The JDisplay Java Applet
displays the large program listings on this web page.
JDisplay requires an up-to-date
browser and Java version
1.8+, preferably 1.8.0_131.
If you can’t see the listings, or if you just want to learn
more about JDisplay, click
Use Firefox for best results.
signed Applets
Signed Applets are a technique of adding a digital
signature to an Applet to prove that it came untampered
from a particular trusted author. Signed Applets can be
given more privileges that ordinary Applets. They even
allow someone finding a jar file floating about the Internet to know that file is
what it purports to be, even without checking with the author’s website.
Signed Applets are potentially
dangerous. They have power to potentially damage your machine, e.g
erase all your files or format your hard disk, or post your diary on LiveJournal.
Just because an Applet is signed does not make it safe.
Anyone, even a terrorist, can write a signed Applet. There
are many schemes for signing and OKing signed Applets to
run on your machine. I will concentrate on the most recent scheme.
Sun Plugin 1.3+ RSA (Rivest, Shamir and Adelman) Plug-in Style Applet
This is the standard signing scheme, for Java version 1.3
and up.
This signing schemes uses a policy file where the system administrator pre clears
certain dangerous Applets to run without asking the user.
It is supported by Opera, Firefox, SeaMonkey and IE (Internet Explorer).
Permission can also be a simple go/no go user grant, or individual permissions to
do a variety of dangerous deeds.
Unless you are forced to support other styles of signing at gunpoint, I suggest
you ignore every signing scheme but his one. Demand your clients upgrade to recent
browsers that support the latest Sun
JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Here is the basic recipe for making your Applet work with Sun-style signing:
Buy a Sun Java Code Signing certificate from Thawte. You use keytool to create your certificate request. You then send the
public key part of your certificate to Thawte for them to digitally sign as
authentic and return to you. You don’t disclose your private key to Thawte.
Alternatively, after reading my warnings, you can create a free phony certificate
using keytool.
Write your Applet as normal Java code. You
don’t need to include any special permission-asking code. Just go ahead and
do naughty things like read the local hard disk or talk to servers other than
mother. Normally, your Applet just goes ahead and does
what it wants, without any sort of pre-check. If it gets a SecurityException, it catches the exception and does its best to
carry on. A signed Applet that was not granted
permission can still do useful work, recovering from SecurityException exception after SecurityException the way Wassup does. However, if you want to avoid
SecurityExceptions in the middle of your application
code, you can do probes like this to see if you have permission:
Then build your Applet as normal in a jar using
If you want others to be able to use your Applet
without hassle they must import your phony cert into their browsers as an
officially accepted cert. This is not strictly necessary, but if you don’t do
this, Sun will disparage your Applet and discourage
users from granting it permission. For real certs you can skip this step so long at
the browser has the root cert for the signing authority installed.
You might consider adjusting the policy file at client sites to either give your
Applet permission to run without having to OK it each
time, or to control precisely what is it allowed to do, in terms of where on disk
it can write and just what naughty things it is allowed to do. You, as
programmer, don’t control your client’s policy files. Typically some
site administrator bureaucrat does and he puts the same policy files on nearly
every desk in the institution.
The simplest way to grant extra permission to run is
to have the user click grant, for an all or nothing
permission. However, there are finer grained methods using the java.policy file. For more information see the Sun documentation on
policy-based security. as application programmer, don’t ever directly call
their methods. They get called as a side effect of attempting potentially dangerous
activity. For Sun style security you need a special Sun style *.cer X.509
certificate. A common policy file for all apps on a machine is stored in J:\Program Files\java\jdk1.8.0_131\\jre\lib\security\java.policy You can edit
java.policy as a text file, or use policytool to edit it. The rules about running all possible
apps anywhere on the web have to be encapsulated all in this one place. You can
append more grants on the end to handle additional apps, but this change must be made
to every workstation potentially to use the new app. Happily you can grant blanket
powers to all apps signed by a given certificate, so you don’t need to keep
changing the policy file, at least for in-house apps.
It is actually a little more complicated than that. There are three files to be
concerned with: J:\Program Files\java\jdk1.8.0_131\
\jre\lib\security\ points to the policy files, usually two, one
called: J:\Program Files\java\jdk1.8.0_131\
\jre\lib\security\java.policy and the other called user.home/.java.policy. To find out what user.home is, check out the system properties with
Wassup. It will be something like
C:\Documents and Settings\%username%. And if that was not
confusing enough, the JDK (Java Development Kit) has two
JRE (Java Runtime Environment) s, the public one in C:\Program Files\java\jre1.8.0_131\ and the
debugging one in J:\Program Files\java\jdk1.8.0_131\
\jre each with its own set of policy files.
The signing certificates are stored in a common file
user.home/.keystore managed using keytool. There is one for each user of the
machine. On your clients, this would possibly contain your phony self-signed
certificates (the public key portion). There would be no need to install your
purchased signing certificates. You only need to install your signing certificates
(with private key) on your development machine where you sign your jar files. Of
course, your phony certificates(public key only) would also be installed in the
.keystore files of your development machines too.
They are no longer by default stored in the browsers. You can add to the cacerts. file with keytool
using the password changeit, (changeme on the Mac). There is only
one cacerts. shared by all users. However, like the
java.policy files, there is one cacerts. per JRE.
One common error to make is to change the wrong copy of cacerts., .keystore or java.policy. If you don’t know what you are doing, change them
Enhancements in Java version 1.3 or later
trustProxyServer is now by default true, which means
websites are no longer required to confirm their DNS (Domain Name Service)
name. The rules on matching of the jar signer with a root authority certificate have
been relaxed. You can now preload Applets jars into
When Do You Need to Sign?
Check out the list of restrictions
on unsigned Applets. If you
don’t need to do any of those things, you don’t need to sign. In general
you have to sign if your Applet does anything potentially
dangerous like reading or writing the disk, or pestering various servers on the net
other than the one it was loaded from.
Overall Process of Creating A Signed Applet
There are many
different Applet-signing schemes, but the general flow is
as follows:
Buy a certificate or
forge one. Do this well in advance. It is quite a
song and dance to get one. You may need a DUNS
number, a listed business phone number, a passport, a document from a
If you use a phony certificate,
you will probably want in some way install it on all client’s machines.
Techniques vary. See how I do
it. If you use a real one, that step should not be necessary.
Write your Java code. This may require method calls to request fine grain
permission. Coarse grain security does not require these. Make sure you never
execute these calls unless you are running under the appropriate browser. The
necessary classes won’t be present otherwise and further they don’t
like being called outside the browser.
Create a jar, picking the files you need from all over. I use ant and genjar.
Sign the jar with jarsigner. I
use ant and the signjar task. Oddly signjar uses
In some corporations, the administrator will install a fine-grain policy file
on all the client machines, (such as
). You have to talk him into modifying that file to give you the permissions you
When you run the Applet, grant the requested
Avoiding Signed Applets
If you don’t plan to distribute
Applets to others, or if you want to postpone the agony
for a while, you can avoid the hassles of signing to allow your Applets to do naughty things, by using JDK
and creating a java.policy file in your J:\Program Files\java\jdk1.8.0_131\
\jre\lib\security and C:\Program Files\java\jre1.8.0_131\
\lib\security directories. In those files add these commands:
grant codeBase http://yourservername/* {
grant codeBase file://localhost/C:/yourjavafilesdir/- {
This gives blanket permission to all locally created Applets to do what they please.
Other ways to avoid signing are converting your Applets
to applications by adding a main method. See Applet for how. This can be useful for debugging. Get the
Applet working as an application first, then worry about
Appletness and signing later. Also consider Java Web Start as an alternative to
Signed Applet Tutorials and Documentation
Happily, there is a
wealth of online documentation to read:
If you buy a Symantec
Verisign certificate, you will be put on a mail list that sporadically emails
you information about signing.
Tame vs Wild Applets
A tameApplet is intended to be run by a captive audience,
usually within a single corporation. Typically a network administration will do
special preparation of all client machines such as installing a certificate or policy
file before the Applet can be run. Sometimes the
certificate is installed into the browser, sometimes into a separate file. The author
typically works for the corporation. The Applet might be
signed, self-signed or unsigned. If there are any security decisions to me made to
allow the Applet to run, the permissions are granted by
the network security administrator ahead of time.
In contrast, a wildApplet is
intended to be run by the general public without any special preparation such as
installing a certificate or policy file. A wild Applet in
one you might just stumble across in your web browsing. You don’t know much
about the author. The Applet might be signed, self-signed
or unsigned. If there are any security decisions to me made, the browser asks the
end user for permission each time the Applet is run, using technobabble.
Some security schemes are aimed at writing tame and others at writing wild
Applets. User grant schemes are primarily for wild
Applets, where the java.policy
schemes are primarily for tame Applets.
Tame schemes typically use an ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
policy text file that describes all the Applets, users and websites and what permissions each has. It is thus
just about impossible for an individual Applet to
automatically maintain. It is designed to be maintained by a network administrator
who tightly controls just what can be run. The policy files can also control the
activities of applications. Most people find it easier to compose the policy file
with a text editor than using Oracle’s GUI (Graphic User Interface)
Tame schemes typically use a certificate file completely separate from the
browser’s list of root certificates. This is managed by keytool. Again certificates from all different Applets are merged in this file. This makes it almost impossible for
an Applet to manage its certificates. The network
administrator must compose and control this file.
Signed Applet Jars
After you have signed your jar, examine it with
WinZip. You hould see a directory called META-INF. In there
you will see three files with names like
MANIFEST.MF (the manifest) containing the
SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) digests of each of your class files.
MINDPROD.SF (the signing manifest) containing the
SHA-1 digests
(computed with your certificate) of each of your class files and the signature of
the jar as a whole.
MINDPROD.DSA (or MINDPROD.RSA) the public key from your code-signing certificate. It
is a binary file, not human readable.
Signed Applet Tips
Using signed Applets,
and especially native code in signed Applets, is a little
trickier than you might first think, largely because Applets were designed for security, not programmer convenience:
If the end user refuses to grant permission, your Applet will run anyway! It has to soldier on somehow without
permission. It can either:
Die on a
leaving people to think your Applet has a bug.
Catch the
and give some explanation for poor performance to the user.
Check if the user has granted permission and if not, chastise the user for lack of
trust and possibly carry on in some degraded mode.
Use a proxy server so that your Applet will talk
only to one host, even if two hosts actually service its requests. Then you
don’t need a signed Applet.
The policy file is just an ASCII
text file. It is quite a bit easier to manipulate it with a text editor than the
You need to order your digital certificates well in advance. You need to know
which kinds to order. You will need a corporate DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet Universal Numbering System)
number to apply.
There are many different Applet security/signing
schemes, including two for Netscape, two for Internet Explorer, two for
Oracle’s Java version 1.1 Plugin, two for Oracle’s
Java version 1.2 Plugin, five for Oracle’s
Java version 1.3 or later Plugin/Web Start and one
for the Macintosh. Each kind uses a different type of signing certificate, though
there are some multi-purpose certificates you can buy. You have the possibility of
self-signed dummy certificates or real ones from Thawte or Verisign. On top of that
you have the choice of coarse or fine-grain capabilities. Make sure you are
ordering the right kind of code signing certificate. You want
a Java version 1.5 code signing certificate.
The Applet must download and install the needed
DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries)
and certificates on the client machine in magic directories. This is extremely
difficult to do, but a piece of cake with JWS (Java Web Start).
You need to write JNI (Java Native Interface) glue to your native
C++/C/ASM code.
Oracle’s JNI tutorials presume Solaris and have no hints on how
to handle NT and Windows issues.
Signed Applets take much longer to load because of
the CPU-intensive verifying of the signatures of each class. Don’t sign jars
just for the heck of it.
You are best to tackle JNI
in applications and signed Applets without
separately before combining them. For details on how, see JNI.
You can use the Wassup
Amanuensis to find out what your browser thinks the user.home directory is and what it is using for a java.class.path and any other system properties.
For the Internet Explorer RSA
certificate-based schemes, or with a Thawte DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)
Java Plug-In certificate, you don’t need to install the certificate on the
client machine, just sign the jar file with your expensive certificate. The
signing authority root certificate that Opera, Firefox, SeaMonkey or
Microsoft pre-install in the browser is sufficient to check authenticity of your
signed jar. See certificate for
more details.
You can create your own free self-signed phony certificates, but then somehow
you must pre-install them on the client’s machine. The main time the hassle
of self-signed certificates would be practical is if you had control of all the
client machines and were not allowing the general public to use your Applets.
For you to be able to verify jars without installing your signing certificate
on all the client machines, there needs to be a chain of trusted authorities and
automatic verification of public keys with those authorities. Signed Applets are not magic cloak to protect you from bugs. Any boob can
create a phony certificate using the signing tools and sign the Applet with it. (You do this when you are debugging and waiting for
your real certificate to arrive.) Further, even a trusted author can write buggy
code. See my essay on the general theory of digital certificates
based on Steven C. Den Beste’s work.
Java’s impregnable Applet security is a bit
like France’s impregnable Maginot line prior to the second world war. Hitler
simply went around it. Windows security is Swiss cheese, so it is easy to attack
Java from the rear by replacing the various executables with doctored
Java Web Start
Just when you thought you were beginning to
understand all this, Sun invented yet another type of sandbox called Java Web Start. JWS
apps are usually signed, but they work more like ordinary applications.
Revoking Perpetual Grant
You can get into a situation when Java no longer asks you if you want to grant
permission to a signed Applet to do dangerous things. How can you get it to start asking permission
Click Start
Click Control Panel
Tlick Programs
Click Java
Under Temporary Internet Files, click Settings
Click Delete Files
Click Security
Click Certificates
Remove certificates you want to start manually granting.
Signed Applet Tips For Obsolete Signing Schemes
If the user of the signed Applet is behind a
firewall, for some strange reason, if he invokes the Applet using the IP (Internet Protocol)
rather than the DNS
name of the website in the codebase e.g CODEBASE="http://
/"" instead of", all works. Otherwise you get a
trustProxy Property error message. This problem may
have been fixed.
The fiends who devised these security schemes should be shot. The designs
deliberately make it very difficult to write a single piece of code that will work
under all security schemes. You pretty well have to maintain three separate
versions of your code, one for Netscape, one for Internet Explorer and one for the
various versions of the Java Plug-in. Thankfully the older schemes have all but
disappeared. It is even hard to find documentation on them any more. Good
Netscape wants a jar file and IE
a cab for its proprietary scheme. Mostly today IE
uses the Java version 1.3 or later
With the Netscape scheme, permission is granted only until the immediate caller
of the permission-granting method exits. You can’t introduce even one layer
of indirection, or your permissions immediately expire.
Each scheme uses different exceptions, which have to nest neatly with try
blocks. You must be careful never to execute any code from another security scheme,
because its classes won’t be available. Happily, with Java, you can have
calls to such methods in your code, so long as you never actually execute
You can create dummy classes and dummy methods so that you can safely call
methods from all security schemes. Netscape no longer supports their old
Beware the catch-22 of not being permitted to examine interesting system
properties until you have decided on which security scheme you need to use. You
need permission before you can examine the restricted system properties.
To your Netscape prefs.js file add this entry: user_pref(signed.applets.codebase_principal_support, true);
Make sure you have the latest JDK.
Early versions did not use the cacerts. file.
Learning More
Applet signing is
considerably simpler than it used to be now that the obsolete schemes have died away
and you don’t have so much conflicting information to digest.
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