image provider


2007 Gifts in kind

2007 Gifts in kind
Gift Donor
The red moose logo is compliments of Broken Vulture Art.
party icon gave me the party icon I use on the living love page.
red moose icon Broken Vulture Art gave me the red moose icon.
Website hosting Randolf Richardson of He bought a new higher performance server and bigger pipes to the net.
Thunder 9 mouse pad Charles of X-Ray

2001 Gifts in kind

2001 Gifts in kind
Gift Donor
SlickEdit upgrade MicroEdge, makers of SlickEdit.
Java Plugin Code signing Certificate Thawte
free use of Website Randolf Richardson of

1998 Gifts in kind

1998 Gifts in kind
Gift Donor
free use of ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line technology) high speed Internet connection. Dave Bedford
free use of Website Randolf Richardson of
New motherboard, CPU (Central Processing Unit), 64MB RAM (Random Access Memory), 4 gig hard disk, toner cartridge, Linux, NT. Athena
free access the Byte Information Exchange.

1996 Gifts in kind

1996 Gifts in kind
Gift Donor
composing and editing Roedy Green of Canadian Mind Products
superb lunch of fresh caught salmon, shrimp and local produce overlooking the ocean while an eagle soared overhead at the Tsa Kwa Luten luxury lodge at Quathiaski Cove on Quadra Island (250) 285-2042 Roger Green
free access the Byte Information Exchange.
free use of the website Delftware, the makers of Scriptic and a prepreprocessor for adding overloaded operators to Java.
trip to Vancouver Island Daphne Green
2 hours of dentistry Dr. Elise Leyland
a front and centre ticket to Miss Saigon The gang at the BC Civil Liberties Association
free ISP (Internet Service Provider) access and website The Health Action Network Society, a registered Canadian Charity disseminating information on alternative health.
free use of the website JavaMan maintainers of links to Java resources.

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