Android : Java Glossary


Android Android
An android, aka droid, is a human-like robot that mimics human behaviours. Two of my favourite movies, Bicentennial Man with Robin Williams and AI with Haley Joel Osment feature androids.

Android is also Google’s operating system for mobile devices. Acer is planning to use it in a low-cost lap top. There are SDKs (Software Development Kits) available for Windows, Mac and Linux. You code in a mixture of Java and XML (extensible Markup Language). Android is free and open source. It is primarily intended to erode Microsoft’s profit margins.

The Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 is one the better-known Android phones. A typical Android phone might have 480 × 854 pix up to 32 gig on a SSD. Surprisingly, the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) embedded in the devices uses JIT (Just In Time) compilation. It does not use AWT (Advanced Windowing Toolkit) or Swing, but OpenGL. For eBook reading, use .apk or ePub formats.

Writing Android Apps

Android is a resource starved-environment compared with Java desktop. Apps are small. You are constantly trying to shave bytes and CPU (Central Processing Unit) cycles at the expense of program readability. You have roughly 200 ms to respond or the user will perceive you as laggy. You have 5 seconds to respond before the OS (Operating System) says your app has died. Your user is more impatient and you have fewer resources to satisfy him. You are doing everything you can to avoid draining the battery. This means letting the screen go off, CPU turn off etc. whenever possible.

Since apps are smaller, there is more competition. If yours is not best of breed, you will be quickly be replaced. Since apps are free or cheap, users have no investment is sticking with what they first try.

One of the strangest features of Android is its extensive use of XML. XML is a resource pig. I would have thought they would have gone with something much more compact and preparsed.

Android does not use any of the Sun/Oracle JVMs (Java Virtual Machines). They use one called Darvik that uses an incompatible jar format. Its JVM is register based, not stack based, presumably because it is more closely tuned to a specific set of real-life CPU s, rather than Oracle’s WORA (Write Once, Run Anywhere) goal.


book cover recommend book⇒Android Wireless Application Development Volume II: Advanced Topics, Third Editionto book home
by Lauren Darcey, Shane Conder 978-0-321-81384-8 paperback
publisher Addison-Wesley 978-0-13-290978-5 eBook
published 2012-08-03 978-0-13-290979-2 WebBook
  B008MAAPUA kindle
Write code for Google Android cellphones. You also need to buy Volume I separately.
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book cover recommend book⇒Android Wireless Application Development Volume I: Android Essentials Third Editionto book home
by Lauren Darcey, Shane Conder 978-0-321-81383-1 paperback
birth 1989-07-14 age:28 978-0-13-290969-3 eBook
publisher Addison-Wesley Professional 978-0-13-290970-9 WebBook
published 2012-02-23 B007BB53R6 kindle
Write code for Google Android cellphones. You also need to buy volume II separately. Fourth edition coming out approximately 2014-01-03.
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German flag Chapters Indigo Canadian flag
Spanish flag Chapters Indigo eBooks Canadian flag
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Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock. Try looking for it with a bookfinder.
book cover recommend book⇒Pro Android 2to book home
by Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi, Satya Komatineni, Dave MacLean 978-1-4302-2659-8 paperback
publisher Apress 978-1-4302-2660-4 hardcover
published 2010-03-15 978-1-4302-2660-4 eBook
  B004VJ46MO kindle
Covers Android 2, custom 3D components, OpenGL,touchscreens and gestures.
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German flag Chapters Indigo Canadian flag
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Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock. Try looking for it with a bookfinder.
book cover recommend book⇒Professional Android 2 Application Developmentto book home
by Reto Meier 978-0-470-56552-0 paperback
birth 1978-06-19 age:39 978-0-470-87451-6 eBook
publisher Wrox B004BA574Y kindle
published 2010-03-01
Covers Android 2
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Android Developer Guide
Android Market: where you can buy/sell Android apps
Android NDK: development kit for native
Android SDK: development kit for Java aps
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Wikipedia on Android

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