Index for the letter V : Java Glossary


V.17 validate vendors of digital certificates virtual machine Viva
V.18 validating HTMLprice recommended vendors of IAPs Virtual Stampede VLIW
V.21 validation vendors of SQL engines virtual storeessay price VMware
V.22 validation code venery VirtualBox voice bank
V.22 bis value VentureOne VirtualViewer voice over
V.23 value (CSS)essay price recommended VerCheck virus Voice Over IP
V.24 value type verifier Visaj VoiceTypedefunct price
V.25 ter VanCBJ Verisign visibilty scope void
V.27 ter vanity Canadian postage stamps Veronica visibleawt essay VOIP
V.28 vanity press version control Visiblock Volano
V.29 vaporware version numbers vision test volatile
V.32 VAR versioning visitor VolatileImage
V.32 bis varargs VFS Vistaonion price tired volser
V.32 terbo variable Viagra Vista fonts volume label
V.34 variable naming Vibe Vista Shortcut Manager volume serial number
V.35 variable-length parameter lists Video Vista Shortcut Overlay Manager Vonage VOIP
V.42 VasJavaToHTML video Visual Age For Java voxel
V.42 bis vBulletin video converter Visual Café Database Development Edition Voyager
V.58 vCalendar video downloading Visual Café DBE VPN
V.8 vCard video editing Visual Café Pro vqserver
V.90 vcf video hosting Visual KOPI VRML Vector video recording Visual Programming vslickessay price
V.FAST Velocity Vimeo Visual SlickEditessay price
V.FC vendoressay price VIPRE visually disbled
VAJ vendor of IDEsessay price Vipul’s Razor visually impaired
valid vendor of ISPs virtual VisualParse++

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