image provider

[I] Phone Numbers of Computer Vendors


I-BUS PC Technologies(619) 974-8400
I3C(415) 571-9456
Ibex Technologies(916) 621-4342
IBMalso Lexmark
(303) 924-4015Part Numbers, Boulder, CO
(303) 924-4100Order & Prices, nondealer
(407) 982-6408Developer Assistance
(416) 296-8888Voice Canada
(416) 443-4212Canada OS/2 developer
(514) 938-6638Canada manuals
(800) 237-5511Software Support Center
(800) 241-1620Multimedia HelpCenter
(800) 342-6672OS/2 & PC DOS Order Center
(800) 426-1774General Information
(800) 426-3333General Information
(800) 426-4211
(800) 426-4329Fax Information Service
(800) 426-6063Fax
(800) 426-6676x990 Open Systems
(800) 426-7282PS/2 Doc�s
(800) 426-7378PC Service
(800) 426-7763MCA Card ID�s
(800) 426-8322Education Customer Info
(800) 442-6329FAXBACK
(800) 465-2222Support Number Canada
(800) 469-6666Tech Support Canada
(800) 494-3044OS/2 non-Warp
(800) 551-3579AntiVirus for OS/2 and DO
(800) 633-8266OS/2 Development Tools
(800) 879-2755Publications Ordering
(800) 887-7771Ultimedia Tools Service
(800) 937-3737Dealer Education
(800) 992-4777Software Solutions Services
(914) 642-4654Tech SupportStorage Products
(914) 765-1900Voice Network Bridges
IBM MWave Div(919) 254-9040
IBM PC Direct(800) 426-3473IBM�s ordering service
IBM/Mwave Multimedia Products(919) 543-4596
IBSI(800) 383-2147
ICON project(602) 621-8448
Icon XP
makes icon/png editor.
makes icon/png editor and icon manager.
IDD(415) 680-6818Tech Support
Idea Associates(508) 663-8851Fax
(800) 446-5280Tech Support
Idek/Iiyama North America(215) 957-6543monitors
(215) 957-6551Fax
Identica(800) 288-8273parallel port tape
Identity Systems Tech(214) 235-3330
IEEE standards(800) 678-4333
(908) 981-9667Fax
IEX(214) 301-1300
Ikegami Electronics(201) 368-9171monitors
(201) 569-1626Fax
Image & Signal Processing(714) 970-0700
Image Communications(201) 935-8880
Image Systems(612) 935-1171monitors
(612) 935-1386Fax
(800) 462-4376monitors
Imagen(408) 986-9400laser printers
ImageTech(313) 353-7900Voice
(313) 353-8444Fax
Imavox(408) 736-3500
IMC Information Mgt(908) 417-9770
IMEG(606) 271-0017
Imex Networks(214) 424-4848
Immix Telecom(305) 968-5725
IMP(408) 434-1281
Imprimissee Seagate
IMSI(415) 454-7101
In-Flight Phone(708) 573-2660
In-Gate Technology(408) 736-9090
In-Net(619) 487-3693Voice
(619) 487-3697Fax
(800) 283-3334Voice
Incite(214) 447-8473
Incomm Data Systems(800) 346-2660
Incotel(212) 594-8340
(919) 878-7479Fax, OS/2 products
Individual Software(415) 595-8855Tech Support
Industrial Computer Solutions(201) 839-3300
Industrial Computer Source(800) 523-2320
Industrial CPU Systems(714) 957-2815
Indyme Electronics(619) 268-0717
Infinite Solutions(408) 986-1686
Info Chip Systems(408) 727-0514Voice
(408) 727-4190Fax
(800) 447-0250Tech Support
Info Systems(416) 665-7638Computer Telephony
(800) 825-5435
Infocon(905) 672-9227??
InfoGatewayssee Information Gateways
InfoGoldsee American Multisystems
Infologue(610) 701-7002Computer Telephony
Informant Technologies(800) 877-9018
Information Builders(212) 736-6130Tech Support
(212) 967-6406Fax
Information Bullders(416) 364-0667Tech Support
(416) 364-2760Voice
Information Gateways(703) 760-0000Computer Telephony
Information Modes(817) 387-3339
Information Transfer Systems(713) 465-3884
Informix Software(416) 283-2287Canada
(416) 566-7024Voice
(416) 566-7036Fax
(800) 331-1763Open Systems
(913) 492-2086SmartWare Tech Support
Infoscribe(703) 689-2805printers
(800) 233-4442
Infosphere(503) 226-1407Tech Support
(503) 226-3620Voice
InfraLink Datentechnik GmbH
Inly Systems International(613) 744-8307
Inmac(800) 547-5444
Innings Telecom(905) 470-7070
Innovative Business Software(214) 444-4204
Innovative Data Concepts(215) 443-9611Tech Support
(215) 443-9705voice
(215) 443-9753Fax
(800) 926-4551Orders
Innovative Integration(818) 865-6150
Innovative Telecom(603) 889-8411
Innovative Telecom Group(603) 598-5503 x 2121
Inova(800) 637-1077
Inset Sytems(203) 740-2400
(203) 775-5634Fax
(203) 775-5866
(800) 828-8088tech support
Insight(415) 652-4115Voice
(415) 652-5550Tech Support
(415) 652-9857Fax
Insight Direct(602) 902-1023
Insignia Software(408) 522-7600Tech Support
Insite Peripherals(408) 946-4403Fax
(408) 946-8080Tech Support
Instant Information(503) 692-9711
Institute For Foreign Study
Intaxamation(800) 329-4632
Intecolor(404) 623-9145
InteCom(800) 468-3266
Integrated Business Systems(217) 546-8828
Integrated Information Tech(408) 727-1885
Integrated Motions(510) 527-5810
Integrated Systems(408) 980-1500
Integrated Workstations(408) 923-0301
Integrity Technology(408) 262-8640
makes cpu chips,motherboards
(408) 765-8080
(503) 264-1273
(503) 681-8080Voice
(503) 696-8080
(800) 538-3373motherboards
(800) 538-3373PC enhancement products
(800) 548-4725manuals in Canada/USA
(800) 628-8686
Intel Corp(503) 629-7402
Intellicall(214) 416-0022
Intellicode Softwaremakes Intellisale
makes Intellitrack
(408) 629-3465Fax & voice
(800) 252-3130Voice
Intellicom(800) 992-2882Voice
(818) 407-3900Voice
(818) 882-2404Fax
Intelliconsee Connect Tech
Intelligence Technology(214) 250-4277
Intelligent Comp. Technology(404) 441-9077Computer Telephony
Intelligent Computer Technology(800) 441-9077
Intelligent Instruments(408) 734-4424
Intelligent Network Systems(214) 772-3200
Intelligent Technologies(501) 536-4487
IntelliJ Idea
makes IDE for composing Java programs.
Intellisalesee Intellicode Software
Intellitracksee Intellicode Software
Intellivoice Communications(404) 816-3535
Inter-Tel(602) 940-2152
Interact(214) 437-1888
(800) 242-8649
Interactive (Kodak)(800) 346-7111
Interactive Communications(719) 444-0554
Interactive Design Environments(416) 336-8954
Interactive Media Solutions(516) 294-5757
Interactive Northwest(503) 598-1304
Interactive Products(503) 341-4964
Interactive Telecom Network(818) 501-4486
Interactive Ventures(408) 372-9260Mayo Clinic cd-rom
Intercom Group(303) 745-9980
InterCon(703) 709-5500TCP/Connect II, NFS/Share
(703) 709-5555Fax
InterCon Systems(703) 709-9896Fax
Interface Alternative(908) 545-2600
InterFAX Systems(613) 726-8888
(613) 820-3213Fax
Intergraph(205) 730-2000
(205) 730-5384Fax
(800) 345-4856
Interlax. 83 James Ave(415) 323-4053
Interleaf(617) 290-0710
(617) 290-4943
(800) 688-5151
Interlogic Industries(516) 420-8111
Intermetrics(617) 661-1840
International Information Sys(702) 857-8585
International Power(801) 224-4828
International Power Machines(214) 205-1520
International Standards Organisation
International Telesystems
International Voice Exchange(801) 486-9922
Internet Communications(800) 866-9899
Internet Express(800) 592-1240customer service
InternetiX(301) 420-4395Fax
(301) 420-7900
Internicsee Network Solutions
Interop(415) 949-1779Fax
(415) 962-2522
Interphase(214) 919-9000Tech Support
(214) 919-9200Fax
Interpreter(303) 431-8991parallel port tape
InterVoice(214) 454-8862
Interwest Communications(310) 458-6358
Intl Parallel Stream(800) 950-9327parallel port tape
Intuisys(301) 774-8102
makes Quickbooks, Quicken
(415) 322-0573Tech Support
(415) 322-1597Fax
(800) 624-8742Voice
Investment Intelligence Systems
InVision Systems(800) 847-1662
Iomega(800) 777-4123Tech Support Canada
(800) 777-6618
(801) 778-1000Voice
Ion Technology(408) 356-6551??
IOTestsee PowerQuest
IQ Engineering(800) 765-4668
IQ Technology(206) 451-0232Tech Support
Irmasee DCA
Irwin Magnetics(313) 930-9000Voice
(313) 930-9036Tech Support
(313) 995-3582
(313) 995-8287Fax
(800) 348-6242Tech Support
(800) 421-1879Sales Information
iSBiSTER International(214) 495-6724Business / Tech
ISC(703) 883-0933??
ISD(514) 322-4242
ISDN Systems(703) 883-0933
(703) 883-0933??
ISDN Technologies(415) 960-1025
Ishi Press International(408) 944-9110Fax
(408) 944-9900Go game
ISICAD(514) 954-9773Canada
(514) 954-9775Fax Canada
Island Software(415) 884-4400
(415) 884-4500Fax
(800) 255-4499
Island Systems(617) 273-0421Voice
(617) 933-1152Fax
Isobarsee Tripplite
Isocor(310) 476-2671
IT Research(612) 927-4160
ITC Labs(203) 873-1451
Ithaca Street Software(303) 494-7802Fax
(303) 494-8865Voice
ITI Logiciel(514) 835-3124
Itohsee C.I.E.
ITS(800) 999-9487
ITT PowerSystems(602) 741-0142Fax
(602) 741-2892Tech Support
(800) 348-8797Voice
ITV Technologies(813) 527-2418
ITV Telecom(813) 975-0564
ITW Linx(708) 952-0180
IVA(214) 924-2310
IVC(919) 481-1353
IVR Communications(408) 356-0216
IVS(203) 288-4662Computer Telephony
Iwatsu America(201) 935-8580
IXI (X desktop GUI)(800) 933-7557
Ixthos(301) 572-6700

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