PaintShop Pro : Java Glossary

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PaintShop Pro

Aka PSP. Corel’s, (formerly JASC’s), program for creating *.gif and *.jpg image files. The latest version is 2018 Last revised/verified: 2017-08-08. It is quite a complex tool. The original version was primarily for creating images by painting pixels. The latest version is primarily about doctoring photographs, including removing backgrounds and smoothing skin. If it complains you are out of disk and/or ram space what it really means is you have the print margins set too big. The Corel Community might help. They also have a tutorials section. I upgraded to the Pro X9 version. Oddly, buying it from scratch was cheaper than the upgrade. It comes with all kinds of additional independent programs and add-ons. The basic program itself seems not much changed. The main thing I noticed is the cropping tool is much improved.


Here are few very basic tips to get you started with PSP 7. PSP X9 costs  $64.00 CAD or  $48.00 CAD for and upgrade.

The big improvement in PSP X2 was a background removal tool. It does not do alphachannel and it is not perfect, but it does a fair bit of the bull work. I prefer IconXP for shrinking images since it smooths the edges with anti-aliasing. I now use the third-party Tint Guide tool.


On 2009-04-08 I wrote Corel asking them to make these improvements to PSP.
Corel is somewhat dishonest. I purchased two years of updates on PaintShop Pro X6. To avoid giving them to me, they renamed the next version of PSP to X3 and charged me $70.00 CAD for it. With the upgrade to X8, they did a bait and switch on price. I declined the upgrade.

Background Erasing

PSP by itself is not sufficient for erasing backgrounds. See background elimination for how.

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