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Books about George W. Bush and elections

Bush Senior’s paedophilic Rapes 9/11 and Afghanistan Tyranny
Skull & Bones Bush’s Record Vaguely Related
Cocaine Use Corruption and Lies John Kerry
Elections Iraq War Links
Bushisms Torture

The 2000 and 2004 Elections

Stupid White Men by Michael Moore
book cover recommend book⇒Stupid White Men…and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation!to book home
by Michael Moore 978-0-06-098726-8 paperback
birth 1954-04-23 age:64 978-0-06-039245-1 hardcover
publisher Harper 978-1-59777-728-5 audio
published 2002-02-19
This is very angry book with tons of documented, little-known facts about:
  • How Bush used all manner of fraud to steal the presidential election, not just the stuff you saw on CNN.
  • How Bush picked the men for his cabinet and their very dirty connections with big oil, big tobacco, big pharmaceuticals and big crime.
  • How racist America still is.
  • How the Republicans steal from the poor to give to rich and lie about it convincingly.
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