kills a family member by accident or in a fit of drunken passion.

Both farmers and city dwellers wanting guns are putting no weight on protecting their families from themselves — the far bigger risk. They are so ignorant and conceited they imagine they are zero risk. Their possessions are infinitely more meaningful to them than their families. That is a pretty disgusting attribute to bear.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Advantage of Gun Control

If you make handguns and other weapons without legitimate purpose illegal, you make life ever so much easier for the police. All they have to do is catch a criminal carrying a gun and it is an open and shut case to put him is jail. This ever so much easier than catching him red handed committing a robbery or murder. You put him in jail before he hurts anybody. I would imagine, under those circumstances, many criminals would leave their guns at home when committing crimes.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Aiding Risk Takers

There are people who take insane risks for little benefit. For example, they will drive when drunk, build their homes on soil known to collapse in earthquakes, refuse to do anything at all to curb their greenhouse gas emissions, leave a handgun lying about in a home containing children, bet at casinos, refuse to evacuate to avoid a hurricane… Then they expect others to come to their aid, or at least offer sympathy, when disaster strikes.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

American Lunatics

The majority of Americans are lunatics. How can you tell?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

American Paranoia

In 1976-09, I broke into a strangers’ home to warn the occupants it was on fire. Had I done that in the USA, they would have shot me dead without first determining my business.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

American Vigilante Justice

The United States never fully signed on to the notion that only the state has the right to use force. Americans still believe in vigilante justice, especially in the south. The confirmation is the second amendment. The result is a homicide rate much higher than other developed countries.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Anti-Gun Argument

It is illegal to kill someone. Therefore nobody but an officer of the law has a legitimate need for a handgun.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Anticonstitutional Gun Owners

The problem with mass shootings in the USA is caused by large numbers NRA members who plan armed rebellion because they know they cannot win democratically. These traitors are the ones who fight to preserve the right to amass arms caches of military grade weapons.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Argument For Gun Control

If Canada did not have gun control laws, I would have been sorely tempted many times to take a shot at a motorcyclist with his infernal noise-farting machine charging down the street at 3 AM.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Arming For Treason

NRA spokespeople say that the USA needs two be carpeted in handguns to facilitate an armed revolution. People who plot the armed overthrow of the government are usually called terrorists or traitors. Further, handguns would be quite ineffective against bombers, tanks, bioweapons and nukes. These people are nuts.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Arms in Canada vs USA

There is no street in Canada that I would be afraid to walk down. However, I would not ever go to the USA again. I have been shot at too many times while I was just out for walk. Americans subscribe to take-the-law-into-you-own-hands and do-it-yourself when it comes to criminal justice. In Canada we hire police to deal with criminals for us. The Canadian system works much better. We have less crime and far less gun violence. Oddly, Americans don’t care which system actually works better. What matters to them is which system they think should work better.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Assault Pistols

I can see the military, police who deal with terrorists, mass murderers and terrorists themselves claiming assault pistols are necessary but rabbit hunters? home-owners trying to frighten off intruders? and teenagers robbing grocery stores? The NRA is afraid of a tide of common sense.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Assault Weapon

The only purpose of owning an assault weapon is to commit mass murder. Just wanting such a weapon should be sufficient to deny you one. It means you are contemplating mass murder. Nobody should be allowed to own one.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Assault Weapons Gift

Nancy Lanza bought her autistic son Adam guns including assault rifles he used to kill her and 26 students at Sandy Hook elementary in Newtown Connecticut. Why would she do that? Assault rifles have no purpose but mass murder.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Avoiding Nut Cases

If a man carries a gun, either he plans to kill someone or threaten to kill someone. I don’t want to be anywhere near such a nut case. That is a job for the police. We don’t need amateur police any more than we need amateur high voltage linemen or amateur skunk control officers.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Beneficiaries of Gun Law Laxness

The USA has the laxest gun laws of any developed country. It has the highest rates of gun violence and gun deaths. Who benefits from this laxness:

Who is harmed:

The benefits are minimal compared with the costs. Gun manufacturers have convinced Americans their constitution forces them to put up with this nonsense and that doing so is a holy duty. All the constitution says is that states have a right to organise a militia. It says nothing about the right to take a machine gun into bar or carry a concealed sawed-off shotgun into a bank, of children to take guns to school, to leave a loaded pistol in an unlocked drawer where a toddler could get hold of it or to accumulate a cache of kevlar-piercing weapons sufficient to wipe out the city’s police force.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bombs vs Guns

It is a toss up if a lunatic decides to kill dozens of people with a bomb or an assault rifle. We lock him up if we catch him making a bomb, but Americans call him a patriot if he stockpiles guns.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bullshit to Sell Guns

The NRA sells a fantasy, something like this. Bruce Willis is awakened by sounds of people breaking into his apartment. An assortment of ninjas, tall black karate guys and bearded Arabic terrorists burst in. He dispatches them all with a burst of machine gun fire from a weapon the size of a small bathtub. This turns on his James-Bondian leather-clad chick who rakes her fingernails down his chest. Handguns are almost never used to confront a criminal. Almost exclusively they are used in error or in passion against family members. NRA members invariably lie or dissemble about that essential fact trying to trick you into thinking guns are protective. Their job is lobbying for companies that sell guns. They will tell you any conceivable bullshit to sell more guns.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Canada vs US

On 2013-04-02 a man carrying a gun was spotted in Canada. Children were kept inside. Radios gave hourly bulletins on the hunt. He was eventually arrested. How different from the USA which would have left to him to go on a killing spree completely unmolested, perhaps even subsidised.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Canada vs the USA

In Canada, when someone is seen wandering around with a gun it makes the national news. In the USA, when someone is seen with an arsenal, who claims he wants to overthrow the government and kill all Jews and niggers, people pat him on the head and praise him for his defence of constitutional rights.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Candy Killer

In the trial of George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin, the key question is who attacked whom? Zimmerman, a vigilante, was carrying a gun, which suggests he was planning to shoot someone. Martin was carrying a bag of assorted candy. This suggests he was not planning to attack anyone. If the court would allow it, each juror should be given an identical bag of candy to study, smell and taste.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Careless Gun Revenge Flicks

You’d think there would be a series of movies, analogous to the Charles Bronson vigilante revenge series, where the villains were those who selfishly amassed large gun collections and refused to take precautions too keep them out of unsuitable hands. The villains would accidentally do themselves in or naturally suffer the consequences of their selfishness and carelessness, no revenge involved.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Case For Banning Guns

The point of having a gun is to kill someone. The stats show nearly always that person will be a family member. The idea guns protect from intruders is a fantasy. The intruder has the element of surprise. The intruder has rehearsed. If nobody has guns, even intruders will not bother with them. If guns are illegal, it is an open and shut case if someone is carrying one. You don’t have to catch criminals in the act to put them away.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Charlotte Shooting

I saw the dashboard camera video of the Charlotte shooting on 2016-09-23 of Keith Lamont Scott. Here is my take on what happened:

Brentley Vinson, the police officer in the red vest’s view of Scott was partially blocked by a white pickup truck. Scott got out of his car and walked backwards slowly with this hands at his sides. He suddenly popped into view from behind the truck. Scott was looking 90 degrees counter clockwise to where officer Vinson was. Vinson was startled, and immediately shot Scott multiple times. He probably thought Scott was maneuvering into a position where he would no longer have the truck as cover.

Imagine if we had technology so the police could reliably know who was armed and who was not. This killing would never have happened. How might such technology work?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Chinese Lies About Tibet

Tibet was independent of China from 1912 to 1951. The Chinese invaded in 1951. The Chinese could argue that they have a legitimate claim to Tibet based on the state of affairs prior to 1912, but they go much further than that. They pretend that Tibet was under Chinese control even during the period 1912 to 1951. Why would they have to invade if they were already in control of the territory? The Chinese people have told lies about Tibet so often that they have begun to believe the lies themselves.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Code Pink

Code Pink Code Pink is one of the ballsiest anti-war organisations around, run by women. Fearless. Willing to tell the truth no matter how different it is from what the average American believes. It reminds me of the gung ho spirit of the 70s protest organisations.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Cool It!

This white police shooting unarmed black males in the USA situation is out of control. Something has to be done to cool things down and stop the almost daily shootings. I suggest:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Cop-Killing Weapons

Lax gun laws allow criminals and gangs to stockpile caches of cop-killing weapons with impunity. How then do such gun laws make you safer from criminals? The only people who benefit from this insanity are gun manufacturers.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Creeping Acceptance of Gun Control

In an 1950s episode of the courtroom drama Perry Mason a stranger flying on an airplane drops a revolver on the floor. Perry picks it up and hands it back to him without comment to the airline staff. Since then, Americans have come to the realisation that they are much safer in airplanes, airports, and schools without guns. They are beginning to realise that guns are unhealthy for large gatherings of world leaders or pope exhibitions. It has yet to dawn on them that principle also applies to bars, stores, cars, political rallies… Guns belong in locked gun lockers most of the time. If almost nobody but criminals carried guns, criminals could be arrested and convicted simply for carrying a gun — an open and shut case allowing them to be taken off the streets en masse.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Crime is Reckless Driving

Whenever a child is killed in an auto accident, the question of whether the driver will be charged comes up, with the presumption of probably yes. To me, the crime is reckless driving, not killing a child. Almost certainly killing the child was not intentional. Sometimes a boy dies because he darts out between parked cars and the driver was taking all reasonable precautions. Granted, reckless drivers sometimes kill a child, but most of the time they don’t, just from dumb luck, not any virtue on their part. I think the emphasis should be moved more to punishing reckless or impaired drivers and away from punishing drivers who kill a child. The recklessness should be the criterion, in other words the intention to disregard other people’s lives, not the outcome. The lifetime guilt of killing a child is a punishment in itself.

Punishing for an accident, seems to me like a strange religious superstition, as if Yahweh had marked the driver as cursed and thus deserved further suffering. Scientists have discovered a tiny region of the brain. If it is damaged, people judge situations totally from the outcomes, ignoring the intentions. Perhaps that is how this legal perspective got started. Perhaps it is because you can never be certain about intention.

Similarly, it seems to me that if a gunman shoots someone, whether the victim lives or dies, does not depend on the gunman so much as the skill of the physicians who try to repair the damage. The crime should be attempting to kill someone, not being competent in killing. The crime should be careless gun handling, not having a gun accident. This is more difficult to judge that the traffic accident since people sometimes shoot others without intent to kill.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Crimes of Intention

  1. A man drives drunk but makes it home safely.
  2. A man drives drunk and flips over the median killing a family of five.
  1. A gang shoots randomly at a house.
  2. A gang shoots randomly at a house and kills a five year old sleeping inside.
  1. A criminal sprays a policeman with machine gun fire, but the cop lives.
  2. A criminal sprays a policeman with machine gun fire, but the cop dies.

The law tends to punish (2) much more severely than (1)-style crimes. I say (1) and (2) are identical crimes. In both, the criminal made the same conscious choice. What changed is a chance outcome. Criminals in both (1) and (2) took the same risk with other people’s safety. In general, attempted crimes should have an equally tough a penalty to actual crimes. You should not be forgiven for incompetence or chance.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Defining Arms

There have been 27 amendments to the constitution of the United States. There is nothing in principle that blocks yet another to recognise the changes in weapons technology to exclude weapons of mass murder from the protected classes in the second amendment. On 1791-12-15 when the second amendment was enacted arms meant swords, sabres, cutlasses and muskets. It is ridiculous to use the thinking of those days about these primitive weapons to decide for today on the legality of personal handguns, automatic weapons, machine guns, arms caches, armour-piercing bullets, bombs, nuclear weapons, poison gas, nerve gas etc. We have to think it through for ourselves. We also have to rethink the best ways to limit government and corporate power to trample the rights of individuals.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Drawback of Owning a Gun

A big disadvantage of owing a gun is if anyone ever uses that gun in a crime, you will be the presumed culprit. You will need a lawyer and a good explanation of why you could not have done it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Encouraging Impulse Suicides

Two-thirds of all gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides. Christians are usually fanatically opposed to suicide, yet American Christians want to ensure everyone has an effective suicide weapon at hand at all times so they can commit suicide on impulse.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Encouraging Organised Crime

Law enforcement of marijuana has a similar problem that farmers have using pesticides. The pesticides kill the weakest bugs, leaving on the strongest, even harder to kill. The marijuana industry, once the domain of hippy farmers has been taken over by thugs with machine guns who terrorise entire towns. Law enforcement drove up prices which encouraged organised crime to move in.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Evil Desires

What do Republicans want? Just look how they vote in the house and senate:

I find it odd that anyone supports such demonic policies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Evil Foreign Aid

If you give foreign aid to a country that uses it to buy guns, the government turns those guns on the people and subverts democracy. You are doing more harm than good.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


There is a spot of sanity in American gun law. Felons are not permitted to own guns. It is not necessary to prove a repeat-offending burglar broke into a home, just that he was at some time later was in possession of a gun. This not only makes it easier to convict criminals, it encourages criminals to commit their crimes unarmed.

The law is illogical. Because smoking a joint is considered a felony, even non-violent criminals are blocked from gun ownership. Felons are also blocked from voting. This is intended to suppress the black vote, because blacks are far more likely to be prosecuted for marijuana possession, even though blacks use it the same rate as everyone else.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Firefighting with Gasoline

Americans and their guns are hicks who think you can put out a fire with gasoline.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The basic idea of freedom is you should be able to do what you want so long as you don’s hurt anyone else. Imagine there arose a tiger wrangling fad. The tigers were always getting loose and eating people. Wranglers strongly opposed any restrictions on tiger wrangling to reduce the carnage. They claimed tiger wrangling as a god-given right. Everyone else should stop trying to interfere with their freedom and just suck it up. The tiger wranglers failed to understand the basic principle of freedom. You are free to do what you want only when you do not harm others. Gun enthusiasts are just as pathologically self-centred as the mythical tiger wranglers.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


When a Republican talks about freedom, he does not mean the freedom to marry whom you please, to smoke marijuana, to choose when to abort a fetus nor to build a mosque where you please he means the right of children to pig out on sugar drinks at school to give themselves diabetes, the right to harass homosexuals, the right to impose Christianity on others including Christian junk science, the right to trash the environment, the right of corporations to lie and the right to carry a gun to intimidate and shoot people.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Fuck the NRA

For decades, the NRA has lobbied to make the USA the gun death capital of the world. Their concern is solely for gun manufacturer profits and sales. They have done all they could to block measures to make guns safer and to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and lunatics. The vast majority of Americans want safer guns, but the NRA has blocked them from having that by bribing and threatening the politicians.

Here is how to fight back. Simply refuse to vote for any candidate endorsed by the NRA, who gets money from the NRA or who endorses the NRA. If there are no suitable alternate candidates, don’t vote. Let the NRA candidate know why you refused to vote for them.

The NRA lies. It tells people the constitution guarantees the right to stockpile machine guns. It does no such thing. The Antonin Scalia supreme court ruled on that years ago.

The federal government, the states and individuals municipalities have always been free to ban automatic weapons. To work properly you need a country-wide ban, or people will just buy from a state with weak regulation.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Future Weapons

Eventually there will be firearm technology that would do the following:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Get a Dog

Think over your entire life. How many times has a criminal, burglar, rapist or serial murderer broken into your house? How many times have you woken up in the middle of the night hearing footsteps, called out then heard nothing back? In my case the answer is (1) and (hundreds). When I was a preschooler, a skinny little murderer escaping from the police broke into our house. My parents stayed up with him all night and convinced him to turn himself in. In all cases the footsteps turned out to be a family member or houseguest. There is no chance a gun would have been of any use to me in my life and it could have got me in a lot of trouble. If intruders are an actual rather than psychological problem, get a dog and train it properly. It will scare off intruders and it won’t kill family members.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Get Tougher With Criminals — Arm Them

Oddly, people who consider themselves extreme right wing (e.g. NRA members) insist that even criminals and mental patients be able to own guns, hoard them and take them anywhere they please. Usually they want get tougher on criminals.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Going Backwards on Gun Control

In the wild west, a saloon keeper had the right to make his patrons check their six-shooters at the bar. Today in Arizona, Ohio and Tennessee, a bar keeper no longer has that right.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Governments Will Not Protect You From Corporations

People naively believe a democratic government will protect them from corporations. That is not true. Corporations control governments with lobbyists, bribes, threats, corruption and contributions. The gun lobby (corporations who make guns) through the NRA, convinced American senators spit in the face of 90% of the voters who wanted guns kept out of the hands of lunatics. Americans meekly submit to an environment poisoned with chemicals that feminise males (including smaller penises), masculinise females, cause cancer and autism. All that matters is short-term corporate profit.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Carriers Fully Intend to Shoot People

Any time a person carries a gun in public, they are telling everyone, they are itching to threaten or kill, (a felony). Every time I have encountered such a person in the USA, they shot at me (five separate incidents). You should lock such people up for the same reason you lock people up in possession of a car bomb. If Americans actually read the constitution, they would see it in no way protects the right to carry guns much less the right to bully or terrorise with guns (drunk or sober).

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Checks

If you want to own guns, you should present serious ID to your local motor vehicles office. They check you out, and if ok, put a tick mark on your driver’s licence and the driver’s licence database. There should be an online database where you can enter a driver’s licence, and see a photo and whether guns are still ok. To discourage tampering, you could encode gun status is the background colour of the photo: green=guns ok, red=no guns.

It would then be pretty easy to do a gun check at a gun show with nothing more elaborate than a cell phone or a mobile credit card machine. You could do a rough gun check just by looking at the driver’s licence. It could also be used when a cop stops a vehicle to let him know if any guns he finds are legit. While they are at it, the feds should insist the driver’s licence is swipeable and touchable, capable of acting as ID, credit card, medical emergency info, digital signature tool, internet commerce card… Cards should be all but impossible to counterfeit or duplicate.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Consistency

If banning guns from airports, airplanes and a bubble around the president stops gun violence, why wouldn’t it work for any other space?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Control

Americans love to claim that more guns would make things better. This is an outrageous lie. The worst countries on earth for violence have the most guns. The countries with the strictest gun control have the least. They know that, but they have a vested interest in selling more guns, even to lunatics and criminals.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Control

Republicans and NRA members strongly oppose keeping guns out of the hands of felons and the mentally ill. This is such an odd position. Mentally ill people and felons give guns a bad reputation. Similarly they want every home to have a machine gun. This seems odd since such weapons are intended for mass murder. Mass shootings also give guns a bad rep. Why do they think this way?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Control = Tough on Crime

The advantage of making it illegal to carry handguns around is that if a burglar is pulled over for any reason and he has a gun, he goes straight to jail. It is a very easy charge to prove. Burglars get put in jail. Smart burglars leave their guns at home. They can no longer shoot anyone in the act of burglary. Homeowners can safely lock up their guns rather than shooting their kids mistaking them for marauding burglars. Similarly, possession of a gun is sufficient reason to lock up a gang member. NRA members are soft on gang members.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Control Sanity

Why no voice for gun control sanity? Automatic weapons have no legitimate use. The NRA is the organ for gun manufacturers. They want to sell as many guns as possible no matter whom they kill. Politicians fear the NRA lobby going after them. In a similar way, they let AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) herd them like cows. A country deserves the government it elects.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Cuddling

Some Americans say cradling a gun makes them feel safe. They know intellectually that gun is far more likely to kill a family member than an intruder, but the craving for feeling safe overrides. How infantile!

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Deaths

According to the American Medical Association, Americans are ten times more likely to die from gun deaths than people in other developed countries. So more guns is not the answer. Americans have too many already.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) source

Gun Deaths

Most Americans are aware that Americans have more guns per household than any other country. They also know that the USA has many times as many gun deaths as other countries. What they don’t know is that 2/3 of those deaths are suicides. They also do not know that most of those deaths can be prevented by reducing access to guns. Compared with other suicide methods, guns are 20 times as efficient.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) Americ’s biggest gun problem is the one we never talk about click to watch

Gun Free Zones

Even in America, you have some gun free zones such as airports, airplanes and a bubble around the president. Even in the old west, saloons were gun-free zones. Why not trains, theatres, concerts, sporting events, schools, parades? If you object, you can stay away. People as well as the president should be able to create safe-spaces for their children.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Hero

Let us say you are an NRA member and you tote a concealed pistol with you everywhere you go. You dream of some day encountering a mass shooting in progress and putting a stop to it with your pistol. You may well encounter a mass shooting, but it is highly unlikely you will be able to stop it. Why?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Laws

Americans need to take time out to decide what they are trying to accomplish with their gun laws and second amendment. Then modify their constitution, if need be, and modify their gun laws to go efficiently for the desired effect.

Assisting Insurrection

Many Americans assert the point of the law is to give any small group of rebels a fighting chance at overthrowing the federal government by force. Unfortunately, any laws designed to do this also make it easy for foreign terrorists to do the same thing. For that goal, here is what you need:


The NRA is primarily concerned with maximising the profits of the gun manufacturers they lobby for.

Preventing Mass Murders

Preventing Hunting Accidents

Protecting Children

Preventing Crime

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Liability

Given that you will have some serious and expensive legal explaining to do if anyone is harmed by a gun you own, I find it odd that Americans are so eager to own one.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Modification

Automatic weapons that fire non-stop are difficult for mass murderers to acquire. But they can easily attain semi-automatic weapons and modify them with easily available kits to effectively turn them into automatic weapons. What counts is the fire rate of the modified weapon, not the fire rate of the base weapon. These kits should be illegal and also the modified weapons.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Nut Fallacy

If it were true that guns increased safety, then the USA would be the safest country on earth. The facts are it is one of the worst. Stop with the theorising and look at the facts.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Nut Fantasies

Imagine you are swat team with one member who has zero training and who pays no attention to orders. He does not even wear a uniform. The team members cannot tell if he is on the team or with the terrorists He is a menace, just like an other gun toting amateur with fantasies of being a swat team member. If amateur swat team members were effective, they should have stopped hundreds of shootings. They have not stopped any. Stopping a mass shooting is a contemptible little boy fantasy.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Nut Loons

The notion that hicks with handguns are going to take down the US government is ludicrous. The government has bombers, tanks, rockets, drones, bunker busters etc. These idiots are suffering from delusions of grandeur. Further, most of the population has far more trust in the constitution than in racist, brain damaged bigots.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Nuts

Americans are having unbelievable problems with people shooting each other. The problem is multipronged:

No other country has these factors and no other country has so much trouble with gun deaths, no where near as much.

For a start, the USA should have no-shooting list, similar to the no-fly list. It would include:

There is no reason to put felons in general on the list. Someone who embezzles from a bank is not a risk.

In Canada, if someone is seen carrying a weapon in public, they are presumed dangerous and/or insane. The police get a flurry of calls. In the USA, the public have to wait until he kills someone before taking any action.

Nobody but a mass murderer needs a clip with more than 6 rounds to go hunting. Ban them.

The problem is such laws would be found unconstitutional. Well, what are you waiting for? Amend the constitution. It’s been done 27 times. How many more kids have to die before you take action?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Nuts

The people most likely to fetishise weapons are white supremacists and racists. Why would this be? They either plan to murder blacks or they like fantasising about it. I don’t think we should encourage these people.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Nuts Cannot Be Trusted With Guns

Anyone with a strong emotional attachment to a weapon should not be trusted with one.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Panic

In America, so long as you don’t shoot anyone, you break no federal law taking a gun on a campus that has experienced mass shootings in past and wave it around causing mass panic and a lockdown with a massive police and SWAT response. Why? Americans imagine making such behaviour illegal would interfere with an armed rebellion which they imagine is a constitutionally guaranteed right (despite the response to such a rebellion in 1861).

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Solutions

Surely you could do things to reduce gun deaths that do not interfere with the second amendment.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Statistics

Imagine you had a reliable source of statistics on urban home handgun usage. What percentage of gun use was:

Unfortunately, I don’t have those statistics, but I do know that guns being successfully used to intimidate a dangerous intruder are very rare. Today’s criminals are also armed, and they have the element of surprise. Just read your newspaper. The other uses are all too common, especially when compared with other countries that do not permit urban handguns.

Gun owners know this, but they consider intimidating intruders higher priority than protecting their wives and families. That is a pretty sick set of values, considering your stereo more important than your son. If you don’t want intruders or thieves, there are many safer, more efficient ways to keep them out that do not require putting your family at risk. Consider that guns are useless when you are not home or asleep, or when you fail to detect the intruder before he notices you. The movies have taught Americans there is something manly and heroic about defending one’s home with a gun, but it is really quite an ineffective way of doing so with many negative side effects.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Toting

If someone carries a gun, unless they are a police officer, I want nothing whatsoever to do with them. There is only one purpose for a gun — murdering someone. This person thinks they are judge and jury able to come to a verdict in under a second. That is crazy. They are paranoid. Anyone who wants to carry a gun is not fit to carry one. There are Americans who carry guns simply because they think it is expected of them. They are stupid, but not crazy. Carrying a loaded gun escalates a flash of anger from a shouting match into a murder.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Trouble

Perry Mason has aired for 60 years and 7 months. In every episode at least one character finds himself in hot water falsely accused because they owned a gun and another uses a gun in a flush of ill-considered emotion. You’d think in all this time Americans would have learned that guns bring nothing but trouble.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Use

When layperson uses a gun, it is usually an instant gut reaction, not a reasoned deliberation. What conditions those reactions? what is most familiar e.g. what he did most often in past while holding a gun, what he saw people do in movies with guns, what he did in a video game most often with a gun.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Vanity

The egotistical bravado of the NRA gun owner is nauseating. He imagines that, without practice, on being awakened out of a deep sleep in the middle of the night, he will prevail against an intruder, (who nearly always will be a family member), when the intruder has the advantages of fitness, superior weapon, surprise, practice and experience. He also imagines confronting the intruder is safer for his family than calling 911. What motive would the intruder have to hurt the family if not confronted? Unless in highly trained hands, guns cannot protect, only harm. The NRA member is not trying to protect his family. He simply wants revenge on someone who tried to steal his goods. His family be damned!

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun Violence

Americans have terrible trouble with gun violence including accidents. What makes them different from other countries?

To non-Americans these attitudes are bat-shit crazy. What motivates Americans?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun ≠ Bullet-proof Vest

Oddly, Americans believe that guns are defensive weapons, like bullet-proof vests, moats, ramparts and shields. If more people get killed, the solution is more guns. Ohio just made guns mandatory in bars. The result is more gun violence and more gun deaths. This calls for still more guns in a vicious circle. Americans refuse to consider the possibility they could be wrong, even though America is the only country with a gun fetish and the only country where getting shot is major cause of death.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Gun-free Zones

Americans seem happy to have gun-free zones in airports. The technique has been proven to stop shootings and bomb attacks. But why do American refuse to have any other gun-free zones such as schools, theatres, court houses, police stations, sporting events… Why are only air-travelers worth protecting?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Guns don’t kill people; bullets do.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


In the USA there are roughly the same number of guns and people. In Canada there are three times as many people as guns. There are very few countries whose constitutions guarantee the right to bear arms, however, the love affair with guns in the USA hurts not only Americans, but everyone on earth. For example 50% of the illegal guns in Canada came from the USA.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Guns Are For Killing

Americans have a magical belief that more guns mean greater safety. It is only a matter of time until they grant a constitutional right to take a machine gun and grenades with you into a bank for protection and felons have right to arms in prisons for protection from the guards. There will also be mandatory arms training in kindergartens. Americans unconsciously imagine guns deflect bullets, not kill random people. If they were truly interested in defence, they would be thinking Kevlar.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Guns Are For Killing

I have two complaints with the NRA, the first lying about the effect of gun control in Canada. Contrary to NRA propaganda, in Canada you are seven times less likely be killed by a gun and gun violence has dropped every year since the stricter laws were enacted. Secondly they claim the NRA wants to give the right to a New Yorker to own a gun to protect himself. No matter what one’s intent for a gun are, the facts are guns are far more likely to kill a family member than a criminal, so if you keep one, your implicit intent is to bump off your family, hardly what the founding fathers would condone. It was a lot harder to fire a muzzle-loaded musket by accident or in a sudden fit of anger than a modern hair-trigger Firestar.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Guns are Obsolete

pumpkin carving

Guns are primitive, intended to kill humans. Police using them to subdue suspects is like using explosives to carve pumpkins.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Guns as Defensive Weapons

A gun is not an effective defensive weapon. The aggressor has several advantages:

A defensive weapon would be something like:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Guns as Defensive Weapons

People like Rick (Lil’ Abner) Perry and the NRA keep pushing the idea that guns are defensive weapons. The more you have the safer you are. This is obviously not true. How do I know?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) Study: NO ADVANTAGE to Using Firearms in Self-Defense Situations click to watch

Guns Get You In Trouble

Bonehead Americans harbour the fantasy that if they own enough weapons, someday they their picture will be in the paper for saving lives using their weapons. Consider:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Guns Kill

The NRA claims more guns will make people safer. The USA already has more guns than anyone else and the USA is less safe than any other developed country. This is as goofy as claiming eating more sugar is the best way to lose weight.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Guns Make You Safer

If guns truly make you safer, why are they not mandatory at presidential rallies, police stations, day care, concerts and airports?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Guns to Prevent Gun Violence

Right wingers like to argue if there were more handguns then an incident like the James Holmes shooting in Aurora could not happen. There are three problems with that argument:

  1. The USA is the most armed country in the world and these mass killers are never stopped by amateurs. This just does not happen. It is a romantic fantasy.
  2. Imagine you were a person in the theatre with a handgun. What would happen to you if you stood up and aimed your gun at the shooter armed with a machine gun? It would be certain suicide. Instead, you would seek cover or a way to get out of range.
  3. If a young guy had a gun and you accidentally dumped a tub of popcorn on his head and he got it into his head you did it on purpose, you could end up dead. If he had no gun, you would get off with a punch in the stomach.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

High Tech Guns

Here is a plan to reduce the amount of gun violence in the USA without changing the second amendment or restricting further who can own guns. You would get a gun licence, much like a drivers’ licence. It would look like a debit smart card. Terrorists, insane people, people on parole, and anyone else restricted from owning a gun now would not be allowed to get a licence. Just like a driver’s licence, you have to pass a test to prove you know how to use a gun safely. If you want to fire machine guns, you have to get a higher class licence, just as bus drivers need an extended drivers’ licence.

Your licence has the serial numbers of your guns embedded in it. You have to bring your guns in for a test firing. A electronic scan of the bullet in kept in police computers to identify your gun if it is used in a crime.

To use a gun, once a day, you must wave your license over its handgrip, similar to the way you wave your debit card over the terminal at a 7-11. This enables the gun for 24 hours. Without your licence, nobody can fire your guns. If you want to disable your gun before the 24 hours are up, you just wave the licence over the gun again.

This will block your children from firing your guns. If somebody steals your guns, they cannot use them, so they probably will not bother stealing them. You can enable them very quickly for an emergency.

What do you do about legacy weapons? They could be retrofitted with electronics. They could have the firing pins removed and used as collectibles. They could be phased out over a decade or so. They could be turned in for a bounty.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

History of the American South

People from the remote regions of Scotland settled the American south. They had no experience with government, so preferred to settle even minor disputes themselves with guns and house burnings. The American civil war further increased that distrust of government. The tradition of corruption in local government capped it off.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Home Weapon Arms Race

Americans passionately believe in owning guns for protection even though they are fully aware those guns are more likely to kill a family member than an intruder. This creates an arms race where criminals pack ever more lethal weapons. In most other countries, burglars don’t need or use guns. In a standoff between a grandmother and a criminal, it is no contest. The criminal is trained, practised, better armed and primed for confrontation. Grandma is more likely to survive or avoid a confrontation if there are no guns involved.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How Guns Are Actually Used

In the USA, if you own a gun, you are 43 times more likely to shoot an unintended victim than use it for legitimate self-defence. In any logical sense, guns are overwhelming for killing your kids, spouse, neighbours… not to protect you. Why then do so many Americans lie to themselves about their motives for gun ownership?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How Guns Are Used

The NRA will tell you guns are used to protect from home invasion. However, overwhelmingly they are used for suicides. Compared with other suicide methods used in other countries, guns are far more likely to succeed. In other countries, an unsuccessful suicide attempt calls up professional help. Repeat suicide attempts are rare.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How To Make Enemies

Americans sneer at my country Canada. They hate Mexicans. The still have not forgiven Japan and Germany for WWII (World War II). They are utterly contemptuous of France. They think speaking Spanish is treason. They obviously hate the Afghans and Iraqis since they have been butchering their children for a decade. They hate the Iranians and the Koreans. Russians and Chinese are sworn enemies. Swedes and Norwegians are effete socialists. They mock the British. They still have not forgiven the British for taxing tea. They hate the Palestinians, like Israel, but dislike Jews.

American love to say We’re number one and USA, USA, USA brazenly bragging they are superior to everyone else, like some mad white supremacists. Americans don’t even like themselves. They constantly argue for why the elderly, poor, disabled, homeless and unemployed should receive no help and be left to die. They argue for everyone including children packing guns, settling disputes in the vigilante manner of the old west. With an attitude like that, no wonder Americans have made so many enemies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How Many People Would I have Killed?

If I routinely carried a gun, by now would have surely popped at least 20 people. I think of the truck drivers who laughingly ran me off the road, drivers who honked loud and long for no reason, people who threatened to kill me, people were excessively rude turning down my offer to dance, people who cut me off turning right from the next lane right immediately in front of me, motorcyclists gunning it at 3 AM… If I can’t trust myself, how could I trust some hard-drinking, fight-picking, never-read-a-book-in-his-life American to show restraint?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How You Know It Is An American Drama

In an American drama, a schizophrenic off his meds shoots somebody. You can tell its an American drama because no one asks how such a man acquired the handgun.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Illegal Lobbying

The NRA is a lobbying organisation. However, it also takes in money from foreign countries, including Russia. It is not permitted to do this, but it does so anyway.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Intent to Murder

If someone living in a city has a handgun, what is it for? Shooting people. That is not a lawful purpose, even in defence of property. Why put up with them? Even in the USA, the constitution allows for a militia using borne arms (muskets) — not privately owned handguns, much less automatic weapons.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

It Wasn’t Loaded

I wonder how much technology it would take so you could easily tell with a glance if a gun were loaded.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Jim Inhofe

Jim Inhofe (1934-11-17 age:83) Republican senator from Oklahoma is a paid shill for big oil. He is anti-women’s rights, anti-labor, anti-internet freedom, anti-GLBTQ rights, anti-universal-health care, anti-gun control, anti-immigration reform, pro-fracking, pro-war and anti-environment. He believes, as a Christian, separation of Church and state does not apply to him and he has a right to force his peculiar version of Christianity down others’ throats. But worst of all, he is a prominent climate change denier. He does not care if he takes the planet down with him, so long as he is rich for his few remaining years. Oddly, on 2013-07-11 Google hosted a $250…$2500 per plate fundraiser for him. Google’s motto is Don’t Be Evil, which apparently is just deceptive PR (Public Relations). What might you do in response?
  1. Sign the or use the Forecast the Facts Petition to protest Google’s action.
  2. Temporarily disable all Google ads on your website as I have done.
  3. Temporarily use a different search engine from Google.
  4. Donate to the Oklahoma Democratic Party to help defeat Inhofe.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Killing Big

If you kill someone with a handgun, there is a good chance you will go to jail for at least a decade. However, if you kill a million people by giving them cancer, there is a good chance society will reward you with at least a billion dollars.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Lack of Imagination

Most Americans whose lives have been touched by a killer favour stronger gun control law. Most Americans whose lives have not been touched, favour unrestricted gun ownership. This suggests most American either have no imagination what it would be like to lose a loved one to a gunman, or they don’t give a flying fig about what happens to other people and they are conceited enough to believe the god Yahweh would never let such a thing happen to them.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Law ⇏ Right

In the early USA it was illegal for a black person to own a gun. Further, no white person could be prosecuted for killing or harming a black person. Just because its the law, does not make it right.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Letters Not Guns

It might work better than gun control to teach American children to write letters dripping with sarcasm rather than shooting people when they are angry.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Limits to the Second Amendment

The second amendment says you have a right to bear arms, not to bear all possible arms. You may not keep a nuke under your bed, or a canister of sarin, or a test tube of a genetically engineered bioweapon. Why then are you permitted a machine gun which has no legitimate use in the hands of a civilian? They are not designed for rabbit hunting.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Machine Guns

Machine guns, and equivalents, have only one purpose, mass murder. Owning one proves malicious intent the same as owning a nuke. No civilian should have the right to own one.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Machine Guns

The supreme courts ruled that the second amendment does not cover assault weapons. Congress could ban them any time it pleased.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Mad Gunmen

NRA apologists claims that mass shootings have nothing to do with guns. They assert the entire problem is crazy people. They refuse to acknowledge a crazy person with a machine gun can easily kill 100 people in a few seconds. A crazy person without a gun, just a knife, is unlikely to kill more than one.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Making Decisions for Others

Adults have to make decisions around such things as marijuana use, sex, gay sex, abortion, pornography, diet, gun ownership, military service, church attendance… A Republican is someone who imagines he knows best how to make these decisions for others, even for people twice his age. He think he should have the right to punish people who do things differently than he thinks best. What is most disgraceful about Republicans is they have done no thinking at all on these matters. They just want to impose their religious dogmas on others. These beliefs are arbitrary with no evidence whatsoever to back them up, just a gut feeling based on childhood indoctrination. It amounts to a refusal to acknowledge the constitutional right of others to freedom of religion.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Mandatory Gun Toting

I heard one Tea Party candidate advocating making gun toting mandatory. Just how far do NRA members want to take this?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Misplaced Fear of Serial Killers

Serial killers terrify Americans. A serial killer who has killed only two victims puts a whole city into a panic. Oddly, there are other serial killers whom Americans have no fear of at all. They may have bragged they have killed hundreds or even thousands of people, mostly women and children. Usually they are less forthcoming about how they tortured and sexually abused their victims. The difference is, they do their hunting outside the USA. When they come back from their safaris, Americans welcome them into their homes and even hold parades to honour them. They let these serial killers babysit their kids. How could this be?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Mistaken Frequencies

How often on the news is a story where a criminal or insane person killed one or more people? How often is there a news story about someone shooting and killing a family member by mistake? How often is there a story of a homeowner successfully defending themselves with a gun against a criminal intending to kill them? You’d think the first two were rare and the last by far the most common given the American love affair with guns and horror of gun control.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

More Guns = Less Safety

The NRA tells us that the more guns are owned, the safer the population. If that were true, Iraq and Afghanistan would be the safest tourist spots.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Motivation to Wave Guns Around

In the United States is it legal to take a gun pretty well anywhere except an airport. Some people like to pack weapons everywhere they go, theatres, schools, grocery stores, bars… Why are they doing this? They are barely distinguishable from the lunatics who at any moment start shooting randomly. They enjoy intimidating people. They enjoy being the center of attention. They enjoy irritating the proprietors of businesses they visit. They are much like men who take vicious dogs with them. Their psychological profile is identical to mass killers. It is a roulette wheel which of these fruitcakes goes over the edge. I think Americans are foolish to tolerate that sort of behaviour without any resistance.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

No Right To Shoot Me

When I was a child, people shot at me with arrows, BB guns and 22s. As as adult, when I visited the USA, Americans shot at me with pistols and rifles many times, including three drunk carloads of NRA conventioneers. It did not enjoy these experiences. I feel no obligation to protect the rights of these turds to behave this way.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The NRA is not as big a threat as everyone assumes. It lobbies for the gun manufacturers to increase sales at any cost. Most of its members are not nearly so right wing. It has a limited war chest. It uses it to defeat any politicians that opposes it. However, if a dozen politicians opposed them at once, there would not be enough in the war chest to defeat anyone. They are a criminal organisation. They use threats, but I doubt they actually assassinate people that often.

Wayne LaPierre (1949-11-08 age:68), executive vice president of the NRA is getting long in the tooth. He will not be in charge much longer. Members should insist his replacement represent their interest, not the gun manufacturers.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The problem is the NRA will tell any conceivable lie to sell more guns. They work for the gun manufacturers, not the gun owners.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The vast majority of Americans are fed up with gun violence. Even the majority of the NRA members are fed up. They are sick and tired of mentally ill people being equipped with arsenals. They are sick and tired of people accumulating enough rapid-fire weapons to wipe out a thousand people. All the NRA can do is spend money to defeat one politician who defies them. They are a corrupt organisation who lobbies purely for the profits of gun manufacturers. They have much smaller political support than you imagine. Loud mouths who need arsenals to help get an erect penis are not a group who needs to be coddled. The second amendment does not protect arming lunatics or arming anyone for mass murder.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

NRA = Gun Manufacturer Lobby

The NRA has taken an extreme position, insisting on arming terrorists and lunatics with automatic weapons. It is nothing to do with freedom, much as they protest, but of profits for gun manufacturers.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

NRA Extremists

The NRA are such extremists, that they pressured the courts into interpreting the constitution to say things it clearly does not say and shot down all gun control legislation. Where will this end? When police are no longer permitted to disarm criminals in the midst of committing a crime? When bazookas are permitted in business class on airliners? When it is legal to burst into an operating theatre with machine gun? When it is legal to for a gang of supporters with dynamite strapped to their chests to break into the a capital sentencing hearing? When known terrorists are permitted to stockpile nuclear weapons?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

NRA Fallacy

Whenever there is a mass shooting, the NRA claims the problem is not enough guns. They assert, even the mentally ill should have guns. Even children should have them. Even the drunks. Even felons. This is nonsense. Why?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Perhaps the biggest lie the NRA tells is that guns are useful for protecting your family. They won’t tell you that having a gun in the house drastically increases the odds of a family member being killed by guns. Why?

Americans are in love a childish movie gun fantasy. They are willing to sacrifice their family members rather than give up their penis surrogates. They are beneath contempt.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

NRA on Plastic Guns

What will the NRA have to say about 3D printable plastic guns freely available to anyone who wants one, including criminals, lunatics, children, terrorists etc.? Will they cheer? Not likely. Disposable guns will eventually seriously cut into conventional gun sales. Profits from gun sales are the raison d’être of theNRA, not arming everyone for an insurrection.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Obama Cannot Takes Guns Away

Tea Party supporters are terrified that Obama is going to take all their guns away. They seem unaware that the constitution prevents him from doing that even if he wanted to. The constitution is the strongest protection.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Other People Have More Guns

The NRA has been extremely successful in extending the right of Americans to own, carry and stockpile weapons. The Roberts Supreme Court shot down nearly all gun control legislation. NRA members feel warm and snugly imagining surrounding themselves with an arsenal to protect themselves from the evils of the universe. I doubt, though, they have thought hard about the flip side — that all kinds of other people will also have extended access to weaponry that potentially allow them to mow down their fellow citizens by the score, people such as terrorists, communists, Jews, Blacks, Muslims, animal rights activists, tree huggers, homosexuals, lesbians, Wiccans, mental patients, alcoholics, drug addicts and others that the average NRA member might distrust.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Owning A Gun Implies Intent to Murder

If somebody buys a gun, that means they are planning to kill someone, for who knows what offence, perhaps playing music too loudly. They know perfectly well that statistically any weapon they buy will more likely will end up killing a family member rather than someone threatening their family. That in itself is strong evidence they should be institutionalised. In any case, I think everyone should at the least shun any known gun owner to avoid confrontational situations with such a mentally unbalanced person and to put gentle pressure on them to get rid of the gun and use non-lethal techniques of coercing others. People who buy hunting rifles are planning to kill wild animals. Children who enjoy killing animals often graduate to killing people. These are not the sort of people you want to invite into your home, to socialise with, or to let anywhere near your children. They should be shunned too.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Owning A Gun is Plotting to Murder a Family Member

According to Bill Moyers, if you keep a gun in your home or office, it is 22 times more likely to kill a family member than an intruder. How then can you possibly justify owning a gun to protect your family. It sounds more like an unconscious intent to bump them off.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Parkland Shooting

On 2018-02-14, Nikolas Cruz shot and killed 17 students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. He wounded 15 more. His adoptive parents, the Sneads, kept a machine gun in the house in a gun safe. They absolved themselves of all responsibility by saying that did not know young Nikolas had a key. Why did they have a machine gun in the house? To shoot rats? To punish their son if he failed to complete his homework by shooting off a finger? I think the parents are more responsible for the tragedy than anyone else. You can’t expect a mentally ill person to behave responsibly, but you can expect his parents to refrain from aiding and abetting the crime.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Paying for Gun Disabilities

Given than guns disable people so that they require a lifetime of care in a wheelchair, who should bear those costs? The logical group of people to fund this are gun owners. Gun ownership should be taxed to pay some of the social costs of guns, e.g. tracking guns, tracking people who must be stopped from owning guns, finding stolen guns, emergency medical treatments, loss of head of household, serial number registries.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Pointless Debate

Pundits, politicians and talk radio hosts love to argue ideological questions such as:

There should be no need to debate these issues. Surely we have statistics on what happened when various jurisdictions tried it both ways.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Police Favour Gun Control

If private citizens toting guns would reduce crime then police would be in favour of it. They are opposed. Even trained police officers kill people by mistake. Panicking amateurs would be hundreds of times worse. Think back to the death rates of the old west (not the revenge fantasy old west movies).

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Police Guns

Guns are a primitive invention intended to kill people. Why are police still using them to subdue suspects?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Police Shooting

If police shootings continue to escalate, it will be only a matter of time until very few people are willing to apply for the job. Police will be unwilling to line up like ducks in a shooting arcade to be popped off by every man, woman and child who has a grudge against some other policeman. Americans know perfectly well more guns mean more killing. The more guns Americans buy, the more Americans die. If guns prevented violence, then the USA would be the safest country on earth and the wild west would have been the safest time in history. The only countries worse are those with even more guns. Even in the wild west, you had to check your six-shooter at the bar.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Preventing Mass Shootings

Mass shootings such as the Las Vegas shooting on 2017-10-01 with over 500 people hit are commonplace. No other country but the USA puts up with this. I asked Americans why they do. They say the second amendment.

I looked up the second amendment. It says A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. That’s it. Nowhere does it say you have to aid and abet lunatics and terrorists to perform mass shootings. It does not even guarantee the right to own a weapon, just use a musket in the service of a state militia.

Why would anyone in their right mind put up with this situation?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Prima facie Evidence

Just as possession of bomb-making materials is prima facie evidence of intent to commit terrorism, possession of a handgun should be prima facie evidence of intent to cause bodily harm.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Printed Plastic Guns

Cody Wilson invented various plastic guns including a handgun that can be printed on a 3D printer. They can pass metal detectors. They can be created by anyone without background checks and produced in any quantity very cheaply. He published the plans on the Internet. What are the downsides?

What are the upsides?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Problems Unique To America

The USA has some serious problems with a recession, unemployment, a ballooning wealth gap, greenhouse gas emissions out of control, a deteriorating environment, drug addiction, terrorist attacks, poor health, exploding health care costs, an aging population, gun violence, deteriorating infrastructure… You’d think the Americans would look around at the countries who have these problems reasonably under control such as Canada, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland… and ask What are they doing different? What might we do to get similar results? But they don’t . Americans are so patriotic, conceited and xenophobic, they automatically discount any idea, simply because non-Americans have already adopted it. It is like the playground notion of cooties. Anything from another country is metaphysically contaminated with socialism. They would rather suffer than borrow a good idea.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Punishment Preferable to Prevention

After some terrible thing has happened, Americans are willing to viciously punish anyone who remotely could be considered responsible, either through massive lawsuits, imprisonment or the death penalty. However, they are absolutely unwilling to do anything to prevent a tragedy. They claim to resent all rules of road, gun, swimming, sports, hunting, boat and alcohol-use safety. They claim to despise any product safety standards or product safety inspection. Americans are unwilling to put up with even the tiniest inconvenience in the name of preventing tragedy. Surely most of this is just John Wayne swagger and bravado. But look at the consequences of this vanity! The stupid asses sacrifice their children so they can pose as more manly to their fellow jackasses.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Quelling Violence With Violence

If you met a fireman who claimed the best way to douse fires was to douse them is sufficient gasoline, chances are you would consider him a public menace. Yet hundreds of millions of Americans are running around loose who claim the best way to quell gun violence is to ensure everyone is armed, even the mentally ill, even children.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Americans have gone nuts by conflating Arabs, Muslims and terrorists. A gang killed a stranger who was not even Muslim purely on the suspicion he was. An Arab is someone who comes from the middle east. A Muslim is someone who belongs to the Islamic religion. A terrorist is someone who kills civilians with the intent of changing their political affiliation. Confusing the three is as goofy as conflating being black, Mormon and terrorist. Terrorists are quite rare. There have been less than 100 of them in the USA, but there are between 2.5 and 7 million Muslims in the USA. If you pick a Muslim at random your odds are 1 in perhaps 150,000 he is a terrorist. So relax. You odds are much higher being harmed by a Christian drug addict or gun nut.

Americans are afraid of Muslims because they know nothing about them. Go visit a mosque and see for yourself. They don’t behave anything at all like ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) or Boko Haram. They are no scarier than the Amish or the JWs (Jehovah’s Witnesses).

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Racist Law

Dr. John Slaughter was a veterinarian in Baltimore. Somebody came into his house uninvited and Slaughter killed him with a single shotgun blast. It did not occur to him the intruder might be a new customer who thought you were supposed to just walk in and go to the waiting room. It turned out the intruder was a black burglar with a younger white accomplice. Slaughter was not charged, though Slaughter pointed out that had he killed the white accomplice instead, he would have gone to jail.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Reagan And Guns

Right wingers forget Reagan supported the Brady gun control bill. After all, he had a bullet in him from a nutcase.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Reasons to vote Republican

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Reigning In The Second Amendment

The second amendment permits American men to bear muskets as part of service in a state militia. This does not guarantee right of possession outside such service.

The courts over the years have absurdly stretched the meaning. You can take assault rifles into movie theatres. You can take concealed handguns into a bar (you could not do that is the wild west). You can take assault rifles to a demonstration or into a school.

You can sell arms to felons, the mentally ill, or people with a history of mass violence.

It has effectively become a bill of rights for terrorists and traitors.

There are two bits of sanity:

I think a proprietor should be able to designate his premise as a weapons free zone. It is his property. He should have the right to lawfully exclude anyone he pleases. e.g.

In addition, any public park or demonstration should automatically be a weapons free zone.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Relative Risks

Your chances of being killed by a car or a handgun are many times greater than being killed by a terrorist. Why then is so much more attention and money being spent on terrorists? I have to think it is because terrorists are sexy. Bureaucrats like Michael Chertoff with conflict-of-interest investments in scanner companies and closet fascists can stampede the public into spending billions on fancy machines and into giving up constitutional rights. Ironically, this is exactly what the terrorists want.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Repeal the Second Amendment

I think Americans would be wise to repeal the second amendment. It has been interpreted much more broadly than it was written. It would allow states to choose for themselves what they want to do about firearms. After seeing the different effects the different policies have, states would switch to the successful policies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Restricting Weapons

I think most Americans would agree citizens do not have a right to own nuclear weapons, poison gas, plutonium, thorium, biological weapons, guided missiles… Citizens have no legitimate use for such weapons. So Americans logically ban them to help keep them out of the hands of criminals and lunatics. Consider machine guns, automatic weapons, armour piercing bullets, handguns, giant magazine clips… These have no purpose other than murdering people or committing crimes such as bank robbery. They are not like hunting rifles that have a practical use, even if they could be misused. Why are Americans so intent on the right to own weapons they can never lawfully use? It is like demanding the right to own lock picks, undetectable poisons or kiddie porn kept in sealed bags. They claim some sacred value just for owning this shit, that they promise never to use. To me, that is a sure sign of mental illness. You can’t trust weirdos like that. Those sickos should not even be allowed rifles.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Rifles and Handguns

In 2010 there were 358 murders involving rifles and 6,009 involving handguns. Obviously rifles are for hunting and handguns are for killing humans.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Right To Keep A Gun

It is one thing to defend the right to keep a gun and quite another to actually keep one. NRA members who keep guns in the home value their possessions more than their loved ones. Any gun is far more likely to kill a family member than fend off a burglar.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Right to Kill Your Family

Gun rights are the right to kill your family since that is statistically whom your gun is most likely to kill.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Right Wing Beliefs

Right wingers have some pretty strange beliefs:

How do you make sense of it? It seems they simply oppose anything sensible and fair.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Risk of Gun Ownership

Given that mere ownership of a gun used in a homicide is routinely used as evidence of guilt, I am surprised anyone would take the risk.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Rural and Urban Guns

Cities and rural areas are quite different when it comes to guns.

City vs Rural Gun Use
City Rural
No hunting. Hunting is common.
No room for target shooting except in special commercial facilities. Plenty of room for target shooting.
Serious problems with armed criminals. Relatively few problems with armed criminals.
Mostly you interact with people you do not know. You don’t know whom you can trust with a gun. Mostly you interact with people you have known all your life. You know whom you can trust with a gun.
Most people are untrained in safe firearm use, especially in districts of immigrants who have no cultural experience with firearms. Almost everyone, including children, are trained in safe firearm use.
It is fairly easy for someone criminally insane to amass an arsenal without anyone knowing. Everybody knows what everybody else is up to.

This suggests to me that you need quite different regulations for firearms in cities and rural areas. However, the NRA selfishly tries to impose rural-type rules on cities who want rules better designed to deal with their problems. Cities, towns and districts should be free to live under rules they believe are best for them. If they are wrong, they will find out soon enough and try something else. To simplify the rules, perhaps there should be two sets that apply country wide, rural and urban and each area can decide which ones they want to use.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Rush Limbaugh

Someone, please, shoot Rush Limbaugh with a tranquiliser gun and bore a small hole in him to let out the pus and overheated fart gas.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Russian Roulette

Let us say you put one bullet in a pistol, spin the chamber and shoot your wife. There is a 0.16 probability she will be hit. If she is hit, and you go to court, is the fact there was only a 0.16 probability sufficient to excuse you of murder? Of course, not. When you buy a gun there much higher chance it will kill a family member that protect you from an intruder. You know this, but you buy the gun anyway. If you accidentally kill a family member, or if you leave the gun when a child can play with it and shoot themselves, you have effectively committed premeditated murder. What you did is very much like playing Russian roulette with a pistol with a many chambers.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Safe Guns

If I had a choice between an ordinary gun and a smart gun, I would prefer the smart gun.

The NRA is working hard to make it illegal for anyone to use a smart gun. Why do NRA members prefer ordinary guns? Why are NRA members so keen on stopping anyone from having a smart gun? They are always going on about freedom, and yet they are restricting the freedom of sane gun owners who don’t want to kill their kids and don’t want their guns stolen. I think the NRA are nuts. I think they are bullies. I think they are busy bodies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Sandy Hook

There are pro-gun lobbyists who have promoted the lie, without any evidence, the government murdered children at Sandy Hook as an excuse for gun control. People who want to control guns want to save the lies of children. People who want unlimited guns are quite happy to sacrifice children for that aim. As Wayne Lapierre, head of the NRA said Look, you damn’d liberals. Americans want their guns and if children have to die for that, so be it. Psychologists call this projection. Pro-gun people are pretending the desire to sacrifice children is not theirs but the gun control people’s.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Imagine if some aliens arrived from outer space. Their travels were motivated by a desire to get others to behave properly. Unlike most religious fanatics, they did not have definite ideas on right and wrong. They just wanted people to act in accord with their own moral codes. They had devised a beam they could direct to a human’s brain. It would disable denial of wrong doing and wrong motivation. Typically, when they directed it against Americans, they would have an overwhelming urge to grab the gun they owned and blow their heads off.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Second Amendment

I think Americans suffering from deficiency in reading comprehension. I see nowhere in the constitution where it guarantees lunatic psychos the right to stockpile arms of every description then go postal. Just how far does the NRA want to take this? guns in airports, in airplanes, in congress, in bars, at football games, in stores, in banks, in restaurants, in prisons? Just what weapons should be permitted? machine guns, nukes, poison gas, anthrax, surface to air missiles? Should toddlers have them too? I think you Americans are stark raving bonkers. You are afraid to go out of your houses. That is because of the second amendment arming all those whackos to the teeth. Other countries don’t have your problems. I was shot at three times in one evening by drunk NRA conventioneers bombing around in cars in Portland. These people are certifiably nuts. Don’t listen to them.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Second Amendment

In the USA, there is an exclusion to the second amendment for black males. If they bear arms (even knives) police will execute them on the spot.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Second Amendment

One of the justifications for the second amendment to the US constitution was freely available guns would make it possible to overthrow a tyrant. This is wishful thinking. Hunting rifles are hardly a match for attack helicopters, tanks, bioweapons, white phosphorus, drones and nukes. However, easily available weapons could be used to assassinate a president or other corrupt official. Modern snipers can pick a target off from over 1.61 km (1 mile) away. The military trains thousands of snipers in how to do it. I am quite surprised Trump made it through his inauguration without being taken out.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Second Amendment

The second amendment says you have the right to bear arms. At the time the constitution was written, that meant muskets. There is no way you could kill a roomful of people with a musket. Whether you should be allowed to carry multi shot weapons is not specified in the constitution, ditto for other weapons invented since the time of the constitution such as flame throwers, tanks, nuclear weapons, bioweapons, missiles… Further the constitution suggests the weapons you bore were for the purpose of the state militia. You might logically read that to mean you could only bare weapons if you belonged to the state militia or if you were using them on state militia business. The supreme court has tended to rule as the NRA asks, so it is unlikely it will be interpreted that way in the foreseeable future.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Second Amendment

The second amendment which defines the right to own guns in the USA says:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
You would think that wording means only guns used for militias are protected, but the supreme court ruled that is not so. The only guns that existed back in 1791-12-15 were muskets. Protected arms now include even weapons of war such as machine guns. Oddly tanks, cannons, flamethrowers, rockets, poison gas, bombs, lasers and nukes are excluded.

There is a procedure to change the second amendment legitimately. It requires a supermajority.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Second Amendment

The supreme court has expanded the right to own a musket for use in a voluntary state militia to the right to dress up as ISIS terrorists, bristling with automatic weapons and intimidate and frighten the feces out of people down at the mall. The catch is this interferes with the other god given right — the right to make money. Terrified people don’t buy as much. You have a right to bear arms, but not necessarily everywhere. More and more businesses are going to say No guns on my property! This is already true for airplanes and some fast food places. Watch it expand to trains, buses, cabs, pubs, movie theatres, live theatres, sporting events, malls, schools, social functions…

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Second Amendment Exceptions

There four exceptions to the second amendment.

  1. You may not take firearms into an airport.
  2. You have the right to exclude people from bringing weapons into your home.
  3. You can’t take a firearm into a courtroom.
  4. You can’t take a firearms into a police station.

A business is not that different from a home. A proprietor should have the right to exclude firearms.

A train or bus station is not that different from an airport. They too should be gun free.

A military base is not that different from a police station. Only authorised personnel should be permitted arms.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Second Amendment Rights

The constitution calls for the right to carry a musket to use in a state militia, not an AK47. However, the pro-gun lobby has persuaded the supreme court to interpret it that way. They have pushed the pro-gun madness so far, that the right to bear arms is recoiling. It is not pressure from the gun control lobby. It is the police officers who to shoot to kill anyone with gun. They are paranoid about the current proliferation of guns. Anyone who insists on his right to bear arms, dies, at least if he is black.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Self-blinded Americans

America has terrible trouble with gun violence. They imagine the way to correct it is to increase the number of guns and to reduce the regulation on them. It never occurs to Americans to look at what other countries have done to discover what works and what does not.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Selfish Gun Owners

The selfishness of gun owners is astounding. They refuse to put up with even minor inconveniences to ensure guns don’t get into the wrong hands. They couldn’t care less if someone else’s child had her head blown off as a result.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Selling Guns

Americans are so enamoured by guns because crime dramas have convinced them the odds are close to 100% that if they are ever home alone at night, a homicidal maniac will break in.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Sense of Proportion

A dozen people were killed and at least 62 wounded in gun violence that rang out across Chicago over the 2013 long Fourth of July holiday weekend. Mostly people under 20 are the culprits. The Boston bombers only managed to kill 3 people. Why are Americans tolerating this madness that goes on week after week in all the big cities? Because the NRA, for the profit of gun makers, has convinced them every teen and child should be armed so they can resort to murder to settle even the most minor of disputes. You don’t allow children to drive because they are too emotionally immature to trust with such a dangerous vehicle. So obviously they are not mature enough to use guns either. Americans are so stupid.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Shooting The Shooter

Americans cheer when police kill a mass shooter. In Canada, usually such a shooter is apprehended. There are some advantages to apprehension:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Every time there is a major shooting, the head of the NRA, Wayne Lapierre, announces the shooting would not have happened if the victims had been carrying guns. This is naïve, wishful thinking. Consider:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Source of Illegal Guns in Mexico

Nearly all the illegal guns in Mexico come from the USA where they are effectively unregulated.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Sport Hunting Blacks

NRAsupporters gave away free guns in the neighbourhood where George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Williams. They wish to send the message that you should feel free to shoot black people for sport because you can get away with it if you luck out with an all-white jury.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The state of gun violence in the US

Gun violence, gun suicide and mass shootings are a problem unique to the USA. Different parts of the problem require tailorede solutions. The state of gun violence in the US, in 18 charts click to watch

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


In Canada, 80% of gun deaths are suicides. Keeping guns out of the hands of suicidally depressed people will eliminate most gun deaths.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Tolerating Gun Owners

Even in America, gun owners are a minority, only 1 in 4 own a gun and they own an average of 3.6 guns each. A gun on the premises is more dangerous than a pet lion, yet the neighbours tolerate gun owners.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Toy Guns

If you give your child a toy gun, particularly a realistic one, you are inviting the police to mistake it for a real weapon, and kill your child.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Traceable Guns

Imagine we had the technology that, given a bullet, we could tell which gun shot it, and who owned the gun. Further imagine guns could only be fired by their registered owners or by a small set of registered users. If someone used a gun to commit a felony, it would be a routine matter to prove the shooter and put them in jail. We would still have people killing their wives and kids in anger. We would have people shooting their kids mistaking them for intruders. However, we would get rid of all the accidents of kids shooting kids. Burglars would not carry guns, because, if they shot it, it would guarantee capture. Gun theft would drop because thieves could not fire the weapons.

Why does the NRA oppose such measures? Because fewer guns would be sold for use in felonies. Gun manufacturers refuse to accept lower sales, even though they would have a bonanza selling replacement traceable guns.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Trampling the Constitution

American conservatives claim to hold the constitution as sacrosanct, yet:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

True Effect of Guns

If Wayne LaPierre, the head of the NRA were telling the truth, the countries and states with the most guns would be safest. They would have the fewest crimes and the fewest murders. But, the opposite is overwhelmingly true. Compare the USA with Sweden or Canada. Compare Texas with California.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The True Purpose of the No Fly List


The no-fly list is not really about safety. An expanded list could be used to trigger extra searching. People on the list are not considered so dangerous they can’t travel by train or go to a supermarket, or buy explosives or guns. People get on the list by writing an angry letter to the editor or posting on a website opposing the Iraq war, or some other government policy. The true purpose of the list is to intimidate people into keeping their criticisms of crooked politicians, the military and corporations to themselves.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

True Purpose of the NRA

If the executives of the NRA and their families were the ones being mowed down by gun violence, just how long do you think they would continue advocating unrestricted firearms? This second amendment breast beating is just a smoke screen for pimping for increased profits for firearm companies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Trump Solution

Trump suggested the solution to mass shootings at schools is to equip teachers with handguns. I think this is a goofy idea. Why?

The obvious solution is to ban machine guns. They have no purpose other than mass shootings.

Trump claimed had he been at the school he would have confronted the gunman and killed him. This is another of Trump’s boastful lies. Ole Bonespurs’ history is to run from danger. Had he done so, there would be no more need to impeach him. He would have had almost no chance against a machine gun.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Types of Firearms

Americans never cease to amaze me with their beliefs about firearms. There are four basic classes of firearms:

  1. target shooting
  2. hunting: rifles, shotguns and 22s for shooting mammals.
  3. murder: handguns.
  4. military mass murder: automatic weapons, large clip weapons, Howitzers, grenade launchers, anti-tank rifles, rockets…

Classes (3) and (4) have no legal use in a rural setting. Classes (2), (3) and (4) have no legal use in an urban setting. Remember, you can’t use guns to shoot criminals because it is not legal in the USA to kill someone for vandalising or stealing your property.

An organisation representing the arms industry, the NRA, lobbies ferociously to see that every American, no matter how criminal or mentally ill, owns large numbers of all four classes of weapon. They also ensure there is no interference with arming criminal gangs, terrorists and anyone else in foreign countries. Their motive is, surprise, profit. They are willing to sacrifice thousands of people as a side effect of selling all these guns.

They promote gun ownership by claiming it is patriotic, as if Americans would use handguns to fight off a Chinese invasion. That is a childish fantasy. The Second Amendment of the Constitution says A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. To me that says that states have a right to an armed militia, however, over the years the meaning of this phrase has been interpreted and re-interpreted by activist judges to mean that governments may not restrict the ownership and use of firearms in any way. I’m surprised the NRA has not lobbied to make personal nukes and anthrax protected too.

So the NRA works tireless to make sure folk like James Holmes (the Aurora Colorado killer) are fully armed with the latest mass massacre equipment. Al Qaeda could do a lot more damage to the USA if it shut down and redirected its funding stream to the NRA which has a proven track record of convincing Americans to shoot each other in the face.

If I had my way, I would ban class (3) and (4) weapons for personal use. Further, you would have to register a sample bullet fired from your class (1) and (2) weapons so that if you used your weapon in a crime, there would be good chance of identifying the weapon. You would be legally required to report a theft or sale.

The second problem with so freely arming the populace is the police assume everyone they interact with are armed and, at the tiniest provocation, shoot them dead. This does not happen in other countries where suspects are rarely armed. Police there are not so jumpy. In the USA, even people who do not carry guns suffer from this presumption.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Wayne Lapierre, Liar in Chief

After every mass shooting, Wayne Lapierre, head of the NRA, announces there is absolutely nothing that could conceivably be done to deter the shootings. This is obviously a lie. No other country has even a fraction of the gun violence of the USA, except those embroiled in civil wars. All the USA has to do is copy a few of the measures Canada or Sweden does to deter gun violence.

Switzerland has mandatory gun ownership, and they don’t have mass shootings.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Weapons in School

In Michigan, if a child brings a plastic picnic knife to school, they will be expelled. However, if they bring a loaded handgun, that is perfectly ok.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Weapons of Mass Destruction

In most countries you are not allowed to own nukes, poison gas, bombs, land mines, tanks, rocket launchers… Why? Because these weapons have no purpose other that mass killing. Machine guns (and automatic weapons) are similar. They have no purpose other than mass killing. Oddly Americans work very hard to put them into the hands of everyone, including children and lunatics. Americans are willing to tolerate huge numbers of deaths of largely children as a side effect.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Where are the Pro-Gun Stats

You’d think the NRA would have ample statistics to back up their pro-gun stance, but they never tell you basic things like:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why Avoid America

If tourists knew how out-of-control gun violence is in the USA and Mexico, they would never dream of visiting. What is even crazier is most Americans are working hard to increase the number of concealed weapons.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why I Dislike Americans

Here are my top ten reasons I dislike Americans:

  1. Americans stockpile nuclear, bioterror and chemical weapons in quantities far, far in excess of any legitimate use. They are just inviting a serious accident.
  2. Americans have a morality based completely on money. They have despoiled their natural beauty in the name of profit and ruined lives with drugs.
  3. The most whacko Christian sects have gained control of government and impose their nutty ideas on everyone (e.g. prophesies surrounding Israel, refusal to deal with climate change, belief that oil supplies are infinite, belief that God will not permit food fish species to go extinct, barring abortion for fear of upsetting their imaginary god or an imaginary soul, barring euthanasia, barring birth control, harassing gays…). This is literally suicidal.
  4. Americans ignore international law. They refuse to recognise the World Court in the Hague. Further they routinely invade other countries that did not attack them first. This is a war crime — a capital (hanging) offence.
  5. Americans spy on people in every country and meddle in the governments of every nation.
  6. Americans have a plutocracy where representatives sell their votes to the highest corporate bidders and since the Roberts Supreme court decision, this is perfectly legal. According to Mussolini’s definition, this is fascism.
  7. Americans think the world is better off if kids take guns to kindergarten and their dads take them to bars, even though they know statistically these guns will overwhelmingly more likely kill family members and friends than bad guys.
  8. Americans like to brag they are the most generous people on earth, yet on a foreign aid per capita basis the USA is the stingiest of the industrialised nations. To make it even more embarrassing, the USA gives most of its foreign aid budget to Israel (a prosperous country with a balanced budget) to fund their apartheid system.
  9. Americans like to brag they have the best medical care system on earth, yet in terms of outcomes, they are lower than any other industrialised nation, ranking roughly on par with Cuba. If Trump has his way, it will soon be much worse.
  10. Every illiterate trailer park slob thinks he is better than anyone from any other country, just because he is a white American.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why Own A Gun?

Possessing a gun makes you and your family considerably less safe and makes it much more likely you will commit a felony. Why then would you want one unless you were clinically paranoid?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Wild West Mentality

In the wild west you could carry as many weapons and concealed weapons as you pleased. Even in small towns, murders were a daily occurrence. The United States ranks up there with Colombia in terms of numbers of gun murders. Other nations don’t allow people to go wandering the streets with guns. They have a tiny fraction of the gun murders. Despite these obvious facts, Americans suffer the delusion that increasing the number of concealed weapons will reduce the number of murders. This is a religion conviction that spits in the face of the facts.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Wild West Mentality

Police shoot black people at a rate three times the public lynched them in earlier decades.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Interpreting the Second Amendment

Concern that a national standing army might pose a threat to the security of the separate states led to the adoption of that amendment, which provides that a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Today that concern is a relic of the 18th century.

~ Justice John Paul Stevens (1920-04-20 age:98) (retired supreme court judge)

Interpreting the Second Amendment

In 1939 the Supreme Court unanimously held that Congress could prohibit the possession of a sawed-off shotgun because that weapon had no reasonable relation to the preservation or efficiency of a a well regulated militia.

~ Justice John Paul Stevens (1920-04-20 age:98) (retired supreme court judge)

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