face IP : Java Glossary


face IP
When you use a router on a LAN (Local Area Network), the outside world sees you as the external face IP (Internet Protocol) of your router, not the IP of your machine. There are five IP to be concerned with. working from the outside in:
  1. The IP of the computer somewhere on the net that does DNS (Domain Name Service) look up for you, e.g.
  2. The IP of the computer your router talks directly to at the ISP (Internet Service Provider) headquarters. This is sometimes called the Gateway IP , e.g. .
  3. face IP e.g., the IP your router presents to the outside world. This is how various websites know you (and anyone else on your LAN accessing the Internet). This is sometimes called your public IP, but that usually refers to a static IP, more or less permanently assigned, where a face IP can change daily. Since this is the IP of your entire LAN to the outside world, it is sometimes called the WAN (Wide Area Network) IP .
  4. The internal IP of your router e.g. on the LAN. Just to confuse you, this is also sometimes called the gateway IP . The confusion arises because in the old days computers connected directly to the gateway computer belonging to the ISP, not indirectly via a LAN-based router pretending to be such a gateway computer.
  5. The local internal IP of your computer on the LAN, e.g.
To find out your face IP, the IP that outside world (beyond your firewall) thinks your IP and domain name is, try any of the following:
Ways of Finding Your Face IP
Logo Link Notes
moose Your face IP :[] Your face IP is displayed at the bottom of every page of this website. I do this with SSI (Server Side Includes).
IPChicken logo IPchicken.com tells your face ip and which ports you have open. They also tell you your face name, e.g. your URL (Uniform Resource Locator) on the web, possibly temporarily assigned for your connection. It might look something like this S0106991195576dda.gv.shawcable.net or d207-81-138-97.bchsia.telus.net That is not my real one. I don’t want to encourage hackers.
Dyn logo checkip.dyndns.org:8245/ Offers many other services as well.
WhatIsMyIPAddress logo WhatIsMyIPAddress.com has many annoying ads you must close to discover the answer.
In a Servlet you can use javax.servlet. ServletRequest. getRemotePort().
The face ip is different from the IP of your computer on the LAN. An IP of a computer on a LAN is typically something like The router has two ips, one it talks to the computers on the lan often and one it uses to talk to the outside world, dynamically assigned by the ISP using DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).

To find out your internal LAN IP, on windows run ipconfig.exe. It will always have the form 192.168.2. x.

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