Rendering a Page in an Applet | Launching a Browser on Multi-Platforms |
Launching A Browser in Windows | Launching a Browser in Java 1.6+ |
Launching a Browser on the Mac | Links |
Applet.this.getAppletContext().showDocument( url, window );Your Applet does not get to see the web page. The page goes straight to the browser for rendering. Because this feature can be so easily abused to wallpaper the user’s screen with popups, it is now often blocked.
Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "cmd.exe" );
rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler file:///E|/mindprod/jgloss.htmlwon’t work on the command line because | is reserved as the piping operator, though it will work as an exec parameter passed directly to the rundll32.exe executable.
// spawning Firefox on the Mac Runtime.getRuntime().exec( new String[] { "open", "-a", "", url.toString() });
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J:\mindprod\jgloss\browserlaunching.html | |
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