If the font is installed, the sample text will show up in that font. If the font is not installed it will show up in a spindly vector font.
Arial | Estrangelo Edessa | Lucida Console | Nina |
Bitstream Vera Sans | Euphemia | Lucida Sans | Nyala |
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono | Franklin Gothic Medium | Lucida Sans Typewriter | Raavi |
Browalia New | FreesiaUPC | Lucida Sans Unicode | Segoe Print |
BrowaliaUPC | Gautami | Malgun Gothic | Segoe UI |
Calibri | Gisha | Mangal | Shruti |
Candara | Gulim | Meiryo | SimHei |
Century Gothic | GulimChe | Microsoft JhengHei | Simplified Arabic |
Comic Sans MS | Impact | Microsoft Sans Serif | Tahoma |
Consolas | IrisUPC | Microsoft YaHei | Tiresias PCfont Z |
Corbel | KaiTi | Microsoft Yi Baiti | TiresiasScreenfont |
Cordia New | Kalinga | Miriam | Trebuchet MS |
CordiaUPC | Kartika | MoolBoran | Tunga |
DokChampa | Latha | MS Gothic | Verdana |
Dotum | Leelawadee | MS PGothic | Vrinda |
DotumChe | Levenim MT | MS UI Gothic | |
DPCustomMono2 | LilyUPC | Narkisim |
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