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George W. Bush’s Skull & Bones Fraternity

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The Skull & Bones Society

Dark Majesty by Texe Marrs Secrets of the Tomb by Alexandra Robbins America’s Secret Establishment by Antony Sutton

Unbelievable as it sounds, there is a fraternity at Yale established in 1832 called the Skull & Bones society. Many prominent Americans belong to it, including George W. Bush and Sr. Their membership is publicly acknowledged. You can even read about it in back issues of the Yale Alumni Magazine. You can find the many references with a google search using the skull bones search option. Even 60 Minutes did a documentary on it.

For those unfamiliar with fraternity initiation rituals, the initiation rites of the Skull & Bones society are shocking. Even for those that are familiar, the rituals seem too bizarre to believe, especially in a fraternity for the upper crust. However, they even been filmed by secret infrared camera.

As did every member of the Yale Skull & Bones fraternity, George W. Bush and Bush Sr.:

  1. Publicly sold their souls to Satan. George W. Bush may have considered it a joke, but it is still a sick joke.
  2. Publicly masturbated in a coffin in view of the other members of the fraternity.
  3. Swore allegiance to Satan while touching a human skull.
  4. Bowed before a man dressed as Satan.
  5. Permitted a man to press a human femur (thigh bone) into his anus.
  6. Publicly confessed the entire catalog of his lifelong sexual fantasies.
  7. Chanted the mantra:
    The Hangman equals Death.
    The devil equals death.
    Death equals Death.
    ~ George W. Bush (1946-07-06 age:71)

Lewis Alper, an Evangelical Christian, discusses the religious blasphemy of the initiation ceremony and Bush’s refusal, even late in life, after he was saved, to repudiate his pledge of allegiance to Satan.

This all seems utterly preposterous unless you lived in a frat house like I did and know something of how these rituals can evolve into further and further daring. Skull & Bones is definitely out there in right field, but it is not that much further out than what happened at UBC (University of British Columbia) fraternities in the 60’s — e.g. walking naked with a marshmallow in the crack of the pledge’s butt then having to eat it, or the limp biscuit, a circle jerk with the last guy to come having to eat the semen-covered biscuit.

One could argue no one believes in the devil, so it was all a harmless but daring prank. However, Bush at least publicly professes to believe in the fundamentalist Christian notions of God and Satan, so the ceremony would have been daring and perhaps even frightening for him.

However, Skull & Bones is much more sinister than attempts to eBay the initiate’s soul to the devil. Its members conspire to promote each other into positions of high office. That is the primary function of the order. This is the issue that the books about Skull & Bones primarily address. Bush has appointed 10 members of Skull & Bones to high posts in his administration, including Associate Attorney General Robert McCallum Jr. and SECC (Single Edge Contact Cartridge) chief Bill Donaldson.

George W. Bush also belongs to a fruitcake group called the Bohemian Grove. They are wealthy people who meet once a year to perform a mock human sacrifice to a 40 foot owl statue accompanied by Wagnerian opera and flames. There are allegations of sexual abuse, but no charges. There is even a poor quality video of the event.

Members of this kinky fraternity include: Senator Kerry, Senator Boren, Senator Jonathan Bingham, Senator John Chaffee (Former Navy Secretary and on the Senate Intelligence Committee), Senator John Heinz (ketchup), Henry Luce (Time Life), Henry Stimson (Mr. Pearl Harbor), George Bush Sr., Jeb Bush, Dean Acheson, Rutherford B. Hayes, William F. Buckley, Jr., McGeorge Bundy, Thomas Daniels (ADM), Dino Pionzio CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) deputy chief of station in Chile during the overthrow of Chilean President Salvador Allende), etc.

There is a ton of material available on the net about Skull & Bones. Just go to google and ask for Yale skull bones Bush. For added fun, add the word Louima the Haitian the New York cops anally raped with a broom. The initiation ceremony has an ad lib segment like the entertainment scene in the opera Die Fledermaus.

Take it all with a large grain of salt. When the truth is so bizarre, it is hard to tell when people are embellishing it.

book cover recommend book⇒America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bonesto book home
by Antony C. Sutton 978-0-9720207-4-9 paperback
birth 1925-02-14 2002-06-17 age:77 978-0-9720207-0-1 hardcover
publisher Trine Day B00OO0QUK6 kindle
published 2003-04-01
George W. Bush and Sr. are members of the Yale fraternity the Skull & Bones Society which has satanic and homosexual elements in their initiation rituals. Focuses on the history of the society and its connections with prominent American families such as Taft, Rockefeller, Pillsbury and, of course, Bush.
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book cover recommend book⇒Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League and the Hidden Paths of Powerto book home
by Alexandra Robbins 978-0-316-73561-2 paperback
birth 1976 age:41 978-0-316-72091-5 hardcover
publisher Little 978-0-7595-2737-9 eBook
published 2002-09 B000FA5TT2 kindle
George W. Bush and Sr. are members of the Yale fraternity the Skull & Bones Society which has satanic and homosexual elements in their initiation rituals. The author is a member of a rival Yale fraternity to Skull & Bones. She digs deeply into the history of the Skull & Bones. Does a fair bit of debunking Skull & Bones myths. She documents the ways its members have found their ways into high office and other positions of power.
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book cover recommend book⇒Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of a Thousand Points of Lightto book home
by Texe Marrs 978-0-9620086-7-2 paperback
birth 1944 age:73
publisher Living Truth
published 1992-01-01
Not recommended. Flaky and sensationalist about the Bilderberger Group, the Skull & Bones Society, the Black Lodges of Freemasonry and the Knights of Malta and their links with the White House, the CIA, the Federal Reserve and the Vatican. Bush Jr. and Sr. are members of the Yale fraternity the Skull & Bones Society which has satanic and homosexual elements in their initiation rituals. Mr. Marrs is a crank creationist and end-of-the-world conspiracy theorist who lies outrageously.
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