Tortoise Subversion : Java Glossary


Tortoise Subversion Tortoise Subversion

Tortoise Subversion 1.9.4 Last revised/verified: 2016-04-29 is a subversion client that works inside Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) letting you do your work with right clicks. It is not quite full-featured, but it is simpler since is uses the familiar directory displays.

gmane.comp.version-control.subversion.tortoisesvn.user is a newsgroup to discuss TortoiseSVN. It is carried free on newsserver You will need a newsreader to access it, not a browser. Unfortunately, has been no traffic on it lately.


Here are the basic TortoiseSVN operations to get set up:

  1. Create the repository at your Subversion Host.
  2. Configure the subversion ⇒ settings → edit subversion configuration file. This a text file containing comments to help you configure it.
  3. Configure your global-ignores.
  4. Configure your auto-props in C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Subversion\config., acessible via right click TortoiseSVN ⇒ Settings ⇒ edit something like this:
  5. Import a directory tree into the repository. As with all version control systems, it takes some experimenting so that when you import a directory or file, it goes where you expect it to in the repository tree. One of the easiest ways to get started is to use the repo-browser, navigate in the repository of the parent of the directory you want to add and select add folder.
  6. Checkout part of the repository, usually to a different spot on disk from where you imported it from. This is where you specifiy the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) (and protocol) of your repository on the server, e.g.
  7. Make a change to some of the checked out files.
  8. Use Update to fetch any recent changes to the repository made by other people. Subversion will attempt to merge your changes with those of other people. You will have to look its attempt over and correct any errors.
  9. Commit the merged changes to record them in the repository.
  10. Add a file, group of files or dir to the repository that are not represented there (perhaps out of date) already.
  11. Commit the add. The files are not copied to the repository until you do the commit of all previous adds in one fell swoop.
  12. Delete a file from the checked out files.
  13. Commit the deletion. This will mark the file as deleted in the repository and it will throw away the previous update history. You won’t be able to get it back with Subversion.
  14. Use the Repo-Browser delete of a file or directory. This will delete all history of this file or directory from the respository.

Global Ignores

The TortoiseSVN client in 100% responsible for deciding what files and directories will be included/excluded from the repository. The server accepts everything. You can specify a set of global excludes, or as Subversion calls them ignores, like this: *.class *.com *.digest *.exe *.jar *.log *.log.html *.lst *.map *.obj *.raw *.ser *.sln *.table *.tmp *.zip */javadoc */jetpdb Debug javadoc jetpdb Release temp.* temp?.* temp?.*. Note how you must specify directories to exclude twice, once with and once without the /. Otherwise, when they are the direct child folder of the import directory they will not match since there is no / in the name. This is the side effect of the way Tortoise does filename pattern matching with regexes rather than wildcards.

You can specify the excludes in the global ignore settings, or in the Subversion configuration file with:
global-ignores = *.class *.com *.digest *.exe *.jar *.log *.log.html *.lst *.map *.obj *.raw *.ser *.sln *.table *.tmp *.zip */javadoc */jetpdb Debug javadoc jetpdb Release temp.* temp?.* temp?.*
or after you have done a checkout, add by right clicking on a file or directory you do not want to include and selecting add to ignore list. Oddly, you can’t make such file-by-file two-click exclusions prior to or during the import. Adding ignores won’t delete any existing files or directory from the repository. It is merely a list of what you want to ignore, not what everyone has to ignore.


TortoiseSVN will create a .svn directory in any directory, or mother of a directory, you have checked out. Don’t delete or modify any of the files in it. It is considerably bigger than the equivalent .cvs directory. In it is a pristine directory tree where it keeps copies of all your versioned files as there were at last checkin but renamed to be unique. It also keeps an SQL (Standard Query Language) databese called wc.db where it tracks what is in all the pristine files and the various properties.



If you accidentally add a file to the repository, you can un-add it if you have not committed yet.

If you want to delete the file on your disk and mark it as deleted in the repository, use SVN delete then commit.

If you want to keep the file on your disk, but no longer track it in the replository, use SVN delete and add to ignore list, then commit.

If you want to delete all record of the file of ever having existing from the repository, find it is the repo-browser and delete it and use delete to delete it from your hard disk.

Advantages of Tortoise Subversion

Disadvantages of Tortoise Subversion

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