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George W. Bush’s Corruption and Lies

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The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When this is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink.
~ George Orwell (1903-06-25 1950-01-21 age:46), Politics and the English Language
The Cheating Culture by David Callahan The Truth With Jokes by Al Franken Weapons of Mass Deception by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber
Had Enough? by James Carville Thieves In High Places by Jim Hightower Is That a Politician in Your Pocket by Micah Sifry and Nancy Watzman
Big Lies by Joe Conason The Great Unraveling by Paul Krugman The Conservative Soul by Andrew Sullivan
The Lies of George W. Bush by David Corn Tempting Faith by David Kuo
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken Bush’s Brain by James Moore and Wayne Slater
book cover recommend book⇒Tempting Faith: an Inside Story of Political Seductionto book home
by David Kuo 978-0-7432-8713-5 paperback
publisher Free 978-0-7432-8712-8 hardcover
published 2006-10-16 978-1-4165-4238-4 eBook
  B000MGAUAW kindle
David Kuo, who served as special assistant to the president from 2001 to 2003. A self-described conservative Christian, Kuo’s previous experience includes work for prominent conservatives including former Education Secretary and federal drug czar Bill Bennett and former Attorney General John Ashcroft. This is a book about how the Bush administration callously used the nuts for political gain, pretending to advance the conservative Christian agenda. review.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Conservative Soul: How We Lost It, How to Get It Backto book home
by Andrew Sullivan 978-0-06-093437-8 paperback
birth 1963-08-10 age:54 978-0-06-018877-1 hardcover
publisher HarperCollins 978-0-06-184328-0 eBook
published 2006-10-10 B000OI0F8K kindle
Sullivan is a conservative who is furious with the corruption of the Bush/Republican administration. He points out how spending has increased faster than at any time since FDR. The debt has ballooned to $43 trillion. There are now twice as many lobbyists than there were in 2000. Because the Republicans control of all government institutions, any corrupt businessman flocks to the Republican party to offer bribes. Habeas corpus, the key civil liberty has been trampled. America has been torturing people by the tens of thousands. Sullivan points out other conservatives such as George F. Will and William F. Buckley concur. Conservatives believe in reduced government, pay as you go and civil liberties. They want the government out of your wallet and out of your bedroom. The Bush Republicans have provided the very opposite. Sullivan calls on all conservatives to vote Democrat or abstain to sweep these crooks out of office. Sullivan explains the continued support by the religious right given all the outrageous behaviour is motivated by a desire to cling to power and to keep the flow of corrupt money flowing.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Truth With Jokesto book home
by Al Franken 978-0-452-28767-9 paperback
birth 1951-05-21 age:66 978-0-525-94906-0 hardcover
publisher Dutton 978-1-101-21333-9 eBook
published 2005-10-25 978-1-59600-061-2 audio
  B000OCXIPS kindle
This is mostly just about what doofuses and crooks the Republicans are generally talking such topics as Terri Schiavo, the undermining of social security and Tom Delay. Alternate eBook version 978-1-101-19176-7.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong To Get Aheadto book home
by David Callahan 978-0-15-603005-2 paperback
publisher Harvest 978-0-15-101018-9 hardcover
published 2004-12-01 978-0-15-603557-6 eBook
  978-1-4025-7926-4 audio
  B003KK5DRC kindle
Callahan not only documents all manner of cheating that has become mainstream in America, he documents why this has happened. He does not just wring his hands at the decline of honesty. He explains practical steps to encourage honesty. He tackles the problem at all parts of the economic scale, with special focus on the mega-cheaters at the top. Callahan has written a number of interesting-looking books on this theme, but this is the only one I have read.
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book cover recommend book⇒Is That a Politician in Your Pocket: Washington on $2 Million a Dayto book home
by Micah Sifry, Nancy Watzman 978-0-471-67995-0 paperback
publisher Wiley 978-1-63026-119-1 hardcover
published 2004-07-20 978-0-470-25536-0 eBook
  B000RRQEUG kindle

How campaign contributions in Washington amount to legalised bribery.

Sifry and Watzman lay it all out with no bark on it in this devastatingly straightforward book — the overt corruption of our country through what we politely call the campaign finance system. Legalized bribery is the root of our political rot and few people know more about how to fix it and have done more to fix it than the good folks at Public Campaign.
~ Molly Ivins, author of Bushwhacked
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book cover recommend book⇒Bush’s Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidentialto book home
by James C. Moore and Wayne Slater 978-0-471-47140-0 paperback
publisher Wiley 978-0-471-42327-0 hardcover
published 2004-01-05 978-1-118-03982-3 eBook
  B001QCWPQI kindle
How the unscrupulous Karl Rove controlled Bush’s actions.
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book cover recommend book⇒Had Enough?: A handbook for Fighting Backto book home
by James Carville 978-1-4516-1358-2 paperback
birth 1944-10-25 age:73 978-0-7432-5575-2 hardcover
publisher Simon & Schuster 978-0-7432-6177-7 eBook
published 2003-11-01 B002RYXA2M kindle
Carville is a democratic strategist, the guy who came up with the winning slogan I’ts the economy stupid. He explains how to play hardball with Republicans in debate. For example, he explains the parallels between carnival sucker games and Republican tax breaks.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Great Unraveling: Losing our Way In the New Centuryto book home
by Paul Krugman 978-0-393-32605-5 paperback
birth 1953-02-28 age:65 978-0-393-05850-5 hardcover
publisher Norton 978-0-393-07117-7 eBook
published 2003-09 978-0-06-058178-7 audio
  B001LQFXUO kindle
Recommended by Michael Moore. Krugman is a professor of economics. This is a primarily collection of Krugman’s columns in the New York Times from 20002003. He explains how the Bush regime is a revolutionary power. They don’t feel any compunction to play by the rules. They plan eventually to change all the rules. Their primary tactic is lying and relying on the gullible public to presume they could not possibly be as radical as they actually are. Also available as an audio book.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Lies of George W. Bush: Mastering The Politics of Deceptionto book home
by David Corn 978-1-4000-5067-3 paperback
birth 1959 age:58 978-1-4000-5066-6 hardcover
publisher Crown 978-1-4000-8151-6 eBook
published 2003-09-30 B000FC1N0E kindle
Corn in the Washington editor of The Nation. Among his well researched conclusions: Bush deliberately misrepresented the provisions and effects of his tax cuts; lied about his ties to corporate criminals; and presented deceptive claims to sell controversial policies on stem cell research, missile defense, abortion, energy, health care, education and the environment.
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book cover recommend book⇒Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: a Fair and Balanced Look at the Rightto book home
by Al Franken 978-0-452-28521-7 paperback
birth 1951-05-21 age:66 978-0-525-94764-6 hardcover
publisher Dutton 978-1-101-21944-7 eBook
published 2003-08-29 978-1-56511-797-6 audio
  B000OCXHO0 kindle
Recommended by Michael Moore. Franken’s political comedy gets better and better with the years. He started out on Saturday Night Live. Warning for the humour-detection impaired, Franken admits stretching and distorting the truth for comic effect.
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book cover recommend book⇒Thieves In High Places: They’ve stolen our country and it’s time to take it backto book home
by Jim Hightower 978-0-452-28565-1 paperback
birth 1943-01-11 age:75 978-0-670-03141-2 hardcover
publisher Viking 978-1-101-21321-6 eBook
published 2003-08-14 B000OCXHIG kindle
Recommended by Michael Moore.
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book cover recommend book⇒Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of Propaganda in Bush’s War on Iraqto book home
by Sheldon Rampton, John Stauber 978-1-58542-276-0 paperback
birth 1957-08-04 age:60 978-1-101-21588-3 eBook
publisher Tarcher B000OCXHLS kindle
published 2003-07-28
This is a book about lies. It is also about how the Bush administration uses ditzy Madison Avenue style deception in its foreign policy. It would be funny if the consequences were not so serious. So it goes over events we are all very familiar with, letting us in on the less spectacular Bush administration lies surrounding them. Despite the comic book cover, the book is deadly serious.
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book cover recommend book⇒Big Lies: The Right Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts The Truthto book home
by Joe Conason 978-0-312-31561-0 paperback
birth 1954 age:63 978-0-312-31560-3 hardcover
publisher Thomas Dunne
published 2003-05-25
Challenges the neo-con characterisations of liberals.
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