XP fonts : Java Glossary


fonts XP fonts

If the font is installed, the sample text will show up in that font. If the font is not installed it will show up in a spindly vector font.

Arial Franklin Gothic Medium Microsoft Sans Serif SimSun
[あ ㌂ 丂 simplified Chinese]
Arial Black Gulim MingLiU
[あ ㌂ 丂 traditional Chinese]
Arial Narrow GulimChe
[あ ㌂ 丂 Korean]
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]
MS Gothic
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]
Times New Roman
Batang Gungsuh MS Mincho
[ぁ Japanese]
Trebuchet MS
BatangChe GungsuhChe MS PGothic Verdana
Book Antiqua Impact MS PMincho
[ぁ Japanese]
Webdings [✐ ❦ 𧦽]
Bookman Old Style IrisUPC MS UI Gothic Wingdings 2 [✐ ❦ ➽]
(Wingdings 2)
Century Gothic Lucida Console
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]
MV Boli Wingdings 3 [✐ ❦ ➽]
(Wingdings 3)
Comic Sans MS Lucida Sans NSimSun
[あ ㌂ 丂 simplified Chinese]
Wingdings [✐ ❦ ➽]
Courier New
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]
Lucida Sans Unicode Palatino Linotype
Dotum Malgun Gothic
[あ ㌂ 丂 Korean]
[あ ㌂ 丂 serifed traditional Chinese]
[あ ㌂ 丂 Korean]
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]
Marlett SimHei
[あ ㌂ 丂 simplified Chinese]

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