Macintosh OS X fonts : Java Glossary


fonts  Macintosh OS X fonts
The Macintosh fonts are beautifully designed and rendered. This fits with the niche market of desktop publishing the Mac went after. I don’t have a Macintosh to experiment with, but I have had a report that Applets and applications both have access to a rich set of 200+ fonts in Swing, including the fonts above plus the 5 logical fonts: Dialog, DialogInput, Monospaced, SansSerif, Serif.

Fonts Bundled With Mac OS (Operating System) X

If you are using Macintosh OS X, these fonts are bundled with the OS :

Unless you have a Mac, or have the Mac OS X fonts installed on your machine, most of these will render as a vanilla monospace font:

If the font is installed, the sample text will show up in that font. If the font is not installed it will show up in a spindly vector font.

#GungSeo Charcoal Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std Party LET
#HeadLineA Charcoal CY Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro Perpetua Titling MT
#PCMyungjo Chicago Hiragino Mincho Pro Plantagenet Cherokee
#PilGi Cochin Hoefler Text Playbill
Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold Colonna MT Humana Serif ITC TT PMingLiU
Abadi MT Condensed Light Comic Sans MS Humana Serif Md ITC TT PortagoITC TT
Al Bayan Cooper Black Impact Raanana
American Typewriter Copperplate Imprint MT Shadow Rockwell
Andale Mono Copperplate Gothic Bold InaiMathi Rockwell Extra Bold
Apple Chancery Copperplate Gothic Light Jokerman LET Sand
Apple LiGothic Corsiva Hebrew Kai sans-serif
Apple LiSung Courier Kino MT Sathu
Apple Symbols Courier Final Draft Krungthep serif
AppleGothic Courier New KufiStandardGK Silom
AppleMyungjo cursive LiHei Pro SimSun
Arial Curlz MT LiSong Pro Skia
Arial Black DecoType Naskh Lucida Blackletter Song
Arial Hebrew Desdemona Lucida Bright Stencil
Arial Narrow Devanagari MT Lucida Calligraphy STFangsong
Arial Rounded MT Bold Didot Lucida Fax STHeiti
Aristocrat LET Edwardian Script ITC Lucida Grande STKaiti
Ayuthaya Engravers MT Lucida Handwriting Stone Sans ITC TT
Baghdad Euphemia UCAS Lucida Sans Stone Sans OS ITC TT
Baskerville Eurostile Lucida Sans Typewriter Stone Sans Sem ITC TT
Baskerville Old Face Fang Song LunaITC TT Stone Sans Sem OS ITC TT
Batang fantasy Machine ITC TT Stone Sans Sem OS ITCTT
Bauhaus 93 Footlight MT Light Marker Felt Stone Sans Sem SC ITC TT
Bell MT Futura Matura MT Script Capitals STSong
Bernard MT Condensed Gadget Mistral Symbol
Bertram LET Garamond Modern No. 20 Tahoma
BiauKai GB18030 Bitmap Mona Lisa Solid ITC TT Techno
Bickley Script LET Geeza Pro Monaco Textile
Big Caslon Geneva monospace Thonburi
BlairMdITC TT Geneva CY Monotype Corsiva Times
Bodoni Ornaments ITC TT Georgia Monotype Sorts Times New Roman
Bodoni SvtyTwo ITC TT Gill Sans MS Gothic Trebuchet MS
Bodoni SvtyTwo OS ITC TT Gill Sans Ultra Bold MS Mincho TremorITC TT
Book Antiqua Gloucester MT Extra Condensed MS PGothic Verdana
Bookman Old Style Goudy Old Style MS PMincho VT100
Bordeaux Roman Bold LET Gujarati MT Mshtakan Wanted LET
Bradley Hand ITC TT Gulim MT Extra Webdings
Braggadocio Gurmukhi MT Nadeem Wide Latin
Britannic Bold Haettenschweiler New Peninim MT Wingdings
Brush Script MT Harrington New York Wingdings 2
Calisto MT Hei News Gothic MT Wingdings 3
Capitals Helvetica Onyx Zapf Dingbats
Century Helvetica CY Optima Zapfino
Century Gothic Helvetica Neue Osaka
Century Schoolbook Herculanum Palatino
Chalkboard Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro Papyrus

Fonts Commonly Available under Mac OS X

If you are using Macintosh OS X, these fonts are commonly available, though not necessarily bundled with the OS :

If the font is installed, the sample text will show up in that font. If the font is not installed it will show up in a spindly vector font.

[あ ㌂ 丂]
Capitals Hei Palatino
#HeadLineA Century Helvetica Papyrus
[あ ㌂ 丂]
Century Gothic Helvetica CY Party LET
[あ ㌂ 丂]
Century Schoolbook Helvetica Neue Perpetua Titling MT
Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold Chalkboard Herculanum Plantagenet Cherokee
Abadi MT Condensed Light Charcoal CY Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro Playbill
Academy Engraved LET Cochin Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std PMingLiU
Al Bayan Colonna MT Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro PortagoITC TT
American Typewriter Comic Sans MS Hoefler Text Princetown LET
Andale Mono Cooper Black Impact Raanana
Apple Chancery Copperplate Imprint MT Shadow Rockwell
Apple LiGothic Copperplate Gothic Bold InaiMathi Rockwell Extra Bold
Apple LiSung Copperplate Gothic Light Jazz LET Santa Fe LET
Apple Symbols Corsiva Kai Sathu
AppleMyungjo Corsiva Hebrew Kino MT Savoye LET
Arial Courier Krungthep SchoolHouse Cursive B
Arial Black Courier New KufiStandardGK SchoolHouse Printed A
Arial Hebrew Cracked LiHei Pro Silom
Arial Narrow Curlz MT LiSong Pro SimSun
Arial Rounded MT Bold DecoType Naskh Lucida Blackletter Skia
Ayuthaya Desdemona Lucida Bright Snell Roundhand
Baghdad Devanagari MT Lucida Calligraphy Stencil
Bank Gothic Didot Lucida Fax STFangsong
Baskerville Edwardian Script ITC Lucida Grande STHeiti
Baskerville Old Face Engravers MT Lucida Handwriting STKaiti
Batang Euphemia UCAS Lucida Sans Stone Sans ITC TT
Bauhaus 93 Eurostile Lucida Sans Typewriter Stone Sans Sem ITC TT
Bell MT Footlight MT Light Marker Felt STSong
Bernard MT Condensed Futura Matura MT Script Symbol
BiauKai Garamond Mistral Synchro LET
Big Caslon GB18030 Bitmap Modern No. 20 Tahoma
Blackmoor LET Geeza Pro Mona Lisa Solid ITC TT Thonburi
BlairMdITC TT Geneva Monaco Times
Bodoni Ornaments ITC TT Geneva CY Monotype Times New Roman
Bodoni SvtyTwo ITC TT Georgia MS Gothic Trebuchet MS
Bodoni SvtyTwo OS ITC Gill Sans MS Mincho Type Embellishments One LET
Bodoni SvtyTwo OS ITC TT Gill Sans Ultra Bold MS PGothic Verdana
Bodoni SvtyTwo SC ITC Gloucester MT Extra Condensed MS PMincho Webdings[✐ ❦ 𧦽]
Book Antiqua Goudy Old Style Mshtakan Wide Latin
Bookman Old Style Gujarati MT MT Extra Wingdings [✐ ❦ ➽]
Bordeaux Roman Bold LET Gulim Nadeem Wingdings 2 [✐ ❦ ➽]
(Wingdings 2)
Bradley Hand ITC TT Gurmukhi New Peninim MT Wingdings 3 [✐ ❦ ➽]
(Wingdings 3)
Braggadocio Haettenschweiler News Gothic MT Zapf Dingbats [✐ ❦ ➽]
(Zapf Dingbats)
Britannic Bold Handwriting - Dakota Onyx Zapfino
Brush Script Harrington Optima
Calisto MT Hebrew Osaka

Logical fonts for CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Style Sheets

If the font is installed, the sample text will show up in that font. If the font is not installed it will show up in a spindly vector font.

cursive fantasy monospace sans-serif serif

Logical fonts for Java Programs

If the font is installed, the sample text will show up in that font. If the font is not installed it will show up in a spindly vector font.

Dialog DialogInput Monospaced SansSerif Serif

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