Taming Slaves
Christian slave owners forced Christianity on their slaves because it made them tame. The disgusting thing is the slaves did not reject this crap at the first chance. They are like Stockholm victims.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70) Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Baby Naming | choosing a name for baby 2017-12-20 | |
Funerals | Funerals and corpse disposal. 2017-05-21 | |
Evolution Glossary | Glossary of Terms used in Discussing Evolution and Creationism. 2017-05-17 | |
Yahweh is Fictitious | Why I am very sure Yahweh is fictitious. 2018-03-27 | |
Books about Religion | Books about religion, atheism and evolution. 2017-09-13 | |
Why I Am Not A Christian | Bertrand Russell’s classic 1927 essay on why he is not a Christian. 2018-04-12 | |
Evidence | Evidence for God. A short sci-fi story. 2017-08-20 | |
Deprogramming | Ethical ways to free Christians of their delusions. 2018-02-09 | |
Intelligent Design | Evolutionary theory does include Intelligent Design, just not the way Creationists imagine. 2018-03-17 | |
Did a God Write the Bible? | Why it is highly unlikely a god wrote the bible. 2018-02-19 | |
Separation of Church and State | The necessity of preserving the separation of church and state. 2018-03-23 | |
Combating Kristianity | Why I believe it is necessary to combat Kristianity, non-violently of course, by exposing its lies, wishful thinking and tall tales to the light of truth. 2018-05-06 | |
Noah | Why it is unlikely that God wrote the entire Bible. A list of Biblical oopsies (inconsistencies). Why the story of Noah is a tall tale in the same league with the tales of Paul Bunyan. 2018-04-28 | |
A Bible Study Guide | The parts of the Bible the churches don’t want you to notice. 2018-04-16 | |
King James Bible | The complete text of the King James Bible in HTML format. 2017-01-02 | |
Is There A God? | Exploring the big questions. Is there a God and if so what is He like? 2018-04-27 | |
The Real God | The nature of the real God. 2018-05-02 | |
Godless Quotations | Short Tweetable quotations about religion and atheism. 2017-01-02 | |
Quotations about Religion | Quotations about religion, especially Christianity, from both atheists and believers. 2018-05-06 | |
Quotations about evolution | Quotations about evolution vs. creationism 2018-05-06 | |
Quotations from Christians | Quotations from obnoxious Christians, usually in favour of bigotry or ignorance. 2018-05-06 | |
Unjustified Certainty | The problem of unjustified certainty, especially religious fanaticism. 2018-05-06 | |
Church Tax Subsidies | Why I think we should phase out church property tax subsidies. 2017-01-02 | |
Was Jesus Gay? | Was Jesus a homosexual? Decide for yourself on the validity of the biblical evidence. 2017-12-20 | |
Tennessee Law Book | If the Religious Right gained power, how the laws of Tennessee would be worded. 2018-04-29 | |
The New Ten Commandments | The existing set of commandments focus on trivia and miss the major sins. I have reformulated them to bring them up to date. 2018-02-17 | |
life after death | various beliefs about what happens after you die. 2017-05-21 | |
CCism | A new religion based on Cosmic Consciousness. 2018-03-03 | |
fatalism | religious and secular fatalistic philosophies. 2018-04-16 | |
Rational Morality | An alternative to morality based on religious myth. 2017-12-20 | |
Are We Alone? | Are we alone in the universe? Is there life in other parts of the universe? 2017-07-13 | |
Christian Apology | The apology I would like to hear the pope to read on behalf of all Christians for the harm they have done to our planet with their nutty beliefs. 2017-12-20 | |
Living Love | My cult, founded by Ken Keyes Jr. It teaches techniques to reduce mental suffering. 2018-05-07 | |
Gay Civil Rights | The battle between equal civil rights for gays and right wing Christianity. 2017-12-20 | |
Feedback | Read feedback from readers of the religion section. If you don’t want your message and my reply publicly posted, please let me know. 2018-01-31 | |
Christmas Carols | Lyrics to 69 Christmas carols. 2017-01-02 | |
Yahweh, Local God
Yahweh claimed to be god of the entire universe, yet he behaved like a local tribal god. He told the Israelites that they were the chosen people. If he were truly god of the universe, Yahweh should have appeared to all the peoples of earth. He would not have a favourite. He would not have commanded the Israelites to butcher all the non-Israelites. The Israelites created Yahweh by borrowing the polytheistic Canaanite war god. There was no sign of him before that. It makes no sense a universal god would rely or one tiny uneducated tribe to spread the world to the planet.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
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