JET Purchasing : Java Glossary

The CurrCon Java Applet displays prices on this web page converted with today’s exchange rates into your local international currency, e.g. Euros, US dollars, Canadian dollars, British Pounds, Indian Rupees… CurrCon requires an up-to-date browser and Java version 1.8, preferably 1.8.0_131. If you can’t see the prices in your local currency, Troubleshoot. Use Firefox for best results.

Authorised Jet Reseller

Precise address withdrawn due to too many death threats.
Victoria BC, Canada
(250) 361-9093  00:00-24:00 PST (Pacific Standard Time)
Roedy Greenemail Roedy Green
JET logo JET purchasing

Excelsior’s Java optimiser and native code generator, created in Novosibirsk Russia. There are currently versions for Windows and Linux in English. Excelsior is not responsible for the accuracy of anything said on this page. It is Canadian Mind Product’s sole responsibility.

For information about how JET (Just Enough Time) works, see the JET technical entry. Here I discuss only how to purchase JET.

Purchasing Advantages of the CMP Discount
Deciding Which Version You Need Kudos
Prices & Ordering Technical JET Information
How To Get The 14% CMP Discount Price Links
Disadvantages of the CMP Discount


There are two ways to buy Excelsior JET:
  1. Direct from Excelsior. Just click the Details buttons below. You can pay by credit card, PayPal and under some circumstances by purchase order.
  2. At a 14% discount off the Excelsior price via Canadian Mind Products, an authorised Excelsior reseller. For details see How To Get The 14% Discount Price
You don’t have to be from Canada to purchase via this page or to get the discount price.

Deciding Which Version You Need

You can download an Enterprise edition evaluation copy for 30 or 90 day trial before you purchase later. The evaluation copy is fully functional, but the executables it produces display a nag screen upon exit and expire when the evaluation copy used to compile them expires, so you don’t want to distribute files produced by the evaluation version, except as an experiment.

Which bundle you want depends on the following:

You can get started developing right away with the evaluation version. You can download the production version within one business day of your credit card being approved. Then, if you ordered a CD (Compact Disc), that too will be mailed to you first class, either from Germany or the US, so it should arrive in a few days.

Prices & Ordering

The prices shown do not include VAT (Value Added Tax) or other possibly applicable sales taxes. The prices shown below are the US prices directly converted with today’s exchange rates to your local currency. The prices Excelsior actually charges in your local currency are different because they may not have adjust their exchange rates recently. Check the price in both local and US currency to see which is the better deal. To find out more, click the corresponding Details button. You can also order via the Details button.
Excelsior Jet jet11.0-pro-x86 For + os + Prices
1 year
Prices in
CurrCon Applet needs Java 1.8 or later to display prices in your local currency.
Windowsos logo
New Upgrade Renew Support
From Excelsior
14% from CMP
From Excelsior
14% from CMP
From Excelsior
14% from CMP
Buy Direct From Excelsior
free trial  free trial  free trial  free trial  free trial  free trial  download
$1200.00 USD $1032.00 USD $300.00 USD $258.00 USD $300.00 USD $258.00 USD buy
$1500.00 USD $1290.00 USD $600.00 USD $516.00 USD $600.00 USD $516.00 USD buy
$2000.00 USD $1720.00 USD $500.00 USD $430.00 USD $500.00 USD $430.00 USD buy
$2500.00 USD $2150.00 USD $1000.00 USD $860.00 USD $1000.00 USD $860.00 USD buy
$3000.00 USD $2580.00 USD $1500.00 USD $1290.00 USD $1500.00 USD $1290.00 USD buy
$4000.00 USD $3440.00 USD $1600.00 USD $1376.00 USD $1600.00 USD $1376.00 USD buy
$4800.00 USD $4128.00 USD $2400.00 USD $2064.00 USD $2400.00 USD $2064.00 USD buy
Excelsior Jet jet11.0-pro-x86 For + os + Prices
1 year
Prices in
CurrCon Applet needs Java 1.8 or later to display prices in your local currency.
Linuxos logo
New Upgrade Renew Support
From Excelsior
14% from CMP
From Excelsior
14% from CMP
From Excelsior
14% from CMP
Buy Direct From Excelsior
free trial  free trial  free trial  free trial  free trial  free trial  download
$1900.00 USD $1634.00 USD $800.00 USD $688.00 USD $800.00 USD $688.00 USD buy
$2200.00 USD $1892.00 USD $1100.00 USD $946.00 USD $1100.00 USD $946.00 USD buy
$2500.00 USD $2150.00 USD $1000.00 USD $860.00 USD $1000.00 USD $860.00 USD buy
$3000.00 USD $2580.00 USD $1500.00 USD $1290.00 USD $1500.00 USD $1290.00 USD buy
$3500.00 USD $3010.00 USD $2000.00 USD $1720.00 USD $2000.00 USD $1720.00 USD buy
$5000.00 USD $4300.00 USD $2600.00 USD $2236.00 USD $2600.00 USD $2236.00 USD buy
$5800.00 USD $4988.00 USD $3400.00 USD $2924.00 USD $3400.00 USD $2924.00 USD buy

How To Get The 14% Discount Canadian Mind Products Price

To get the 14% discount, you have to buy through Canadian Mind Products, namely me, Roedy Green, as a reseller, rather than directly from Excelsior. Send me an email at email feedback to Roedy Green or Canadian Mind Products telling me what you want, including multiples, languages, bundles and combinations not mentioned in the above table, (e.g. CD delivery) and what country you are in. Feel free to ask questions. Browse the Excelsior Jet website to learn about the many options. If you prefer, we can arrange a time to talk by phone. This is a fairly expensive investment and I want to make sure you buy exactly the components you need. I will then give you a precise price quotation in your preferred currency which includes possibly applicable VAT and sales taxes and shipping. Then send me the money, usually via PayPal, which indirectly accepts credit cards and electronic bank transfers. I don’t accept credit cards directly, though there is an unorthodox way to get around that restriction to bypass the PayPal 4.9% fee. I will explain the various payment options and their advantages and disadvanges by email or telephone. I then place a wholesale order have them email the download keys or drop ship you the products that you ordered. If you snail mail me a cheque, I won’t place your order until it has cleared. However, you can use the evaluation version while you are waiting for the registered version to arrive.

In addition, there is a discount if you are a small company or academic institution.

Bulk Discounts
Licenses Saving
2-3 10%
4-5 20%
6 or more 30%

Disadvantages of the 14% Discount

The disadvantages of buying through Canadian Mind Products, namely me, Roedy Green, are:

Advantages of the 14% Discount

The advantages of buying through Canadian Mind Products, namely me, Roedy Green, are:

Technical JET Information


I have been very impressed with the JET people. Even without an official support contract, the JET people have responded quickly and thoroughly to my bug reports and suggestions for improvements. They have provided better service free than most companies provide for hefty fees. I wonder what they do for an encore when you do sign up for support! Optimising compilers are notoriously buggy, yet JET seems to generate flawless code time after time. I have only once encountered any wrong code generated and that was on artificial code intended the stress the JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

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