jail bait : Gay & Black Glossary


jail bait

A good-looking teenager, male or female, under the age of consent who likes to flirt with or seduce men (or women) above the age of consent. The jail bait may be motivated by horniness, love or opportunities for blackmail.

The term is used to warn anyone who says or does anything that indicates they might have even a fantasy sexual interest in an underage person of the legal, emotional and blackmail dangers of getting involved with them.

The law treats those who succumb to a jail bait advances almost in the same category as molesters of pre-pubescent children, reflecting the views of earlier centuries. In contrast, Hollywood treats the two crimes quite differently. Consider how American Beauty exalted having sex with jail bait as the ultimate erotic experience while the child molester of pre-pubescent children usually comes to some horrible end.

Part of the problem is growth hormones in meat and milk and nutrition in general have lowered the age of female puberty by 8 years over the last century. The law likes to pretend nothing has changed and the meat industry is not prepared to stop using growth hormones.

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