installing and repairing Java Web Start : Java Glossary


Java Web Start logo  Installing & Repairing Java Web Start
Your browser is not configured properly for Java Web Start *.jnlp and application/x-java-jnlp-file MIME types! Repair the damage.
Here is how to repair any damage.

You were probably directed to this entry because your Java Web Start Java application installer is not working. There are five likely reasons for that:

  1. You don’t have an up-to-date browser. If you don’t, or don’t know, download one and install it. They are free. Try upgrading your current browser or trying a different one e.g. Firefox, SeaMonkey, Safari, or Avant.
  2. You must have a recent Java installed i.e. JRE  1.8.0_131. If you don’t have it, or don’t know, download and install it now. Java is free. Java Web Start is automatically installed as part of Java.
  3. Repairing possibly damaged Java Web Start Associations of the *.jnlp files (MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) application/x-java-jnlp-file) to be handled by javaws.exe in Windows. These tell windows to hand any *.jnlp Java Web Start files to javaws.exe.
  4. If you got an error message, Bad installation. No jre found in the configuration file. then your deployment files are corrupt. This is easy to fix. At the command line, type javaws.exe -viewer. Then delete all the JWS (Java Web Start) applications. Then launch your apps again.
Installing A Browser Repairing Browser JNLP Association
Installing Java Java Web Start Details
Repairing newer Windows JNLP Association Links
Repairing Older Windows JNLP Association

Repairing The Windows Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32 and W10-64 JNLP (Java Network Launching Protocol) Association

This repair procedure works only for Windows Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32 and W10-64.
  1. Click Start.
  2. Click Control Panel.
  3. Click Programs
  4. Click Default Programs.
  5. Click Associate a file type or protocol with a program.
  6. Click extension jnlp. (If it is missing, reinstall Java and configure your cleaner program to leave the entry alone. You can also try right click run with or an extension associations utility.)
  7. Click change Program.
  8. Select javaws or navigate to C:\Program Files\java\jre1.8.0_131\\bin\javaws.exe
  9. Alternatively, use Creative Elements utility Unfortunately, it is not longer sold.

Repairing The Windows W98, Me, NT, W2K, XP and W2003 JNLP Association

Installing Java should set up this MIME type association for you. If you are non-technical, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling your Java rather than resorting to this repair procedure that works only for Windows W98, Me, NT, W2K, XP and W2003.
  1. Click Start.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Control Panel.
  4. Click Folder Options.
  5. Click File Types.
  6. If you don’t see JNLP, Click new. Type JNLP for the file extension. Click advanced. Select JNLP file for associated file type. Click OK.
  7. Select JNLP.
  8. Click Advanced.
  9. Click open.
  10. Click edit.
  11. Action: should say Open. Application to perform action: should say "C:\Program Files\java\jre1.8.0_131\ \bin\javaws.exe %1". If it doesn’t, fix it.
  12. Uncheck DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange).
  13. Click OK.
  14. Click Set As Default to make Open the default action. Likely Open will be the only action.
  15. Click OK.
  16. Click Close.
  17. Click X in the upper right corner to close.
The associations for *.jar and *.jnlp are fragile. They mysteriously change to obsolete versions, or javaw.exe version without a console or even unrelated programs like Winzip.exe. Using the java.exe -jar myjar.jar syntax in your bat/btm files rather is more robust than myjar.jar. It works even when the associations are corrupted.

Repairing The Browser JNLP MIME Association

How Set up *.jnlp association for Java Web Start in Various Browsers
Last revised/verified: 2008-01-23
Logo Browser What To Do
Opera logo Opera Opera is the only browser to work completely with both local and web based jnlp files. It has the best CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) style sheet support. It is faster than the others, so I recommend it. However, I fully understand it is easier to convince someone to switch wives than browsers. On the other paw I have begged the Opera browser people to make this setup automatic, but they have flatly refused. Here is how you teach Opera to hand off *.jnlp files it finds to Java Web Start, javaws.exe. :
  1. Click Tools ⇒ Preferences ⇒ Advanced ⇒ Downloads.
  2. Check to see if an association for jnlp is already there.
  3. If there is no entry, Click new.
  4. If there is one already, select it and Click edit.
  5. The MIME type should read application/x-java-jnlp-file,
    the file extension should read jnlp
    and open with default application should be selected.
  6. Click OK ⇒ OK.
google chrome logo Google Chrome Chrome is almost hopeless when it comes to Java and Java Web Start. You are best to use some other browser. However, if you persist you can get it work by following this long set of instructions. Unfortunately, Chrome lies to JavaScript about its installed plugins and claims it cannot handle Java Web Start even when it can.
firefox logo Firefox Firefox does not seem to have a way of configuring associations other than selecting download rather than run for a small built-in set. Nevertheless it partly works, at least for jnlp files out on the web. It does not work for ones on local hard disk. It seems to bungle along with Windows associations and MIME type hints from webservers. Firefox will ask you what to do with an extension it has never seen before on download. This gives you an indirect way to set up an automatic association.
SeaMonkey logo SeaMonkey SeaMonkey does not seem to have a way of configuring associations other than selecting download rather than run for a small built-in set. Nevertheless it partly works, at least for jnlp files out on the web. It does not work for ones on local hard disk. It seems to bungle along with Windows associations and MIME type hints from webservers. SeaMonkey will ask you what to do with an extension it has never seen before on download. This gives you an indirect way to set up an automatic association.
Internet Explorer 6 IE (Internet Explorer) 7 To set up the association between *.jnlp files and javaws.exe in Windows which also handles IE:
  1. In Windows, not IE, Click Start ⇒ Settings ⇒ Control Panel ⇒ Folder Options ⇒ File Types.
  2. Check to see if there is already an association for *.jnlp files.
  3. If there is no entry for *.jnlp files already then Click new ⇒ advanced ⇒ select jnlp file
  4. If there is an entry, select it and Click advanced.
  5. Then edit the open application used to perform action field and make sure it is set to " C:\Program Files\java\jre1.8.0_131\ \bin\javaws.exe %1".
  6. Uncheck DDE.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Set As Default to make Open the default action. Likely Open will be the only action.
  9. Click OK ⇒ Close.
Even after all this is done, IE will only half work. It will work with JNLP files loaded off the web, but not ones from local hard disk. This is because webservers provide a MIME type to give IE an extra hint, where the Windows file system provides no MIME types. Techies might want to look at the associations configuration in the registry.
Internet Explorer 6 IE 6 To set up the association between *.jnlp files and javaws.exe in Windows which also handles IE:
  1. In Windows, not IE, Click Start ⇒ Settings ⇒ Control Panel ⇒ Folder Options ⇒ File Types.
  2. Check to see if there is already an association for *.jnlp files.
  3. If there is no entry for *.jnlp files already then Click new ⇒ advanced ⇒ select jnlp file
  4. If there is an entry, select it and Click advanced.
  5. Then edit the open application used to perform action field and make sure it is set to "C:\Program Files\java\jre1.8.0_131\ \bin\javaws.exe %1".
  6. Uncheck DDE.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Set As Default to make Open the default action. Likely Open will be the only action.
  9. Click OK ⇒ Close.
Even after all this is done, IE will only half work. It will work with JNLP files loaded off the web, but not ones from local hard disk. This is because webservers provide a MIME type to give IE an extra hint, where the Windows file system provides no MIME types. Techies might want to look at the associations configuration in the registry.
Safari logo Safari Safari does not have its own MIME /extension settings. It uses whatever is configured in the Windows associations. When you launch a JNLP file from local hard disk, for some idiotic reason, Safari displays the contents of the directory where the JNLP file lives. Just hit enter to get on with the launch.

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