URL s never automatically armour their parameters, where URI s sometimes do.
If a bug report I got is correct, under some conditions Java version 1.6 URL.openConnection returns null without throwing an IOException.
The term URL can also be an as a verb, as in Please URL me that picture of the Windows Firewall, meaning Please email me the URL of that photograph, in other words email the text: http://mindprod.com/image/jgloss/msfirewall.jpg.
The new URL ( URL, String ) constructor lets you construct a new URL using the original as a context to modify. You do the equivalent thing with URI.resolve( String );
The URL constructor neither encodes nor decodes. It just leaves your blanks as either blanks or as %20, however, you had them.
URLs always use UTF-8 encoding, no matter what the encoding of the enclosing document.
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) : URI Component Parts | ||
http://roedy@www.mindprod.com/products/abc.html?type=all&colour=brown#FOXES | ||
Example Part | URI.method | Name |
http://roedy@www.mindprod.com/products/abc.html?type=all&colour=brown#FOXES | toString | url |
http | getProtocol | protocol, scheme |
roedy@www.mindprod.com | getAuthority | authority |
roedy | getUserInfo | Userinfo, email address |
www.mindprod.com | getHost | host |
http://www.mindprod.com | getProtocol() + ':' getHost() | home page |
mindprod.com | n/a | domain |
80 | getPort | port, nearly always 80 for http. http://localhost:8080 accesses a local Tomcat server. http://localhost:4848 accesses a local Glassfish admin port. |
/products/abc.html | getPath | path, URI : URI. This might be a file or it might be a directory. You can’t tell other than by the hint of a dot in the filename. It might be empty or just a single /. |
/products | n/a | just the directory |
abc.html | n/a | just the file |
html | n/a | just the extension |
type=all&colour=brown | getQuery | query, used in CGI (Common Gateway Interface) queries to pass data to the server. |
/products/abc.html?type=all&colour=brown | getFile | path + query if any. It does not get you the file name! |
FOXES | URL.getRef | ref, fragment, reference, target. Not technically part of the URI. Anchor in document to point to. |
FOXES | URI.getFragment | URI equivalent of URL.getRef. part after #, ref, fragment, reference, target. Not technically part of the URI. Anchor in document to point to. |
CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Radio asked its listeners to visit their website @cbc.ca/radio. At first I thought they had confused email and website addresses, meaning to say http://cbc.ca/radio however, when I typed it into various bowsers (Avant, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Sea Monkey), it worked. It did not work in IE. It is a nice shortcut, chooping 7 letters down to 1. You can’t use it in URLs embedded in HTML.
If you leave the @ or http:// off entirely, it will work on the commmand line of all these browsers.
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