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Very Upset About Photos

Here is an email I received in response to one of my essays.

Very Upset About Photos : Samantha Sim : : 2005-12-16

Dear Mr. Roedy,

Who the hell do you think you are to be able to put up a website like this one!?!? You’re basically taking down our American pride, advertising our casualties and making our American soldiers look terrible.

I am trying to stop Americans from behaving like Nazis by pointing out they are behaving like Nazis. You have not seemed notice yet how badly your country is behaving.

The same goes for the Iraqis. Although they are our enimies, I don’t believe that you should be posting pictures of anyone from either side being brutally killed, injured or tortured.

If you believe your president, the Iraqis are your buddies and you are killing and torturing them to make them accept the gift of democracy.

What would you think if one of your dear loved ones was killed this way in the war overseas and you went to a website like the one you’ve created and saw your dear loved one’s picture posted on the Internet with their face shot off or their head exploded??? That would most certainly scar me for life.

That is exactly what I am trying to do. I want to get through your skull just how horrible war is. It is totally unacceptable. Hiding the horror under the rug won’t make it go away. You seem to have been raised by an ostrich, thinking whatever evil you don’t see harms no one.

In fact, this makes me sick to even see the people I don’t know…not just because of the gore and brutality, but because those are OUR AMERICAN SOLDIERS fighting for YOUR country!

That is bullshit. First of all, I am Canadian. American soldiers are Shock & Aweing, killing, raping, maiming and torturing children to benefit Exxon, not Canada. Second, Iraq did not attack America. America invaded Iraq, unprovoked, under false pretences. Iraq was no danger to the USA or anyone else. UN (United Nations) inspectors had declared it disarmed. Everything Bush said about Bush having WMDs and drones ready to launch a nuclear attack was a lie. The only reason American soldiers are in Iraq is to steal/take control of Iraq’s oil.

There is absolutely NO reason why one should post pictures like that…

The reason I show you those pictures is to make you outraged. The reason is to evoke your pity for all the victims of this war. You won’t try to stop the war if you believe the sanitised government version. I want you furious with the bastards who committed these atrocities — namely American soldiers. They are the one with the $300 billion budget for mayhem. They are the aggessors. They have done by far the bulk of the killing and torturing, killing over 100,000 civilians, mostly children.

If someone were to point at the moon, you would refuse to look at the moon and instead stare steadfastly at his finger. Look past the photographs at the much grimmer reality behind the photographs.

it’s inhumane. I showed the wesite to my friend and she almost threw up because she could not believe the pictures.

Wonderful. You are beginning to understand why war is unacceptable. You are foolishly trying to stop the pictures rather than the war itself. The war is the real evil.

This shows absolutely no appreciation to our troops and country.

Of course, not. And that is deliberate. Your country has behaved worse than Nazi Germany. The atrocities and torture are unprecedented. Bush does things even Hitler would never have dreamed of doing. Your country has gone off the moral rails, just like Germany did in WWII (World War II). The UN declared that war illegal. That makes anyone who participates in any way, an international war criminal.

In my opinion, we shouldn’t even be fighting this war and I’m sure many other Americans feel the same way, especially those who have family and friends fighting for us. The war is a very sensitive subject for some Americans and this sight is sickening in every way imaginable. If you do read this email, I’m sure it won’t even affect you because you’re obviously a very sick person…but I think the site should be shut down IMMEDIATLY!…

My site has succeeded in convincing a number of people that war is unacceptable. That is worth the discomfort. The suffering of war is thousands of times worse than your discomfort at viewing still photos of what your country is doing to innocent people. It is your conscience pricking you. It is your shame at being American. War will not stop until a sufficient number of people are sick to death of war. Right now, most Americans are so protected from the harsh realities, they are willing to wage war for the most trivial of reasons, e.g. cheaper gasoline.

Things like this should not even be legal, especially when it’s pertaining to our own American soldiers. I just cannot stress how sickening this is to see and I hope you read this email and take into consideration to take this portion off your site, or shutting it down altogether. There is no excuse for it, not even for people who would like to see something disgusting. That’s why was created. Leave the job to them….christ, even they don’t put our citizens on their website! So think about it and think about how upsetting this is to some people. There should punishment for you, Mr. Roedy…but hey, what can one email do? Hopefully it will make you think about what you’ve posted.

And what would be the consequences of me doing what you desire? You could sleep soundly while children continue to be slain, tortured and raped in ever greater numbers. All you care about is your personal trivial discomfort. What a selfish, shallow brat you are! You have done nothing to stop the real suffering and have made a feeble effort to interfere with my efforts to stop it. You are not on the side of the angels. You are trying to prolong war. You are like those Catholics who cover up for child molesting priests. All you care about is appearances.

~ Angry American Teenager.

There is a verse in the bible Matthew 23:24 that talks about straining at gnats and swallowing camels. It was written just for you. You get all upset about the trivial (a picture) and pay no attention to the important (the part you have played in fostering the violence depicted).

Very Upset : Samantha Sim : : 2005-12-27

You have absolutely NO idea what you’re talking about!!!! At this point, I am FURIOUS.

I am trying to stop Americans from behaving like Nazis by pointing out they are behaving like Nazis. You have not seemed notice yet how badly your country is behaving. How is your website going to stop that!?!?! Perhaps you should come up with a better stradegy…

Back in 1969, I set out on a gay lib project. At the time, everyone was opposed to me, even the gay people. I wrote a little book. I delivered lectures to anyone who would let me speak. I calculated that even if I did a lecture a day for the rest of my life and managed to convince 100% of the people of my ideas, I would still make a dent not even measurable. Yet within three years in BC we had the first gay rights legislation. Ideas are like leaven. A tiny seed can spark a change in the whole population because ideas spread from person to person. Today I have a much more powerful tool for seeding ideas, my website.

If you believe your president, the Iraqis are your buddies and you are killing and torturing them to make them accept the gift of democracy. First of all…I didn’t say I believed our president…and secondly, he doesn’t preach that the Iraqis are our buddies…he says they are our enimies, which is why we’re fighting this war in the first place, asscrack!

That was Bush’s story back in 2003, but when he could not produce the promised WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction) s, he changed his tune. He claimed the purpose of the war was to give democracy to Iraq.

That is exactly what I am trying to do. I want to get through your skull just how horrible war is. It is totally unacceptable. Hiding the horror under the rug won’t make it go away. You seem to have been raised by an ostrich, thinking whatever evil you don’t see harms no one. I don’t believe you have the right to be hurting people like that. And I do believe that the human race is intelligent enough to realize how bad war is. Exposing pictures like these won’t stop war either, idiot.

Obviously your claim is false, or you would not be defending war. You still don’t get it. You would not claim that showing people what war is like was a more terrible thing than waging it.

“That is bullshit. First of all, I am Canadian. American soldiers are Shock & Aweing, killing, raping, maiming and torturing children to benefit Exxon, not Canada. Second, Iraq did not attack America. America invaded Iraq, unprovoked, under false pretences. Iraq was no danger to the USA or anyone else. UN inspectors had declared it disarmed. Everything Bush said about Bush having WMDs (Weapon of Mass Destructions) and drones ready to launch a nuclear attack was a lie. The only reason American soldiers are in Iraq is to steal/take control of Iraq’s oil.” Well excuse me, Mr. Canadian Moron!!! You are the one who is COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS to what is actually happening overseas. Our soldiers ARE NOT killing and raping children!

You failed to notice Judge Hellerstein ruling Bush had to release the kiddie torture/rape videos.

The war doesn’t even involve children!!!

The only peer reviewed statistic of the war is the Lancet number of over 100,000 civilians killed. Most civilians in Iraq are under 15. Second, read some of the emails from soldiers in Iraq confessing to killing children, posted on this very website.

And that’s some of the horrors we’re over there trying to stop, fuckwit!

Waging war increases violence. If America left tomorrow, the violence would subside. Your country has spent $300 billion to make life a living hell for Iraq. You Americans have caused by far the lion’s share of the suffering. Money is the fuel for violence.

I agree now that Iraq was no danger to the US, but how were we to know that for sure??? And Bush NEVER said that they were going to attack us with drones…he simply said that they were perhaps armed. And we are not there to take their oil either. Learn your facts, pal.

I am not your pal. I am old enough to be your grandfather. What Bush did is called dissembling, a form of deception. He also used counterfeit evidence. Listen to him lie. His entire speech was one giant deception. If Bush had dissembled to kill your little brother, you would not be making lawyerly excuses for him.

“The reason I show you those pictures is to make you outraged. The reason is to evoke your pity for all the victims of this war. You won’t try to stop the war if you believe the sanitised government version. I want you furious with the bastards who committed these atrocities — namely American soldiers. They are the one with the $300 billion budget for mayhem. They are the aggessors. They have done by far the bulk of the killing and torturing, killing over 100,000 civilians, mostly children. If someone were to point at the moon, you would refuse to look at the moon and instead stare steadfastly at his finger. Look past the photographs at the much grimmer reality behind the photographs.” You make us sound like serial killers!!!!!

But you are serial killers. Please at least look at some of the videos so you can see with your own eyes. You complain about me depicting the war, but you have not even looked. Stop playing ostrich.

We don’t torture them either….sure, we kill them, that’s part of war!

Again, you have paid no attention to the news. There have even been convictions for torture. Read for yourself.

And I’m sure under 10% of them were children, the children have caused NO harm to us! I obviously realize the suffering behind these photographs, which is why it makes me furious at YOU! I know the horrors of war, but you are not doing anything to help those families who’s loved ones have suffered like that!

But you know almost nothing about what is going on in Iraq. You have done no study. You have read no books. You claim compassion but you have none, just ignorance. You are willing to consign the people of Iraq to a living hell and you can’t even articulate one reason for doing so.

Wonderful. You are beginning to understand why war is unacceptable. You are foolishly trying to stop the pictures rather than the war itself. The war is the real evil. I really have no idea what I have to do to get across to you that I am not a foolish child who doesn’t know what war is!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW that it is bad. I KNOW people are dying. I KNOW it’s not acceptable. But nobody wants to see images like these.

You are like the Princess and the Pea when it comes to your sensibilities, only your heart is made of boot leather. I want to distress so that you start to consider those your country is maiming, killing and torturing instead of your personal discomfort. I want you to get out and learn about what is really go on and join the protest.

“Of course, not. And that is deliberate. Your country has behaved worse than Nazi Germany. The atrocities and torture are unprecedented. Bush does things even Hitler would never have dreamed of doing. Your country has gone off the moral rails, just like Germany did in WWII. The UN declared that war illegal. That makes anyone who participates in any way, an international war criminal.” how dare you referr to Bush as worse than Hitler.

If the shoe fits. Bush uses weapons that Hitler considered too barbaric. Hitler did not rape children with attack dogs or torture civilians for amusement.

I don’t like Bush, don’t get me wrong, but you are ignorant to the fact of what is really going on here. If the UN declared the war illegal, it would have been shut down!

Before you challenge some fact, do a search to see if you are correct. Failure to do that gives you a reputation for laziness and wilful ignorance.

The invasion and occupation of Iraq is illegal.
~ Kofi Annan (1938-04-08 age:80)Secretary General and Boutros Boutros-Ghali (1922-11-14 2016-02-16 age:93) former Secretary General of the U.N.
I think in this case international law stood in the way of doing the right thing.
~ Richard Perle (1941-09-16 age:76), 2003-11-20, Pentagon hawk, cat-stroking, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, James Bond villain pasty lookalike, admitting the Iraq war is illegal.

The USA has more weapons than the rest the world put together. The UN tried to stop the USA from invading Iraq, but the USA went ahead anyway saying in effect, Who’s gonna stop me? You and whose army?

And if our soldiers are international war criminals then somebody would be doing something about it. Don’t you know anything?

I am doing what I can. The USA is a world bully. The other countries are afraid to beard her. You are naïve because you imagine all evil is rectified. Don’t you remember Canada, France, Germany and Russia all pleading and arguing with the USA to give up its plans for invasion? Don’t you remember the UN inspectors explaining Bush’s claim of WMDs was bogus? I don’t think so. You have shown no evidence you have ever opened a newspaper.

“My site has succeeded in convincing a number of people that war is unacceptable. That is worth the discomfort. The suffering of war is thousands of times worse than your discomfort at viewing still photos of what your country is doing to innocent people. It is your conscience pricking you. It is your shame at being American. War will not stop until a sufficient number of people are sick to death of war. Right now, most Americans are so protected from the harsh realities, they are willing to wage war for the most trivial of reasons, e.g. cheaper gasoline.” you should rot in hell for telling me that i’m shamed to be an american!!!! that i am not! you’re just jealous because you’re not a citizen of the greatest power in the world!

You meant envious, not jealous and even then you still have a serious reading comprehension problem if you think I envy you. I despise America and Americans who wallow in deliberate ignorance. (There are still heroic Americans.) The conceit in your last paragraph is nauseating. You may have heard the expression The Ugly American. It refers to arrogant boors abroad. America is the last country I would want to be a citizen of. It is has the biggest military (most paranoid and hence most likely to trigger nuclear Armageddon). It consumes a third of the world’s resources. It produces more than half the world’s greenhouse gas pollution. It suffers from a major obesity epidemic. Americans have a worse IMR (Infant Mortality Rate) (Infant Mortality Rate) than Cuba. Americans are addicted to violence. They can’t even rob a convenience store without killing someone. Envying Americans would be like envying those fat slobs who win pie eating contests.

I know, along with many other people, that war is bad, im not fucking stupid!! did you ever consider that maybe we protect ourselves from the realities because we as humans don’t want to see that stuff!!?!?!?!?!! and stop using the cheaper gasoline as you’re only source of intelligent reasons!

“And what would be the consequences of me doing what you desire? You could sleep soundly while children continue to be slain, tortured and raped in ever greater numbers. All you care about is your personal trivial discomfort. What a selfish, shallow brat you are! You have done nothing to stop the real suffering and have made a feeble effort to interfere with my efforts to stop it. You are not on the side of the angels. You are trying to prolong war. You are like those Catholics who cover up for child molesting priests. All you care about is appearances.” I’ll have you know, that I sleep soundly every night because I feel safe living in the USA! You can’t call me a selfish brat, you know nothing about me!

I know from your emails that you are ignorant of current events while you imagine you know everything. I know you slept through school, since you can’t spell. I know you have taken street drugs because your ability to reason is impaired.

If I was trying to prolong war, would I be saying that I disagree with it in the first place??? I didn’t think so! And what does appearances have to do with anything? That’s rediculous.

You tell lies on behalf of your country to cover up its war crimes. You support a pro-war president. You try to block me from reporting on the war when you know full well disgust with the horror of war is the main engine for anti-war protest. And you claim you are against war? How stupid do you think your readers are?

There is a verse in the bible Matthew 23:24 that talks about straining at gnats and swallowing camels. It was written just for you. You get all upset about the trivial (a picture) and pay no attention to the important (the part you have played in fostering the violence depicted). Don’t try to use your bible shit against me. I happen to be a proud atheist!!!!

As am I. However, that particular verse has nothing to do with religion. It is still relevant to a young know-it-all.

Furious American Teenager

Very Upset About Photos : Samantha Sim : : 2005-12-31

I know from your emails that you are ignorant of current events while you imagine you know everything. I know you slept through school, since you can’t spell. I know you have taken street drugs because your ability to reason is impaired.
Wow, you really are stupid. It just so happens that spelling is my best subject in school and I would love to see you find something I spelled wrong. There is nothing. I’ll also have you know that I am VERY against drugs. I hate them and would never dream of using them. So no, you know nothing of me.

Perhaps in school they taught you about, Latin for in that place. I marked your errors with that to avoid inadvertently correcting them.

“You tell lies on behalf of your country to cover up its war crimes. You support a pro-war president. You try to block me from reporting on the war when you know full well disgust with the horror of war is the main engine for anti-war protest. And you claim you are against war? How stupid do you think your readers are?”
^I’ve told no lies.

I suppose if you mindlessly repeat someone else’s lie, it is not technically a lie, just an untruth. Your biggest lie was that US soldiers are fighting for their country That is nonsense. Iraq is not and never was a threat to the USA.

I do not support our president either. There is yet another place where you are wrong. I was the BIGGEST Kerry supporter in our WHOLE SCHOOL during the election.

Kerry is a war supporter too. He is little different from Bush. They both belong to the same Satanic, back-scratching fraternity, Skull & Bones.

Almost everyone disagreed with me, but I stood my ground and argued my way, simply for the fact that I don’t like Bush. My mother works for the government, she is a democratic secretary. I AM against war, you cannot tell me I am not, you don’t know that. I’m just against what you are showing the public. And as you being my reader, I think you’re awfully stupid, actually.

Teachers told me in high school that I had a genius level IQ (Intelligence Quotient). I got the top mark in North America in a physics exam. I was for a time the youngest computer programmer in the world. Byte Magazine awared me a lifetime achievement award. So I am not stupid. I have studied the Iraq war. You have not. Your opinions are based nothing but chauvinism and with tiny whiffs from TV news.

“There is a verse in the bible Matthew 23:24 that talks about straining at gnats and swallowing camels. It was written just for you. You get all upset about the trivial (a picture) and pay no attention to the important (the part you have played in fostering the violence depicted). Don’t try to use your bible shit against me. I happen to be a PROUD ATHEIST!!!! As am I. However, that particular verse has nothing to do with religion. It is still relevant to a young know-it-all.”
Well good. If you’re such an atheist, shut up and quit with your bible shit. I don’t want anything of or pertaining to religion pressed on me. Sure, go ahead and call me a know-it-all. It only makes me happy.

Your ignorance and arrogance is amusing. Check out the definition of know-it-all: someone who thinks she knows everything and refuses to accept advice or information from others. The point remains you are straining at gnats and swallowing camels: you are having a tantrum over the relative triviality of a photo of a crime while simultaneously ignoring the crime itself. You offer no reasons for your beliefs. You imagine that shouting them in all-caps will intimidate your readers into aquiesing. You have nothing to offer but hot air. In short, you are a mindless little twit.

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