math entities : Java Glossary


math entities
Here are some entities you may find useful in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) to do mathematics.
Entity Codes for Math Characters in HTML
Char Entity
Char Entity Description
≠ not equal
≈ almost equal to
⇒ Double right arrow, implies
⇏ does not imply
⇔ exchange, double headed arrow
× × times
∧ logical and
∨ logical or
∪ set union
∩ set intersection
⊂ subset of
⊃ superset of
∂ partial derivative
½ ½ 1/2
¼ ¼ 1/4
¾ ¾ 3/4
π π pi
∞ infinity
₀ subscript 0
₁ subscript 1
₂ subscript 2
₃ subscript 3
₄ subscript 4
₅ subscript 5
₆ subscript 6
₇ subscript 7
₈ subscript 8
₉ subscript 9
⁰ superscript 0
¹ ¹ superscript 1
² ² superscript 2
³ ³ superscript 3
⁴ superscript 4
⁵ superscript 5
⁶ superscript 6
⁷ superscript 7
⁸ superscript 8
⁹ superscript 9

Note that the code assignments for superscripts are not contiguous. Presumably this is for compatibility with an earlier encoding that did not have a full superscript set.

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