update : Java Glossary



In the context of Java AWT (Advanced Windowing Toolkit), clear the area for the component to the background colour by doing a fillrect then paint. update calls paint directly. update routines are often overridden to eliminate the fillrect which will reduce flicker.

* turn off background repaint, because we will paint
* the entire region in paint.
* @param g Graphics context on which we paint.
public void update ( Graphics g )
   paint( g );

update does not typically call validate .

Software Updates

update also means to install a more recent version of a program where the newer version is free. This should either be fully automatic or should take at most two clicks:

  1. Find out what updates are available and what they will do.
  2. Confirm it is OK to install them.

Windows dithers about with its updates requiring, count ’em, 6 clicks.

Learning More

Oracle’s Javadoc on update package : available:

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