EE : Java Glossary



EE (Enterprise Edition). Sun renamed it to EE, but most people still call it J2EE. It is a bundling of Oracle’s enterprise APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) including: Enterprise Java Beans components, Java Servlets API (Application Programming Interface) and JavaServer Pages. You can download the lot. The EE spec is better specified than the original EJB (Enterprise Java Beans) spec and has a conformance suite.

The idea is other vendors can implement the same interfaces for higher performance.

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EE is a set of APIs for dozens of different purposes. In any one project, you would likely only use a smattering of them. Then you have to go out and buy implementations of the APIs you need, or if you are lucky, find free ones that are decent. You then have to integrate all this stuff from vendors who have never met. You then ask a lot of questions on the newsgroups of about mixing A with B since neither vendor A nor B will acknowledge the other’s existence — not unlike the fun you have with JDBC (Java Data Base Connectivity), SQL (Standard Query Language) and Servlets.

You definitely want to get the JSE stuff under your belt before tackling the enterprise APIs.

Here is a suggested learning order: JDK (Java Development Kit), JavaMail, Servlets, JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface), JSP (Java Server Pages), JDBC, JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorisation Service), RMI (Remote Method Invocation), JAXP (Java Api for XML Processing), JMS (Java Messaging Service), EJB.


EE contain the following pieces:
Components of EE
Acronym What It Is For
Connector Architecture It is a scheme for tying together heterogeneous application servers.
ECPerf An application for suppliers and vendors.
ENC (Enterprise Naming Context) ENC. Using JNDI and ENC you can link a logical database connection to a physical database connection without writing code, just using configuration files.
JAAS JAAS (now part of J2SE (Java 2 platform, Standard Edition) JDK ).
JACC JACC (Java Authorisation Contract for Containers) s
JAF (Java Activation Framework) . Deal with MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) and content types
JavaMail For sending and receiving email.
JAXR (Java Api for XML Registries)
JAX-RPC JAX-RPC (Java Application programmer interface for Xml-based Remote Procedure Calls)
JMX JMX (Java Management extensions)
JSP JSPs (Java Server Pageses) allow for the definition of output HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) pages with Java code and JSP tags interspersed. There are libraries of custom tags for JSP that allow you to avoid placing any actual Java code in the pages. JSPs are typically used as the view part of an MVC (Model-View-Controller) set up. JSPs are also suitable for quick and dirty prototyping or demos. Many applications only require the web technology (Servlet/JSP) portion of EE and some servers supply only that. The most prominent example of this is Tomcat. Note that the web container is considerably less strict than the EJB container.
JTA JTA (Java Transaction Application programming interface)
JTS JTS (Java Transaction Service)
RMI-IIOP (Remote Method Invocation over Internet Inter-Orb Protocol) RMI-IIOP
Servlets Servlets are Java’s answer to CGI (Common Gateway Interface). Servlets are typically used as the controller portion of a MVC set up.

Pick and Choose

Overall, many people find EE too big and unwieldy for their needs. Others have pared it down to use only the portions they find useful. The biggest benefit of living inside an EE server is that all the server technologies are implemented for you. So much of the concerns about security and scalability are taken off the table. If a particular EE server does not perform well for your application, you can try another.

EE is not an all-purpose server environment, however. It was really designed and is primarily used for web applications where the EJB layer provides support to the web layer.


book cover recommend book⇒Expert One-on-One EE Development without EJBto book home
by Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller 978-0-7645-5831-3 paperback
publisher Wrox 978-0-7645-7390-3 eBook
published 2004-06-21
Highly recommended. Not expensive.
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book cover recommend book⇒Building Java Enterprise Applications Volume I: Architectureto book home
by Brett McLaughlin 978-0-596-00123-0 paperback
publisher O’Reilly recommended
published 2002-03
Aimed at experienced developers. Filled with particularly good advice on using EJBs and LDAP directory services Highly recommended. First volume of a three volume set on EE.
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book cover recommend book⇒Developing Enterprise Java Applications with EE and UMLto book home
by Khawar Zaman Ahmed, Cary E. Umrysh 978-0-201-73829-2 paperback
publisher Addison-Wesley
published 2001-10-27
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