If the font is installed, the sample text will show up in that font. If the font is not installed it will show up in a spindly vector font.
American Typewriter | Didot | Kartika comes with Vista+. |
Tahoma comes with Vista or MS Office. |
Apple Chancery | Franklin Gothic Medium comes with Vista+. |
Lucida Console comes with Vista+. |
Times New Roman comes with Vista+. |
Arial Black comes with Vista+. |
Futura | Lucida Sans Unicode comes with Vista+. |
Trebuchet MS comes with Vista+. |
Arial comes with Vista+. |
Geneva Apple |
Marker Felt free |
Univers |
Arial Narrow | Georgia comes with Vista+. |
Microsoft Sans Serif comes with Vista+. |
Verdana comes with Vista+. |
Baskerville | Gill Sans | Monaco Apple |
Vrinda comes with Vista+. |
Comic Sans MS comes with Vista+. |
Helvetica | Palatino Linotype comes with Vista+. |
Zapfino |
Courier bit map. Comes with Win2K+. |
Helvetica Neue | Skia | |
Courier New comes with Vista+. |
Impact comes with Vista+. |
Sylfaen comes with Vista+. |
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http://mindprod.com/jgloss/commonfonts.html | |
Optional Replicator mirror
J:\mindprod\jgloss\commonfonts.html | |
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