Cited Book: Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World

book cover recommend book⇒Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World
by Michael Lewis 978-0-393-34344-1 paperback
birth 1960-10-15 age:57 978-0-393-08181-7 hardcover
publisher W. W. Norton 978-0-393-08224-1 eBook
published 2012-09-04 978-1-4423-4125-8 audio
  B005CRQ2OE kindle
Talks about how investment companies rip off and destroy entire countries. He travels to Iceland to investigate the bubble and in the process tells you all kinds of trivia about what being in Iceland is like. He travels to a Greek monastery to investigate how monks ostensibly dedicated to poverty managed through political finagling to accumulate a huge fortune. He spends more of the book analysing the failure of Ireland’s economy. He has some some what crank stereotype-based theories on how the Germans got in trouble. He colourfully describes meetings with all manner of interesting people, including Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is a Republican. He does not notice it. He spouts Republican cant as if it were universally acknowledged fact.
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