C# : Java Glossary


Microsoft’s new Java-like language. It has many of the Bali extensions I originally suggested for Java. I am impressed with what I have seen so far. I hope it spurs Sun to make Java more friendly for the application programmer. On the other hand, it is Java without the reliability, productivity and security. Because it interoperates with C++, they had to create loopholes in the safety net.

The advantages Java has over C# include:

book cover recommend book⇒C# for Java Developersto book home
by Allen Jones and Adam Freeman 978-0-7356-1779-7 paperback
publisher Microsoft 978-0-7356-4584-4 eBook
published 2002-08-14 B004OR1XHO kindle
The authors explain the differences without irrelevant proselytising for either. From Microsoft Press.
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C# vs Java
Mono: non-Microsoft C# compiler
Visual C# 2010 Express: Microsoft’ free C# compiler

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