graph : Java Glossary


To most people when they hear the word graph they think of a traditional x-y graph with ordinate and abscissa, but it can also refer to diagrams of nodes and edges connecting them, like a road map.
Graphing Packages Node Representation
Nodes and Edges Books
Node Graphing Packages Links

Graphing Packages

There are packages for creating such graphs, along with bar graphs, such as:
.net Charting: C#
Askalon: (parallel processing) includes surface charts
Batik — SVG Toolkit (Scalable Vector Graphics)
GNUPLot: for scientific graphs, also 3D, written in C
Google Chart: JavaScript
ILog: Jviews, Gant Charts, maps, organisational charts etc
ImageJ: open source, image analysis, 2D/3D
Java2s: charting classes
JClass Chart by Quest, née Sitraka, née KL Group,
JGraph (commercial)
JMSL (commercial)
Krisalis JCharts: free
Noaa SGT: Scientific Graph Toolkit includes contour map charts
Pentaho Reporting formerly JFreeReport
Ptolemy Plot
Quadbase ExpressChart (commercial)
SAS/GRAPH (so expensive and complex pricing they don’t quote prices)
Yellowfin: commericial. Secret prices

Nodes and Edges

However, when computer scientists use the term graph, they are usually thinking in term of nodes and their connections called edges. Trees and linked lists are a special types of graph. The edges can be unidirectional, (called directed) or bidirectional (called Hamilton). The connections can contain loops back to where you started (cyclic), or not (acyclic). They can have several pieces not connected to each other (disconnected) or may be all in one piece (connected). Many mathematical algorithms are conceptualised in terms of painting the connections between the different nodes to put them into different categories, e.g. red-black trees. Colouring a graph does not mean creating an x-y graph in many colours for a PowerPoint presentation. That should be enough to get you started researching this fascinating branch of mathematics.

Node Graphing Packages

Check out there packages to deal with boxes connected by lines type graphs:
Eclipse GEF: Draw2D, UML diagrams
JGraph: for boxes connected by lines
JGraphT: for datamodels and algorithms
JHotDraw: for drawing shapes connected by lines
JUNG (Java Universal Network Graph framework)
Mica: for drawing interconnecting pipe-like drawings
OpenJGraph: boxes connected by lines
Tigris GEF

Node Representation

The most common ways to represent graphs are by numbering the nodes and edges between them:


book cover recommend book⇒The Visual Display of Quantitative Informationto book home
by Edward R. Tufte 978-1-930824-13-3 paperback
birth 1942 age:75 978-0-9613921-4-7 hardcover
publisher Graphics
published 2001-05
How to display graphical information. The use of colours. Not just an artistic perspective. Based on research on what humans actually understand best.
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