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Less Popular Downloadable Utilities

All of the utilities posted here are free! and come with well-commented source. However, they all have a non-military use restriction. This amounts to public domain for non-military use.

Less Popular Downloadable Utilities

Master Index to Downloads Popular Less Popular Command Line DOS 8.3 Icon Legend developed with IntelliJ banner

General Information About Mindprod Downloads

  1. Clicking below on any particular utility will take you to a summary and links to documentation, source and download zip files.
  2. If you have trouble with prices not displaying or your browser freezing on this site, most likely the problem is you have no Java, an obsolete Microsoft Java or possibly an obsolete Sun Java installed. Click to Get The Latest Java.
  3. You have to be online with your browser to download the zips. The Replicator off-site mirror does not contain them.
  4. You don’t have to download the entire package to browse the source code of any Canadian Mind Products programs, even ones not released officially, by looking in the Subversion repository which also track the history of changes.
    browse mindprod source in repository: use browser to browse repository
    access mindprod source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on use Tortoise Subversion to browse repository
  5. PADmapYou can download a list of all the Canadian Mind Products PAD files in simple PADmap format. PAD (Portable Application Description) They contain contact information about the author and details about a program in a standard XML format.
  6. You can downloadCSV format file containing a list of all the Canadian Mind Products downloadable programs and their current versions and dates, download and PAD URLs. Timestamps are in Zulu format. You could use this information in an efficient version checker to detect recent updates.
  7. The screenshot links marked with the FastStone logo FastStone Logo were made with the FastStone capture utility.

Less Popular Downloadable Utilities

Accumulate Esperanto Tradukilo Vortope Pathways Amanuensis SortedArrayList and Merge
American State Sales Tax Calculator HeapSort Primes Sorting
Borders JDisplay QuickSort SortSRS
ColorSaver KeyPlayer RadixSort Sound
Connectors LinkedList Reflow Speaker
Echo Server Mutex Screws TimeZones
Encoding Recogniser Official Encoding ShellSort WaveLength
Encodings Palette SnapTime

Less Popular Downloadable Utilities

Program Ver Size    Updated    Status Source Description Popularity
1.3 91K 2009-03-12 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of Accumulate.
Accumulates values by category, and display results in sorted order, e.g. timesheet data by activity code.
download 91K zip for Accumulate Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access accumulate source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of Accumulate.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Accumulate is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
American State Sales Tax Calculator
4.1 1,491K 2013-04-04 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of American State Sales Tax Calculator.
Note it may require adding tables for the states/counties you need. It comes with complete state and county tax tables for all 50 states.
run American State Sales Tax Calculator online as an Applet in your browser, without installing it on your computer.
download 1,491K zip for American State Sales Tax Calculator Java source, compiled class files, jar and documentation to run on your own machine either as an application or an Applet.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access americantax source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

After you have installed the jar, you can run it as an application. Type:

java -jar J:\com\mindprod\americantax\americantax.jar

adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of American State Sales Tax Calculator.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

American State Sales Tax Calculator is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.5 456K 2008-04-06 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of Borders.
Displays a variety of Java Swing borders
run Borders online as an Applet in your browser, without installing it on your computer.
download 456K zip for Borders Java source, compiled class files, jar and documentation to run on your own machine either as an application or an Applet.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access borders source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

After you have installed the jar, you can run it as an application. Type:

java -jar J:\com\mindprod\borders\borders.jar

adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of Borders.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Borders is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.3 102K 2009-01-01 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of ColorSaver.
Ensures Color objects are shared rather than duplicated.
download 102K zip for ColorSaver Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access colorsaver source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of ColorSaver.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

ColorSaver is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.3 627K 2011-01-26 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of Connectors.
Draws various electrical connectors. Teaches how to use Swing, JPanel.paintComponents and transparency drawing tools.
download 627K zip for Connectors Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access connectors source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of Connectors.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Connectors is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.7 254K 2014-12-02 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of Encodings.
Displays all encodings (character sets) supported.
run Encodings online as an Applet in your browser, without installing it on your computer.
download 254K zip for Encodings Java source, compiled class files, jar and documentation to run on your own machine either as an application or an Applet.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access encodings source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

After you have installed the jar, you can run it as an application. Type:

java -jar J:\com\mindprod\encodings\encodings.jar

adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of Encodings.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Encodings is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
Echo Server
1.3 102K 2006-03-06 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of Echo Server.
HTTP echo server for testing HTML forms and CGI
download 102K zip for Echo Server Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access echoserver source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of Echo Server.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Echo Server is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
Encoding Recogniser
1.2 563K 2010-03-23 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of Encoding Recogniser.
Helps determine a file�s encoding by displaying it presuming all the different supported encodings.
run Encoding Recogniser online as an Applet in your browser, without installing it on your computer.
download 563K zip for Encoding Recogniser Java source, compiled class files, jar and documentation to run on your own machine either as an application or an Applet.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access encodingrecogniser source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

After you have installed the jar, you can run it as an application. Type:

java -jar J:\com\mindprod\encodingrecogniser\encodingrecogniser.jar

adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of Encoding Recogniser.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Encoding Recogniser is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
Esperanto Tradukilo Vortope
2.4 875K 2011-12-22 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of Esperanto Tradukilo Vortope.
Word for word translations Esperanto to English and English to Esperanto
run Esperanto Tradukilo Vortope online with Java Web Start.
If the download fails, install Esperanto Tradukilo Vortope manually with:
rem On Windows
# on Linux/BASH
download 875K zip for Esperanto Tradukilo Vortope Java source, compiled class files, jar and documentation to run on your own machine as a Java Web Start application.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access esper source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

To run the JWS application, modify the jnlp file to look in the right place for its files, then type:

javaws J:\com\mindprod\esper\esper.jnlp

adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of Esperanto Tradukilo Vortope.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Esperanto Tradukilo Vortope is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
4.7 4.2MB 2014-08-01 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of JDisplay.
Displays Java, HTML, bat, SQL, ini, csv, xml properties… source.
run JDisplay online as an Applet in your browser, without installing it on your computer.
download 4.2MB zip for JDisplay Java source, compiled class files, jar and documentation to run on your own machine as an Applet.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access jdisplay source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of JDisplay.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

JDisplay is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.7 80K 2008-01-01 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of HeapSort.
Internal sort, good when data are already almost sorted.
download 80K zip for HeapSort Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access heapsort source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of HeapSort.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

HeapSort is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.5 612K 2010-01-25 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of KeyPlayer.
Keystroke Event tutor. Teaches you about keystroke and mouse events by logging details about every event you generate as you click the screen or hit keystrokes. Can also diagnose defective keyboards.
download 612K zip for KeyPlayer Java source, compiled class files, jar and documentation to run on your own machine as an application.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access keyplayer source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

After you have installed the jar, you can run it as an application. Type:

java -jar J:\com\mindprod\keyplayer\keyplayer.jar parms

adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of KeyPlayer.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

KeyPlayer is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.6 94K 2008-02-18 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of LinkedList.
LinkedList Java class. Predates java.util.LinkedList.
download 94K zip for LinkedList Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access linkedlist source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of LinkedList.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

LinkedList is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
Mutex 1.0 31K 2004-08-17 free Java
more infoprecis
on the current version of Mutex.
Mutex thread package. Written my Farsight systems, not CMP.
download 31K zip for Mutex Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Mutex is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
Official Encoding
1.1 534K 2008-04-05 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of Official Encoding.
Tells you the official name of any given encoding and whether Java supports it.
run Official Encoding online as an Applet in your browser, without installing it on your computer.
download 534K zip for Official Encoding Java source, compiled class files, jar and documentation to run on your own machine either as an application or an Applet.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access officialencoding source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

After you have installed the jar, you can run it as an application. Type:

java -jar J:\com\mindprod\officialencoding\officialencoding.jar

adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of Official Encoding.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Official Encoding is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.6 3.4MB 2014-07-01 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of Palette.
Generates dozens of HTML colour charts
download 3.4MB zip for Palette Java source, compiled class files, jar and documentation to run on your own machine as an application.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access palette source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

After you have installed the jar, you can run it as an application. Type:

java -jar J:\com\mindprod\palette\palette.jar parms

adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of Palette.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Palette is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
Pathways Amanuensis
2.0 161K 2008-04-06 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of Pathways Amanuensis.
Generates advice to help you solve personal problems or other emotional problems such as dealing with your fear and anger surrounding terrorism and war. Based on Ken Keyes Jr.�s Twelve Pathways.
run Pathways Amanuensis online as an Applet in your browser, without installing it on your computer.
download 161K zip for Pathways Amanuensis Java source, compiled class files, jar and documentation to run on your own machine either as an application or an Applet.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access pws source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

After you have installed the jar, you can run it as an application. Type:

java -jar J:\com\mindprod\pws\pws.jar

adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of Pathways Amanuensis.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Pathways Amanuensis is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.4 65K 2006-03-06 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of Primes.
Calculates primes 1..N
download 65K zip for Primes Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access primes source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of Primes.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Primes is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.6 75K 2008-01-01 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of QuickSort.
Fast internal sort
download 75K zip for QuickSort Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access quicksort source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of QuickSort.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

QuickSort is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.6 101K 2008-01-01 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of RadixSort.
Internal sort, very quick.
download 101K zip for RadixSort Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access radixsort source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of RadixSort.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

RadixSort is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.0 195K 2012-05-21 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of Reflow.
Reflows a text file to make all lines roughly the same length.
download 195K zip for Reflow Java source, compiled class files, jar and documentation to run on your own machine as an application.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access reflow source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

After you have installed the jar, you can run it as an application. Type:

java -jar J:\com\mindprod\reflow\reflow.jar parms

adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of Reflow.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Reflow is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.3 78K 2009-03-25 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of Screws.
Draws eight screw/screwdriver types. Teaches how to use Java Canvas, fillRect, fillOval, fillPoly and AffineTransform to draw.
download 78K zip for Screws Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access screws source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of Screws.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Screws is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.4 91K 2008-01-01 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of ShellSort.
Internal sort, good for small sorts under 2000 items.
download 91K zip for ShellSort Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access shellsort source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of ShellSort.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

ShellSort is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.0 118K 2016-06-16 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of SnapTime.
Alternative type of stop watch.
run SnapTime online as an Applet in your browser, without installing it on your computer.
download 118K zip for SnapTime Java source, compiled class files, jar and documentation to run on your own machine either as an application or an Applet.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access snaptime source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

After you have installed the jar, you can run it as an application. Type:

java -jar J:\com\mindprod\snaptime\snaptime.jar

adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of SnapTime.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

SnapTime is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
SortedArrayList and Merge
1.4 296K 2014-08-19 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of SortedArrayList and Merge.
SortedArrayList and Merge class to merge and deDup SortedArrayLists in various ways.
download 296K zip for SortedArrayList and Merge Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access sorted source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of SortedArrayList and Merge.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

SortedArrayList and Merge is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.6 1,045K 2012-11-13 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of SortSRS.
Sorts/DeDups Funduc Search/Replace *.srs Scripts
download 1,045K zip for SortSRS Java source, compiled class files, jar and documentation to run on your own machine as an application.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access sortsrs source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

After you have installed the jar, you can run it as an application. Type:

java -jar J:\com\mindprod\sortsrs\sortsrs.jar parms

adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of SortSRS.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

SortSRS is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.4 81K 2007-05-23 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of Sound.
Generate sound mathematically in Java. Create AU files.
download 81K zip for Sound Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access sound source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of Sound.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Sound is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
Speaker 1.0 18K 2004-04-05 free Java
more infoprecis
on the current version of Speaker.
Generate tones on the built-in PC Speaker from Java. Uses JNI. Written by Martin Mosisch, not CMP.
download 18K zip for Speaker Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

Speaker is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.9 546K 2008-06-13 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of TimeZones.
Displays all Java-supported Timezones, the default Timezone and whether DST is in effect and the current time.
run TimeZones online as an Applet in your browser, without installing it on your computer.
download 546K zip for TimeZones Java source, compiled class files, jar and documentation to run on your own machine either as an application or an Applet.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access tz source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

After you have installed the jar, you can run it as an application. Type:

java -jar J:\com\mindprod\tz\tz.jar

adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of TimeZones.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

TimeZones is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.
1.3 501K 2007-11-27 free Java
more infoprecisscreenshotbrowse source repository
for the current version of WaveLength.
Calculate Color given wavelength in nanometers or frequency of light in Terahertz. Draw pretty rainbows.
download 501K zip for WaveLength Java source and compiled class files to run on your own machine as a part of your own program.

Runs on any OS that supports Java e.g. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64, Linux, LinuxARM, LinuxX86, LinuxX64, Ubuntu, Solaris, SolarisSPARC, SolarisSPARC64, SolarisX86, SolarisX64 and OSX.

First install the most recent Java.

To install, extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ — ticking off the use folder names option.

To check out the corresponding source from the Subversion repository, use the TortoiseSVN repo-browser to
access wavelength source in repository with [Tortoise] Subversion client on

download ASP PAD XML program description for the current version of WaveLength.

$1989.00 US donated so far. If the CMP utilities solved your problem, please donate a buck or two, or donate to one of the charities featured in the footer public service ads throughout the website and get a tax receipt.

WaveLength is free. Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. Non-military use only.

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