TrueType : Java Glossary


Microsoft’s proprietary scaleable type format. TrueType fonts use the *.ttf extension. It has been replaced with OpenType which combines features of TrueType and Adobe PostScript fonts. However, the bulk of fonts sold for Windows are still old-style TrueType.
Font Support Under Java
Font Type Extension Java version 1.6Windows Java version 1.6Linux Java version 1.6Fedora Old Java Windows Notes
(TrueType internally)
otf High-end fonts for Windows.
(PostScript Adobe CCF (Composite Container Format) internally)
otf High end PostScript fonts. You can detect these by the file signature { 0x4F, 0x54, 0x54, 0x4F } — the string "OTTO", at the head of the file.
TrueType ttf Most common font for Windows.
PostScript pfm/pfb Older style PS fonts. Supported by PostScript printer hardware. Windows itself supports PS fonts, at least with Adobe Type Manager, but Java ignores them.
Bitmap fon Used primarily for small font sizes. Come only a small set of point sizes.
Vector outline fon These are obsolete. Used by Windows without Java.
8-bit fonts any Java needs 16-bit fonts. It won’t use 8-bit fonts directly. Old or specialty 8-bit fonts can be used by stitching them together with a Unicode mapping, a daunting task.
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)fonts svg Vector fonts used in Linux. They tend to be free. Java does not out-the-box support them. Opera 10 beta supports them and allows them to be downloaded with a web page so you can use fonts the viewer does not necessarily already have installed.

AWT (Advanced Windowing Toolkit) will only support the five basic logical fonts, unless you paint on a Canvas, however, oddly under Fedora and AWT you can use up to 82 of your installed fonts. If you try to use more, you get an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. The above information may be incorrect or may become incorrect at any time. Feel free to try any fonts with Java on any platform. The worst that could happen is they won’t work.

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