DreamWeaver : Java Glossary

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Introduction Disadvantages
Rendering Books


DreamWeaver CS6 is Adobe’s (neé Macromedia’s) $400.00 USD Last revised/verified: 2012-04-22 DreamWeaver is the tool most professional webdesigners use for editing HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language v 5), especially HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) with embedded JSP (Java Server Pages), PHP (Pre-Hypertext Processor), ASP (Active Server Page), JavaScript or Cold Fusion. It lets you see the HTML tags (in the Code Inspector) and the rendered HTML side by side. You can edit either one and see the changes reflected in the other view.

I don’t know if you can still buy it. They are promoting renting it for $20.00 USD per month, which has the advantage of lower entry cost, you can leave at any time if you are unsatisfied or if you stop using it and you automatically get all updates and you have more clout to get them to fix things. I applaud this development. It will open up DreamWeaver to a much wider user base. They are also pushing a cloud edition. I have not tried it, but this strikes me as as idiotic idea. DreamWeaver is slow enough without adding the overhead of a cloud. The rented edition is cheaper than the cloud edition. The cloud edition might appeal to someone using a very old computer.

There are two catches to signing up for DreamWeaver rental:

This is still better than buying a product with no guarantee it will work with Microsoft’s next OS (Operating System) or your next generation of hardware.


The rendering is crude, nothing like a real browser. Applets and frames just show as blank windows, but images show as the actual image. It does not understand styles on <li. Bullet icons do not show up at all. It shows underlined links, but you can’t click them. It inserts white space that will not appear in a browser rendering. Surely somebody can find a way to write a browser plug-in that lets you click on a spot in the rendering and it moves the cursor into the right place in a text editor. That would give you 90% of the value of Dreamweaver without the expense.

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)

You can for example apply a class to a span of text by highlighting it and right clicking and selecting from on of the predefined styles. The style names show up in the fonts and colours they will render as making selection much more accurate. You can buy it direct from the manufacturer for $399.00 USD . Adobe offers a 30 day free trial to check out if This is suitable for you.

It has a combination of features that make it suitable for both technical and artistic people. You need both to design a good website. There are many features for embedding Ajax, JSP and other programatic tags. I don’t know what might be done to make it support html static macros. It has buttons for composing forms. A large percentage of the support is for Spry, Adobe’s Ajax package.




book cover recommend book⇒Dreamweaver CC: The Missing Manual: Covers 2014 release (Missing Manuals)to book home
by David Sawyer McFarland, Chris Grover 978-1-4919-4720-3 paperback
birth 1938-12-31 age:79 978-1-4919-4866-8 eBook
publisher O’Reilly recommended B00PMIRROW kindle
published 2014-12-06
This teaches you how to use the Cloud version of DreamWeaver.
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Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock. Try looking for it with a bookfinder.
book cover recommend book⇒Dreamweaver CS6: The Missing Manualto book home
by David Sawyer McFarland 978-1-4493-1617-4 paperback
birth 1938-12-31 age:79 978-1-4493-2702-6 eBook
publisher O’Reilly recommended B008K9OI4W kindle
published 2012-07-26
Teaches you how to use the desktop version of DreamWeaver. It covers every feature of DreamWeaver. It has 13 tutorials.
Australian flag abe books anz abe books.ca Canadian flag
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Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock. Try looking for it with a bookfinder.
book cover recommend book⇒Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Digital Classroomto book home
by Jeremy Osborn, AGI Creative Team 978-1-118-12409-3 paperback
publisher Wiley 978-1-118-22482-3 eBook
published 2012-06-13 B00888KOAM kindle
Teaches the desktop edition of Dreamweaver. There is also a cloud version of this book. It is organised as 16 self-paced lessons covering style sheets, dynamic HTML, multimedia and databases.
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Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock. Try looking for it with a bookfinder.

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