The CurrCon Java Applet displays prices on this
web page converted with today’s exchange rates into your local international currency,
e.g. Euros, US dollars, Canadian dollars, British Pounds, Indian Rupees…
CurrCon requires an up-to-date browser
and Java version 1.8, preferably 1.8.0_131.
If you can’t see the prices in your local currency,
Troubleshoot. Use Firefox for best results.
The current version is 3.0Last revised/verified:2017-11-16.
Most of the bugs appear to have been fixed. It still fails on large files.
This editor is very similar to Kompozer
because they both derived from Nvu. Blue Griffon is both a free
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
editor and a
editor. Note the spelling: not Gryphon,
not Griffin.
The core functionality is free (except the manual).
Accurate renderings, better than Dreamweaver.
Handles UTF-8,
HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language v 5)
XHTML (extensible Hypertext Markup Language).
Rapidly switches between
and Source (markup) mode.
Real time spell check.
It very good for writing about
where you have to entify every < >
and &, since it does that for you
It often fails to save your edits. Because of this serious bug, I no longer use it.
It tends to drop whitespace between words.
It tends to insert gibberish whitespace between paragraphs.
It cannot handle large documents.
If preview in browser stops working,
click Tools ⇒ Preferences
⇒ Advanced ⇒ Reset
external browser’s settings.
When you install a new version 1.8 or 2.0, you must completely
uninstall the old one first. This includes manually deleting
"C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Disruptive Innovations SARL\" and
"C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Disruptive Innovations SARL\".
mode, do the following:
Rapidly navigate to the part of the document to edit.
Edit and enter raw text. This is where it shines.
Insert new list items.
Add paragraph breaks.
In Source mode do the following:
Nearly all tagging.
Bulk search replace.
To add a <span tag is rather
clumsy. Highlight the text ⇒ click Format ⇒
click Span ⇒ click the arrow beside class ⇒ either select the
class or type it out and hit Enter.
Doubling a step or missing a step will result in bizarre results.
You have to retype the style even if is name is already in the box.
Ctrl-Z does not always work. Go to Source
mode and patch the damage immediately before you make it worse.
The way you insert entities is rather tedious. Try copy-paste from
elsewhere in the document, especially if you repeatedly paste the
same entity.
Configure it to either to handle accented characters either with
UTF-8 or with entities.
Configure it to use Unix or Windows line ending conventions.
markup text syntax highlighting is handled with a simple *.css
style sheet. The default is stored in
X:\Program Files (x86)\BlueGriffon\res\cm2\monokai.css.
I presume you can customise it just by adding another *.css
file in that directory. To start, configure Eclipse
over monokai.
To insert a comment in
mode, Click Insert ⇒ Comments/PHP Processing
Instructions. Don’t type the lead <!--
or trailing -->.
Keep having a look at source mode to make sure the markup
generated is what you expect.
To insert entities, just type them in, then later in source mode,
remove the leading amp;
Requests for Improvement
Most important are at the top.
If I insert text into a <dd>…</dd>
block, Blue Griffon splits the block in two and inserts my text
between the two pieces. This makes no sense at all because <dd>
must always be paired with <dt>.
It should just insert the text inside <dd>…</dd>.
It randomly and erroneously inserts <br>
tags just prior to </td> and </div>.
Fix the colours on the
buttons so they don’t look disabled. The current scheme keeps
tempting me to hit the wrong button. There is really need only to
display one button at a time. Why tempt be to hit the wrong button?
Support a streamlined way to mark common span styles. The last 4
span styles used would appear on the tool bar. You would highlight
the phrase, then click one of the four buttons. You should be able
to apply a common span to a word in two clicks, with a drag plus one
click to mark a phrase.
When you switch modes, the caret should be in the same height on
the screen and should point to the same text. The caret should not
move. It should not move when a
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
is externally changed either. I every time I switch modes source
it takes me 20+ seconds to find my place again. I need help to speed
that up. Perhaps the entire current line could have a pale yellow
highlight with the current word highlighted in slightly darker
yellow. Perhaps the text cursor could ping
to reveal it whereabouts if I press and hold Ctrl similar to the way
I can use Ctrl to locate the mouse cursor.
When you switch modes the caret should announce its position with
a pond ripple effect You should also be able to trigger the effect
by hitting Ctrl.
Invent a more elaborate way to enter entities/obscure characters.
If you type dash it should show you [ —— ]
[ &ndash–
] and you click the one you want. It should let you assign
keystrokes like Ctrl-D to frequency used
entities. Also provide a quick way to insert entities. I have them
all memorised so typing them is no problem.
Fix the syntax colouring schemes so there is always sufficient
contrasts when highlit.
Let me configure a more legible and larger font in source mode,
such as Pragmata Pro.
Let me configure a bar of icons to do my most common markup tasks.
Paragraph markup would work clicking anywhere in the paragraph.
Make commands work the same in
and source mode as far as is possible.
Highlight properly formed entities in a different colour in Source
mode. Currently, if you don’t type an entity correctly, it will not
tell you, just bugger it up making it even harder to correct.
Simulate a simple browser inside Blue Griffon so I can very
rapidly see how the page will behave, including links. It could
actually be a separate browser, just one loaded automatically and
shut down automatically, than rendered in a Blue Griffon Window.
Hook up the manual so you can read it by hitting a button on the
help menu.
Optionally save the compacted, with all excess whitespace removed.
See Compactor.
Allow you to sort tables similar to CSVSort
CSV (Comma-Separated Value)
Please read the feedback from other visitors,
or send your own feedback about the site. Contact Roedy.
Please feel free to link to this page without explicit permission.
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