image provider

[B] Phone Numbers of Computer Vendors


B&B Electronics(815) 434-0846
B&W Electronics(800) 228-1005
B.A.S.F.(617) 271-4000Tech Support
Back Again/2see Computer Data Strategies
Back-Itsee GTM
Backup Wizsee PCX
Baldwin, Dick
Baler Software(708) 506-1770Tech Support
(708) 506-1808Fax
Bandy(214) 272-5455Cases
(214) 272-5613Fax
Banner Blue(415) 794-6850Tech Support
(510) 794-6850
Banyan(416) 855-2894Fax
(416) 855-2971
Banyan Ottawa(613) 225-0764
(613) 225-4681Fax
Banyan Systems(508) 898-1000
(800) 222-6926
Barnes & Noble
Barr Systems(800) 227-7797
BaseTwo(800) 277-3625orders
Baxter Computer(715) 344-0631wooden cases
Bay Technical Associates(800) 523-2702
BBN Communications(617) 873-2753
(617) 873-8202Fax
BBN Hark Systems(617) 873-3000
BBS Telecom(512) 502-9220
BCH Equipment(800) 237-8121
Beame & Whiteside(416) 648-6556
Beamscope(800) 268-5535
Belden Wire & Cable(317) 983-5200
(317) 983-5294Fax
Belkin Components
makes cables
(213) 329-2236Fax
(213) 515-7585Tech Support
Bell Atlantic(703) 974-1516
Bell Atlantic Network(301) 608-2910
Bellcore(201) 740-3789
(201) 992-5438Fax
(800) 527-1080
BellSouth(404) 529-7733
Below Zero(403) 547-0669OS/2 software
Berk-Tek(717) 354-6200
(717) 354-7944Fax
Berkeley Speech Technologies(510) 841-5083
Bernoullisee Iomega
Best Data Products(800) 632-2378Voice
Best Power Technology(800) 356-5794
BICC Communications(508) 832-8650Voice
(508) 832-8689Fax
(508) 898-2422Voice
(800) 447-6526Voice
Bicom(203) 268-4484
Big Sky(619) 496-2100
Bigfoot EMAIL directory
Biscom(508) 250-1800
Bitstream(617) 354-7954Tech Support
(617) 497-6222Voice
(617) 497-7514Tech Support
makes large file downloader.
BittWare Research Systems(800) 848-0436
Black Box(412) 746-0746Fax Easy division
(412) 746-5500Easy division (reseller)
(412) 746-5565tech support
(800) 231-3222Eazy division
(800) 321-0746
Black Ice Software(603) 673-1019
Blaise Computing(415) 540-1938
Blaser Industries(213) 322-3399laser printers
(800) 642-7771
Bloc Development(305) 531-2376Tech Support
(305) 567-9931Voice
BLOC Publishing(305) 445-0903sales and administration
(305) 445-6304Tech Support
(305) 567-1516Fax
Blue Line Communications(714) 999-2441
Blyth Software(415) 571-0222Voice
(415) 571-1132Fax
(415) 572-4722Tech Support
(800) 346-6647
BMC Group(404) 923-8602
BMT Micro
Boca Research(407) 241-8088Tech Support
(407) 997-6227Voice
Bogen Communications(201) 934-8500
BookFindersmakes find out of print books
(702) 828-5164
Boot-It NG
makes partition manager.
Borlandalso dBase
also Delphi
also ReportSmith
(408) 431-1000
(408) 431-4122Fax
(408) 431-5250Automated voice
(408) 431-9060dBASE for DOS
(408) 438-3623Fax
(408) 438-5300Tech Support
(408) 438-8400Voice
(408) 461-9110dBASE for Windows
(408) 461-9166Paradox for Windows
(408) 461-9177Up and Running Pascal/Turbo Pas
(408) 461-9199Up and Running Office
(408) 466-9155Paradox for DOS
(408) 469-1133Up and Running C++/Turbo C++
(800) 285-1118dBase credit card Windows
(800) 331-0877CDs such as KnowledgeBase
(800) 344-2266credit card help Pascal/Turbo P
(800) 368 3366credit card C++ DOS
(800) 368-9222dBase credit card DOS
(800) 437-8884credit card C++ for OS/2
(800) 523-7070order personal or professional
(800) 524-8420Automated voice
(800) 550-4888incident reports InterBase
(800) 636-7778order developer or help desk as
(800) 782-5558credit card C++ Windows
(800) 822-4269FAXBACK
(800) 839-9777incident reports Client/Server
(900) 555-1000Paradox for DOS
(900) 555-1002C++/Turbo C++ Windows
(900) 555-1003dBASE for DOS
(900) 555-1004C++/Turbo C++ DOS
(900) 555-1005C++ for OS/2
(900) 555-1006Paradox for Windows
(900) 555-1007Pascal/Turbo Pascal
(900) 555-1009dBASE for Windows
Boston Technology(617) 246-9000
Bourbaki (WonderPlus - 1dir+)(208) 342-5849Voice
Box Turtle Softwaresee Computer Data Strategies
Brand-Rex Telecomm(203) 423-7783
(508) 842-7300
Bransch Data AB
Bravadosee Truevision
Bravo Communications(800) 366-0297
Bremer Enterprises(308) 382-1011
Briefsee Solution Systems
Brightbill(315) 474-3400Tech Support
Brightwork(800) 645-1123
(908) 530-0622Fax
Brightwork Development(908) 530-0440
Brite Voice Systems(316) 652-6500
British Telecom Visual Images(708) 292-4469
Brock Telecom(613) 342-6621
Broderbund(415) 492-3200Voice
(415) 492-3500Tech Support
Brooktree(303) 494-4484
Brooktrout Technology(617) 449-4100
Brother(800) 284-4357
Brother International(201) 981-0300printers
Brother Intl, Montreal(514) 685-0600
Brother Intl,Montreal(514) 685-0700Fax
Brown Waugh Publishing(408) 378-3838
BT Tymnetsee MCI
BTI(800) 849-2100
Buffalo Audiotex(914) 674-9300
Bull(800) 233-2855Open Systems
Bull HN Information Systems(508) 250-9237printers
Bureau of Electronic Publishing(201) 808-2676Fax
(201) 808-2700
(800) 828-4766
Burr-Brown(602) 623-9801
Burroughssee Unisys
Burton Systems Software
(919) 481-0149
(919) 481-3787Fax
Bus Toastersee New Media Technology
Business Communication Systems(303) 756-0212
Business Link(401) 232-7030
BusinessWare(714) 248-1987Fax
(714) 248-5689
(800) 797-1988Orders
BusLogic(408) 492-9090
Bustek(408) 259-6237Tech Support
BusTelsee Canadian Mind Products
Buttonware(206) 454-0479Tech Support
(206) 454-1838Fax
(800) 528-8866order line
Byte Runner Technologies(423) 675-3458Fax
(423) 966-0058
(800) 274-7897Multi-io ports,2 parallel

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