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Anyone But Harper

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Introduction Endorsement
Lies Photos
Election Funding The Harper Team
Harper lies about global warming Harper Quotations
Why I would never vote for Harper Books
Strategic Voting Links
Leaders’ Debate


Canada went to the polls to elect a new federal government on 2008-10-14. Stephen Harper won a minority government though the unprecedented use of lies and straw man attacks on their opposition, using their overwhelming war chest of ad money to pound the lies home. I consider Harper a traitor to his planet for his relentless efforts to derail any attempts to deal with global warming.


Mr. Harper is a compulsive liar. Harry Truman could equally well have been speaking about Harper when he said:
Richard Nixon is a no-good lying bastard. He can lie out of both sides of his mouth at the same time and if he ever caught himself telling the truth, he’d lie just to keep his hand in.
~ Harry S. Truman (1884-05-08 1972-12-26 age:88)
  1. Harper has told hundreds of lies in his rôle as shill to spread FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) about global warming for the oil patch.
  2. Harper said during the election that there was no recession in Canada.
  3. Harper said during the election that there was no possibility of a deficit.
  4. Harper claimed the Liberal were proposing a carbon tax would be a crippling burden, that it was just a tax grab. Yet the Liberal platform said no such thing. They called for a revenue neutral carbon tax with offsetting income tax rebates.
  5. Harper claimed his environmental platform was the strongest of all parties. This is nonsense. The Harper conservatives are the most anti-environmental in 40 years.
  6. Harper claimed the NDP (New Democratic Party) platform called for new income taxes. It actually called for cuts. Harper’s plan called for dropping corporate income tax to 12%, one of the lowest rates of any developed countries. The NDP simply planned to block future corporate tax cuts announced by Harper.
  7. Harper claimed ending public funding for elections was a cost saving measure. What a strange co-incidence it would cripple the opposition who were counting on the money to pay bills. What a strange co-incidence it decimated the Liberal war chest and inflated his own. What a strange co-incidence it made it trivially easy for the wealthy Conservative supporters to have the best government money can buy.
  8. When the three opposition parties united to form coalition, Harper lied repeatedly saying what they were doing was a coup d’état stealing power, undemocratic, unprecedented … He shouted, I am not responsible to turn over power to a group like that The Prime Minister is required by law to relinquish power if he loses the confidence of parliament. It is not clear if Harper is lying about the law, or if he is, like Nixon, making a claim that he is above it. Most Canadians believed Harper’s hysterical BS about a perfectly legal activity of parliament. Harper insisted that he had the legal right to rule and the coalition did not because they did not campaign as a coalition during the election. That is a lie. Any group that can form a majority in parliament has the right to govern. Harper insisted he had the right to rule rather than the coalition because his party got more popular votes than the Liberals. That also is a lie. Any group that can form a majority in parliament has the right to govern. He got away with it because Canadians don’t expect their Prime Minister to lie about matters of law. Further, they didn’t expect the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) and CTV (Canadian Television network) to let such lies slide without comment. Harper’s poll numbers are at an all-time high because he was able to sell his lies.
  9. Harper tried to get Canada involved in the Iraq war and the Afghan war, but just prior to the election he had a change of heart and decided the Afghan war should end in 2011. How convenient this move took the issue off the election table. Since the election, he has done nothing to toward that goal. It looks as though he has no intention of winding down the war after all. That was yet another brazen lie.

Election Funding

The Conservatives announced, as an austerity measure, they were chopping the $1.94 CAD per vote election public election funding. They claimed the moral high ground, claiming any opposition was motivated by greed at the public trough. I think the true motive will become clear from the following table of how funding would look before and after the Conservative measure:
Effect of Rescinding Public Election Funding
Before After Party
war chest relative
war chest relative
$15,200,000 44.5% $5,200,000 73.0% Conservative
$8,231,141 24.1% $531,141 7.5% Liberal
$6,100,000 17.9% $1,200,000 16.9% NDP
$2,635,000 7.7% $35,000 0.5% Bloc Québécios
$1,955,000 5.7% $155,000 2.2% Green
On 2008-11-29, Transport Minister Baird announced they were backing down on this attempt to muzzle the oppostion parties.

Why I would never vote for Harper

Here are ten of my reasons why I would never vote for Harper. The most important are near the top.

Strategic Voting

Harper would not be in power were it not the majority of Canadians had split their vote between Liberals, NDP, Greens and Bloc. The way to defeat them is to vote strategically. Where the Conservatives are a threat, vote for whichever of Liberal, NDP, Green or Bloc has the best chance of winning. Splitting the left vote just ensures Harper will win. Then when that candidate wins, write him or her and tell them what you did to remind them your support is conditional. Where the Conservatives are not a threat, vote your conscience.

Leaders’ Debate

The Federal leaders’ debates for the 2008 Canadian elections were held:

They were held at the National Arts Centre, Ottawa. The five participants:

NDP Jack Layton
Green Party Elizabeth May
Liberal Stéphane Dion
Bloc Québécios Gilles Duceppe
Conservative Stephen Harper


Denise Savoie
Denise Savoie
NDP logo
Jack Layton
Jack Layton
In 2008 I voted to re-elect Denise Savoie in Victoria and leader Jack Layton of the New Democrats because, the Liberals have proved unwilling to block the anti-environment, pro-war, anti-working man, American-subservient policies of the Harper Conservatives. The Liberals have some brave environmental policies, but they were unwilling over the last two years to put Harper’s feet to the fire. I want someone to give him a very rough time. In the 2012 by-election I will probably vote for David Gallagher of the Green Party. I will vote strategically for Green or NDP.
Roedy Green signature
Roedy Green
Roedy Green

Stick a Fork In Harper, He’s Done

Stephen Harper’s view of modern meat inspection
Stephen Harper’s view of modern meat inspection
Stephen Harper checks George Bush’s shirt for lipgloss stains.
Stephen Harper checks George Bush’s shirt for lipgloss stains.
Harper impersonator
Harper impersonator
Stephen Harper and John Manley (Afghanistan war architects)
Stephen Harper and John Manley (Afghanistan war architects)
Stephen Harper passing wind
Stephen Harper passing wind
mentor Brian Mulroney and apostle Stephen Harper
mentor Brian Mulroney and apostle Stephen Harper
Stephen Harper smuggling a squirrel into the House of Commons
Stephen Harper smuggling a squirrel into the House of Commons
Stephen Harper with jars wired shut for desperation election diet
Stephen Harper with jars wired shut for desperation election diet
Stephen Harper trying out Roger Ebert’s hair piece in public for the first time
Stephen Harper trying out Roger Ebert’s hair piece in public for the first time
George Bush and Stephen Harper
George Bush and Stephen Harper
Stephen Harper demonstrates Afghan POW interrogation techniques
Stephen Harper demonstrates Afghan POW interrogation techniques
Stephen Harper courts gay vote with simulated male pregnancy
Stephen Harper courts gay vote with simulated male pregnancy
The new soft fuzzy Stephen Harper and cat. Note that the cat’s severed head is just resting on the body.
The new soft fuzzy Stephen Harper and cat. Note that the cat’s severed head is just resting on the body.
John McCain in fetching sweater by designer Mr. Stephen
John McCain in fetching sweater by designer Mr. Stephen
Stephen Harper pitching male enchancement
Stephen Harper pitching male enchancement
Stephen Harper and Brian Mulroney at a meeting of the ROV (Royal Order of Vampires.)
Stephen Harper and Brian Mulroney at a meeting of the ROV (Royal Order of Vampires.)
Say good-bye Steve
Say good-bye Steve
Steve’s true nature
Steve’s true nature
Stephen Harper’s dog Barney Diefenbaker, that he plans to have stuffed with truffles after he shuffles off this mortal coil
Stephen Harper’s dog Barney Diefenbaker, that he plans to have stuffed with truffles after he shuffles off this mortal coil

The Harper Team

Believe it or not, if the Conservatives win, a whole team of people will actually run Canada, not just Stephen Harper. Here they are:
Peter van Loan
Peter van Loan
John Baird
John Baird
Steven Fletcher
Steven Fletcher
Gary Lunn
Gary Lunn
Larry Miller
Larry Miller
Dean del Mastro
Dean del Mastro
Joe Preston
Joe Preston
Deepack Obhrai
Deepack Obhrai
Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer
Fabian Manning
Fabian Manning
Mike Wallace
Mike Wallace
Tony Clement
Tony Clement
Bev Shipley
Bev Shipley
Jacques Gourde
Jacques Gourde
Peter Goldring
Peter Goldring
Steven Blaney
Steven Blaney
Brian Storseth
Brian Storseth
James Moore
James Moore
Peter MacKay
Peter MacKay
Leon Benoit
Leon Benoit
David Tilson
David Tilson
Jim Flaherty
Jim Flaherty
Rahim Jaffer
Rahim Jaffer
Dean Allison
Dean Allison
Diane Ablonczy
Diane Ablonczy
Dona Cadman
Dona Cadman
Lawrence Cannon
Lawrence Cannon
Rob Clarke
Rob Clarke
Wayne Easter
Wayne Easter
Ed Holder
Ed Holder
Brian Jean
Brian Jean
Ed Komarnicki
Ed Komarnicki
Denis Lebel
Denis Lebel
Lawrence MacAulay
Lawrence MacAulay
Ted Menzies
Ted Menzies
Pierre Lemieiux
Pierre Lemieiux
Pierre Poilievre
Pierre Poilievre
Brent Rathgeber
Brent Rathgeber
Joy Smith
Joy Smith
Greg Thompson
Greg Thompson


book cover recommend book⇒Rogue in Power: Why Stephen Harper is Remaking Canada by Stealthto book home
by Christian Nadeau 978-1-55277-730-5 paperback
publisher Lorimer 978-1-55277-731-2 eBook
published 2011-03-07
How Harper is slowly and sneakily dismantling social values Canadians hold dear. Canada is becoming much more like the USA, uncaring, filthy, militaristic and nature-hating.
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Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock. Try looking for it with a bookfinder.
book cover recommend book⇒Losing Confidence: Power, Politics and the Crisis in Canadian Democracyto book home
by Elizabeth May 978-0-7710-5760-1 paperback
birth 1954-06-09 age:63 978-1-55199-405-5 eBook
publisher McClelland & Stewart B003WEA97A kindle
published 2009-04-01
Elizabeth May is head of the Green Party in Canada. This is about how crooked politics is making it impossible to solve the global warming problem. If our planet is to survive, Harper has to be removed from leadership of the country.
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Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock. Try looking for it with a bookfinder.
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