The circumference of a circle is 2πr where r is the radius.
The area of a circle is πr² where r is the radius.
A complete circle is 2π radians. One radian is about 57.2957795 degrees, measured counterclockwise from due east. Java’s Math.sin and Math.cos etc. work in radians.
45 degrees = π/4 =
.775398 radians.
90 degrees = π/2 =
1.57079 radians.
180 degrees = π =
3.14159 radians.
360 degrees = 2π =
6.28318 radians.
The circumference of the outer curved part of a pie-shaped wedge is θr where θ is the angle in radians and r is the radius.
The area of a pie-shaped wedge is θr²/2 where θ is the angle in radians and r is the radius.
There are two convenience methods for interconverting degress and radians.
// built-in radians <-> degrees methods. public static double toDegrees ( double angleInRadians ); public static double toRadians ( double angleInDegrees );
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