One Term Trump
Here are some of the reasons I think Trump will be a one-term president:
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
- He has a short attention span, it is likely he will be bored on being president after one term.
- Given his extremely low approval numbers 30% even before he even takes office, there is a high probability he will be impeached.
- He promised to drain the swamp, yet he invited the alligator CEOs (Chief Executive Officers) from Goldman Sachs, Exxon etc. into his cabinet.
- By his choice of cabinet, (e.g. Jeff Session and Steve Bannon) it is clear he really is a racist, not just pretending to be one to get elected.
- His economic policies of reneging on trade treaties will bring on a recession. He will create old-style manufacturing jobs, but eliminate many more high-tech jobs.
- His reckless spending on nukes and the military will drastically increase taxes and the national debt and restart the arms race.
- Mounting sex scandals.
- Mounting conflict of interest scandals. He is now in clear violation of the constitution.
- He is heedless about assassination.
- People will discover that affordable health care, even when deliberately buggered up by Republicans, is preferable to none.
- He is like Honey Booboo or a Chatty Cathy doll. He is initially amusing, but simplistic. The public will bore of him.
- By erasing all mention of GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgendered) from the White House website, Trump is telling gays they are not welcome in America. Gays permeate every level of society. They infiltrate every nook of corporations. For the most part, they are invisible. It is not wise to turn them into enemies.
- For no reason, he insults and ridicules everyone and his dog. Eventually, everyone will want revenge against him. He will be hamstrung. In politics, you must jawbone others into co-operating with you. You can’t simply threaten to fire them.
- The people who will be most furious with him will not be Democrats, but Tea Partiers. Democrats fully expect him to be an ogre. Tea Partiers will feel betrayed when he breaks most of his campaign promises and they realise almost everything he told them was a lie including accusing innocent people and denying his own crimes.