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Israel Quotes by Roedy

Quotations are selected from this pool (and other quotation pools) in a pseudorandom way every hour and inserted at the top and bottom of some of the major pages on this website. Feel free to copy any of these quotes and paste them for whatever purpose you please, including on your own website, blog, social media page or forum debate posts.

Abandonment of Rule Of Law

Both Israel and the USA have abandoned the rule of law. Israel imprisons people for up to six months without charge and without evidence. The USA allows indefinite secret detention without charge and without evidence. Yet both nations have the gall to condemn others for civil rights abuses.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Acknowledging Atrocities

I heard Dr. Gabor Maté talk about treating drug addiction and the other psychological problems of native Canadians. He explained they escape to drugs in a desperate attempt to avoid psychological pain. The whole society is still reeling from the blow we whites gave it when we invaded North America and set up an apartheid system, one the South Africans later copied from Canada. Abuse perpetuates through the generations. Yet for two centuries we whites clamed the indigenous peoples were the villains in this drama. We accused them of the very crimes we had perpetuated on them. Israel has a similar, but much younger, problem. It may take them another couple of centuries before they can acknowledge the atrocities they committed against the Palestinians.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Acknowledging Illegitimacy as Legitimate

I think the Israelis have quite a bit of cheek to complain the Palestinians won’t acknowledge the legitimacy of the state of Israel when it was formed via an illegal invasion and when the Israelis in turn refuse to acknowledge the right of Palestinians to live, much less have their own country.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Acknowledging the Illegitimate

Imagine Hitler had won WWII (World War II). He would likely have sent hundreds of thousands of German citizens to colonise occupied Poland. They would confiscate the property and lands of the Poles and give it to God’s People, the Germans. They would rename the country Freienland and set up an apartheid system. The poles might continue to resist even 60 years later. The Germans would call them terrorists and barbarians for refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of German rule. America, Britain and Canada would side with the Germans, not because the Germans had a better legal claim on the territory, but because Germany was more important economically.

This is also what happened in Israel. Jews illegally invaded and occupied Palestine, and now the world sides with the Jewish invaders.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Aid To Israel

The United States gives $4 billion each year for Israel’s apartheid system. But Israel is a theocracy. The US constitution is supposed to block the US government from giving money to any church, including Israel.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Alternative Homeland

It would be wonderful if the Jews had a homeland where they could be safe and enjoy religious freedom. Stealing the land from the Palestinians and killing them was not a morally acceptable or sane way to accomplish this. I suggest instead they move to the USA and give Palestine back to the Palestinians. The USA is prosperous and welcoming and has a long history of religious freedom and a thriving Jewish community second only to Israel.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Alternative to War

Israeli Jews sick of war are moving to St. John New Brunswick, Canada to join the Jewish community there. It is welcoming, verdant and safe.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

American Dog In Israel Fight

A lasting peace has to be a fair peace. Americans can’t broker a peace because they have a large dog in the fight, namely making come true various biblical prophesies. American fundamentalists, for example, want to demolish the second holiest Islamic shrine in the world, Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah, known by Christians as the Dome of the Rock. It has been there for 1,327 years. You can imagine how unwelcome that would be to the Muslims not to mention the world’s architecture buffs.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

America’s Interests In the Middle East

From the point of view of people living in the middle east, the west has only two interests in the middle east:

  1. Promoting Israel’s interests.
  2. Acquiring oil.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Approve of Everything I Do

Israelis behave like petulant girl friends who demand we approve of everything they do, including outrageously bad behaviour, or else that is proof we have betrayed their friendship.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The arrogance of Israel never ceases to amaze me. Israel sent soldiers into Egypt to eject potential illegal African immigrants back to their countries of origin. Could you imagine the fuss if Americans sent soldiers, uninvited, into Mexico to discourage illegal immigrants?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Asking Too Much of the Palestinians

I think Americans underestimate how much they are asking from the Palestinians. To them, the star of David represents ultimate evil, much as the Swastika does for us. The people of the star illegally invaded and kept them in subjugation and apartheid for 69 years. Asking them to accept Israel as legitimate would be like asking the Poles to declare Hitler’s invasion as legitimate.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The Israelis announced they are freeing 1000 Palestinian captives on 2011-10-16 in return for the Palestinians freeing one Israeli captive. What are we to make of this?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Being Invaded by Jews

Imagine a group of Mormons knocked at your door and evicted you at gunpoint. They explained that the prophet Joseph Smith had given them title to your house. You might consider fighting them off at gunpoint.

Jews seem to have no idea how unreasonable and crazy they are being to invade Palestine and expect the Palestinians to leave quietly.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Biased Facts

When I look at the history of who is mistreating whom, it seems to me Israel is about 95% to blame for the conflict with the Palestinians. Yet others tell me it is 100% the Palestinians’ fault. Are we drawing different conclusions from the same facts or are we looking at different facts? I suspect most people get all their information from the Israelis or from American media, which is pretty much the same thing. It could also be a religious bias. Many Christians share the same nutty beliefs as Israelis about the Jews being God’s chosen people with special privilege to confiscate other people’s real estate. That ought to be as reprehensible as subscribing to Hitler’s master race theory, but in America it is quite respectable.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Big Fence

Israel grants asylum to only 1% of the people who qualify. This is the lowest percentage of any developed country.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

A Bit Thick

Obama criticised Israel for attacking Gaza. This is a bit thick since the USA provided the weapons to do it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Blockade Anyone?

The USA blockaded Cuba back in 1962. Israel blockaded Gaza starting in 2007-06. I wonder how the USA or Israel would react if some country illegally blockaded them?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Both Sides Must Win

Jimmy Carter pointed out that Unless both sides win, no agreement can be permanent. Then why are Americans trying to impose a settlement in Israel where the Jews get everything and Palestinians nothing, especially when it is the Jews who invaded and occupied illegally?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Breaking Promises

Israel promised it would not allow any more settlements in the occupied territories. Then it went right ahead and tripled them. What outrageous, arrogant, bastards! No wonder the Palestinians can barely restrain themselves from murdering them all.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bully and Cheat

From the beginning there has been such an imbalance of power with the USA and the Israelis ganging up on the Palestinians, the temptation to bully and cheat has been irresistible. The Israelis get a deep joy out of breaking their word, just because they can get away with it. It is a way of thumbing their noses at the Palestinians. It is a way of humiliating them. It the school yard bullies writ large.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Bully Orthodox Jews

Orthodox Jews in Israel are bullies, forcing their nutty religious beliefs on everyone else, forcing shopkeepers to dress up in 19th century garb, give up their cars on the sabbath, go without movie theatres… Orthodox Jews are free to live their lives as they see fit, but they have no right to force others to follow their religious practices. I hope the Israelis have the gumption to tell these religious Nazis where to get off. Orthodox Jews more than anyone should understand how intolerable it is when others interfere in your religious life.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Canada vs Israel Land Claims

300 years ago Europeans came to what is now Canada and killed the people living there and took their lands. It never occurred to anyone at the time there was anything wrong with this. However, even though ancestors of the people killed comprise only 4% of the population, the people of Canada have apologised with various compensations including giving back half the land.

Compare that with Israel. In contrast 69 years they invaded and occupied Palestine. They did know better this time. They had just come away from hanging Nazis for the crime of aiding and abetting an aggressive war (the same type as the invasion of Palestine). Further, the UN (United Nations) signatory treaty forbade it. Not only have they refused to return any land, they are bit by bit taking it all. What a nation of greedy, selfish, lying bastards! I would be so ashamed to be Israeli, I would have to renounce my citizenship.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) and Israel

During the Harper era, the CBC was heavily biased toward Israel. I assumed Harper was leaning on the CBC, but I discovered even during the later Trudeau era, the CBC acts as a dishonest propaganda organ, pumping out pro-Israel propaganda. What are the problems?

When a court mediates a dispute, it should treat both sides fairly and equally. The US and Canada refuse to do that. They grossly favour Israel because that side contributes more to political parties in North America.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Chastising Just One Side

On 2012-11-17 Stephen Harper quite properly chastised Hamas for firing rockets into Israel. However, he has never once in his entire reign chastised Israel when it attacked Palestinians. He never once acknowledged the Israelis invaded and occupied Palestine in 1948.

If you are a parent trying to stop your kids from squabbling, you must chastise them both. You can’t pretend not to notice any of the wrongdoings of just one of them. That sort of favouritism is unfair and further it stimulates even more fighting. It gives both of them additional motive to continue the fight.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Christian Fantasy About Jews

American Christian fundamentalists love Jews the same way a plump French chef loves a chicken. They want them to be actors in their end-of-the-world fantasy. At once point in the pageant, the Jews in Israel are all supposed to give up their faith and become Christians. Just as a chicken might be a suspicious of a gift of grain from the chef, Israelis should be suspicious of gifts of money from the American fundamentalists.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Israel, via the USA, threatened Iran to get it to give up nuclear electric power. Israel was afraid Iran might some day acquire nukes. This is ironic because:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Comparative wickedness

A pundit on the CBC tried to convince me that Hamas killing two Israeli civilians was a much more serious crime than Israel killing 700 Palestinian civilians. Why? Because Hamas intends to kill all Israelis, but Israel kills only in error. If an action results in death of civilians and you repeat it, you will kill still more civilians. You cannot claim innocence. We cannot know the minds of the combatants, but we can know the fruits of their actions.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Conceit in Common

It is no surprise that the USA and Israel are such tight allies — they both share the same character flaw, namely monumental conceit. Each have been seduced by their religions to believe they are better than everyone else and that they are God’s chosen people. This creates an odious sense of entitlement. The Jews believe it gave them the right to confiscate the lands of the Palestinians. The Americans believe it gave them the right to plunder Iraq’s oil. Both believe it gives them the right to pre-emptively strike their enemies, based purely on a paranoid hunch that their enemies might some day attack. It makes them label their victims who resist their thieving not as opponents, or the resistance, but as criminals and terrorists. Both have such a ridiculously high opinion of themselves that they truly believe anyone who does not roll over and give them exactly what they want has committed a crime. The amusing thing is none of them are in the least aware they are suffering from an absurd delusion.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Concentration Fosters Delusion

One problem with concentrating so many Jews in Israel is they start to believe their own religious bullshit, e.g. that they are the master race (aka god’s chosen people) or that their god gives them legal title to other people’s land.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


It seems so odd that the people who invented wildly happy Klesmer music, the sensuous perfection of the smoked meat sandwich, the delight of the Apfel strudel and, of course, the bagel’s perfect texture, who suffered under centuries of extreme abuse culminating in Hitler’s death camps could be so obstinate, unfeeling and cruel to the Palestinians they conquered.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Counting the Dead

One of the blocks to peace in the middle east is the odd way Israelis have of counting the dead. Palestinians killed by Israeli soldiers with bulldozers, tanks, bombs, rifles etc. count 0. Israeli civilians killed by suicide bombs count double. No wonder Jews are convinced they are innocent victims, receiving terrible, completely irrational hatred similar to the treatment their grandparents received in Nazi Germany. The system probably derives from Rabbi Ya’acov Perin’s assertion that one million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail, echoed by Ehud Olmert when he asserted Israeli lives are worth more than Palestinian ones. This is an odd thing for a politician to say about his constituency. If you count in a straight-forward way, 28 Palestinians are killed for every Jew.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Crazy Jewish Propaganda

One way to understand the middle east conflict is to recall that Zionists invaded Palestine on 1948-05-14. The war has been waging ever since, for 69 years and 11 months. The Zionists believe they had Yahweh-granted title to the Palestinians’ land. I have argued elsewhere why this claim is utterly bogus, even if you accept the Old Testament as authorative. The Zionists also believe the war was soon over and they won and thus the Palestinians should meekly accept their subjugated status and do what the master race (aka god’s chosen people) tell them to. The Palestinians understandably find the invaders insufferably high handed and they are not about to surrender to such unjust treatment. Under apartheid they are effectively slaves. They have nothing to gain by further surrender. The Zionists have swallowed their own propaganda (In Israel, as in the USA, deaths of Palestinians at Zionist hands are not reported) so they feel surprised and hurt when the Palestinians attack them, even though Zionists slaughter twenty times as many Palestinians. In this protected view, it is how dare these vermin assault one of god’s chosen perfectly innocent people!

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Criticism ≠ Antisemitism

Stephen Harper dishonestly equates criticising the government of Israel with anti-Semitism. Making disparaging comments about all Jews is anti-Semitism. It is not bigotry to criticise the actions of any individual or any government. The degree of Jewishness is irrelevant. It makes no sense to disparage all Jews because they are all different. It is valid to criticise the government of Israel because it has a single coherent set of policies, just like any other government. Bigotry is about making broad over-generalisations ignoring the details of the case at hand.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Defending Israel

The Israelis have behaved so badly for the last 69 years, about the only way you can defend what they have done is by jumping up and down and shouting anti-Semite!.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Defensive Weapons

Defensive weapons are not nearly as ethical as most people think. For example, Israel uses its Iron Dome defenses to rain death on the Palestinians without retaliatory consequence. Such weapons encourage aggression.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Definition of Insanity

Prime Minister Netanyhu of Israel, Barack Obama and their predecessors have tried the same policies over and over and over without success to create peace is Palestine, each time expecting a different results. I guess they have not heard that is the definition of insanity.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Definition of Zionist

Zionists are a motley collection of Israelis, Americans, Christian fundamentalists and Jews who applaud the invasion of Palestine, the appropriation of land from the Palestinians and the expulsion of the Palestinians. The Jews are people who follow an ancient religion, with bizarre customs, one of the great cuisines, creators of several entire genres of music and a genre of humour. I consider Zionists among the most reprehensible people on the planet. They lie, steal and murder, claiming their acts are holy. When someone calls them on their bad behaviour they claim anti-Semitism. Jews in general have nothing to do with these crimes. The Zionists know perfectly well the complaints are about their behaviour, not about religious practices which hurt no one.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Destruction of Israel

If Israel’s enemies destroy it, I will not mourn. They will have more than deserved their fate. Why am I so callous?

  1. In 1948, unprovoked they invaded Palestine and stole their land. This was just as evil as Hitler invading Poland. In 1946, when the UN was formed, all the world’s borders were frozen. The Palestinians are right. Israel does not have a legal right to exist.
  2. They set up an apartheid system and oppressed and killed Palestinians.
  3. They violated UN treaties and agreements, stealing more and more land.
  4. They illegally developed nuclear weapons and refused inspection.
  5. They blocked all attempts at partition.
  6. Even though Israel has a balanced budget, they suck up nearly all of America’s foreign aid budget, diverting it from much more deserving countries.
  7. In the conflict, for every Jew killed, 28 Palestinians are killed, yet the Israelis play innocent victim.

The fools will all but wipe Judaism from the earth by putting all Jews is one vulnerable basket. For them to survive indefinitely, they need to spread out. The best thing that could happen is for a mass exodus of Jews to places where they would be welcome, like the USA and Canada, and give Palestine back to the Palestinians, ideally with reparations.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Disgraceful Jews

The Jews who claim title to the land of Israel are as insane people who claim title to an occupied house on the grounds distant relatives lived there over a hundred years ago. Ashkenazy Jews claim title on the grounds of Sephardic Jewish occupation. Over twenty groups of people have occupied Isreael since then. The Jewish title is utterly void. They enforced it with artillery and an illegal invasion. To make the seizure even more shameful, the Jews subject the Palestinians to apartheid. If I were Jewish, I would deconvert in shame. Jews seem to think because they have suffered so badly, they have a licence to maltreat others.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Distant Enemies

Normally only superpowers pick fights with countries who are not their immediate neighbours. You have to cross four borders to get from Israel to Iran, a country Israel likes to threaten with nukes.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Don’t Call an Occupation an Occupation

A pro peace commentator on the CBC suggested there would never be peace in Israel unless the Palestinians stopped using the phrase Israeli occupation of Palestine. He wants them to forgive and forget that they were invaded and continue to be occupied. This so Orwellian, trying to manipulate and exploit by rewriting history.

This reminds me of Canada’s previous attitude to First Nations [aboriginal] people. Back then Canadian schools taught that the Europeans settled Canada. They did not invade it. Both in Canada and the USA, but more in the USA, a handful of renegades made vicious unprovoked attacks on settlers. The first nations people were savages whom the Europeans gradually enlightened. First nations children were taken from their parents, taught in residential schools, denied contact with their families, punished for speaking their native languages, physically and sexually abused and indoctrinated in white culture and, of course, taught nothing of their history.

Unlike Israel, Canada had a change of heart and now apologizes for the behaviour of our white ancestors and our politicians. It pays compensation and land settlements to help rectify the legacy of their bigotry, cruelty and greed. I just wish Israel could grow up faster than Canada did.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Drying of the Dead Sea

120,000 years ago the Dead Sea dried up entirely. Today from man diverting fresh water away from the Dead Sea, its level is rapidly dropping. Without the Dead Sea, the area will be much more arid than in it now. The bone the Israelis and Palestinians fight over may become useless.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Eggs in One Basket

After centuries of abuse and attempts at extinction, you would think Jews would be aware of the danger of putting all their eggs in one basket, i.e. congregating in Israel where a nuke or two could wipe them out.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Eternally Indefensible

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said that the 1967 borders are indefensible He wants a buffer around Israel. Let’s say he got it. That too would be indefensible since the new borders would also bump up against Arab territory. He would insist on defending the entire expanded territory. This is a bogus argument.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Fear of Doing the Right Thing

The Israelis have a tiger by the tail. They are afraid to let Palestinians go, claiming the Palestinians will then be in a better position to attack them. (I find this excuse bogus. It is a lot easier to attack a town from within the castle walls that without. The Israelis are just stalling, sneaking by more illegal settlement encroachments.) Yet the longer the Israelis hold the Palestinians in bondage, the angrier the Palestinians get. The Israelis are apparently well aware of the hideous things they did to the Palestinians starting back in 1948, though they rarely admit it. Perhaps they are imagining what they would do in the Palestinian position, e.g. nuke Israel. In Jewish mythology, Moses lead his people from bondage even though Pharaoh did not want them to leave. Surely the Palestinians have served long enough in bondage to the Israelis. Let my people go! applies both to Jews and Palestinians. The Jews have no right to interfere with the freedom of Palestinians. Jews have no more standing than the slave owners had over letting the slaves go.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Fear of Sharks

People are terrified of sharks. Sharks killed one person in the last year and people killed 100 million sharks. People feel vicitimised by sharks. This same strange logic infects Israelis over their fear of Palestinians and Americans of Muslims.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

First Nations = Palestinians

The European settlers drove the indigenous Americans off their land. They set up an apartheid system. They held racist notions that made them see themselves as the victims. This reminds me of what happened in Israel, except that what happened in Israel was illegal, not just immoral. Canada decided to make restitution with formal apologies, money, land and political independence. I think it has worked. I suggest Israel try the same approach.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

First Stop Killing

In Canada, the European settlers and the native people had stopped killing each other for quite some time before they could get serious about negotiating land claims settlements. This suggests the Palestinian problem may be solved by first working primarily to stop the killing, waiting a generation or two for tempers to cool, then working on the land claims issues. The one thing that we in the west don’t realise is that the Jews kill far more Palestinians than the reverse, so we have to mainly clamp down on the Jews. The Jews use soldiers, helicopters and bulldozers. The Palestinians use the more dramatic and newsworthy suicide bombers.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Foreign Aid to Israel

The USA gives most of its foreign aid to Israel. This is a bit peculiar because:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Fourth Largest Military ≠ Helpless

The four million Jews of Israel command the fourth largest military on the planet. Yet they claim they are helpless victims, which gives them the right to illegally blockade ships in international waters.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Funding Apartheid

The United States, gives $4 billion a year to Israel to run an apartheid system. The supreme court would not let them spend that money on apartheid in the USA, so why does it let them spend it in Israel?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

A Good Spanking

I used to fight with my sister. My parents eventually could not stand the noise and would demand we stop. We would each give our litany of what the other did and why continued mayhem was necessary to get even. My parents would say, I don’t care what the other one did. The fighting stops now! Fighting is not justification for more fighting. We need a super parent to perform this function for Israel. They are all behaving like children, worse than children. No child would sacrifice the lives of women and children purely out of pride.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Greatest Propaganda Coup

The greatest propaganda coup of the last 100 years is AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) convincing the public that any criticism of the Israeli government is tantamount to anti-Semitism.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The Palestinians have two major grievances.

It is naïve to expect peace without some financial/property restitution or at least formal apology for those two grievous assaults.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Group Punishment

A fundamental principle of justice is that you may only punish a wrongdoer for his crimes, not his family, his friends, his countrymen or random people. The State of Israel rejects this principle. They embrace group punishment, ironically a tactic favoured by Nazi Germany. They are so spiteful they primarily hurt children.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Hamas Ineptitude

Why is Hamas so inept at killing civilians compared with the Israelis? Hamas only manages to kill one Israeli for every 28 Palestinians the Israelis kill. Israel uses the Iron Dome defence system. It costs them $200,000 to knock down each incoming missile. However, the missiles cost Hamas as little as $50 each. Hamas is not trying to kill Israelis. It is trying to bankrupt them.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Harper Logic

Prime Minister Harper says Hamas is 100% responsible for Israel killing hundreds of Palestinian children. I find this strange logic. Israel is the one killing the kids, so surely they are the ones responsible. By this logic, the police are responsible if a criminal they are pursuing kills his hostages. Hamas lobbed rockets at Israel. Israel dropped bombs on Palestine. I can see that as justification for killing each others’ soldiers, but not for killing innocent bystanders, especially children. In the Iraq war, we saw how precise modern munitions are. They can be flown in through a selected window. There is no way Israel is hitting open markets full of children and women shopping without meaning to. The hatred has grown so strong that both sides want to hurt the others’ children. We need an externally imposed time out.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Help Yourself

You may have noticed how quotations pop up at random all over my website, aimed at countering the pro-Israel bias in the media. You are welcome to use any or all of the quotations in my quotation collection in a similar way on your own website. To get your point across these days, you have to shrink it to a sound bite.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Hitler’s Victims

We remember that Hitler killed 6 million Jews, but most of us forget he also killed 27 million Russians.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Holocaust

Hitler had it in for more than just Jews. He killed 6 million Jews and 5 million others in the death camps. He killed 3 million Polish Jews and 3 million Polish Christians. He killed 15,000 gays. He killed off JWs (Jehovah’s Witnesses), Gypsies, clergymen and the disabled.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Holocaust Was Not Unique

I object to the way Jews have treated the WWII holocaust as unique. If I lose my entire family to madmen, that is just as horrible whether I live in Rwanda, Darfur or Berlin.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How To Be Labeled an Antisemite

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How USA Taunts the Palestinians

Imagine what would have happened to American independence had France told them to have still more years of endless talks on the grounds they did not deserve freedom until absolute security for Britain could be guaranteed. That is how the USA taunts the Palestinians today.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

How War Ends

A long-standing conflict like the one is Israel will end when both sides are sick of the violence. The problem is, modern warfare can make war relatively painless for those who wage it and hence tend to perpetuate the war indefinitely. I refer to such weapons where the deployer faces low risk, such as:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


If modern day Germany outlawed Jews from commemorating the Holocaust, everyone would agree it would not only be wrong, it would be foolish. Why then are modern day Israelis forbidding the commemoration of Nakba, (day of the catastrophe) — the atrocities the Zionists committed on Palestinians in 1948.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The reason peace in Israel has been so hard to achieve is each group has been indoctrinated with a completely different set of facts.

The Israelis are fully aware of every bombing attack on them by the Palestinians, but are completely unaware of Israeli attacks on Palestinians. They see Palestinians as madmen, attacking them for no reason. (I discovered this talking to an Israeli Jewish friend, when I spent 2 weeks talking him out of his extreme hatred of Palestinians.) The Israelis believe they have legitimate title to Palestine and merely evicted Arab squatters. The Israelis see Palestinians who resist them as terrorists. Israelis deny there is any sort of apartheid system, just necessary security to protect them from the mad dog Palestinians.

On the other hand, the Palestinians see the Israelis as crazy Zionists who invaded in 1948 and then evicted the Palestinians from their ancestral lands and set up a harsh apartheid system where they were locked down 1 day in 3 unable to earn a living. The Zionist occupiers kill with helicopters and bulldozers. The brave Palestinians resist with great restraint, killing only one Jew for every 28 Palestinians killed. This was an illegal invasion. Surrender to such Zionist criminals would be craven.

Each side believes itself to be faultless and the other side the spawn of Satan. Negotiation is bound to fail in such a situation. The solution is for the USA or some other powerful country two dress down both sides for their bad behaviour and make sure everyone hears it and the evidence to back up the charges. For example, but sides brutally take out their hatred of each other on innocent children. Only once the pride of both sides has been shamed can they possibly begin to think about a practical end to hostilities.

The problem is the USA always excuses or ignores Israeli bad behaviour and soundly condemns Palestinian violence. A peace broker has to project impartiality. The USA refuses to do so. It even funds Israel’s apartheid system to the tune of $4 billion a year. Here we are 69 years and 11 months later, with the USA doing the same thing over and over insanely expecting a different result. Surely American presidents realise they are just spinning their wheels. Why are they being so stupid? The answer is AIPAC, the powerful pro-Israel lobby in the USA. It successfully threatens any politician who is not sufficiently deferential to Israel and who fails to sing its praises sufficiently loudly and to condemn the wicked terrorists — the Palestinians. Oddly, the American constitution permits foreign countries to control American foreign policy through such lobbies. How ironic, the pro-Israel lobby is a root cause of the misery in Israel.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Injustice Breeds Injustice

At the origin of a longstanding feud is often an outrageous injustice. For example, in 1948 Jews invaded Palestine. They suffered under the delusion they were God’s master race and as such had holy title to Palestine. You’d think they would be skeptical of master race concepts after their experience with Hitler’s delusion.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Invasive Species

A biologist might look on the invasion of Palestine or the European invasion of North America as like the arrival of an invasive species.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Irrational Israelis

When Daniel Barenboim did a concert in Israel, the government demanded he play no Wagner because Hitler liked that composer. Wagner died on 1883-02-13, long before Hitler was even born. By that logic, Alsatian dogs, lederhosen and bratwurst should also be banned.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israel Analogy

If a criminal took a page from Israel, he would mug his tenants and neighbours and when he got caught he would plead self-defence on the grounds they refused to hand over their wallets without a fight.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israel the Chihuahua

Imagine Mike Tyson taking his a chihuahua out on a leash, bravelybarking at a Rhodesian Ridgeback. The chihuahua is Israel threatening to nuke Iran.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israel: a Nation of Hypocrites

A hypocrite avoids noticing his own sins by focusing on the minor transgressions of others. The Israelis are masters of this. They blind themselves to the fact they have set up an apartheid system to oppress Palestinians every bit as nasty as the one the Boers set up in South Africa. They are unaware they have killed 28 times as many Palestinians, as the reverse. They imagine Palestinians are squatting on their land rather than the reverse. The deliberate self deception is loathsome. They remind me of fundamentalist Christians who act as if telling a lie sufficiently often makes it true.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israeli Apartheid

I often argue that Israel has an apartheid system. I offer as evidence:

but they would just dismiss my arguments with a disdainful sniff. Maybe this odd story on the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) News will convince you. An Arab man had a one-night stand. Later it dawned on the woman her date was not Jewish and freaked. She charged the man with rape by deception even though at no point did he say he was Jewish, or use any force. The court sentenced the man to 18 months effectively for having sex with a Jewish woman while Arab. Come on! That could only happen in a Jim Crow society. Remember To Kill A Mockingbird where the white folk wanted to lynch a black man simply because they had a shred of evidence that he had sex with a white woman.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israeli Bullies

The chutzpah of the Israelis leaves me gasping. It was evil enough of the Israelis to invade Palestine unprovoked and enslave its inhabitants with an apartheid scheme, but then they arranged to have the Palestinian ambassador thrown out of Canada for complaining about it and saying they need to defeat the Zionist occupiers.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israeli Crimes

Jews keep waving the holocaust about as if were justification for them to wage their own holocaust on the Palestinians. You would think the Jews, if anyone, would understand how wrong genocide is. Yet they have convinced themselves that genocide is both justified and a virtue. They refuse to acknowledge, they invaded Palestine illegally and stole every inch of the land. They have no right at all to be there.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israeli Denial

Israel is one of my least favourite countries. It not that they committed any crime well outside the norm. European settlers invaded North America, killed most of the people living there, took over their lands, set up an apartheid/reservation system and treated them as fourth class citizens. Jews did exactly the same thing in 1948 when they invaded Palestine. Canada and the USA have at least acknowledged their wrongdoing, apologised and made some reparation.

The people of Israel are still stuck in denial. They pretend there is no apartheid, that the giant Berlin-like wall they built does not exist, that Palestinians are treated equally, that they don’t routinely kill Palestinians, bulldoze their homes and confiscate their lands. They still persist in claiming they did not steal lands, even though David Ben-Gurion admitted it. They still persist in their idiotic religious land claim based on the fact some unrelated Jewish people lived in the area 2000 years ago. That is even goofier than me going to New Brunswick and kicking people out of their houses at gunpoint based on the fact my great grandfather might have once lived there. They claim attacks on Israelis are 100% unprovoked. They deny killing 28 Palestinians for every Jew the Palestinians kill.

Israel has not had as much distance from its initial crimes as Canada and the USA. Perhaps it is premature to demand they grow up. However, I still find their lies and denial utterly odious.

They fund such an effective propaganda machine, AIPAC, that had Hitler won WWII, they could have persuaded everyone that the Nazis were the legitimate Poles that the Poles in concentration camps were all criminals. It is not just a propaganda machine, it is a subversion machine. They interfere in the politics of other countries by effectively threatening any politician who does not repeat Israeli propaganda verbatim.

Israelis are so incredibly conceited, that they imagine the rules that apply to others do not apply to them. In particular, they demand the right to stockpile nuclear weapons and to refuse inspections all the while demanding their neighbours avoid even nuclear power and submit to Israeli vandalism on their facilities.

I have been boycotting all products from Israel, including Tadiran batteries for about 20 years. That is the main reason I have an AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) CPU (Central Processing Unit) instead of an Intel one. The United church of Canada just boycotts goods from the illegal settlements. South Africa (who ought to know apartheid when they see it) require Israeli goods made by West Bank settlers to be labeled as originating from Israeli-occupied territory.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israeli Denial

The Israelis are in deep denial. They want to pretend the Palestinian violence is the work of ordinary criminals. The Israelis imagine the Palestinians surrendered when they invaded in 1948. But the Palestinians have done no such thing. They are still fighting to oust the occupation and the Israelis are still behaving like occupiers. The war is still on simmer.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israeli Denial

The most infuriating thing about Israelis is they usually deny they invaded and occupied Palestine. They pretend there is no occupation because 69 years and 11 months have elapsed and so the occupation no longer counts, even though the Palestinians never surrendered. Further, the invasion was illegal. When the UN was founded on 1945-10-24 the nations of the world agreed to freeze all national boundaries. The Israelis have always thumbed their nose at the UN, protected from reprisal by the United States which has a permanent veto on the Security Council. They pretend the invasion never happened because they go all mushy brained imagining they merely occupied an empty house, based on some 2000 year old deed they imagine must have existed and held by one of the twenty-odd tenants, one who believed some of the same religious BS but was no blood relation. The chutzpah of it all! Normally Jews are so direct and candid. It the most appealing feature of the culture. It is a situation similar to the denial by North Americans that their ancestors invaded and occupied North America. Finally that wrong is being redressed.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israeli Fundamentalists

Israel’s problem is fundamentalists. The whole mess got started when some Jewish fundamentalists got the crazy notion their religion gave them title to other people’s land. The Muslim fundamentalists got the crazy idea their god wanted them to commit suicide and kill children in the process. The Christian fundamentalists got the crazy idea that peace in the middle east would throw a monkey wrench into their extremely important plans to lunch with Jesus. I am so disgusted with them all, I am tempted to say Israel fully deserves this stinking situation.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israeli Guilt

Israelis have behaved so badly toward Palestinians, I wonder if that is their way of dealing that the guilt of their mass war crime of invading Palestine. It is a denial technique. They focus on the sins of the Palestinians to block awareness of their own.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Israeli Parasite

The United States, even when it is reeling with trillion dollar deficits still manages to give Israel $4 billion a year. Israel is a relatively wealthy country running surpluses. Such a relationship in the animal world where one creature is induced to sacrifice itself for the benefit of a stranger is called parasitism.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israeli Pretence

The major block to peace in the middle east is the Israelis imagine they are 100% innocent. In their eyes, they are pure victims. Yet they started the war by invading Palestine without provocation. They set up apartheid. They confiscated Palestinian lands. They killed huge numbers of Palestinian civilians. That is hardly innocent. Unfortunately, the USA treats them as if they truly were 100% innocent, exacerbating the problem by claiming over and over that Palestinian strikes against the Israelis have no motive other than irrational hatred. They refuse to acknowledge there are elements of revenge and self-defence. Think how needlessly infuriating this pretence is. Those promoting this lie are not serious about negotiation. They must have some vested interest in prolonging the war.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israeli Prick

On NPR (National Public Radio) I heard a smug Israeli say that Jews and Palestinians had agreed in 1993 that they would split up via negotiation. Since now the Palestinians are attempting to go for U.N. recognition, they have broken the bargain, so now the Israelis are free to do anything they please to the Palestinians. What a prick! After 24 years of the entire world being jerked around in negations since that agreement, it is clear the Israelis have no intention of ever giving up an acre of ground to a Palestinian state. Pretty much the whole world has lost patience with Israel and its intransigence, blind selfishness and exaggerated sense of superiority.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israelis Imagine Themselves Blameless

The biggest roadblock to peace in Israel is Israelis understanding why Hamas sent rockets at them. The Israelis naïvely believe themselves utterly blameless for the escalating violence. This feigned innocence leaves them helpless to remedy situation.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israelis Play Victim

Even though I used to enjoy working for the Israeli government, a have since lost all patience with them because they refuse to take any responsibility for the predicament they have got themselves into by mistreating Palestinians and driving them off their land.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israelis Should be Sensitive

You’d think that people who have experienced great suffering would be unusually sensitive to the suffering of others. But it does not work that way. Children who are sexually or physically abused are likely to grow up and abuse their own children. Jews persecuted by the Nazis persecute Palestinians in Israel. People who were dirt poor then made it rich often have no compassion for the poor. Blacks who suffered from slavery and discrimination, line up to enlist to mindlessly slaughter people in the middle east even though they did nothing to America.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israelis Worth More than Palestinians

Israel uses an odd calculus. They are happy to kill 40 civilians in order to kill a couple of terrorists they suspect might later kill 10.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Israel’s Predicament

The USA has been giving Israel about $4 billion a year to kill Palestinians and run the apartheid system. Israelis have grown used to being top dog. However, as the conflict has progressed, the Palestinian plight has become worse and worse and the Palestinians have become more and more desperate. In the conflict of 2014-07, Israel killed about 28 Palestinians for every Israeli Hamas killed. As a result, Israel is laughed at in the international community when it complains Hamas is picking on them. Further, Israel is used to having no casualties at all, where the Palestinians are used to ruthless genocide. To win the war, Israel has to inflict unacceptable casualties on the Palestinians, without receiving unacceptable casualties in return. Israeli citizens have much less stomach for being attacked than the Palestinians who have been living under the Israeli thumb for a long time. Israelis found the Hamas rocket attacks intolerable, even though almost no one was killed. They could not stand the fear. So Hamas can possibly win even with overwhelming losses.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Jewish Bullies

I don’t like bullies. It comes from being beat up every day of my childhood. This is why I detest Israel. They are bullies. Zionists converged from all over the world on Palestine, killed the inhabitants and took over their lands. They excused themselves with one of the silliest excuses I have ever heard God made me do it.. The UN had already decided this sort of behaviour was no longer legal. Most people look at the conflict as if it had no history. If you come in part way through a fight, you can’t easily tell who the bully is.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Jewish Dedication

Jews dedicate themselves to the cause of making sure everyone remembers the German atrocities against the Jews forever. They also dedicate themselves to hiding the Jewish atrocities against the Palestinians forever.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Jewish Fair Play

You would think the Jews who have been horrendously mistreated over the centuries would have developed an extreme sense of fair play. But oddly the opposite happened. The first chance they got to be top dog, they terrorised, stole from and killed the Palestinians who had the misfortune of owning the real estate the Zionists coveted.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Jewish Land Claim

Jews claim the their god gave them title to Palestine. This is bogus for at least eight reasons:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Jewish Lies

Jews claim they have been waiting 2000 years to gain control of the Temple Mount, not they should exploit that political control to kick the Muslims out of their third holiest shrine and build a Jewish Temple. First no Jew has waited more that a century. Lies like that make think badly of those who tell them and hope their wishes be foiled. Second, the government does not own all the land; various people and groups do. You can’t just steal other people’s property because you want it. A more reasonable request would be for Jews to have access to use some part of the mosque for prayer. It would be barbaric to smash such a historic site. It would be like demolishing the Parthenon.

The real motive behind this desire to commit massive vandalism is an nutty belief that building a Jewish temple on that particular spot will complete a prophesy and cause the world to end, presumably in a nuclear conflagration. If that is what you truly want, please slit your damn throats now and bequeath the planet to those of us who enjoy living.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Judaism’s Suicide

By maltreating the Palestinians so outrageously, it is only a matter of time until an Arab nation or the Palestinians get hold of a nuclear, dirty nuclear or bioterror weapon and wipe out the Jewish population of Israel. This is a sizeable percentage of the entry world Jewry. If would be best if the Jews dispersed so they were not so vulnerable.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Justification for Intractability

The fundamental fact about Israel is the Jews attacked illegally and unprovoked back in 1948 and have occupied Palestine illegally ever since. The Jews thus legally have zero right to be there. The practical question is, how to undo this mess. Many Jews were born in Israel. They have no country they could even theoretically return to. The other fact is the Jews have the numerical, financial and military upper hand and have used it to gleefully torment the Palestinians. The Jews are not going to give up any privilege without a fight. The Jews fear the Palestinians who have every reason to want to slit every Jewish throat. The Palestinians hate the Jews for occupying their country and mistreating them for 69 years and 11 months. After all that bad blood, I think they need to be separated. That implies a two-state solution.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Justifying a Hard Line

Israelis justify extreme harshness and a hard line toward Palestinians, citing 14 Israelis killed in some skirmish or other. Obviously, Israeli security is important. However, they don’t tell you that in that same skirmish Israelis killed 1400 Palestinians. Surely their security is important too.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Kid Gloves for Israel

In 2016-08 there was a conference held in Montréal Canada. One of the sessions displayed a cartoon suggesting Israel pushed the USA to fight Muslims on their behalf. There was a firestorm about the anti-semitism. The cartoon was withdrawn. The session was withdrawn. Many other sessions were canceled. Had the cartoon accused any other country of the same crime, nobody would have said anything. Canadians unanimously supported freedom of speech of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons which were 1000 times as defamatory. Israel has convinced Canadians that even the mildest criticism of the actions of the Israeli government is equivalent to being a Hitler-level anti-Semite. This is not good for Canada nor for Israel.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Klesmer Music

Klesmer music is manic joy. It bursts with life and exuberance. It was created by Jews in Eastern Europe. It just boggles my mind that the same people who invented Klesmer music could so mistreat the Palestinians. You would think a people who had been so badly abused as the Jews would never dream of mistreating anyone else.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Legit Jewish Land Claim?

The feature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict I find most baffling is nearly everyone sees the Jewish claim on the country as legit, even though the Palestinians had it first and the Israelis seized it in an illegal war. The Israelis have no claim at all. They just wished they had title for a very long time.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Mandatory Military Service

Israelis, male and female must serve in the military for three years. During this time they are brainwashed into the official party line. No wonder Israel is the must stubborn, irrational and selfish nation on earth.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Might Makes Right

Binyamin Netanyahu (1949-10-21 age:68), Prime Minister of Israel criticised Barack Obama for calling for a two state solution to the Palestinian problem based on the 1967 borders. Justice demands the solution should be based on the 1948 borders, prior to the illegal invasion. You don’t normally allow a mugger to keep the proceeds of his crime. This, of course, is politically infeasible because the US has propped up the Israeli invaders with billions of dollars year after year. It is now a matter of might makes right. The problem with might makes right is it does not create a permanent peace, only fairness does.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Mild Retribution

The retribution the Palestinians and the Arab world have rained on the Jewish people in Israel is actually quite mild for the unprovoked invasion of Palestine in 1948, enslaving the population under an apartheid system, stealing ancestral lands and killing children with helicopters.

It is a similar situation to Europeans invading North America and badly mistreating the indigenous peoples.

The solution is similar — many symbolic formal apologies, compensation and land claims settlement.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Motivation to Keep Fighting

Every day the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues is a huge cost in money and lives to each side. If they were to settle this dispute, there would be a huge blow to pride on both sides. It would be emotionally painful to make the concessions necessary, so they endlessly procrastinate and let the costs of the conflict rack up ever higher. The other bit of childishness prolonging the conflict is a desire for a little more revenge for every blow felt so far in the conflict, forgetting each has already rained more than enough blows on the other.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Murder by Bulldozer

The Israeli military court ruled their murder by bulldozer of American protester Rachel Corrie was a regrettable accident, but the bitch got what she deserved anyway because she had no business protecting a Palestinian home. (That was not the official wording, just the meaning.) I decided the verdict was highly improbable when I saw the photos of her death. You can see two soldiers in the cab. There is nothing blocking or distracting their view. Rachel is wearing a bright red jacket. They had many runs at her previously and stopped at the last moment. Obviously they could see her and knew she was there. The defence claimed that the atmosphere offered poor visibility. Judge for yourself. This verdict is completely in character with the state of Israel. Its prime directive is always deny wrongdoing no matter what the evidence.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Netanyahu’s Clouded Judgment

Binyamin Netanyahu is letting his hatred for Muslims cloud his judgment. He is ignoring the advice of his generals. He is ignoring common sense. Just what is he ignoring?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

New Gingrich Bribed

I wonder how much AIPAC had to donate to Newt Gingrich’s campaign to get him to say that Palestinians were all terrorists, pretending to forget that Jews had invaded their country and set up an apartheid scheme and had killed many more Palestinians than the Palestinians had managed to kill in revenge.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

No Bias

A referee can show no bias, that includes any party hoping to broker a peace in Israel.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

No Sympathy

I have little sympathy for Jews complaining about Palestinian violence against them for the following reasons:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Nobody Loves Me

Even though Leonard Cohen is the best loved person in Canada, Jews still imagine nobody loves them.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Not Exactly a Democracy

On 2014-08-18 Israeli security forces blew up the homes of two families of suspected kidnappers. In a democracy, there is no punishment without a trial and only the perpetrators are punished, not their families and not with cruel or unusual punishments. The alleged kidnappers had previously been executed without trial. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also said that the teens had been kidnapped by Hamas. So apparently he had no evidence; he was just guessing about who had motive.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Not Human

In Israel some Jews and Arabs are targeting each other’s children. People who commit such crimes are mad dogs. They don’t deserve to call themselves human. May they all be eliminated.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


If ever a country deserved nuking, it is Israel. Their arrogance, conceit and selfishness are monumental. They have no excuse. The Nazis persecuted them, then they turned around and relentlessly persecuted the Palestinians with the same sorts of lies and tactics. They cannot behave that badly and forever escape the consequences.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Nuking Israel means Nuking Palestine

Various pundits have tried to alarm me that Ahmadinejad is going to nuke Israel. I don’t see how that would be possible without wiping out millions of Palestinians. Surely that would deter him.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

The Nutty Road to Peace

Let’s say you were having a dispute with a guy over a piece of land he had swindled you out of decades ago. The dispute escalated and it ended up with him killing your entire family. What are you likely to do?

  1. Swear revenge even if it means sacrificing your life.
  2. Call a truce.

Israelis are under the delusion that killing Palestinian kids is the best way to resolve a dispute and de-escalate the violence. That is simply not the way humans behave. The Israelis claim they are defending themselves. That is nonsense. None of those kids killed were the least threat. For every Israeli killed in combat, the Israelis kill 28 Palestinians. Ironically, this group punishment of civilians is reminiscent of the Nazis. As Auden observed, Those to whom evil is done do evil in return.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Obama’s Confusion

Obama wrings his hands at the murdered Palestinian children. He forgets he is the one who funds Israel’s military and apartheid system. He is the one throwing gasoline on the fight. He is the oxygen for the fire.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Old Tyme Religion

Why on earth do the USA and Britain do everything they can to perpetuate the conflict in Israel? Why do they consider the invasion of Palestine legitimate, but not any efforts to expel the invaders? The answer lies in religion. Christian Zionism predates Jewish Zionism. Christians believe biblical prophesies and want to help them along my ensuring Jews stay completely in control of Palestine. It is completely irrational. They hope to bring on the end of the world.

What can’t fruitcakes like that just kill themselves and leave the rest of us alone?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

One Sided View

Israelis complained that Hamas attached them with rockets in 2012-11. For some reason the media did not report any of the following provocations:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

One-Sided Reporting

The US media report every Jewish death at the hands of Palestinians, but never reports any Palestinian deaths at the hands of the Jewish state, even though there are 2 times as many of them. This deception makes it impossible for Americans to broker a peace in the middle east.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Orwellian Language

Israelis make me puke with their Orwellian language the creation of Israel rather acknowledging what it really was the invasion of Palestine. They try to make it sound as if it were built on ocean land fill.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Paranoia Creates Delusion

Israel is so paranoid that it completely misunderstands Iran’s desire for nukes. Israel conveniently forgets that both the USA (Bush-43 in his axis of evil 2002-01-19 SOTU (State Of The Union) speech) and Israel announced they planned to annihilate Iran with a pre-emptive strike. The only way to deter nuclear nations is to have a nuclear deterrent yourself. Iraq did not have a deterrent. North Korea did. Iraq was destroyed and plundered. North Korea is still standing. That is why Iran is convinced it needs one. A surprise nuclear attack by Iran on Israel would be suicidal because of retaliation from the USA. Further, is would kill millions of fellow Muslims living in Israel and in nearby countries. It will not happen. However, Israel could nuke Iran in a fit of paranoia and get away with it, protected by the American nuclear umbrella. That is by far the bigger threat to world peace.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Pay It Forward

Nazis vilified the Jews to ease their consciences when they stole Jewish property. In turn the Jews in Israel vilify the Palestinians to easy their consciences about stealing Palestinian land.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Playing Innocent

At the 2012 Olympics in London, the Israeli delegation insisted on holding a ceremony in the middle of the opening ceremonies to commemorate the 11 Israeli athletes killed by terrorists 40 years earlier at the 1972 Olympics in Munich. The Olympic committee instead offered a fuller ceremony separate from the opening ceremonies that the British PM attended.

At that ceremony, the speaker condemned the crime as if it were up there with the holocaust in infamy and blasted the Olympic committee for anti-Semitism. The speaker pretended the Jews were utterly innocent and bore absolutely no responsibility for provoking the crime. He conveniently forgot the Jews had illegally invaded and occupied Palestine in 1948. He pretended to forget they had set up an apartheid system. He ignored the fact they had killed tens of thousands of Palestinian children. It apparently slipped his mind they were still occupying Palestine. The hostage taking was an outrageous act of revenge against innocent athletes in a long and nasty war, not a crime out the blue as he claimed. The speaker overplayed the victim card and made the Jewish people look like spoiled brats.

The speaker was effectively demanding the world formally take Israel’s side in its 64-year war with the Palestinians. He was indirectly demanding the whole world approve of Israel’s outrageously bad behaviour. That thorny a political issue could result in withdrawals and the Olympics being hijacked by political battles. The refusal to force a ceremony on everyone including Israel’s enemies had nothing at all to do with anti-Semitism, but widespread disapproval of the actions of the state of Israel. When Israelis dismantle their apartheid system this supposed anti-semitism will evaporate.

The IOC (International Olympic Committee) made the right decision. Israel was not after a memorial but a world forum to spew anti-Palestinian propaganda and implied global approval for its anti-Palestinian policies.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Polish Analogy

In WWII Hitler invaded Poland. Imagine if Nazis still occupied the country. Imagine Polish resistance fighters were still trying to expel the invaders. Shortly after WWII, Jews invaded Palestine. They occupy it to this day. Palestinian resistance are still trying to expel the invaders. Nearly everybody would side with the Poles and with the Jews. I find this strange. I don’t ever cheer on invaders.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Pretending Land is Unoccupied

In the 18th and 19th centuries when Europeans were settling North America, they maintained the fiction the land was unoccupied. It was not until the 1990s did they begin to drop the lie. The Jews maintain a similar delusion about the creation of Israel as they call it. They don’t acknowledge they illegally invaded and occupied an established country. Perhaps it will take them too three centuries before they drop the pretence.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Propaganda Words

Zionists always talk of how they came to hold sway in the middle east as the birth of Israel rather than the invasion of Palestine because harming a baby would be wicked whereas opposing an invasion is all but mandatory.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Prospects for Israel

I am not optimistic about the prospects for Israel. Why?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


Israel is an extremely racist country. It should be treated as a pariah as we treated apartheid South Africa. Not only does it impose extreme apartheid for its Palestinian citizens, it is rounding up black people and expelling them from the country.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Recognising Hamas

The European Union court ordered Hamas removed from terrorist list. Netanyahu harrumphed that this was a wrong move. It it would be more convincing coming from the mouth of a leader of a country who did not kill 28 Palestinians in revenge for every Jew the Palestinians killed. I agree, Hamas is a terrorist organisation, (they kill civilians to influence their politics), killing one Jew in revenge for every 28 Palestinians the Jews kill and, by the way, Israel is a 28 times bigger terrorist.

Hammurabi considered his eye-for-a-eye code a civilising influence, to convince people it was not necessary to take 28 eyes in revenge, just one, to avoid triggering a revenge spiral as we have all over the middle east and Pakistan.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Refusal To Take Responsibility

Israelis remind me of a man who starves and beats his dog from puppyhood, then complains bitterly when it bites him.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Resource Wars

Most of time an international conflict is two countries competing for a resource. You can make a case for either litigant. Ideally they would battle it out in the World Court. Sometimes, however, one side is 100% in the wrong. At the end of WWII at the Nuremberg war crimes trials, we hammered out the notion of aggressive war, a first strike war. Every Nazi was convicted with the same charge, aiding and abetting an aggressive war. Legally speaking, this was improper, since the Nazis were being hanged for violating a law that did not exist at the time of the offence. In 1946 the UN was formed. Every member had to sign a treaty that forbade aggressive war and that agreed to arrest suspected war criminals. The security council each have a veto, which stops the rest of the world from punishing them for aggressive war. So who has been violating their UN treaty?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Right of Conquest

The Jews seem to think they have legal title to Palestine, won in an illegal war of conquest. But I don’t recall the Palestinians ever surrendering. The war is long 69 years, but it is still ongoing. The Palestinians have just as much right to oust the Jews as the Poles had to oust the Nazis, no matter how long it takes.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Right to Exist?

Does Israel have a right to exist? Legally no. It was created by an illegal invasion, an illegal occupation and by illegal settlements. Morally no because Israel denies Palestine the right to exist and because it has so badly mistreated its Palestinian citizens. However, practically yes. Many of Israel’s Jewish citizens were born there and have no other country they could return to. Further, Israel is wealthy and has the military backing of the best armed country on earth — the USA. Even though the country Israel has no right to exist, its people certainly do, just like everyone else. Calling for the disbanding of the country of Israel is not the same as calling for the genocide of its people. The only fair solution is for Jews to slowly emigrate to welcoming countries all over the earth and gradually shut down the country of Israel leaving the Palestinians as they were back in 1948, paying them some reparations for the inconvenience. That would be much safer for the long term survival of the Jewish religion. They have put themselves too much all in one dangerous basket. The solution that Netanyahu has in mind is the gradual elimination of every Palestinian from Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. I don’t think the world should let him get away with that any more than we let Hitler get away with invading Poland. Only the USA and Canada back Netanyahu’s dirty plan.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Roof Knocking

When conducting bombing campaigns on residential areas in Gaza, Israel typically attempts to give residents notice ahead of time in the form of phone calls or leaflets. What you see in this Roof Knock click to watch video is the final notice — an explosive roof knock. After the initial warning hit, Israel follows up with a full payload, leveling the building.

This is illogical. If there are militants in the building, they too would be warned by such a knock. In fact they would be better informed of its meaning than civilians. It sounds like the Israelis are engaged in psychological warfare and destruction of civilian property, or are trying to assuage their consciences for killing kids. This is typical bully behaviour, blaming the victim for his suffering.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) source

Salami Stealing

I went to a lecture about he history of BC Canada in the 1860s. The British made land settlement treaties with the natives, then cheated, whittling down the lands over and over until they were less than 10% the original size. They would steal a chunk for a railroad. They would steal a chunk for a new municipality. I thought, where have I heard this story before? Ah yes. Israelis and their illegal encroachments into the Arab territories.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Share The Pain

For mediation to work, both warring parties have to share the pain roughly equally. In Israel, the Palestinians have lost their country, their homes, their lands, their water and their livelihoods. Israel wants them to accept apartheid and still deeper economic degradation. The Israelis have taken the entire country of Palestine by force (an international war crime encouraged by the USA and Britain) and forced Palestinians out of their homes, stolen their orchards and forced them to work at slave wages. Israelis kill 28 times as many people as the Palestinians, yet the Israelis have successfully painted the Palestinians as the villains in the international media. There is no way a peace can ever be achieved based on maintaining the status quo. The status quo is simply too unfair.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Siding With Israel

For the last 69 years and 11 months Canada and the USA have employed a policy of always siding with Israel in the Palestinian conflict. Clearly it has not worked to bring peace. It is time to try something else, such as playing the rôle of utterly fair, scrupulously unbiased peace broker. We need to give both sides a chance to air their grievances in a global forum. We need to stop vilifying the Palestinians for violent behaviour and praising the Israelis for the exact same behaviour. I suggest copying the way Canada resolved land conflicts with the indigenous people where the government paid reparations for land stolen and past cruelty and granted some autonomy in government.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Spite to Palestine

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation)voted 107 to 14 to admit Palestine. Israel, the USA and Canadian voted against. This is hypocritical since all three countries are on record as supporting Palestinian statehood. In a fit of pique, the USA then announced it would stop paying its dues to UNESCO. It reminds me of a bratty kid who would take his football home if the ref ever ruled against his team.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Spoiled Brat

The USA has treated Israel like a spoiled brat. Even though it is a relatively prosperous country with a balanced budget, the US gives the lion’s share of its foreign aid budget to Israel. Israel thanks the US by:

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Spoiled Israel

Israel is like the spoiled son of a rich businessman. The USA invariably uses its power and UN Security Council veto to protect Israel from ever being prosecuted for its crimes.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


The Palestinians have put up with a terrible injustice for 69 years. They have patiently endured round after round of fruitless talks. All that happens is the Israelis stall, break their promises from the previous round and encroach further onto the land on which the Palestinians live. Apartheid gets stronger. The wealth gap between Jew and Palestinian yawns. Soldiers kill more Palestinian children. The world press completely ignores Jews killing Palestinians, but reports in great detail Palestinian violence, even though Jews kill many more Palestinians than the reverse. And now Obama, after pretending to support statehood, asks Palestinians to let the Jews jerk them around some more. How insulting! The Jews have behaved like Lucy van Pelt and the football. They simply cannot be trusted to bargain in good faith. The only way the Palestinians will get their freedom is if they take it, without first getting Israel’s permission. World opinion has turned against Israel. Only the US is left and that is only because AIPAC has corrupted US politics and because the USA selfishly uses Israel as a proxy military presence.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)


In 2014-07, Israel conducted air strikes on Gaza. Hamas launched rockets at Israel. Each side says it will continue until the other stops. Each side claims they are acting in retaliation for prior strikes. In a war going on 72 years both sides have more than enough slights to justify further mayhem.

Are they equally to blame? Israel has been killing mainly women and children with their strikes. The Hamas strikes have killed no one. With nothing else to go on, I have to presume both sides got the results they intended.

What point then is there in the Hamas strikes? Israel deploys two $100,000 Iron Dome missiles to shoot down every missile Hamas lobs at them. Hamas’ missiles cost as little as $50 each. I suggest Hamas is not trying to kill the Israelis, but bankrupt them.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Stop Feeding the Conflict

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict threatens the entire region. It has gone on for 70 years. The two parties have been utterly unwilling to resolve it. They are far more interested in revenge. The UN created this mess by improperly telling Jews from around the world they had the legal right to invade Palestine even when that was counter to the UN charter. Like a firm parent, the UN should impose a fair solution and the USA should help to enforce it, since they helped prolong the conflict by giving billions of aid to Israel each year to fund its apartheid program. US media cryptically refer to this aid as close relations with Israel when explaining why the Palestinians don’t trust the USA as a peace broker. A parent does not care if both children whine about the solution. That is a good sign it is fair.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Suffering is No Excuse

Because they suffered, Jews imagine they have a right to make others suffer, even when they had nothing at all to do with the original suffering.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Suffering is Not a Licence to Steal and Kill

When someone questions the Israeli occupation of Palestine, a Jewish citizen will defend it saying, But how we have suffered! We deserve a homeland! Of course, they do, but not by making the Palestinians suffer, not by repeating the sins of the Nazis with aggressive, unprovoked invasion. They should have set up their homeland legitimately, gradually acquiring territory, the same way the USA did, by purchasing it.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Terror Calling

Israelis direct computers to telephone their victims to notify them of bombing raids. I can see those fiends congratulating themselves for their exemplary consideration and humanity.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

True Colours

On 2016-12-23, Prime Minister Netanyahu showed Israel’s true colours. They have no intent of ever implementing a two-state solution after all. They want to expel all Palestinians from the country by creating Israeli settlements to squeeze them off their land. I wash my hands of Israel. Whatever happens to them, they deserve. May Israel be wiped from the map. I will ask my own country, Canada, never again to come to their aid.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

UN Charter

Signatories to the UN charter promise two things:

  1. No violence or threats of violence in international relations.
  2. No attacking other countries unless they attack you first, i.e. no aggressive war.

There are two rogue states in the world, who pay absolutely no attention to this promise: Israel and the USA. In addition, Israel thumbs its nose at the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. The USA has a military bigger than everyone else put together, so nobody dares bell the cat. The USA may get away with it, but it does not make it legal. Israel gets away with it because it is effectively an American colony.

China is eclipsing the USA in economic power and eventually in military power. Thus this situation could change.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

United Church of Canada

The United Church of Canada has not gone so far as to condemn the Jewish invasion of Palestine in 1948, or the continued occupation, or the apartheid system, but they are prepared to ask Canadians to avoid buying goods created in Jewish settlements in the occupied territories of Palestine. Such settlements are considered illegal by Jimmy Carter, the UN, and most countries because those territories were captured by Israel in a war in 1967 and are thus seen as being subject to the Geneva Conventions, which forbids construction on occupied land.

The United Church is taking a risk because Stephen Harper, in the past, has punished boycotts of Israeli goods or even suspected divestments by stripping federal funding of those advocating them.

The CBC radio aired an Israeli official who claimed the move was pure anti-Semitism aimed at Canadian Jews. He absolutely refused to acknowledge that what Israel was doing was illegal.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) source

Unprovoked Attacks

Israelis insist the Hamas attacks on Israel in 2012-11 were completely unprovoked. Israel blockaded Gaza starting in 2007-06. The Israelis will not even allow humanitarian aid through. Since when is the naval blockade of Gaza not a provocation. Would the USA tolerate a Chinese naval blockade attempting to starve them out like some medieval siege?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Unreasonable Demands

Israel demanding that its victims acknowledge the legitimacy of its regime, is like demanding they acknowledge 2 + 2 = 5. It is simply is not so. What they could more reasonably ask is that its neighbours agree not to attack them.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Unreasonable Israelis

Israel is such an unfair and unreasonable country. They invite Jews from all over the world, who have never lived in the region to immigrate. But they won’t let the Palestinians return whose families lived there for centuries until expelled by the Israelis as part of apartheid. That sort of arrogant behaviour generates intense hatred in others.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

USA and Israel Close

The relationship between the USA and Israel is remarkably close.

So what is the proper word to describe this relationship? ally, satellite, colony, parasite…?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

USA Spoils Israel

The United States treats Israel like a spoiled child. They let it get away with bad behaviour and protect it from anyone else correcting it. They encourage it to bully by buying it weapons. They are deaf to any complaints about its bad behaviour.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Victim Card

Ever since the holocaust, the Jews have successfully played the victim card as if it were a get-out-jail free card to excuse their own war crimes.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Villainise to Anaesthetise Conscience

When white people took over North America, they villainised the people who were living there already. They entertained their children with movies of genocide of the original inhabitants. I imagine colonisers from outer space might behave the same way, villainising humans for refusing to hand over their lands and for resisting the invasion. Israelis did the same thing to the Palestinians. The odd thing is how easily children swallow the lies when the facts are so obvious that the invaders are the ones behaving badly.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Wars Of Attrition

There are basically two strategies to win a war of attrition.

Palestine is doing very badly in the first goal. Israelis kill 28 Palestinians for every Jew the Palestinians kill.

However, Palestinians are winning the money game. Hamas sends over a rocket that costs as little as $50 each. They rarely do any damage, but Israel feels compelled to deploy two $100,000 Iron Dome missiles to shoot down every missile Hamas lobs at them. However, it is not really Israeli money. The USA buys the missiles for them.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

What If Gays Behaved Like Israelis?

Imagine if gay people decided to take a page from the Jews in Israel. They attack San Francisco and drive nearly everyone out who is not gay and take over their homes, apartments and businesses. They set up a government that blatantly favours gays and suppresses heterosexual activity. They set up an apartheid system to keep heterosexuals in the their place. They set up armed checkpoints and built walls to control the motion of the hated hets. This was all justified on the grounds that everyone knows San Francisco is the gay homeland. They they attacked Oakland and Sausalito and gradually expanded their territory.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

What If Mormons Behaved like Zionist Jews?

Imagine if the world’s Mormons converged on New Jersey and expelled or killed all the residents, settling there, quoting the Book of Mormon as justification. This is what happened in Palestine when, in 1948, Jewish Zionist cultists expelled the Palestinians quoting the Jewish holy book as justification.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

What is it Like to be a Palestinian

Imagine you lived on a property that had been in your family since the Mayflower. One day a group of people burst in with machine guns and told you that God told them they were the legitimate landholders. They locked you in the garage and would not let you out and kept you on a starvation diet working as servants for them. They killed several members of your family. One by one they expelled members of your family. The police would not help because these loons had bribed and threatened them to look the other way. Now you understand why the Palestinians are not keen or recognising the state of Israel as legitimate.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Whining Israelis

Israelis complained about Obama’s speech in Egypt on 2009-06-04 because he dared to suggest the suffering of the Palestinians at the hands of the Israeli government is comparable to the suffering of the Israelis at the hands of Palestinian terrorists. That is like Germans complaining their suffering was not sufficiently recognised when they invaded Poland or the Boers complaining their suffering was not acknowledged as infinitely greater than the blacks they oppressed with apartheid in South Africa. The Israelis kill 200 Palestinians for every Israeli the Palestinians kill. The difference is the Israeli killers wear uniforms. In 1948, Zionists invaded and occupied Palestine unprovoked, justifying this illegal act with religious boosterism. The Israeli Zionists believe they are the master race, aka God’s chosen people, so the killing they do does not count and the suffering of non-Jews does not matter. The horrible truth is the Zionists have become much like the preposterously conceited Nazis who so horribly oppressed the Jews in WWII. Let me make it clear, not all Jews and not all Israelis hold these such bigoted beliefs, but enough of them do for the Israeli government to behave in this racist manner. Israel could not be so cocky without generous contributions and low interest bond sales from Zionists living all over the earth, not to mention the lion’s share of America’s foreign aid budget. That gift should be cut back, even if purely on economic grounds. The USA is running massive deficit. Israel is running a surplus. Israel is the last country that needs a handout.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Who Has A Right To Live In Israel?

The Jews who invaded Palestine in the 1940s had absolutely no right to do so. They were aided by the great powers motivated by anti-Semitism. They wanted to be rid of their own Jewish citizens. However, Jews who were born in Israel after 1948 are not citizens of any other country. They have as much right to be in Israel as a baby of Mexican parents born in the USA has a right to American citizenship. The situation is similar to Canada. Europeans improperly (but legally at the time (unlike the Jews)) invaded and stole land. The solution may be similar to how Canada is recognising first nations land claims.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Who is Offending Whom?

In Israel, the Jews kill 28 Palestinians for every Jew the Palestinians kill. Or put another way, the Palestinians kill one Jew for every 28 Palestinians the Jews kill. Who then is defending and who is offending?

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why the Bias?

On 2011-04-16 I asked some activists protesting apartheid in Israel why Canada had such a strong bias toward the Israelis and against the Palestinians in the conflict, especially since everyone knows the Israelis where the invaders. They answered that, just as in the USA, the pro-Israel lobby is very powerful. They tell every candidate that if they don’t follow the pro-Israeli party line, they will pour huge amounts of money into defeating them. Since nearly every candidate caves, they don’t need all that much money to defeat the rebels. Further, the newspapers and TV networks in Canada are all owned by pro-Israel forces. Canadians almost never hear any criticism of what the government of Israel is doing. Further, the pro-Israel forces have successfully characterised any criticism of the government of Israel a-/s tantamount to Nazi-style anti-Semitism. This is preposterous, but they get away with it. It is like saying any criticism of the US president is a call to kill all Christians.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Why No Israeli Guilt

Israeli Jews feel no guilt at all about invading Palestine and setting up an apartheid system in 1948. They even feel offended that neighbouring Arabs tried to evict them. They justify their illegal act on three grounds:

  1. Their holy book says they are god’s chosen people and as such have right to other people’s lands. Yet they have no right to impose their delusions of grandeur superstitions on others.
  2. People who shared the same religion, but not the same genetic stock, along with dozens of other groups, millennia ago lived in Palestine.
  3. Britain said the invasion was ok. What business has Britain offering up other people’s land?

It other words, they have no moral justification at all. It is purely a case of might makes right. I find the arrogance of the Jewish position nauseating. It is so outrageous, so patronising, so vain, so dishonest, so out of touch with reality, that it guarantees perpetual war.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

Wishy Washy Obama

Obama explained his odd stance on Palestinian nationhood that he is in favour of nationhood, but only via direct peace talks with Israel. A similar argument in the time of American slavery would have been, I oppose slavery, but only if the slave owners voluntarily free their slaves. Basically, Obama is saying Palestinians may not have their freedom until the spirit moves Israel and the USA to grant it to them, in other words until you can ice skate on the Dead Sea. What a hypocrite, pretending to support nationhood!

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) source

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